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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5016530 No.5016530 [Reply] [Original]

>Play jrpg
>Max amount of characters in battle is 3

is there anything worse than that

>> No.5016531

Not really an issue if that's all you get, or maybe only five or so characters, but it's a pain in the ass when they give you a ridiculous amount like in Chrono Cross.

>> No.5016535

cool elitist post, op. i want to suck your dick.

>> No.5016539
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>is there anything worse than that
Max amount of characters in battle is 1?

>> No.5016540

not retro op but go play last remnant you have up to 25 characters in every battle in that game

>> No.5016551

Do you enjoy pressing the A button that much?

>> No.5016552

>hate pressing A
>can't get past the first enemy in super mario bros

fuck that game

>> No.5016557

Pressing the A button is the absolute worst. I hate games that have me press the A button, or as I like to call them Abuttmulations, with a burning passion.

>> No.5016564

In Mario you have physics. You press A to jump, sure, but you're freely moving about, in a smooth and satisfying fashion. You're in control of Mario. You are Mario. It feels good to run and jump all over the screen. It's a proper game.

In most JRPGs you can win the game by just pressing A and watching your characters perform simplistic attack animations, again and again and again. Maybe sometimes use a Potion or cast Fire 2 on all slimes at once.

>> No.5016568

So what JRPG lets you bring the most people into battle? Largest I can think of is Rance 6 which lets you have 16 people in your party and 6 active at any time, and they can be freely switched mid-fight.

>> No.5016582

Name the JRPGs you played. You wont, because you're a little bitch.

>> No.5016586

I have played my fair share of them. Most of them are grindy as fuck. Admit it.

>> No.5016587

see >>5016540

lol dude you can spend an unnecessary 10 extra hours of grinding or you can literally use buffs, debuffs, and status ailments to make up the difference in stats between you and enemies
don't even respond because your next post is "b-b-b-but DQ1 on NES!"

>> No.5016593

Okay, whatever. I guess you're right. I haven't played that many JPGs.

JinTypeNoir, the famous eurogamer poster, he's beaten literally hundreds of JRPGs, he says you should never grind, makes the games way more fun.

I don't know. I mean what's the right way to play Chrono Trigger? How does it not devolve into spamming Luminaire and the strongest Triple Techs you happen to have? I have played through the game several times, loving everything about it... except the battles. They always feel like a grindy, repetitive, thoughtless chore.

>> No.5016594

>you can spend an unnecessary 10 extra hours of grinding or you can literally use buffs, debuffs, and status ailments to make up the difference in stats between you and enemies

I mean this is a good point, I guess I have been playing them wrong. I'll fuck off now. Best regards.

>> No.5016598

it feels like no one in this thread is talking about the same thing

what is going on here

>> No.5016624

So I guess that means Chrono Trigger is shit?

>> No.5016640

hello welcome to /vr/

>> No.5016660

Rule of thumb:
Praised by YouTubers and normies = Shit

Condemned by YouTubers and normies = Gold

>> No.5016664
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There is at least one WRPG with just max 3 characters in battle.

I'm thinking 4 is the optimal number. 5 is interesting but rare, I think Phantasy Star 4 had five chars in battle.
6 is absolute max for me. It's already hard to give a fuck about that many characters.
8 is just overkill and everything becomes a chore.
If you have a lot of back-roster characters, you just end up not using them, not leveling them up, not buying shit for them, and there's less and less reason to use them.
Unless the game forces you to use every character in the final battle by splitting up or some bullshit like that.

>> No.5016789

So /vr/ is just /v/ 2.0

>> No.5016818

It's /v/ 0.5

>> No.5016828

I agree. I didn't mind having only 3 playable characters in Wild Arms for example since that was all we got and the game got to focus on them more in the story.
At least it's fine in action RPG's

>> No.5016852

are there any JRPGs where your party has 2 people max? To me that seems the absolute worst amount, even moreso than just having one.

>> No.5016857

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest only let you have two.

>> No.5016860

What's wrong with that?

>> No.5016871

Two isn't enough to have much variety. At least by having one character means you're going on a solo journey, or you have a larger party controlled by AI.

>> No.5016880

The World Ends With You, partner mechanics

>> No.5016893

wow that game is so retro

>> No.5016894

Rance 2, 4.1 and 4.2.

>> No.5016961

>Play jrpg
>Max amount of characters in battle is 3
>A fuckton of characters
>Underleveled, there's no balancing
>Have to grind to bring others back up

>> No.5016968

Why having 3 characters is worse than having 4 (in battle)?

>> No.5019049

Sounds like Mario 64 would be more up your alley then.

>> No.5019068

>he says you should never grind, makes the games way more fun

Some classic JRPGs all but require you to grind to progress such as the Phantasy Star series.

>> No.5019082
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>6+ characters that are all cool and have unique dialog and interactions with each other
>limited to three characters.

>> No.5019091

Yeah, I hit a wall in Phantasy Star IV at the Air Castle. I don't feel like grinding and I don't think there's another way to get past it. Maybe I just need to git gud

>> No.5019096

You straight up have to grind to progress; a lot of old school RPGs both Japanese and Western are unforgiving like that.

>> No.5019106

>is there anything worse than that
>Play jrpg

>> No.5019178

Personally, I'd rather have less characters than more. I enjoys RPGs more with a limited amount of characters with wide-ranging abilities than many characters with just a few. I dislike the fact that, in a game like Final Fantasy VI, you end up with 10+ characters, and consequently can't be bothered to research their stats, skills or lore.

>> No.5019213

Bobobobo RPG when?

>> No.5019214

If you mean Lashiec, the psycho-wand counters Reinforce, but yeah that's one of the hardest parts of the game. Don't feel bad.

>> No.5019221

I think 4 is a solid party number but I really like games like Suikoden where you can use 6 at a time out of a huge cast

>> No.5019817
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>is there anything worse than that

Not being able to take the MC out of your active party.

It already happened, mate... I think twice at least, I recall two GBA ones, one of them very standard looking with weird minigames and set in a theme park and another one of them with a very wacky graphic style, very faithful to the show. Japan only of course. Look them up, anon.