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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4998656 No.4998656 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, are retro games better than current games? If so, why? If not, why not?

>> No.4998670

some are better, some are worse. I think the best way to describe it is that older games are different and have a different appeal to them. it's like comparing a 1942 Mercedes to a 1955. they are both cool but very different from each other

>> No.4998676 [DELETED] 

Inb4 shoehorned reference to SJWs

>> No.4998690

*DLC post here*

>> No.4998697
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Yes. I don't really have the English vocabulary to fully express why. They're fun! Both more fun than modern games and fun far more often than modern games.

>> No.4998708

Retro JRPGs are way better than modern ones. There are less quality modern JRPGs overall and more waifu pandering moe faggotry, not to mention gacha. There were still waifufag games back then, but they were few and far between. I've been a JRPGfag my whole life and the modern games I play are mostly Skyrim and Dark Souls.

>> No.4998719

Because of limited technology, good game design was more common back in the day. We've gone through a very sickening decade ~2005-2015 where big budget games aimed to be super simple to be as accessable to the widest possible audience but happily technology is becoming so available to developers both on the design side and thanks to digital distribution that well-designed smaller games have begun to visibly steal triple-A games' thunder so there seems to be a return to good game design for a game to be considered a major release - and there are lots of great smaller games coming out all the time too. You have to wade through a lot more shit these days but we have geometrically better resources available to us to find the needles in the haystacks. Right now is actually a great time for gaming despite what lots of bilious Anons will try to tell you.

>> No.4998721
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>moe faggotry

>> No.4998729

This, really. Can't say that I generally prefer one over the other, with the exception of JRPGs and point&click adventures. I absolutely do prefer the classics in those genres.

>> No.4998736

Retro games have better gameplay, hands down. At least for the most part.
Modern games "feel" better, to me at least. I have a hard time with stuff like Castlevania and 2D jump'n'runs because even on emulator, I just hate how the controls feel.

Remastered old games are great. I got Turok 2 Remaster on the first day and it completely blew me away. I haven't had such fun with a shooter since 2011's Bulletstorm. I absolutely prefer this version to the N64 version.

>> No.4998741

Retrogames are objectively better in some genres.
Also, they provide genres that may be non-existent or completely dead in modern gaming.
It's not necessarily about them being "better" though, but about experiencing different kinds of games that you can't find anymore.

>> No.4998783


No, i would not say so. I think retrogames offers another kind of entertainment compared to modern games. Not better, not worse, just different.

>> No.4998792

The only game that matters is Fortnite.

>> No.4998883

There are many payware games in the modern era whereas I think they'd be worth playing and better than much of the retro shit, but I've long determined that I don't want to buy or waste time on anything of the modern industry since I'm tired of the various levels of nonsense. The vapid materialism & consumerism isn't worth feeling ripped off with their overall mediocrity, and I'm content with going through whatever I can get to work on this toaster which is up to 2009-ish.

>> No.4998886
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>> No.4998890

Maybe proportionately, but the pie is so much larger now. Also, survivorship bias. How many SNES games have you actually played?

>> No.4998893


>> No.4998960


Some are better, some are worse. There are still good modern games, but very often they are too safe and formulamatic. Very little risks are taken and they use the same game engines, leading to stale/sameness without innovation. To me, gameplay trumps everything. I like good graphics, but if the game feels shitty or like I'm just a camera controlling a little pawn, it's very annoying to me personally.

The things I like most about retro is good gameplay and variety.

>> No.4998986
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Neither is a monolith. There are lots of retro games better than many modern games. By the same token there are lots of modern games better than many retro games. Every system and every era has had plenty of gems and plenty of turds.

All that ever matters are the gems.

>> No.4998996

I like retro games more because they focus on being a game first instead of being a movie first or a way to bilk you out of your money with microtransactions.

Over the past 8 or so years, the game industry has been infiltrated by wannabe Hollywood directors, scripwriters, and filming guys looking to show off their donut steel B-movies they think are genius. The first signs of this were Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us, which felt like the developers wanted to make movies instead of games but had to make their "magnum opus" in vidya format because the movie companies wouldn't take them.

Games have almost wanted to be cinematic, but there's always been solid gameplay underlining them (like Half-Life). It's only semi-recently that they've sidetracked gameplay to focus on being a movie.

>> No.4999038

I always enjoyed multiplayer games more than single player to the point I'd rather watch a cartoon or play outside with my friends instead of spending time with single player shit so I wouldn't say it is necessarily better.
I'm old for that though so the gaming gates are closed for me. At least there's a pool table nearby lol

>> No.4999048

Retro games tend to be better because they typically expected the player to think about what they're doing and revise their methods when something goes wrong.

Most modern games are designed so that the right solutions are immediately obvious.

>> No.4999142
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>The first signs of this were Bioshock Infinite and The Last of U

My sides

>> No.4999154


Define "better"

Anyhow, for me personally it's clear that modern games require a bigger staff, more talent, etc. One of the reasons I like old games is the simplicity. An N64 racing game with 5 courses total which can be mastered in a week, and costs $3? Sign my the fuck up. A Zelda game that takes 9-12 hours to complete? Fuck yes. A Final Fantasy game that takes 15-25 hours? Wayyyyy better than a 60 hour Final Fantasy game.

Some modern indie games fit this bill as well, but frankly I like the simplicity of the old games.

>> No.4999162


Almost forgot! Gameboy Contra takes 20 to 30 minutes to beat. It's wonderful!

>> No.4999175

In my opinion Gen 4-5-6 are MUST PLAY for any person who likes video games
Gen 2-3-8 are optional
Gen 7 is trash and deserves to be burned

>> No.4999190

Is a short good stealth game with lots of cutscenes.
=! mediocre modern AAA third-person shooter

>> No.4999202

Some are, some aren't. Obviously there are some games that can only be made with newer tech, but the classics are classics for a reason. As long as a game is good then it is worth playing, because someday these new games will be classics too

>> No.4999213

>gen 7
B-but the DS and Monster Hunter...
Sigh. You're not wrong. There were some gems but you had to look for them really hard.

>> No.4999225
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all things being equal, modern day games are better.

Autosaving / lots of storage >>> no continue, 25+ character passwords, single save file games

superior graphics and sound options. Crappy voice acting is a thing but having literal music is usually better than an 8bit chiptune. Modern day games can still have the pixel aesthetic (see: Octopath Traveler)

Digital distribution makes access to games easier than ever and allows for non-AAA publishers to get a name for themselves

Axis controls are the norm and allow for 360 rotation instead of 8-axis input

>> No.4999236


I almost forgot --- voice acting in games is almost certainly a downside. A random catch phrase here or there is not bad --- but a fully voiced RPG, FPS, or action game? Kill me.

>> No.4999251 [DELETED] 


>> No.4999257


>> No.4999285

I just wanted to say I agree with all your words.

>> No.4999293

It got a lot of hate for not being an action platformer and it's creator being a pretentious twit, but Fez incredible and one of the only games in decades that made me write notes and get out pencil and paper to solve it.

>> No.4999317

hyperlightdrifter has a retro feel and I'm not talking the graphics. It gave me a lot of fun, honestly reminded me of elemental gimmick gear/zelda or something similar.

>> No.4999340

i can go back forth between old and new, some things are better in new games while a lot of old games can be clumsy in the way they handle physics and loading.

An example of how games are worse now is assassins creed compared to open world games of the past such as daggerfall, in assasins creed you constantly have this waypoint point marker on screen that you can't fully turn off which ruins the exploration aspect, what this does is turn what is potentially a really engrossing exploration game into one where you face your character towards the marker and press forward on the controller. In that way the game is pretty much playing itself and its just giving you the illusion of control where as for example in gargoyles quest you would have to explore and get to know the area.

An example of how games have improved could be gta and forza horizon with their streaming open worlds and also how many new games allow you to easily create content such as building you own vehicles.

Gaming was in its best period from late 1997 to 2002 but i still like modern games almost as much.

>> No.4999359

I think there's a charm to old games. They had limitations to work around, and there needed to be alot of creativity to get around them. Like that NPC in Fallout 3 who has a train car for a head, which allowed them to bypass being unable to program trains into the game. Now you can do that all willy nilly, but they didn't have the time or technology to do it, so they had to be scrappy. Similar little tricks had to be implemented in older games to bypass restrictions and limitations.

>> No.4999379

DLC on the other hand....

>> No.4999440


Yes, reason? More story oriented than graphic.

>> No.4999445 [DELETED] 
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Is this the thread where I say all retro games are my favorite games, and all modern games are brown shooters

>> No.4999457
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Is this the thread where I say all retro games are as good as my favorite few, and all modern games are brown shooters

>> No.4999797

Cool man, I got my back-to-school thesaurus too.

>> No.4999798

That's so wrong, though.

>> No.4999808

It's cheaper to play them for one. Even though I'm totally into original hardware, flash carts, mods, all that good shit. It's still cheaper than buying a new console + games or worse, building a fucking PC.

More importantly political shit hasn't infected our discourse as retro gamers. It's not like it doesn't ever creep in at all. It's not like some people's political opinions don't pop up sometimes. But nobody's whining about there being a woman on the cover of a game from 20+ years ago. Nobody's whining about the lack of women in some games either. Modern gamers are all whiny fucks no matter which side they take in the culture war. I really really hate them all with an intense burning passion. /vr/ people on the other hand are pretty chill and unite based on shared memories rather than shared politics.

>> No.4999820

The reason they are often better is the fact that they are a distilled gaming experience. They did what they could in terms of music and graphics but ultimately, the platforms were too limited for those aspects to be TOO much of the focus. therefore the gameplay was where they had the most control and that made it the thing that was able to be most refined despite limitations.
Fun is fun. Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Millipede, Frogger and so on are fun regardless of the lack of crazy camera angles, background graphics, particle effects or other gimmicks. Even "newer" games like Doom, while technological leaps at the time, still hold onto the focus of being a focused gameplay experience.

>> No.4999823

Well, yes, since modern gaming (like modern cinema) is a wasteland.

>> No.4999828

Don't forget modern music either. It ain't all bad but you can't say most of it is good either.

>> No.4999834


>Like that NPC in Fallout 3 who has a train car for a head, which allowed them to bypass being unable to program trains into the game

This is JUST incompetence/laziness/bad engine though, not really creativity winning over restrictions.

>> No.4999835

/vr/ also actually plays games for the most part, unlike /v/ for example

>> No.4999837


>or worse, building a fucking PC

I've never gotten the "building a PC is expensive and hard"-meme. I've had PCs since I was ~10, they were never particularly expensive. You shell out about 1000 usd every three to four years, at the most, and that's just if you want to play the latest and greatest things at high graphics.

