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5007706 No.5007706 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: games you've played so much you no longer get anything out of them

>> No.5007713
File: 1 KB, 224x288, 9823350A-4480-4F34-8AC6-CD460FFEB5D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve munched all the pellets I ever need to munch.

>> No.5007765

Pretty much most of the classics on Super Nintendo I've played religiously. To the point where it feels sad.

>> No.5007801

Any of the old sonic games. I played so much of them one summer I haven't been in the mood to play them again

>> No.5007829
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>games you've played so much you no longer get anything out of them
I don't have any games like that, but this comes the closest. Completed the pokedex all legit so but I have so much nostalgia towards it that I know I'll eventually want to play it again

>> No.5008107
File: 1.40 MB, 292x224, Khold with Master Sword, and no Half-Magic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I could ever touch ALttP again myself, I did not only play it a lot, I speedrun it (both normal and randomizer), doing races daily (636 races on records, meaning practice/casual runs aside cleared it at least that many times), even got into tournaments.

One day I just felt like I had enough and got rid of everything related to it.

>> No.5008112
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Most of the games I replay frequently are usually very replayable. but I've basically ruined Ocarina of Time for myself. Done several 100 percent runs, 3-heart runs, no-death runs, both in regular and master quest, on almost every console it was re-released on.

I say I get nothing out of it, but I still get that dumb smile on my fave during the entire last section of the game. I just love that climax.

>> No.5008114

felt the same with GSC that no matter how many times i start, i never got past Bugsy after a couple of hours playing it again even if i loved the shit out of it

>> No.5008125

I beat every single version of Ys 1 and 2 and now I can't stand them anymore. The layouts of darm tower and solomon temple are burned into my brain.

>> No.5008143

try the randomizer, it's like a new game everytime

>> No.5008489

All the Grand Theft Auto series. I don't know how many lame innuendo jokes, ethnic cleansings, police massacres and sand-box-in-a-box can really appeal to me anymore.

I think it'd be neat if they took the near-future setting from GTA II and did a modern take on it, though.

>> No.5008495

I dont think ive ever had that happen to me.

>> No.5008535

Final Fantasy (series)

It'll be another couple years before I feel like I can run through Tactics or VII again. I played V and VI last year so I'm probably good on those for the next decade.

>> No.5008557
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Super Marios Bros. 3 and World. To the point where I don't even know if I can consider them the 10/10 masterpieces I once did, even though I know they are amazingly designed games and have nothing but fond memories of them.

>> No.5008558

even when I get burnt out on a game I can put it away for 3-5 years and come back for some fun.

Zelda lttp, lunar 1 and 2, Shenmue, mount and blade (w the last days mod), final fantasy 6 and 7, Baldur's gate 1/2 (pc) are games I have been playing every few years since they came out. I imagine I will always play them.

>> No.5008573

Same. I abused the fucking randomizer.

>> No.5008618


Dang, how many versions does that add up to? Does that include Ys 2 Special or does that count as a different game?

>> No.5008621

;o @ your gif

>> No.5008625

the worst part of Red/Blue/Yellow is after you complete the Pokedex and defeat every trainer, there's nothing to do except fight the Elite 4 again or fight wild Pokemon. the later games made it so you could have rematches with people

>> No.5008637

I've done one randomizer run on normal and had a great time,
think I'll give it another go on hard someday

>> No.5008651

That's part of what made Stadium so great. It basically gave an endgame to RBY.

>> No.5008684

>his mom bought him a N64 and didn't just make him settle for a Game Boy until he was old enough to buy his own video games


>> No.5008964

My dick

>> No.5008998

Here's the list:

Metal gear solid
Tony Hawk's pro skater
Tekken 3
Dino Crisis 2
Castlevania: SOTN
Need for speed 3: hot pursuit
Tenchu: stealth assassins
Every Reaident Evil released before 2009
Silent Hill
The entire Crash bandicoot trilogy (originals)

There's more, but these are the ones that bother me. Used to love all this shit, but now feel nothing at all when I play them. It's just going through the motions now.

Oddly, older games have stayed fresher to me. PS1 games in particular have just been so overplayed in my collection, that I have unreal burnout on almost everything I own.

>> No.5009006

I was going to say gta. As a kid i would just put in cheats and fuck around, but i recently started playing them semi seriously and they are pretty good. On 3 right now.

>> No.5009012

> parents bought booz, drugs and ciggys instead of buying you shit.

>> No.5009032


I can't play smb3 anymore either but mario adventure was/is fun if you liked smb3.

>> No.5009113

nah they were just cheap and thought video games were bad. I'm surpised they even got me a Game Boy.

>> No.5009210

Honestly, ALttP or unfortunately, Chrono Trigger. Grinding to brute force Ocean Palace kinda killed my interest in the other endings.

>> No.5009249

ALttP, Chrono Trigger, FFVI. I've beaten RBY countless times, but as the other anon said, it's fun to play through the Stadium endgame every once in a while.

>> No.5009279
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Beaten with all 5 characters, with almost every alignment combination.

....And yet, if they FINALLY released a translation patch (how many dead projects does this have now, 4? 5?), I'd probably binge it all over again.

>> No.5009310

I don't know why people didn't get video games as kids but mine did and all my friends had them too I have awesome memories tradeing Sega games as a kid

>> No.5009431

Mega Man X. I've done just about every kind of run and order possible. The more I play it, the more I hate not having the dash right away. I get that the reason at the time was to get classic fans to transition more smoothly but in hindsight, it's a game design flaw.

>> No.5009437
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I unlock everything for Dreamcast at least a dozen times and PC twice but anytime I go back to try playing again, I lose interest after the first stage.

>> No.5009463

Mega Man X2. I mean, I've never tried a speed run, and doing some of the later bosses with no upgrades still gives me some trouble, but other than that there's nothing left to the game. Even magna centipede draining all my abilities doesn't really pose a problem.

>> No.5009615

Ultima IV

Beat it sooooooo many times, but it was a "solo shepherd" run that made me lose my taste for it. Only made it halfway through that nightmarish chore before it finally broke my spirit, and I dropped the game for good.

>> No.5009958
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>he had the luxury of playing real handheld videogames as a kid and didn't have to settle for one of these
pampered first world kids I swear to god

>> No.5011196

How does randomiser work with things you need in certain dungeons? Doesn't it run the risk of making the game unbeatable?

>> No.5011521

I'll try that faam.

From what the website says:
>Keys might not be accessible if they are not required to finish the game. For instance, the Skull Woods big key might be in the big chest.
And other stuff. Looks like it takes a lot into account when randomizing. Not that I know, I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.5011571

From what I've seen, the randomize has several different setting you can use on just how random the items are. You can set it to be totally random, but it also has settings you can use to make sure the game is beatable in some way.

>> No.5011579

I had one of those as well but I'm in a first world country. I used my imagination to make up crazy stories and plots for those basic games

>> No.5011717

>You as a kid imagining new consoles with libraries surpassing the snes
>It never happened

>> No.5011794
File: 91 KB, 1920x1080, sotn title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played this thing no less than 50 times.

>> No.5012238

I play it every Halloween. No saves, no deaths.

>> No.5014228

Super Mario World

>> No.5014676
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I stopped counting after completing it for like the 20th time.