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File: 50 KB, 500x500, ps1-resident-evil-3-nemesis-D_NQ_NP_893525-MLB26478747253_122017-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5004690 No.5004690 [Reply] [Original]

Which RE is the scariest?

>> No.5004694
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Dino Crisis

>> No.5004704

RE2 Remake. Have you seen Clare's face? Yikes.

>> No.5004710

Normally I would say RE3 but that fucking "Legendado em Purtugues" with the derpy brazilian flag on the front has now ruined the scariness of the game for me

>> No.5004738

RE1 has the best claustrophobia feels and sheer horror, but RE3's Nemesis did cause some "oh shit" moments.

>> No.5004762


This. RE1 for the atmosphere, RE3 for the pain of being chased by a monster.

>> No.5004781

RE2 has the creepiest environments and monster designs. RE2 also has a very good jump scare (the door in the police station that displays the normal door animation, except zombies come through the door).
RE3 is less scary, but creates more tension and stress.
But the scariest RE game is not /vr/

>> No.5004783

aside from birkin and the lickers, I really wouldn't say RE2 has the creepiest monster design

the chimeras and drain deimos alone are a lot fucking scarier than all of birkin's forms combined though

>> No.5004785

Scariest moment ever is when Mr. X punches through the wall.

>> No.5004786

Code Veronica.

I was horrified by how shit it was.

>> No.5004790
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>> No.5004817

Mr. X is a poor man's Nemesis.

>> No.5004839

None they're not suppose to be scary games, they're open level action adventure games with limited resources to create tension. The horror aspect is purely in iconography.

Aside from that RE2 definitely has more "horror" aesthetics in taking inspiration from cheesy Japanese gore flicks of the 80s with body horror mutations and a classic pulled into vent and gore sprays out of it

>> No.5004849

The first one you played.

>> No.5004856
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Opposite way around fool. Everything Mr. X does is better than Nem, all Nem does is teleport in when the camera isn't looking at a door.

Not only that but Nem is pathetic in his boss battles running around and having to use a bazooka because he's so weak. And he's even worse in the final battle he's just a worm rolling around doing nothing whereas the Chad X is unarmed and walks everywhere, his footsteps are more intimidating than Nem. And then at the end when X should be dead he bursts out of molten lava unhurt like the Chad X he is and is ready to fuck

>> No.5004859
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>> No.5004862

>None they're not suppose to be scary games

All classic RE games are supposed to be scary, and not just scary, because "scary" doesn't even start to encompass everything horror is about.

>> No.5004865

nemmy nems ditches his rocket launcher after like 5 shots, then he comes up and fists jill hard and fast

meanwhile mr x's fisting is easily dodged, even claire can beat him

>> No.5004895

>Mr. X shows up
>literally just walk around him and leave

>Nemesis shows up, carrying a fucking rocket launcher (?!)
>if you can dodge his israeli sniper tier aim, he ditches the launcher and runs at you to deliver punches and throws
>kills several main characters in his pursuit of you

>> No.5004918
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The biggest inspiration for the body mutations and monsters in RE2 is John Carpenter's The Thing, a movie which the RE series continued to emulate well into RE5.

>> No.5005436

source on this statement? Birkin does have a very Thing-esq vibe, but I don't see anything else beyond that.

>> No.5005468

Honestly? REmake

The claustrophobia, dark lighting, suspense of Crimsonheads and god damn Lisa Trevor

William Birkin might be fucking terrifying, but REmake as a whole just does wonders.

>> No.5005743
File: 163 KB, 1800x754, Thing-Chest-Creature[1].jpg_mtime=20171028153556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get a Thing vibe from anything in 1-3. The point of The Thing is that it copied the DNA of its host and tried to blend in as that creature, but rapidly exposes itself when in danger. There's nothing that resembles it in any RE until 4, where getting headshots on a normal-looking villager will cause a plagas to come out of the wound and attack, and bosses will quickly mutate from a normal human form into their true plagas form to fight you.

Pic even looks like those spidery plagas you see in the castle. Detaches from the cultist's head, breaks loose, and attacks you with its spider legs.

>> No.5005745

Nemesis was less scary than Mr. X. Since Nemesis appears more than Mr. X, the novelty quickly wears off.

Though I will state that Nemesis bursting into the police station was a top 10 kino gaming moment.