>> No.4999838


I don't really listen to music, so I'll take your word for it. I wonder why it seems like all creativity and passion has been sucked out of the western world. I still see neat things coming out of Asia.

>> No.4999839

Half Life did the same thing

>> No.4999845


>> No.4999849

>You shell out about 1000 usd every three to four years

Yeah, fuck that. I've never spent more than $200 on a console in my life.

>high graphics

This is the most meaningless thing for me though. I want my games to be fun. Graphics come secondary. I don't play lots of modern games but I enjoyed playing GTA V. I finished all endings of the game on my PS3. Would it be more fun for me if I played it on a PC with a nice graphics card or even a PS4 pro/xbox one s instead? I really don't think so. It's the same game with a few tweaks and updates. I'll wait to get the newest gen of consoles when my criteria has been met by them. That's $200 for the console and easy access to pirated games. Anything more than that is a waste for me.

>I wonder why it seems like all creativity and passion has been sucked out of the western world.

It's all about $$$. The problems with video games, movies, and music are all really different but they all come back to money. Modern gamers are mostly consumerist zombies that will buy what everyone else buys. The most impressive graphics mean more to them than fun games, so that's what drives everything now. Movies are so devoid of originality because studios are more concerned with seeing a huge return on every new release than creating new IP. With games it's somewhat similar really, rehash the same shit over and over with improved graphics. Music it's become about making everything as cheap as possible. It went from bands to studio musicians to samples to everything being done by one guy on his home computer. Each of those things has produced great works, of course, but also a flood of crap from each advance in technology too. The financial barrier of entry to making music has given us glimpses of brilliance that would have otherwise never happened and a glut of crap by the marginally talented.

>> No.4999853

With how much /most/ have gone down in price, they're much better for the content you get. For all the shitty ones that are still high and give you a shit and/or really short experience, nah.

>> No.4999928

Retro games collectively have more good games but they also had way more shovelware. If there's one good thing about modern games is the near death of licensed garbage since most of it was pushed to mobile.

>> No.4999930


>Yeah, fuck that. I've never spent more than $200 on a console in my life

Well then you obviously buy old and/or discounted hardware, which you can do with the PC as well. Also remember that PC-games are free.

>This is the most meaningless thing for me though. I want my games to be fun

Then you can spend even less

>> No.4999947

No, since literally nobody said that, you dumb faggot.

>> No.4999964

I don't think the lack of creativity in western world is just a matter of money. We can see a lack of creativity in small indie movies or games.

I believe there are more factors involded. For example, I think that with the arrival of social media, a certain hivemind has been created, which makes a lot of opinions, artsyles or pieces of media to be very similar in style. Also, there's more fan pandering now, specially because of fear of fan loud opinions on twitter or forums. Exposure on the internet also has made some companies too selfconscious, which you can see in the official Sonic twitter literally being almost a joke account.

All in all, it's probably a cycle that will end someday. There is a certain value and spiritual crisis in the western world right know, but I believe it will pass. I hope so.

>> No.4999968

Retro game are better because where made by people who wanted to play it.
Games now are made for people who want to push agendas/purely profit.
Companies started to use scum tatics (season pass, DLC, timegated content, etc) in order to sell more and more due absurd greed and still blaming piracy.
Now, if you post this on /v/, corcorate cocksuckers there will burn you like a witch.

>> No.5000000

No. Anyone who says otherwise is blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.5000004


>> No.5000013 [DELETED] 


>> No.5000028 [DELETED] 
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>no replies

>> No.5000035

Uh oh

>> No.5000053

I wonder why no one replies to such a clever, well-thought out "argument"! That shit would get countless (you)s on /v/!

>> No.5000083 [DELETED] 
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But the numbers are what's important.

>> No.5000091

Do you know how much absolute garbage there was for pre-2000 consoles, stuff which nobody remembers because it was mediocre or awful?

This board is about remembering the old games which were good or otherwise stood out, and I think people who say "Old games good, new games bad", are just disingenuous dumbasses submerged in nostalgia.

>> No.5000132

Just try going back to the box System in Pokemon Red after playing any of the games with the touch screen. Modern point and clicks are more stream lined, and don't even get me started on how much the SMT games have improved over the years.

>> No.5000176
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delet this

>> No.5000180

I approve of this get

>> No.5000184

I've noticed that level design in general has gone downhill in newer games. Modern indies are completely void of it too, as if indie developers have never even heard of the concept. But aside from that, there are still very good games coming out today and plenty of older games were crap.

>> No.5000203

Shit get.
As a general rule? Not necessarily. There are modern games which are better than some old games, of course. Is anyone going to genuinely argue that Kid Kool is better than Mario Odyssey?

>> No.5000210
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>> No.5000231

I don't agree. I think "more complex = good" is just as simplistic a way of thinking as "old = better".

>> No.5000236

>I think "more complex = good" is just as simplistic
Yeah, but who said this?

>> No.5000237


>> No.5000238

It's implicit. The only argument for why new games are better than old ones is complexity. Whether it's better graphics, better sound, more content, more buttons, more sprites, better hardware, whatever...what it comes down to is complexity.

>> No.5000241

Yes and no. Retro games tend to have better gameplay and (almost always) don't rely on things like DLC. At the same time, nowadays you have some interesting twists to the gameplay that pop up every now and then, especially in indies. They also tend to look better, but this isn't always true.

Because it single handedly put the Unreal series in development hell forever?

>> No.5000256

Fair enough. If you consider all those wildly different elements to be adequately subsumed in the phrase "more complex", then sure. I think it's a bit misleading and pointlessly reductionist, though.

>> No.5000264

It's about as misleading and pointlessly reductionist as your take on people who prefer retro games:
>"Old games good, new games bad", are just disingenuous dumbasses submerged in nostalgia

>> No.5000283

Yeah, I didn't post that, though. My posts in this thread are these:


Besides, I wasn't calling your (deliberate) strawman equation ("more complex = better") misleading and pointlessly reductionist, but your notion that "better graphics, better sound, more content, more buttons, more sprites, better hardware" could all be adequately reduced to the phrase "more complex", because it's so non-specific as to be meaningless.

>> No.5000296

Are you really that dumb, or just pretending?

I haven't even read the whole thread, and I'm not the guy you're bickering with, but I'm getting the feeling that you're totally overlooking the opposition's argument for being non specific, when small logical leaps will get you there. Easily, at that.

>NES sound chip
>surround sound on a top of the line PC
Which is better? Can "complexity" be used as an umbrella term to describe one in contrast to the other?

>SNES graphics based on 2D sprites with lots of limitations
>PS4 graphics, where millions of polygons, textures, physics engines, lighting engines, etc, etc, etc all work together seemlessly
Which one would you say is more complex?

Do I really need to go on here? People can generalize and not lose the validity of their argument. You do however have to be a moron (real or "just pretending") to totally overlook this.

Weather said added comexity actually makes things better or worse is up to the individual. But my take on that point is this:

Modern games are unquestionably superrior in technological terms.
With classic games, devs had less to work with, and so had to do their best at all times to get noticed. Meaning that top of the line, "best ever" type games from back then earned the title, while newer games frequently earn it from graphics and or plot alone (The last of us, as an example). So arguably, retro games with the title deserve it more.

>> No.5000321

>Are you really that dumb, or just pretending?
Neither. I've already made my point twice, and your mere repetition of the very thing I've criticized doesn't really invalidate anything.

> People can generalize and not lose the validity of their argument.
Sure, but a generalization that's so non-specific as to include *anything and everything* can indeed be misleading and counterproductive to any conversation, which is exactly my point of contention here. I'm not retarded, I'm not "pretending", I just don't agree with you or the other guy.

>> No.5000332

>I think "more complex = good" is just as simplistic a way of thinking as "old = better".
Well, yes, obviously, but who the fuck says that?
It's certainly not an overbearing trend in modern videogames where sequels don't rarely get dumbed down and casualized.

>> No.5000343

So DPPt, BW, B2W2 and XY are must play, ok.

>> No.5000354

That wasn't him who said that, that was me.

And I stick by it, because I see mindnumbingly stupid takes on the subject every so often, such as how online play ruined videogames, or how DLC is a fundamentally evil concept, as if the literal only way to approach it is to cut out a part of the game during development and sell it later, ala EA.
My favorite complaint is "buh modern consoles always need to update, I just want to sit down and play", and that one floors me a lot, giving me the conclusion that people listing this very specific complaint don't actually ever PLAY videogames. Like if you even played as little as a couple of hours a week, you would not experience constant updates. In my experience, system updates happen like once, maybe twice a year, and game updates maybe a few times in the following 18 months after launch, then maybe once ever again, if that.
These aren't people who ever touch their consoles, like they would at max have to play a few hours a year to experience updates each time.
You also get the people who think all modern videogames are nothing but CODs, Ubisoft sandboxes, and Battle Royales, which tells you how much they're invested in videogames, because they never go out and look for stuff beyond the regular AAA ejaculations.

So yes, there's lots and lots of people who effectively think "old good, new bad", because they're either just nostalgia tripping for their childhood and don't actually really like videogames outside of that, or they're horrendously clueless and is upset that what they want isn't dumped into their lap for them, when in fact there's good things still being made, and which would suit their tastes, if they just went out and looked for them.

>> No.5000356

There's plenty of good stuff in Gen 7.

>> No.5000363

Yes, 100%.

More interesting concepts, and more variety. More focus on interesting and new single player experiences. Less focus on making millions lf dollars per game meant that developers got weird shit published in wide releases (especially on 5th gen. I love how much nonsense you can find on japanese ps1).

Games focused more on actual gameplay mechanics and gaming experience before. There were plenty of games for people who like to solve problems presented to them. The graphics were mostly just a presentational framework for the well thought-out mechanics and challenges. Modern games focus on how to engage people with repetitive gameplay, or they just opt for a purely cinematic experience without any fun challenges. It’s either “how long can you play online to earn boxes to open, in another fucking 3ps/fps” or “plzplzplz be entertained by the explosions and emotional cutscenes with mocap facial expressions!!”

>> No.5000364
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Playing a current gen game is a completely different experience from playing something like Gun-Nac.

I've had enough of unskippable cut-scenes and loading screens.

>> No.5000384

That's a big get for you.

>> No.5000395

Not at all
Technology evolves and modern games are inherently superior (better graphics and soundtrack, pretty much no memory limitation). Devs also learn from previous mistakes (lame game design etc.) and don't reproduce them.

Modern games are simply better, polished versions of old games.

