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File: 223 KB, 635x950, X2_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5003552 No.5003552 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is his problem? Why can't he stay alive? Why is he so fragile?

>> No.5003554

>don't find the secret buster powerup
>get it from Zero
It had an impact on me that way, like he lent me his power.
When I replayed the game and didn't get anything from him, due to me finding the secret prior, it didn't felt as significant.
Also what's up with his parts on X2?

>> No.5003557

he was built by dr. wily
all his robots are fragile

>> No.5003563
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>> No.5003569

imagine how weird it must be to die constantly and keep getting rebuilt. Like at some point zero must be wishing they'd just let him die

>> No.5003575

I dunno, but collecting his head is pretty morbid.

>> No.5003590

Head smeared across several miles of colony drop in zero 4.

I still wasnt sure they were going to keep him dead for years.

>> No.5003654

Based and redpilled.

>> No.5004243

He is like Leomon and Optimus Prime.

>> No.5004665

He dies a grand total of three times. Stop being dumb.

>> No.5004809

X1: Dies
X2: Doesn't die but you spend the entire game putting him back together so it doesn't count
X3: Can't do shit without risking permanently disabling himself
X4: Is OK
X5: Dies
X6: Retcon hell, but even if you count it it just means Zero was supposed to seal himself away, effectively being dead.

One game where he is entirely functional and alive. ONE.

>> No.5004881

X3, wasn't there an option for him to die and give X the lightsaber.

>> No.5004891

Technically he dies twice on Megaman Zero because you destroy his real body and then Zero does the colony drop thing and dies deader than Sega.

>> No.5004915

He's a dex build

>> No.5004928

He comes back anyways. He's like Ridley.

>> No.5004940

Yeah, and I was being generous by not pointing that out because it's not technically canon.

>> No.5004983

He was made with low-quality parts.

>> No.5004984

He doesnt die. He just goes back to headquarters so Dr.Cain can repair him.

All of the Zero cockblocking is done to make the game not be a cakewalk just for choosing zero. It was a lame gimmick and its why x4 onward they made him fully playable but nerfed his buster. In story nothing changes.

>> No.5005263

>Dynamo never dies even if you kicked his ass thousads of times

>> No.5005368
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>> No.5006126

Zero's problem is that she's made by Wily, who sucks at imitating Dr Light. Zero might have more raw power than X, but at the expense of her body being less robust and solid in design.

>> No.5006150


>> No.5006752

>worried about death in a setting full of technology
>Sigma is the only one smart enough to copy himself into a computer and survive beyond his inevitable destruction

>> No.5006775

what horrendous character design

>> No.5006802
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>> No.5007139

>>Sigma is the only one smart enough to copy himself into a computer and survive beyond his inevitable destruction

Yeah, but that's just a copy of him. The original Sigma still gets destroyed. He formed memories and had experiences between the moment of copying and the moment of his death, so the copy is a past version of him and not the same Sigma. Copying himself didn't make Sigma unable to die, it just made there be lots of copies around.

>> No.5007149

Collecting his parts is supposed to be the "good" ending, but I always find it more fun not to do it so I can fight him instead. Definitely a more fun fight than any of the X-Hunters.

>> No.5007173
File: 414 KB, 525x700, tumblr_noxky1oQpO1qg0naho1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green boobs

>> No.5007586

I chose to believe he just retired and watches the clusterfuck from the sides

>> No.5007602

Not only that but he degrades with each copy with him having a barely functional body in X6 and in X8 his current body is breaking apart