>> No.5005754

For at least the first playthrough, Nemesis stays scary throughout because you don't know when he's going to show up, you usually have to make a split second decision of how to react to him, and the music is intense. Mr. X is just too damn slow and easy to deal with.

>> No.5005768

RE 7 legitimately scared me first playthrough

>> No.5006039

Nemesis was scary but RE3 also had its fair share of jump scares, like turbo zombies bursting out of car doors. I think re2 and 3 are about equal quality wise, but re2 was always the one I went to as a break from the nemesis tension. In most resident evil games as long as you had a shotgun in your hands you were relatively safe, but nemesis shits all over that, even simple backtracking gave me the chills. Making it to the park is such a relief because he only appears as a boss after that point.

>> No.5006060

I don't have a source, I'm just basing it on the design of the monsters, but
Resident Evil 4 and 5 certainly take inspiration from the scenes of The Thing where the monster reveals itself in partially human form, especially as you pointed out, with the design of Las Plagas. However, I think William Birkin's and Nemesis final forms are much more reminiscent of the less human form The Thing takes. Both Birkin and Nemesis become a mass of meat, teeth, eyes, wriggling tentacles, and can spray a harmful liquid. All of these elements appear in the dog-Thing, and similarly it has to be destroyed with heavy weapons (a flamethrower, in the case of The Thing).
Although, I mainly meant the inspiration from The Thing was represented in the appearance of the monsters, not how they propagate and behave.

>> No.5006065
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>Code Veronica

Ya, I have beat all the RE games but I couldn't get into RE CV. It just felt so boring. Maybe it had to do with the new look / style. I might give it another chance someday

>> No.5006067

Never played 3 but something about its coverart has stuck with me since I saw it in sale catalogs when I was a wee lad.

>> No.5006083
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The only aesthetic similarity I can see is the skinless look of a lot of the RE2 monsters, but that's general 80s movie gore. I don't think it was that Thing-inspired. Maybe the tentacles... but then again, it's a Japanese game.

>> No.5006120


I was hoping RE2make would live up to the same standard but apparently not

>> No.5006121

The one you played when you were 12.

>> No.5006134

I love this moment because of the way it's designed to catch you out. Unlike other jumpscares where something suddenly appears (EG dogs through the windows) they build you up to it. Firstly, he appears during the lamp puzzle in scenario B which is already a surprise becuase you did the same in scenario A and nothing happened. But then as in any other Mr. X encounter you can just leave the room and you'e safe. Of course, as you move through the corridor you might be apprehensive he could come through the fresh hole in the wall, but you pass it and he doesn't, so you feel safe - THAT'S when he opens another fucking hole right in front of you.

Classic RE has several moments like this, where they mess with your expectations. >>5004781 mentions another; you learn that the door opening animations are 'safe' loading screens, so they create a fake one to catch you out.
There's also the interrogation room which is set up brilliantly too.

I'm listing RE2 ones because I replayed it recently so it's fresh in memory, but I'm sure 1 and 3 have their fair share.
And then there's REmake which specifically uses your knowledge of the original RE1 against you.

>> No.5006167

it actually made it scarier for me

>> No.5006182
File: 126 KB, 1321x1600, Resident_Evil_2_artwork_dellep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but this is the scariest RE promo art

>> No.5006702

I always thought they shouldn't have shown you the cutscene of Mr. X being dropped into the police station - imagine how unnerving it would be to be running through what you expect to be a simple corridor (it only has crows first time round) and some huge trenchcoated guy suddenly comes marching round the corner and starts swinging at you.

If you HAVE to show the cutscene make it a flashback, like the Birkin one. I just think making you fight Mr. X completely out of the blue would be scarier, with a cutscene beforehand you know to expect him and you get an expectation that he'll be a big deal.

>> No.5007140
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>Los goblino siblings

>> No.5007150

So RE6 for me then.

>> No.5007156

Re1/REmake purely from a gameplay standpoint, however I think the atmosphere in the city in 3 is way more unnerving. Something about cities completely demolished by apocalyptic events just gets me. I guess it must be that it's the most relatable out of the horror scenarios.