>> No.5000404

It’s funny how you never mentioned the gameplay. You seem to just want a virtual stress ball to squeeze.
Why the fuck would you mention the sound quality and axis controls before the actual game design? Gameplay is above everything else

Fucking. Casuals

>> No.5000405


videogame gens you dumb poketard piece of shit

>> No.5000407

Fuck off, I was just making a harmless joke, what's your problem?

>> No.5000420 [DELETED] 

>a fucking zoomer gets the 5M GET
Fuck you and fuck this board.

>> No.5000428

For the most part yes. Game quality took a nose dive around 2003 once game companies realized that you could make games for dudebros.

It's getting better, but we are still suffering from the shittiness of the 00s/early 10s

>> No.5000435

eat shit faggot

>> No.5000525

Cry harder.

>> No.5000547

This was once a decent board, before retarded kids like you came along and started shitting it up. Hope you feel good about yourselves for ruining /vr/.

>> No.5000563 [DELETED] 
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this nigga just got finna dabbed on

>> No.5000587
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>Oh no, how DARE someone suggest that there exist games which are good which aren't from the year 1999 or earlier? This board is destroyed!
Please grow thicker skin.

>> No.5000670

You use the term zoomer, and then have the audacity to call others kids. You sound like someone who thinks they were born in the wrong generation.
You're even worse than those crippled by nostalgia, because at least they lived during the time they idolize as a golden age.

>> No.5000697

Zoomer is Gen Z's name, since they tried forcing that dumb boomer meme onto us millennial master race.

>> No.5000709

I feel certain retro titles haven't been surpassed in their respective genres, but no, games aren't worse today despite some of them having undesirable features.

>> No.5000727

You're that kid who goes onto like, Beatles uploads on YouTube and talks in the comments about how you were "born in the wrong generation", aren't you?

>> No.5000737

Your reverse psych is failing you. I'm in my 30's and use the Zoomer meme because it accurately describes their ADHD asses.

>> No.5000740

I like videogames being videogames. I like collecting shit, jumping on/fighting strange monsters, getting high scores, fighting bosses, puzzles, etc. So in my opinion older games are better on average.

>> No.5000741

>I feel certain retro titles haven't been surpassed in their respective genres
I feel that's actually a pretty sound statement.

Doom itself, as a base came, can be said to have been surpassed by some games, but it has an enormous back catalog of fan made maps, certain which are very good, better than the original game.
There are other games which had prolific modding scenes, but many tapered off or were not as large to begin with.
The reason being, is that Doom has a good base to start on, and is easy to mod, which means with a bit of effort, someone with some creativity and drive can make something pretty cool based on it.
Many games have built in modding support, but few are as easy or quick as Doom's, or if they do, few of them have a really fundamentally sound game as a base like Doom.

There's lots of crap, sure, but you don't stay around for myhouse.wad, what you look for is Going Down and Ancient Aliens.

>> No.5000746

>music today sucks, I should have been born in 1978 :(

>> No.5000756

Yeah, keep assuming I'm underage, or whatever. I still hate you stupid kids for shitting up my board because of the thread that just got nuked demanding 6th gen get added here.

>> No.5000762

Too many "brainlets" have invaded this site. No jokes allowed.

>> No.5000774

>better on average
Can be argued. I think that again, it comes back to the fact that we choose to remember and look back on the games which were good, and then forget about the plain and the bad.

Like, there were a lot of bad movie license games, terrible arcade ports, etc.
Plenty of consoles had heaps of shovelware, like the Playstation, NES, Commodore 64, or Atari 2600, it doesn't invalidate the genuinely good stuff you could play on those, but I think some people forget about it.
To a point, you also should, there's no sense to keep some low quality Pacman ripoff or $1 promotional game from some fast food joint, in your memories. I guess I just think people should consider their perspective, some.

I won't argue with you, if you were to say that the average first person shooter today isn't that great, but I'll also point out that there were a lot of really terrible games trying to make money on the success of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life, etc.

>> No.5000780

>Just try going back to the box System in Pokemon Red
>infinite masterballs
Yeah sure. :)

>> No.5000783

Oh boohoo, someone would talk about Deus Ex or Devil May Cry or something, death of the board.

>inb4 the looming threat of the Halo discussion

>> No.5000835

I like Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2 and some other FPS games which I won't mention because I don't want to derail the thread (I guess it would still be on topic for the thread, but whatever...). Deadly Premonition is one of my favourite games too, which came out in 2010. Like I said, though, I love boss fights and also things like just jumping/dashing around an area (which is pretty rare outside of things like Nier and Platinum games now). Too many games rely on immersing the player into a "cinematic experience" and a lot of that fun stuff is lost (That's not including indie games, of course). Even bad retro games could be fun to dick around in with friends or family. Bad modern games just bore me because they feel much too slow-paced even for that.

>> No.5000838

I kinda wish there was a #chan dedicated to games where each board was separated by system. If /vr/ was around in the PS2 era, people would be losing their shit over adding SNES as it would crush conversation of Atari and NES, and for the most part, it kinda does.
I mean, it doesn't make much sense to talk about NES homebrew from 2017 in here just because the system is retro, but it does for an /nes/ board. Of course, we can still keep vidya boards for general discussion, but this /v/ vs. /vr/ shit is just cancer.

>> No.5000840

Before anybody says anything, I'm aware that Deady Premonition is mechanically a bad game.

>> No.5000852

>Bad modern games just bore me because they feel much too slow-paced

I don't know if you have any experience with the old team fortress/team fortress classic. That game was so fun and very fast paced. Playing at higher level was just insane, even as a noob it was fun. There were plentiful grenades and they brought a whole new level of skill. The new ft2 is unplayable to me. It's ridiculously slow feeling and the elimination of "nades" really cut the fun level. The grenades were similar to dicking around with proximity mines in goldeneye 007, kind of a game inside of a game.

>> No.5000873

Honestly, I think that even if 6th gen was allowed, or if going by my preferred idea; once we're at the year 2020, a game that was made at least 20 years ago from today would be eligible, /vr/ would pick up a lot of steam for a short while, but it would eventually slow down to normal again, only sometimes people talk a bit about early 6th gen and other early 2000's stuff, which is already ancient by current standards, and which differs radically from modern games.

For instance, nobody makes a videogame like Baldur's Gate 2 in this day and age, and it's old enough, and has enough likenesses to the original Baldur's Gate, that you might as well include it at some point.
Then looking at old stuff like the original Red Faction, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Arachnronox, more stuff which isn't quite reflected in current games, and is also really old. I don't think there would be huge, neverending storms of discussions about games like these if they were suddenly allowed. The same for a bunch of old GBA or DS titles.

For Halo, SOME would be nostalgic about it, because they were little kids when they played it, but a lot of people who experienced it with a more mature mind at the time, will see it for actually not being anything special or standout as a game. Discussion would recur for a while, but eventually the board would come to some kind of consensus of like "It wasn't actually bad, but if you played other shooters, it wasn't anything mindblowing either."
I guess that comes back to that whole thing about "Some of the games from your childhood weren't actually as amazing as you remember."

>> No.5000875

>Bad modern games just bore me because they feel much too slow-paced even for that.
I can see that mindset. I don't even necessarily hate slow paced games, but a lot of modern devs do it in a bad way.

Doesn't help that there's this almost poisonous idea of making your game cinematic, when that's something that generally is done sparingly, and only if you actually can do that.
Bad attempts at making games cinematic can be extremely unbearable.

>> No.5000887

8ch/vr/ allows 6th gen discussion, but it's slower.

>> No.5000901

We would only get tons of MUH HALO/MUH WIND WAKER/MUH GTA 3 WERE THE FIRST GAMES I'VE EVER PLAYED shit topics from /v/ niggers.

>> No.5000915

No yo just remember the best games from that era and not the shit tier garbage that was also back then.

>> No.5000929

they used to have teams of the best and brightest game designers in the world assigned to 2d games, like platformers
that will never happen again and those types of games with never be the same

>> No.5000940

>Because it single handedly put the Unreal series in development hell forever?
Unreal was in development hell looong before Fortnite came on the scene and they aren't even developed by the same teams so that should have no actual impact on Unreal at all which is basically a community project anyway.

>> No.5000946

Yeah but every corner of that place is a cesspool.

Eh, if they're self-contained, I wouldn't be that bothered.

>> No.5001118


>> No.5001121

Sexts of truth

>> No.5001212

No source gold

>> No.5001220

God has spoken

>> No.5001296

That's actually a really crude solution to Bethesda's inability to just fucking program shit without being retarded.

Like, shit like that is what you would expect a modder to do, to work around engine limitations, like he'd look for whatever crude solution or exploit possible to achieve his goal.
When you have the source code, a budget, and a team of programmers, that's FAR less impressive.

>> No.5001574


Yes I'm sure. For you.

>> No.5001756

>waifu pandering
it's what sells anon. fire emblem being saved by waifufaggotry is proof of this.

>> No.5001771

the only game I would ever consider anything like you described is MGS4 and both of the examples you gave had more gameplay in them than MGS4 has in one act.

you need to spend less time on /v/

>> No.5002343

I like people who just parrot words from /v/ without understanding any of them

>> No.5002364

Truth is truth.

Nistaliga is a negative emotion that only fools and weaklings want to foster.

>> No.5002389

>NES sound chip
>surround sound on a top of the line PC
Which is better? Can "complexity" be used as an umbrella term to describe one in contrast to the other?

Obviously complexity as a single word isn't enough to adequately convey how a top of the line sound system is better than the NES sound chip. But it's still true.

>> No.5002397

Modern humans are worse than retro humans.

>> No.5002490

>A Final Fantasy game that takes 15-25 hours
The fuck Final Fantasy games were you playing that took that short of time even among retros.

>> No.5002503

>things were sooo much better back in the old days, I can't believe I was born in the wrong generation!
Protip, every generation on earth has had more shit then good, you just never hear about the shit because no one talks about it. Has nothing to do with too much tech or pandering or whatever issue you're trying to scapegoat it

>> No.5002525

Yeah that guy is talking completely out his ass.

>> No.5003097

>waifu pandering moe faggotry
JRPGs have always been this.

>> No.5003103

anime was more outré in the 90s. there was an elegance to it.

>> No.5003110
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this made my night.

>> No.5003115
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What in the living fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5003121

1, 4, and 7 can be done in under 25. I've done 4 in 12.

>> No.5003126

There were some like that but it wasn't the default for the genre the way it is now. Same with scrolling shooters.

>> No.5003127

all of those games can be beaten in under 10 hours. 1 and 4 can be beaten in under 5.

>> No.5003132
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Yes it was, you're just using selective memory like every other troglodyte here who makes no attempt to move beyond a surface level understanding of anything.

80s anime was garbage and art styles in the medium today are significantly more varied and interesting.

>> No.5003139
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Maybe the difference is we didn't have as much waifushit released in the West as we do now, but you really don't think the romance options and waifubait characters haven't increased at all? I won't speak to the quality of anime because every decade has its absolute garbage although I do miss certain aspects of cel animation.

>> No.5003141

So we agree >>5002490 and >>5002525 are idiots.

>> No.5003146
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Yeah dude no waifushit at all, no sir.

>> No.5003148

The 80s was overrun with countless forgotten waifushit.

And then the 90s has Sailor fucking Moon.

>> No.5003154

The real question is, why do Americans hate cute so much?

>> No.5003204

90% of the games I play are old but good titles that are completely new to me that I missed.

>> No.5003216

That's true. Just look at New Super Mario Bros.

>> No.5003236

They shy away from yaoi gay so they can get subverted into bara gay.

>> No.5003237

I was replying to that anon about waifushit and romance options in JRPGs and scrolling shooters, not anime.

>> No.5003276

Not an american here, i don't mind cute, but pre-2010s cuteness was way more classier.

>> No.5003294

here, in the west, in the 90s, anime was not as mainstream as it is now. there was an exoticness to it. it's a bold claim, i know.

>> No.5003296

when i first seen cowboy bebop i thought it was the tightest shit i'd ever seen

>> No.5003298

I used to love cowboy bebop but then it turned into the only anime normalfags saw and now I hate it.

>> No.5003301

Why don't you go check out a bunch of forgotten garbage from the 80's and 90's?

>> No.5003303

>people like it, so I can't like it
That's unbelievably shallow.

>> No.5003304

Just talk for yourself, dumb anglophonigger. Anime has been pretty mainstream since at least the early 80s, here in europe.

>> No.5003309

Why don't you follow the comment thread first?

>> No.5003310

Seriously I also started disliking Jojo when it turned popular with zoomers in 2013

>> No.5003314

It's more like the only decent anime that Americans know about.

>> No.5003331

i'd say that the 90s PC gaming scene was more ambitious, more willing to take risk and offered more choice than today's does. You're not going to see a Battlezone or a Strike force Centauri today.

>> No.5003332

When it comes to RPG's, one word comes to mind: Worldbuilding or is that technically two words?

Old rpg's did this a lot better. New "rpg's" are all "Quick! You're the chosen one. Nothing else matters in this world. Go destroy the big bad!" While old games, were more like "Who the fuck are you? Pick a class, a face, and go mingle in the world." This especially applies to TES and Fallout. But you can also see it in some Blizzard games... In Diablo 1 it didn't really matter which protagonist you chose. Diablo 2 kinda canonized the Warrior as having been the protagonist, sure, but the protagonist in Diablo 2 itself didn't matter either.

Old games focused on world building for a single player experience. Newer games for the most part are either a "cinematic experience" or just focused on multiplayer.

>> No.5003338

Yeah just like all of Central and South America only watches DBZ amirite?

>> No.5003349

that's terrific. let's hope anime will still be allowed under sharia law, eh?

>> No.5003354

So you deprive yourself of things to what, spite people who don't know you exist, to make yourself feel more intellectual?

Do you also drive a fixie bike and slavishly buy Apple products?

>> No.5003369

we're fine, just worry about President Oprah banning all problematic anime in 2020, dear ameritard friend

>> No.5003370

Viewtiful Joe really was a sorta spiritual successor to Comix Zone, wasn't it?

>> No.5003372

Do people like that stop wiping their ass when they find out everyone else does it too?

>> No.5003379


>> No.5003468

Thanks, Anon

>> No.5003670

I like to squat when I shit cause pajeet has the right idea.

>> No.5004019

You always hear this argument but it's wrong,
there's about atleast 100 games for each system that's worthwhile. Since 7th gen it's beginging to become less, hell, I have yet to see more than 10 good games from 8th gen alone.

>> No.5004036

This. Where the fuck are 2D games made on a huge budget? Oh, right, they don't exist. Indie developers are the only ones I can rely on to put out a good game every now and then.

>> No.5004040

The value and content games are expected to offer has increased quite much. Kek if they released contra now with modern assets with those 8 short levels and said that would be 50 bucks people would call it a scam. When the playstation launched in japan it had two 6000 yen mahjong titles on it. No ps4 mahjong tittle will coast more than 1000 yen now. Same would go the other way around as tittles like cuphead and hollow knight would be full priced ps1 games and not 20 dollar budget tittles that they currently are. Back in the day games got away with proving way less value than they are currently expected to provide.

>> No.5004041


No, they are not. However I still suggest avoiding modern games because it isn't worth paying a premium for "state-of-the-art" graphics when everything becomes obsolete after a few years anyway. Game budgets have become more inflated than hollywood films and that isn't a good thing.

>> No.5004046

That's just what you think is good because you're blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.5004050

>The first signs of this were Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us
The first signs were way before that. Honestly there's a good argument to be said that Half Life was the beginning of the end.

>> No.5004062

>Where the fuck are 2D games made on a huge budget?

I get what you mean, though.

>> No.5004067

Rayman Origins looked like a fucking flash animation. Even the overhyped Cuckhead didn't do anything cool with its sprites and backgrounds.

>> No.5004092

>Games have almost wanted to be cinematic, but there's always been solid gameplay underlining them (like Half-Life). It's only semi-recently that they've sidetracked gameplay to focus on being a movie.
Comments like this strike me almost as revisionism. Games wanting to be movies, and using this as their very selling point, have almost always been part of the industry to varying degrees of intensity (and audience reception). Just look at Dragon's Lair and its clones; where was the "solid gameplay" there? The whole appeal lied within its "Play a movie!" presentation. This fad never fully died off, even blossoming during the early days of CD-ROM gaming, where gameplay would often be deliberately relegated to something that would merely *complement* the movie presentation.

If anything, games like Half-Life, Bioshock Infinite or The Last of Us (and thousands of other games that had come before and tried to merge "movie-ness" with gameplay in a more elegant way than their predecessors) are examples of advanced stages of an evolution that had begun when gaming was still in its infancy.

Point being, there have always been games that could be described as wanting to be movies, even proudly using this for their marketing. And just like today, the overwhelming majority of games have indeed *not* been like that. I mean, just look at the highest selling games of the last couple of years. They're overwhelmingly dominated by multiplayer and sports titles, games that don't even emphasize story, let alone anything resembling a movie approach at all.

>> No.5004095

based and redpilled boomer bro

>> No.5004096
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you don't deserve these numbers...

>> No.5004101

>you're just using selective memory
This is really basic reasoning. Explain why selective memory only factors in for retro games but not modern games. If you think we don't have selective memory bias in the present, and that it's only something that works in the past, you're dead wrong.

>> No.5004104
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Because it's literally paedophilia.

>> No.5004107

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that Cuphead didn't do anything cool with its sprites. The excessively detailed animation cycles of the sprites are arguably the biggest selling point (and the most genuinely impressive thing about the game).

>> No.5004108

It is when it arouses you. It isn't otherwise. I don't get an erection when I look at a cute dog.

>> No.5004110

They were talking about anime women they jack it to, not cute dogs.

>> No.5004113

>excessively detailed animation
Not even close compared to golden age animation

>> No.5004116

And you were referencing the Kindchenschema to prove your point, which indeed applies to dogs, hence my example.

>> No.5004120

Yeah, but that goes without saying. It's literally right there in the screenshot. This is one of those redundant comments people make when they feel like they're losing an argument, without realizing that they were never being argued with in the first place.

>> No.5004127

>if you think kids are cute that means you want to fuck them

>> No.5004130

The argument in my post was the differentiation between arousal and non-sexual enjoyment of cute features, not the fucking dog comment, you mongoloid. It doesn't "go without saying", because you seem to think that being receptive to cute features, a phenomenon the Kindchenschema seeks to explain, is "literally pedophilia".

The comment you responded to wasn't "Why is it wrong to want to fuck childlike characters???", it was "Why do Americans hate cute so much?".

>> No.5004132

Yeah, I strongly disagree with this. Maybe some examples would help.

>> No.5004139
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>you seem to think that being receptive to cute features, a phenomenon the Kindchenschema seeks to explain, is "literally pedophilia"
Oh my God, how fucking autistic are you to read a response to a post without considering the context? It's pretty fucking obvious I'm talking about the arousal when I'm replying to a bunch of anime shitters who think their anime masturbation material is superior because it's "cute". If I were replying on a dog enthusiast forum I'd grant you your autism, but the context makes it pretty fucking obvious what I'm talking about. Are you a pedo yourself? This is the only explanation I can think of as to why you're so assblasted about the whole thing.

Yes, the comment immediately preceding my own. Read further back in the comment chain, you fucking retard. Stop trying to justify your autism/retardation with half-baked excuses. It makes me sick that you weren't put down before you grew up. The thought of you walking around and functioning in the world is worrying to me. Your stupidity makes you a danger to society.

>> No.5004143

The actual answer is toxic masculinity. Cute equals feminine equals weak and Americans are overcompensating tiny dicked homos who must protect their fading masculinity above everything which is why they can't be caught enjoying innocent child-like cartoons in public.

>> No.5004146

I'm actually glad it was bait because I was seriously worried about you.

>> No.5004158

That's a different guy. I stopped reading your response when it started with ohmuhgawd autism.

>> No.5004161
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i just played terranigma after playing lacrimosa of dana and i have to say terranigma was really clunky and rough around the edges in comparison.

>> No.5004163

ok pedo sympathizer

>> No.5004167
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Unironically this, and the repeating digits of truth only makes it more evident.

>> No.5004170

Idunno man, but I do know that the pixelated feel of games would hold a special place for me regardless of time.

That being said, i really just can't get enticed by 3d games that followed directly after that generation, largely because it's choppy and awkward, and that has set my general taste for the next generations since (although modern3d games are slowly growing upon Me recently)

>> No.5004189

>nes is optional

>> No.5004190

I'd like to go Full Lanza on them.

Either way, it's a good thing laws are pretty much irrelevant when it comes to enforcing online content that matters.

>> No.5004195

I'm kind of your opposite. I find 5th gen games playable, and even a lot of 6th gen games. But HD era games look too "perfect" to me. They have an off-putting artificiality about them. They're so close to looking real without actually quite managing to look real that I don't like it, whereas pre-HD games were more like representations of real things.

>> No.5004203
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There are some overall industry polishes like say the rumble pack or internet functions that could be there but largely classic games have both more soul and more attention to gameplay.

Modern games are playing first person shooters on consoles, they're not caring about gameplay.

>> No.5004283

It is something that happens in the present, retard. That's the entire point of the post you responded to.

People think all modern games are boring cinematic movies when they obviously aren't. People think all modern music is shit when there are all kinds of gems that they're ignoring. People think modern anime is overrun with moeshit when in fact the industry is more innovative and varied than ever.