>> No.5007158

Meant to reply to OP

>> No.5007161

I always found Mr. X way more frightening, with nemesis I always expect him to eventually turn up and he is on the cover and the title screen so it isn't that big of a surprise when you eventually do meet him. But Mr. X came completely out of nowhere when I first played 2 and spooked the absolute shit out of me when he continued to húnt my ass through the rooms.

>> No.5007184


>> No.5007692

i noticed playing re2 scenario B that basically, the first one was designed to be a regular experience, while the sceneario B had tons of moments that made me shit my pants. Tons of jumpscares that you never expected that sceneario A didn't have. Reasons are obvious, to keep things fresh.

I remember Mr X in general, zombies bursting into the hallway in places you didn't expect, same with lickers, and others scares.

>> No.5007803


>> No.5007839

I would agree with this. It's still pretty good as is.

>> No.5008435

RE6 was released six years ago anon.

>> No.5008503

That one because you have a slasher-like villain chasing after you that can easily kill you throughout the whole game.

>> No.5008517

can't deny that brazil is incredibly scary

>> No.5010056

RE1 was the scariest. Only boomers know the feeling of experience the first survival horror 3d

>> No.5010071

>Only boomers know the feeling of experience the first survival horror 3d
Alone in the Dark?

>> No.5010093

too clanky

>> No.5010173

The controls are pretty much identical to RE but with the ability to punch/kick

>> No.5011664


>> No.5011729

fighting two hunters with no auto aim for sure is scary

>> No.5011892

Yeah, very disappointing with how REmake 2 is looking. It's an embodiment of everything I dislike about modern games. RE4 was my first RE, so I know it's not nostalgia speaking when I say this, but not having fixed camera angles ruined the whole thing for me. I don't know why capcom was so scared of releasing a classic-style game when REmake HD sold a shit ton of copies for a mere re-release.

>> No.5011920

They think people like the Revelations games so they're making RE2 like that

>> No.5011956

Capcom is probably trying to sell the game to people that didn't play the original. REmake was released, a mere six years after the original, meaning that the chances that people who were fans of the original would play the remake were high. There was a lot of overlap between original RE fans and people who wanted to play the remake.
It's been twenty years since RE2. The overlap between people who played the originals and current gamers is gonna be much smaller than it was in 2002. From a financial standpoint Capcom wants to sell their game to as many people as possible.
I understand why they did it, but I certainly do not like it. I just wanted REmake 2.

>> No.5011961
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Her model is gorgeous though

>> No.5012008

>looks like a 15 year old
pedophile please go back to /pol/

>> No.5012719
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I figured this would be the right place to ask this question. Do you think the Dual Shock version of Resident Evil 2 is worth picking up? I already own the original release and the N64 version. I know the difference between the two, but I am mainly interesting in the extreme battle mode. I swear to God, Crapcom made too many different versions of the game to sucker people out of money (like they do with all of their franchises). I also thought the price might go up on all RE games, once RE2 comes out. Might as well snag it now, if it's worth a buy.

>> No.5012729

I always figured RE1-3 would be cheap as hell since they're so goddamn common but oh well
battle mode's pretty fun if you're into RE3 mercs

>> No.5012736
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>I always figured RE1-3 would be cheap as hell since they're so goddamn common but oh well

Ditto, but you never know. I am sure the price won't rise too high and the "hyped" will die out soon if it happens at all.

I have been looking on ebay for an hour now, and there are zero reasonably priced RE 2 Dual Shock versions. What the fuck happened? People are trying to get 100 dollars for RE 2 and RE1! I am sort of blown away. There is also a mess if you are trying to look for the Dual Shock version, because more often than not, it's the original version. I think I might just be happy with the two versions I own already. I already own 4 versions of RE1 and don't want it to turn into something like that. There are just too many small versions of RE - RE 3 that have such small changes.

>> No.5012798

for what it's worth, the RE2 on PSN is the dualshock version

>> No.5012812


>300 pound landwhale seething

>> No.5013074


Thanks for the input, but I am not that desperate to buy digital.

Speaking of that, why is RE1 10 fucking dollars on the PSN?

>> No.5013081

PSN is just like that sometimes
I got my PSN RE2 for like $3 during a sale anyway so it didn't set me back much

I'm not sure if any of the other versions have extreme battle but I'm pretty sure they do, even though they're at least as expensive as dual shock if not more usually

>> No.5013117
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Ya, maybe I'll wait for a flash sale if i get really desperate. I just really enjoy psychical copies, as lame as that is.