>> No.5004295

>Because it's literally paedophilia.
No, that is nonsense. Just because retards "associate" cuteness with babies doesn't make it intrinsic to the concept. There are all kinds of ugly ass babies, children, teenagers, etc. In fact, most of them are.

This is why ID exists. Stupid people sell booze to ugly teenagers because they think being not-cute means that they're old.

>> No.5004296

I agree with that. HD games look too perfect, and have lost the "game" look. I love Silent Hill 2 and 3, Half Life 2 or Resident Evil 4 because they still look like games, but are real enough to be somehow believable. Also, those limitations made more impressive some effects or models, like Team Silent facial animations.

Nevertheless, some early HD games like the Capcom MT Framework (Dead Rising, Lost Planet) still felt quite attractive to me visually.

>> No.5004305

>I'm replying to a bunch of anime shitters who think their anime masturbation material is superior because it's "cute"
You are delusional. Absolutely nobody said this or anything like it.

>> No.5004319

To me 5th gen always looked like shit (outside of a few games like SaGa Frontier 2 and SotN) the 3D they tried to do just looked awful, even if the game behind it was great. We are in an uncanny valley era now where things look mostly great but still janky enough that it sticks out, but I still like it a lot more.

>> No.5004321

>It is something that happens in the present, retard
Well the argument doesn't make sense, then. "You only prefer retro games because you selectively remember the good ones" implies that you're not doing the same with modern games. i.e. the selective memory filter is what gives you the impression that old games are better. If you concede that selective memory bias also exists in the present, then the argument falls apart.

>> No.5004325

People selectively remember the good things from the past. People selectively remember the bad things from the present.

How did you not understand this?

>> No.5004334

Not him but I think that whole theory is a load of hooey.

>> No.5004335

You're denying the existence of nostalgia? A concept so ingrained in the human psyche that there's a word for it?

>> No.5004338

No, I just don't think that's a good description of nostalgia.

>> No.5004345

every generation thinks that the newer generation is worse. this has been happening since the beginning of time, despite there being no real objective evidence to prove that anyone correct about this belief.

how can you deny the existence of a concept that is obviously true?

>> No.5004349

That's just people getting cranky when they're old. Things are always getting better.

>> No.5004351

I understand it. I just think it's bullshit. What you're saying is a workaround, a dodge, an attempt to save face. As soon as it got pointed out that the selective memory thing should hold true for modern games, there's suddenly this asspull revision that it magically works the other way around in the present. Why? It makes no logical sense. It's not a sincere argument. It's an "oh shit, how can I still make this work?". Humans actually have a negativity bias. Look it up. If anything, selective memory should filter out the good in both present and past and only leave the bad.

>> No.5004357

Also loads of people love modern games. Outside of places like 4chan, most who you talk to about games these days will gush about how much they love Fortnight or Candy Crush or whatever. It's just 4chan who has a meltdown that some soccer mom has fun playing phone games.

>> No.5004358

>it magically works the other way around in the present.
It isn't magic, no.
>Why? It makes no logical sense.
Of course it does. It's people remembering how much fun their youth was and comparing it to how shit their adult lives are. It makes perfect sense that people think this way and are subject to bias because of it.
>It's not a sincere argument.
No, that isn't correct.
>Humans actually have a negativity bias.
Yes, that is the case. Humans never look at the present as the "good times". They only acknowledge the "good times" after they're over. That is literally a negativity bias.
>If anything, selective memory should filter out the good in both present and past and only leave the bad.
No, that isn't correct.
>Also loads of people love modern games.
Yes, primarily children and teenagers.

Have you ever thought about why the age demographic is so much older in /vr/ than it is in /v/? And why so many people here will say modern games are shit compared to the latter?

>> No.5004365

>Yes, primarily children and teenagers.

I'm 44 and the most still into old games of anyone I know. I work with guys mostly in their 30's to 50's and I don't know a single one who doesn't think gaming these days is awesome.

Of course very good memories have a strong influence on us, but the same is true for bad ones as well. If you foolishly touched a hot stovepot when you were young you will always have it in your mind.

>> No.5004371

>Humans never look at the present as the "good times". They only acknowledge the "good times" after they're over. That is literally a negativity bias.
So why is gaming a multi-million dollar industry, then? Why do people flock to buy the latest Nintendo handheld and post onions selfies to social media talking about how excited they are? Why are games getting rave reviews and why is the hobby more popular than ever? To suggest that people don't get enjoyment out of the present is a plain lie and one of the most ridiculous logical leaps I've ever seen someone make in an effort to defend a bad argument.
>No, that isn't correct.
Because you say so? Extensive psychological literature says otherwise.
>Yes, primarily children and teenagers.
This is just wrong. 21-35 is still the primary demographic, followed by 36-50.

>> No.5004374

>To suggest that people don't get enjoyment out of the present is a plain lie
this wasn't the claim that was made, although to be fair i could have been less vague about the way i worded it.

>> No.5004375

>Humans never look at the present as the "good times". They only acknowledge the "good times" after they're over. That is literally a negativity bias.

This is another myth that looks like truth if you only ever talk to people on 4chan.

>> No.5004378

>This is another myth that looks like truth if you only ever talk to people on 4chan.
I work with senior citizens. Literally all they talk about is how shit everything is now and how good everything used to be.

>> No.5004382

>Nostalgia is, at best, unproductive, and at worst, poisonous.—John Hodgman

>> No.5004393


Yup, called it. >>5004349 when some people get old they turn into whiny children again. I know a lot of positive elderly folks as well though.

>> No.5004418

It's just a matter of game development becoming streamlined enough so autists can make games in all the classic genres. It used to be a few indie studios making old-school stuff like Spiderweb Software, now these kind of games will become widespread. 90s lo-fi FPS are turning up all over the place. Personally I'm waiting for isometric sprite RTS to make a comeback.

>> No.5004427

It IS shit being old. But saying that people can't tell when the good times are only reveals that you are a deeply unhappy person. I knew when my best times were (so far) and based on the downs I've had in my life, I absolutely can recognize when I'm up.

>> No.5004434

How the fuck would that be?
Do you have any idea how much absolute fucking garbage retro games there are that nobody wants to play?

OBJECTIVELY, the majority of every medium is going to be dogshit, and only the minority is of value and gets remembered and passed on.
Do you have any idea how much worthless movies there are? A lot of great movies were made in the 1980's, but it was also among massive mountains of unimaginable shit.

>> No.5004439

>the downs I've had

>> No.5004462

>OBJECTIVELY, the majority of every medium is going to be dogshit
Indeed, there's 15+ computers/consoles in the "retro" era, yet the primary ones this board talks about are NES, SNES, Genesis, PlayStation & Windows while it gets mad at arcade SHMUP threads. Fuck knows everyone begging for a translation of something wants the weeb shit, but you don't see any of them begging for a translation of Spanish MSX exclusives.

>> No.5004465

how is it bullshit? you haven't heard countless old people talk about how music is shit these days?

>> No.5004471
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The 2D platforming and JRPG genres thrive and peak in the 90s. For other genres however that is definitely not the case. Technology obviously allows current games to improve on old formulas constantly. Its evolution bro

>> No.5004472

Oh well, at least we kinda had some kind of decent, actually balanced discussion untill the drooling LMAO NOSTALGIA GOGGLES braindead brigade came over.

>> No.5004476

>Because it's literally paedophilia.
Then why do I find kids so repulsive despite thinking anime girls are sexy?

>> No.5004480

2D girls are disease free

>> No.5004485

Kids are mostly disease free too. I still find them grotesquely unattractive. I don't even find them cute in the puppydog sense.

I find adult women and anime girls sexy though and I fap to both.

>> No.5004490

>They were talking about anime women they jack it to
when did anyone mention this prior to your post?

>> No.5004496

That's fucking demented reasoning.

>> No.5004518

What Games is that? Reverse Image search not working, looks like an Atlus game that I'd like to play.

>> No.5004525


>> No.5004534

Thank you

>> No.5004536

Absolutely horrendous cheap VN produced with gaijin tumblr fanbase in mind, don't bother with it. Read Infinity trilogy or 999 on DS.

>> No.5004882

I only wanted to play it because it looked like it was going to be similar to the persona series. Once i saw what kind of game it was, I thought, "I think I'm good". I might flashcart it though, if I remember it though.

>> No.5004890

Depends on the game. I like my old games, but the look and immersion of the new ones is just awesome.

>> No.5005042

Rayman is like, the exception to the rule, idk what they were thinking making a good 2d game

>> No.5005253

Yes. Less is more.

>> No.5005709 [DELETED] 

Double nigger

>> No.5006186

>/vr/ likes old games more than fortnite
The monsters!

>> No.5006259

Less can be more. Sometimes less is just less.

>> No.5006421

I'm 19, my first console was a PS2, I've never seen a console from 5th gen or earlier before in my life and I've only played their games through emulation. I've played more retro games than games from this gen because they are more convenient to pirate, and that said, selective memory and nostalgia my ass, the gameplay of retro games is just better, Final Fantasy V for example forces you to explore and make new strategies in a way that no modern RPG does, Umihara Kawase gives you more freedom to control your character than any modern 2d platformer and so does Mario 64 for 3d platformers. You'd be hard pressed to find genres that actually improved with time except for maybe racing, the industry only became as large as it is today because the game play became more shallow to be more accessible.

I have a Switch and a PS4 and can still enjoy games like Nier Automata, Persona 5, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Odyssey but they are far from reaching the same quality of good retro games.

>> No.5007242

Well filling the game with a zillion shit to find without even trying sure wasn't fun.

>> No.5007249

Please enlighten me

>> No.5007576

Off the top of my head:

Saint's Row 2, 3 and to an extent 4, they take up the slack when Grand Theft Auto decided it was going to be mature and serious.
Saint's Row 1 was mostly a San Andreas clone, while 2 decided to develop more of its own identity, it's wacky at times, but also kind of serious, lots of 'violence begets violence', revenge cycles. A lot of the main character's friends die or have someone close to them die because of some stupid cocky shit you do, and there's a lot of kind of ugly violence.
3 and 4 just goes full whacky, but generally not in a too obnoxious way.

Fallout New Vegas is kind of like Fallout 3, but way less shit. I'd suggest it on PC though, so you can patch it up and fix it, because it was rushed out the door and very buggy. It's still fun on console, but there's no mods, and there's LOTS of problems they never patched.

Far Cry 3 is kind of the prototype to the modern Ubisoft skinnerbox/sandbox, it doesn't get kind of as carried away with it though, and is much better than its sequels. Don't play the sequels.
Kind of does 'realistic' weapons, with ironsights and stuff, but you can carry four guns at a time (any of the ones available to you), as well as lots of bombs and grenades. Given a bit of hunting, to create equipment.
It DOESN'T do typical COD style regen health, rather when you're injured, you actually have to do a healing action, which without medkits, takes more time and isn't as effective, meaning you either have to find someplace safe to regroup (which there isn't always), or you have to hurry and kill the enemies before they kill you. Lots of dangerous animals too.

There's also Super Streetfighter 4, Bioshock (don't play Infinite), and one of my favorites, Red Dead Redemption, which as far as Rockstar Games trying to do a more serious and dramatic story, is far better than some of what they did with GTA.

I don't know if any of these would appeal to your tastes, but these are games which I really liked.

>> No.5007583

For a few more recommendations; Bayonetta, Dark Souls/Demon's Souls, Dead Space, God Of War, Mortal Kombat 9. On PS3, there were a couple of decent ports of PS2 games, too.

>> No.5007696


>> No.5007698

So this is why we've had so many /v/ tier maggots on /vr/ as of late.

>> No.5007853

Limitations inspire creativity. Most games made today are shat out to make quick cash and game devs rarely stray from the same old "selling formula". Not to mention older games tend to be more challenging and replayable. I prefer older games myself but I'm not going to say all newer games are shit. 2018 has actually been really refreshing, looking forward to 2018

>> No.5007857

>2018 has actually been really refreshing, looking forward to 2018

time is a flat circle.

>> No.5007874

Prove him wrong.

>> No.5007887

>Gen8 is better than Gen7
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.5007943

Breh, with the advent of "games as a service" as the industry wants to move toward, peeps seem to forget that Nintenduh's BS-X was more-or-less the blueprint for this type of cancer whereas they want to "stream" games to you while you're only allowed to play it when they want you to. Of course, the /vr/oomer weebs are fascinated by the BetaSatellaview and sometimes wished it was here.

>> No.5007973

That's not how the satella view worked, you could preserve games to disk which is how we got the dumps in the first place

>> No.5007980

I like retro games because they are relativity easy to pirate and can run on low end PC's.

>> No.5007987

Compare original Bionic Commando to the Bionic Commando that came out for 360 and ps3. Not rearmed. That awful third person shooter.

>> No.5007989

>Not rearmed.

>> No.5007993

Rearmed is just a good remake of a good game. That third person one is abysmal.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow is also fucking trash

>> No.5007994

Some very niche games haven't been replicated. Every now and then, a company tries to do Descent over, and fails miserably... mainly because the first two games nailed the sweet spot and nothing else comes close.

Also, a lot of retro games have a distinctive art style that aged very well, while mid-2000s games that were trying to go for the best graphics aged poorly and look ugly today.

>> No.5007997

So the new remake is good then, way to contradict your own point.

>> No.5008081

Because it's a remake of a game. My point is retro games are still good and most games that come out nowadays are hot trash.
I disagree with that fucker with the get. Immensely.

>> No.5008083


>> No.5008120

Thief couldn't be made today.

>> No.5008129

80s Moe was infinitely better than today's options. Look at Dream Hunter Rem, for example.

>> No.5008130

I mostly watch anime from the 70s and 80s. Modern stuff is pretty unwatchable for me.

>> No.5008131

Gall Force was great though.

>> No.5008132

You seem mad. You should watch something cute, like L-Gaim.

>> No.5008135

But I'm playing a ton of old games and modern games at the same time and preferring the older games. I wasn't even alive when these games were released, how the fuck can I be nostalgic for them or remember them?

>> No.5008138

Again, where the fuck is a game like Battlezone today?

It's nowhere; it doesn't exist. I had more fun playing that game and its expansion than I have for five years playing the lastest stuff.

>> No.5008139

I like the simple design of retro games. You start the game, grab your controller and you can play. Play for 30 mins then you had enough and go back another time. An aspect I really hate about modern games is how long some of them are.

>> No.5008140

So, dumb shit like streamed audio to Zelda: Stone Tablets + the necessity to hack it to work on emulators cause it was limited to certain time settings means nothing?

>> No.5008141
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It's just basic bitch reasoning. People like the anon you're replying to are only repeating something they've seen somebody else say, and they do it because they think it elevates them above the herd. "Ha! I'm better than those peasants! I can explain them! I haven't fallen into the same trap they have! Hah! How smart am I?"

>> No.5008312 [DELETED] 

Reminder that the west has a completely innacurate perception of what moe is.
Just read the 萌えアニメ前史 section of https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/萌えアニメ and you'll see that the Japanese even consider Evangelion a moe anime and that moe anime have always been a thing. Many of the best anime ever made are moe anime (like Lain, for example), and the only reason anime like K-ON and Gochiusa are shallow sitcoms filled with trope characters is because they are literally anime adaptations of 4koma, the Japanese equivalent to comic strips, you could make an anime out of ducking Garfield and the same thing would happen, that has nothing to do with moe.

The only thing that moe usually means in the context of anime is when a character is designed so that you feel a kind of affection for it in a way that makes you want to protect it. It doesn't matter if it's Lain, Rei, Asuka, Hirasawa Yui ot Suzumiya Haruhi, moe has no impact whatsoever on the story or how well the characters are written.

There is nothing wrong with moe.

>> No.5008314

Reminder that the west has a completely innacurate perception of what moe is.
Just read the 萌えアニメ前史 section of https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/萌えアニメ and you'll see that the Japanese even consider Evangelion a moe anime and that moe anime have always been a thing. Many of the best anime ever made are moe anime (like Lain, for example), and the only reason anime like K-ON and Gochiusa are shallow sitcoms filled with trope characters is because they are literally anime adaptations of 4koma, the Japanese equivalent to comic strips, you could make an anime out of fucking Garfield and the same thing would happen, that has nothing to do with moe.

The only thing that moe usually means in the context of anime is when a character is designed so that you feel a kind of affection for it in a way that makes you want to protect it. It doesn't matter if it's Lain, Rei, Asuka, Hirasawa Yui ot Suzumiya Haruhi, moe has no impact whatsoever on the story or how well the characters are written.

There is nothing wrong with moe.

>> No.5008353

I enjoy both, but this is definitely a big reason why older games are still appealing. I treat them like this: older games are better GAMES, because they are shorter, tighter experiences, that don't interfere with your life all that much, while newer games are better SIMULATIONS, because they are more realistic, more detailed in their frivolous world and narrative designs, and much longer. So they both have their purpose.

>> No.5008360

I looked at it, not seeing how it's "infinitely" better or even better at all.
What modern stuff have you seen?

>> No.5008361

Some retro games are better than some modern games if that's what you're asking, yes. There's lots of shit on both ends.

>> No.5008370

>shallow sitcom filled with trope characters
have you even watched it? k-on has an insane level of attention to detail in virtually everything about it, including characterization. it's the absolute best show of its kind.

>> No.5008378

totally agree with that

>> No.5008481

Not with that attitude.

>> No.5008554

they really had to work to make games fun back in the day. the tech was primitive compared to today and they really had to be creative in the gameplay dept.

today they can get away with good graphics or a good story and the gameplay is just rehashed shit we've already played before. I would say that outside of sports games...there are less than 10 different types of games that are being made today. not much different than back in the day.

>> No.5008572

Imagine the impact, how many masterpieces would have been lost, if every single game from all consoles made by either Sony, Nintendo or SEGA disappeared. It would be an apocalypse, wouldn't it?

Now imagine the same thing happening to Microsoft. Nobody would give a fuck. We are talking about some of the most successful modern consoles here, and none of them has a library worth a damn.

That is the value of non-retro games.

>> No.5008640

The best way to sum it up:
There are things I absolutely hate in modern games. There are things I absolutely love in modern games.
There are things I absolutely hate in retro games. There are things I absolutely love in retro games.

But seriously, if I would have to point out the thing where old games were clearly better over modern ones and probably never will get that thing back, it's high quality sprites. Especially in city-builder genre. It's staggering how fucking soulless the modern games in that genre are due to lack of sprites and instead using bland, empty, lifeless and artificial 3D models, which scream "fake". And since quality sprites aren't "le quirky 8bit era graphics maymay" and instead take a lot of effort and time to make them, they are absent in indie games that cater to retro-nostalgia.
Why I'm mentioning indies? Because they are often old game done in modern tech, with better handling, more options, more coherent story, while keeping general tune and simplicity of the originals and not trying to reinvent the wheel. Best case scenario, you end up with something like Stardew Valley out of the deal, which in my book is 2nd best Harvest Moon game ever made, despite being, you know, one-guy project and not being Harvest Moon game

>> No.5008643

What is the best Harvest Moon game in your opinion?

>> No.5008648

>Nothing of value is lost
Fucking Neverhood, AoE, Zoo Tycoon, AoM, Impossible Creatures, RoN and RoL didn't happen, I guess?
But since you are a console peasant - in the true meaning of console peasant - how could you fucking know?

>> No.5008653

because they spent a lot more time looking for and fixing bugs instead of "oh well, we'll just release it now and use the consumers as unpaid beta testers and fix any bugs with patches"

and because what was on the cartridge/disk was the game, you paid for it once and that was it. they didn't Jew you with all this DLC bullshit. stuff like extra costumes or maps is now being sold as DLC instead of just already in the game

>> No.5008657

Unironically the first one. Had its quirks, but rest of the series (and let's not even talk about it after MMV took over) can be described as "two steps forward, one step back, one step on the side"

>> No.5008660

>"oh well, we'll just release it now and use the consumers as unpaid beta testers and fix any bugs with patches"
It's even "better":
Let's make our customers PAY US for being beta-testers! Preorder now, bro!

>> No.5008661

>Imagine the impact [...] if every single game from all consoles made by [...] disappeared
>Now imagine the same thing happening to Microsoft
I didn't know that the PC was a console made by Microsoft. Thanks for telling me, anon.

>> No.5008662

old games didn't overuse shitty cliche orchestra music and Gregorian chanting

>> No.5008664

Well, it was called "Expansion Pack" back in the day. And it was a genuine expansion, often working out as a game on its own and adding tons of content. Basically a 2nd game for 2/3 of the price combined with massive patch and bug fix of the baseline game.

>> No.5008667

>Being this tier of a peasant
Truly, the state of console faggots

>> No.5008669

Did you forget all the mountains of generic, dull sidescrollers?

>> No.5008670

... because they literally didn't have the technical capabilities for that. Guess what happend when the tech was good enough to have those. So it's less about "not using it due to taste" and more of "not using it ,because we can't"

>> No.5008672 [DELETED] 

game developers take the fact they can patch things now and use it as an excuse to be lazy/cheap

>> No.5008673

Not him, but are you at least semi-aware consoles in terms of retro are almost entirely American and Japanese thing, unless you want to go back all the way to fucking late 70s?
For fuck's sake, the whole British gaming boom of the late 80s and early 90s was based on PCs and that's just the top-of-the-head example.