>I'm not sure if any of the other versions have extreme battle but I'm pretty sure they do, even though they're at least as expensive as dual shock if not more usually

Yep, that's the case. I don't feel like grabbed the GameCube version or anything like that.

>> No.5013241

Good thing you don't buy digital.
PSN RE1 not only costs $10, it's also the Ruined Music Edition.

>> No.5013252

it isn't
it's not even normal director's cut with arrange mode

>> No.5013257

So they replaced it at some point?
'cuz the one on my download list is definitely the Dualshock one.

>> No.5013265


I remember the Resident Evil Dual Shock version was on there, but I think they removed and replaced it with the regular Dual Shock version. I bet it was around the time the guy who made the soundtrack was ousted for not being def

>> No.5013275


Sorry, I meant to say the the Greatest Hits was on there for some time, but they replaced it with the normal version of the game. Should of been more clear. By any means, the GH version is by far the most fucking stupid choice ever made for a re release in a RE game

>> No.5013294

Guess I'm out of luck, then.
All I can get off PSN is the Greatest Shits version.
Should've waited! I'll try importing Biohazard digitally and see if that works out better.

>> No.5013525

I hope they remake Nemesis.

>> No.5013556

I hope they never remake any other game since they're all gonna end up being generic third person shooters.

>> No.5013590


Not him, but lets stupidly give Capcom the benefit of the doubt until the game comes out (RE 2 Remake). They could do something crazy and give the fans what they want with Resident Evil 2 remake. Don't be so quick to judge.

>> No.5013592
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Umm, hello?

>> No.5013607

Always thought it was weird Richard was in this pic instead of Rebecca

>> No.5013724

>Not him, but lets stupidly give Capcom the benefit of the doubt until the game comes out (RE 2 Remake)

(not who you replied to) Against my better judgement, I'm willing to agree to this.

>> No.5013747

scary bad, more like

>> No.5013759

Does Nemesis go HUEHUEHUEHUE in the Brazil edition?

>> No.5013773


Another quality joke brought to you by /v/

>> No.5013789
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Thanks anon.

Nail on the head.

>> No.5013945
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honestly, I'd have to say RE3
nemesis is legitimately fuckin scary

>> No.5014342
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I don't but its funny how giant spiders are the least intimidating monsters in the series. You can just run laps around these retards.

>> No.5016490

Probably Code Veronica because it had the worst weapons.

>> No.5016512

WTF is this? What is Tifa doing? Who is that guy? Kiros from FF8?

>> No.5016516


>> No.5016518

Gotta love the bowgun.

>> No.5016858
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The one time I found them creepy was the REmake. When you go into the first room they are in, the camera is angled towards the door you just came through, and one just silently crawls over your only exit, pic related. Also I quite like the soft padding noise of their footsteps.

>> No.5016867

>Legendado em Português
Uma delícia.

>> No.5016872

Sopa de Nemesis?

>> No.5016890

None of them are scary, but the original game is TENSE as fuck. The rest are just triple A stuff that may have seemed impressive at the time if you were 13 due to marketing, but was pretty tame in all respects.

>> No.5017361

I preferred Dino Crisis 2 to 1 to be honest. Though it's not really "survival horror" (or a Resident Evil knock off) anymore, more like action horror.

>> No.5017460
File: 590 KB, 2000x1600, CockroachesRE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the cutest

>> No.5017485

>It's been twenty years since RE2
Jesus Christ

>> No.5019751
File: 31 KB, 220x311, 220px-Residentevildeadaim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but

>> No.5019812

I like RE1 being so some sort of a mix between B-movies and stuff like Predator, with the elite team getting slaughtered and stuff

Even if the best RE is RE2

>> No.5019846

This is absolutely the most terrifying aspect of RE2. Imagine being Sherry, swarmed by giant rat-sized bugs that are biting you. Absolutely fucking horrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't traumatize her more than being hunted down by her deformed monster father.

>> No.5019858

>Even if the best RE is RE2

Come on, 2 is good, but remake is the definitive RE experience. Its the original formula perfected.

>> No.5019863

Minus the retarded addition of crimson heads, I agree with this.

>> No.5020348

>crimson heads

10/10 bait