>> No.5008674

? ? ?
You sure you replied to the right post?

>> No.5008675

ok but why does it always have to be shitty cliche "film score" type stuff?

>> No.5008679

nah thats why I delete

>> No.5008681

Because people in the industry think this is cool. Again, it's not about them having better taste in the past. Vast majority of them had absolutely shit-tier taste for music. But due to limitations of how and what music they could add to the game, they had to be picky and avoid bombastic shit.
Now they don't have to take that into consideration, so I'd be simply glad the modern video game music didn't pick the modern movie habit of over-using bass drops
Remember how cool it sounded when Inception came out? And then Every. Single. Fucking. Movie started doing that ever since.

>> No.5008683

I guess because people like it. After all, people even praise generic orchestral shit like Oblivion's soundtrack. I don't like it either, but there's no denying its popular appeal.

>> No.5008689

>And since quality sprites aren't "le quirky 8bit era graphics maymay" and instead take a lot of effort and time to make them, they are absent in indie games that cater to retro-nostalgia.
Mostly, yeah. And that is something you don't see a lot of, that's one of the things that's rare in modern games.

There's some devs out there who put effort into good, even great quality 2D spriting, but most faux retro graphics are ugly-ass stickfigures with shit animations, that look like really nothing from the era they're vaguely imitating.
Ever seen that ugly-ass tube body shit that looks like someone shrunk down Adventure Time to like six colors and a sprite that's like 16x10 pixels in dimension? I hate that.

>> No.5008691

Soundtracks with more complex melodies aren't as accessible as generic ambient music. Everything in modern video games has to be more shallow and therefore more accessible to attract a wider audience. Chads don't give a fuck about the sort of stuff you hear in retro games in the same way they don't give a fuck about good gameplay.

>> No.5008693

I know one (1) game where this shit works:
Curious Expedition.
It's far from great game and it's too deep in meme's ass for own good, but the "art" style really works for it. Leaves just enough room for imagination.

>> No.5008694

If anything, Chad is going to be first person to point out the gameplay is shit, because he will get bored with it. It's the Virgin that's going to defend shit gameplay, because he "likes the story a bit", even if the story is Generic Drivel #4998656

>> No.5008698

>people even praise generic orchestral shit like Oblivion's soundtrack
Oblivion's soundtrack is mostly kind of boring, in comparison to both Morrowind and even Skyrim.

I have kind of mixed feelings to bombastic orchestral stuff. It can sound good, but a lot of it lacks any real good melody, and many don't have any particularly memorable sections to repeat and call back to in other parts of games.
Shadow Warrior 2013 did that pretty well, it's orchestral stuff for the main theme, but it has a good and recognizable melody and it's kind of repeated in different tracks and music stings at different parts of the game.

Very few orchestral soundtracks have melodies which grab me. I'm not sure if Shadow Warrior's is the best, but it stood out to me when a lot doesn't.

>> No.5008734
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For some genres there is no modern equivalent sadly so I have no choice but to play retro games. For example:

city builders - Pharoah/Emperor series
RTS - Supreme Commander FA
turn based tactics - Jagged Alliance

These are some of the pinnacles of their genres and playing modern iterations is a stark downgrade. I grew up playing games at a time when new genres were still being discoveredd all the time, always giving something fresh around the corner. I think those times are over.

>> No.5008782

Those genres have shrunk a LOT in the past 15 years, you're damn right on that.
I heard the new X-COM game was supposed to be really good turn based strategy, for what it's worth, but it's no Jagged Alliance.

I miss isometric games. I know 3D graphics have kind of made that obsolete, but there was just something really cool about 2D isometric games.

>> No.5008971

Which was my complain about city builders. It's just not the same in 3D. And I don't mean graphics alone, but the whole shebang.

>> No.5009005

X-COM was fun to play, but if you related it to UFO: Enemy Unknown. It took what made that game good, related with with considerably different (and almost retro) UFO: After(blank) series in terms of management and in the end provided a simple, yet fun game. It's nowhere near the level of JA, but it never tried to be. As compared to UFO, it skips all the really annoying parts of the game thanks to significantly streamlined design, to the point where tactical shooters now try to ape X-COM style.

>> No.5009031

Honestly? It's been 20 years and I'm still on the fence about Jagged Alliance 2. First one was this neat combination of self-awarness, seriousness and outright camp. Sequel, while improved gameplay in pretty much all regards (aside maybe the exploit-based stat-grind), dropped most of the camp stuff.

>> No.5009072

>ok but why does it always have to be shitty cliche "film score" type stuff?
A) Because there is more emphasis on visuals, sound effects, and voiced dialog. Catchy melodies distract from those aspects.

B) Many modern 3D games are designed with large, realistic areas that take a long time to explore or move through and catchy music would either get very old or feel very out of place.

C) Writing catchy, memorable melodies while adhering the dramatic demands and generating enough music to fill a whole game is harder than it looks and doesn't always pay off. So even in franchises known for music like Final Fantasy you wind up with shit like the Battle theme from FF13, which has a few halfhearted attempts to be catchy but is mostly just lots of subtle orchestration and rhythmic stuff.

>> No.5009274

Both eras have good games and trash games, but I think the retro era has higher highs than the modern era. It's common sense, there are more retro years than modern years and people hadn't come up with some of the bad business practices that are saturated nowadays (not to say the retro era didn't have bad practices, but those still exist).

>> No.5009287

>80s anime was garbage
Completely untrue, the budgets for '80s anime, especially OVAs, were higher, leading to better animation quality.
>and art styles in the medium today are significantly more varied and interesting
There are likely more niche products with interesting styles, but the bulk of modern anime is homogenous and trying to cash in on the same otaku whale audience. It's kind of like music except it's much easier to produce and distribute independent music than an entire independent anime due to how expensive and time-consuming animation is so there's a lot less of it.

>> No.5009294

>the budgets for '80s anime, especially OVAs, were higher, leading to better animation quality
Of course that makes the stories and characters better.

>> No.5009308
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>stories and characters
The quality of writing is completely unaffected by eras. I'd argue cliches weren't as widely used as a crutch in the '80s compared to today, though. You couldn't just market a character as "she's a tsundere!" without any effort on top of that, even if the character is a tsundere by the modern trope definition. Shallow characters certainly existed, sure, but not in the LEGO set of tropes way characters are built in shitty light novel adaptions nowadays.

Of course, I acknowledge that different genres have different levels of prosperity in different eras. I'm sure if an anime fan is super into the isekai genre they'll love the 2010s, but if you're a mecha fan there is jack fucking shit worth watching right now.

>> No.5009321
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>the budgets for '80s anime, especially OVAs, were higher, leading to better animation quality
No, the majority of 80s anime has absolute garbage animation quality. There are a few exceptions, like Akira, but by and large 80s animation quality was laughable and far worse than today.

Look at the original Dragon Ball and compare it to My Hero Academia, to make an example of two works in similar genre. The difference is glaring.

Digital technology allows quality animation to be made cheaper.
> the bulk of modern anime is homogenous and trying to cash in on the same otaku whale audience.
Yes, this is true for all media, including 80s anime. Of course, there are far more interesting works being released today than in the 80s due to the far greater number of works being produced in general.

>> No.5009334

MHA doesn't seem appealing to me. I don't think I hate any word relating to anime more than "sakuga." It feels to me like people use it to justify a show looking bad 90% of the time so they can make 10% of the shots look good.

>> No.5009338

My Hero Academia has consistently good animation throughout.

Also, 80s animation makes heavy use of sakuga. You are delusional to think otherwise.

>> No.5009357

Maybe I just only ever see people discuss bad-looking shows like that "Hi Score Girl" thread from a week or so ago.

>> No.5009359
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limited animation is far more apparent in older animation than in newer animation. i watched Escaflowne the other week and the animation quality for the majority of the show was horrendous, with one or two episodes that had impressive mech animation.

i also watched Ghost in the Shell recently and a huge portion of the movie consists of virtually no movement just so they could pool all their resources on the three short, amazingly well animated fight scenes.

modern anime, especially well budgeted stuff like my hero academia, isn't mindblowingly fluid throughout, but it's far more consistent in its motion than the shit you'd find in the 80s and 90s. then there are shows that make creative use of limited animation like Kill La Kill, where virtually every single shot is filled with stylized motion. and THEN there are studios like Kyoani who make it a goal to animate their works fluidly and beautifully. and let's not forget that all of ghibli's most impressive animation is from post 2000 (ponyo and spirited away, in particular).

>> No.5009364

Whoah, that's some pretty thick nostalgia glasses. This reminds me about a guy who genuinely argued that DBZ was the peak performance of quality of animation ever achieved. He really did believed so, mostly by not watching anything done post 2002 or so.

And that's almost as if the same cliches existed 30 years ago, but weren't as easily noticable to audiences yet, so marketing had to be done differently, genius.

>> No.5009365

I can tell you haven't watched much 80s anime.

>> No.5009369

No, that isn't correct.

>> No.5009370

The fact you think that's good animation just shows me you've not watched much 80s animation.

>> No.5009372

It absolutely is. Have you seen Space Runaway Ideon? SPT Blue Comet Layzner? How about Cobra?

>> No.5009375

>thinking ghibli is good animation is wrong
Must suck being this much of a brainlet.

Even 80s ghibli looks like shit compared to post-2000 Ghibli. Totoro doesn't even come close to Spirited Away on a technical level.

>> No.5009378

Anon, don't want to break it for you, but even big-budget productions that are widely lauded as the top quality of animation used heavy dose of limited animation. They had all the budget and directory ever granted to anyone and still had to cut corners.
My absolute "favourite" of such moments is the famous for fluid animation Mononoke Hime and the duel in the middle of it between San and Eboshi-sama. One of the more expensive productions out there, hella praises for animation and meticulous details of it...
... and the crowd standing in the backgroud is a still image. They don't move. At all. Once I've realised it, I pretty much can't unseen it.

>> No.5009379

>Have you seen Space Runaway Ideon?
I'm watching it now. This is absolutely laughable.


>> No.5009383

imagine thinking this 4fps shit is better than modern digital animation lmao

>> No.5009390

>... and the crowd standing in the backgroud is a still image. They don't move. At all. Once I've realised it, I pretty much can't unseen it.
Just checked. It's... true. Curse upon you and your scion for ruining my memories!

>> No.5009438


Come back and post with us when you're actually over 18 and able to post on the board.

>> No.5009450

>reddit spacing
I'm older than you, little dude.

>> No.5009473

Shit, it hurt, huh?

>> No.5009497
File: 15 KB, 450x340, leddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hurt badly anon,

how could you treat me this way?

I thought we had

a special relationship.

>> No.5009553 [DELETED] 

^^^^^ fucking this, LMAO

this old gay robot shit is so dumb and literally liked only by alt-right incels. is this all you gay 80sfags can do? come back with some real anime like the netflix devilman

>> No.5009601

>cries about being found out
>continues wildly unneccessary spacing
If it walks like a cuck, and quacks like a cuck, it's a cuck.

>> No.5009735

>Fallout New Vegas is kind of like Fallout 3, but way less shit.
Fallout 3 was good.

>> No.5009738

Fuck off with your YT shit.

>> No.5009739

right back at ya with the fanboy hivemind opinion

>> No.5009749

Yeah, I'll adopt your favorite eceleb's contrarian clickbait opinion instead.

>> No.5009753

Not him but if you were much older than 15 you would never think to associate spacing like that with something like Reddit. That's why it's so funny when you kids do it. You sound like literal babies.

>> No.5009765

Don't derail the thread. All I did was post a well-argued in-depth reevaluation of and rebuttal of anti-Fallout 3 arguments.
If you want to ignore it, that's on you, but you don't get to continue to whine about how Bethesda ruined Fallout 3 when you only played it with eyes wide shut in misguided rage.
It's not clickbait, F:NV being better is the contrarian opinion everywhere except certain internet communities, and I have no idea who the vid maker is.
It's a good video, very convincing, and you should watch it: covers skill checks, Megaton options and diverging choice in general, and even the ending---everything you've complained about. That's all I've got to say about it.

>> No.5009768

Is Fallout 3 a terrible game? No, it has a few strengths, but New Vegas does basically everything it did but far better.
It basically made Fallout 3 obsolete.

How is it a hivemind if I've played both extensively and deemed the other to be far superior? Some fucking numale going "ackshually, it's better than you think and you guys are just mean!" isn't worth my fucking time.

The gunplay is objectively fucking atrocious, much of the story and characters are mediocre or even bad, especially the main quest, which is unbelievably fucking badly written, and large parts of the Capital Wasteland has little interesting things going for it.
The best parts of Fallout 3 is the DLCs, and those suffer from bugs, much like the rest of the game (though I'll be fair in that New Vegas is pretty buggy too).

>> No.5009769

>but you don't get to continue to whine about how Bethesda ruined Fallout 3 when you only played it with eyes wide shut in misguided rage
Different guy, but I genuinely enjoyed Fallout 3, but with a more mature perspective and something far better to compare it to, it's not a very strong game, it's kind of just passable, middle of the road, it doesn't excel in anything.

>> No.5009865

Gen 6 is even worse than 7.
2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 3 >>> power gap >>> 7 > 6. I know someone will say "but Gen 3 and 4 have remakes of 1 and 2 that make them obsolete" but there are aspects of each I don't like relative to the originals and both of them have design changes that fall in line with the general trend of focusing less on exploration and adventure and focusing more on narrative that happens in each subsequent generation of games.

>> No.5009868


>t. bethesda employee

>> No.5009873

Gen 6 had crazy amounts of good shit though.

>> No.5009874

Halo and CoD are serious problems and not just boogeymen. Yeah, there are post-99 games I'd be completely down with talking about, but we can't do that without letting in undesirables so it's best to keep things the way they are. Remember the chaos that happened when the Dreamcast was in that gray area with the rules, then got banned and then unbanned? Allowing 6th Gen would be that magnified 100x and would change the mood of this board irreversably.

>> No.5009878
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I'm an idiot who saw this post as a backlink from >>5000343 and assumed it was Pokémon generations, not realizing it was a joke post. I am not very bright.

>> No.5009882

>Halo and CoD are serious problems
I'm not sure how. Old Halo and old CoD are different from the current crop (as far as I understand), and what does it matter if some occasional dudebro makes a thread where he and some other dudebro circlejerk about how they were the best games evar? I doubt it'd intrude on other discussions.

>> No.5009978

Ideon has some bad budget issues, but episodes from the late 20s (can't remember which episode starts) to the end are pretty consistently good, especially Be Invoked though that's a movie so it's to be expected.

>> No.5010028

that depends on the experience you want. I like retro games more because I just wanna press start and play a fucking game.

I dont care about narrative or world immersion or sjw pandering

Its all pretty subjective

>> No.5010132

>Far Cry 3 is kind of the prototype to the modern Ubisoft skinnerbox/sandbox, it doesn't get kind of as carried away with it though, and is much better than its sequels. Don't play the sequels.
What about Blood Dragon? Had tons of fun with it

>> No.5010141

Not him (and had to check what 7th generation even was as a time-frame), but from the top of my head:
Half-Life 2 was still a thing, rather than meme from the past
Left 4 Dead got released, for better or worse changing multiplayer (and being a good game by itself)
Witcher got started (and went through)
Far Cry 2 and 3 respectively reinvented the wheel when it comes for shooters
X-COM happend
Company of Heroes happend
State of Decay happend.
Alien Isolation
A metric fuckload of games done via KS happend, both brand new and pretty good sequels to old franchises that were abandoned for years (or even decades)
In fact, the whole indie stuff got traction in that period, finally filling the void created in early and mid 00s by desolution of pretty much each and every small and mid-sized studio.

The "2008 ruined vidya forever" meme must die finally, because the proportion of crap produced toward non-crap is on almost constant ratio since late 80s. The difference is, a shit-tier title back in the day was sold literally regionally, in a handful of towns around the company/garage which made it and today even a shit-tier game can easily get nation-wide or even world-wide release

>> No.5010150

Different anon, but 6th gen ends in what? 2006? 2007? And this board so far is mostly focused on late 80s and early 90s. We are talking about generational gap here, in quite literal sense. So allowing stuff from 6th is pretty much opening the floodgates for /v/ merger and removal of /vr/.
Not to mention I never even played Halo, but that's more to do with being Polish than anything else (the franchise pretty much doesn't exist in Poland, along with few other world-wide successes that are also absent)

>> No.5010168

Blood Dragon was ok, but the entire shtick is kind of just ironic 80's schlock.
And I'm fine with that, but you can only do so much with it (also I guess I'm growing kind of weary on ironic 80's stuff). On reflection though, I guess that it's then fitting that it's kind of a short game.
4 had a lot of cool and shiny new guns, but I think that overall it was a much weaker game, the world was really not very interesting to play in or explore for the most part, and the story was the opposite of engaging. Or rather, the story could have been more interesting if the important parts weren't told so fucking badly.

I haven't played 5, but I didn't really like how it looked gameplay wise, and I kind of feel if I need to play an Ubisoft skinnerbox, I might as well just replay the good one, instead of a watered down version.

Maybe. I'm not convinced that there's enough nostalgia for Halo that it'd crowd this board.
At worst it could be put in a containment thread or something, and then see how long it lasts. I can't imagine there's a lot of people these days who would really want to play old Halo.

>> No.5010494

Well, when Blood Dragon rolled into shops, the ironic 80s stuff was barely picking up. It's kind of like with Left 4 Dead. It was a revolutionary game when it came out. Today it's a bookmark in the "Zombies EVERYWHERE" album, because for past decade metric fuckload of games had co-op done in such style.
But back to the subject of FC and Ubisoft skinnerbox - no point playing them at this point. Ubisoft has this nasty tendency to make something new, unique, maybe even ground-breaking... and then deliver on yearly basis 10 identical games with just slightly different setting.

>> No.5010498
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For me, it depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
Most retro games, you can just sit down for a half hour or so and get a lot of fun out of them.
Most modern games, you have to be ready to dedicate a lot of time in order to get the full enjoyment.
In short, I guess you could say that retro games are better for short bursts, as they usually have better general gameplay than modern games; but modern games have better story and shit.

>> No.5010503

>There are countries where Halo is unknown
I envy you in some way.

Oh, and different anon, but the Halo is kind of a boogeyman of /vr/. On one hand, it's a clear-cut /v/ material. On the other hand, the first game is pretty much a museum piece for past decade and the series itself has its haydays long gone by. Either way, it clearly doesn't belong among what makes current content of /vr/ and the excuse to keep it it out (along with entire generation) is how completely different it is, but also the fact it's on-going franchise that has regular shitposting on /v/.
And it's not, say, Tomb Raider, when we really can clearly separate /vr/ and /v/ pointers in it due to changes of company behind it, different engine, different philosophy of design and so on. In case of Halo and CoD, you pretty much has the same formula that only gets slightly updated graphics each time, along with the fact CoD is widely considered representation of everything wrong with modern video games under single title. You know, the Perfect Pasta and all that jazz.

>> No.5010505

Is there ANY reason why you had to add Hitler to your post, aside fishing for all those juicy (You)s?
Especially when you pair it up with statement in tune of "better story today than in the past", which is... well, debatable. Not saying it's untrue, but it's still highly debatable.

>> No.5010509

probably to trigger an autist like (you)

>> No.5010516

>Most modern games, you have to be ready to dedicate a lot of time in order to get the full enjoyment
One thing that has turned me off of certain games (modern and semi-modern) are the tutorials. I either want to get straight into the action and figure things out by myself, or read the accompanying instructions at my own pace. In-game tutorials, especially lengthy ones like in (just from the top of my head) Black & White or Viva Pinata just murder my enthusiasm immensely.

It wouldn't be fair to say that this is a "modern" phenomenon, since this shit's been around for a very long time now, but very old games, say, pre 5th generation, rarely emphasized tutorializing the player all that much, if at all.

>> No.5010549

honestly? some are, some aren't
the mid-90s to mid-00s were easily the golden years for survival horror, but the PS1 games were always more fun than the PS2 games

>> No.5010563

Dude where the fuck were you during the 5th gen?
There are dozens on dozens of jrpgs, action games and what not that had half hour long intros or worse. They even retro work many Pc games with FMV openings and such when ported to game systems.

>> No.5010617

The secret is, he has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.5010625

He’s also skipping all the adventure games from 88-95 which were movies with puzzles inbetween

>> No.5010647

Come on, now. No reason to go full retard.

>> No.5010656
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How is this an argument? He's right.

>> No.5010684

For the most part yeah retrogame are better. They were made so that gamers could have fun and back then you had to try hard at a niche market to get them to buy your games.

Ever since dudebros got interested in them in the early 2000s starting with Halo, companies realized that the market might be more than nerds and that they didnt have to try as hard. 2003 was the first year where they tried marketing to them, saw that it worked, and from 2005 up till 2016ish, companies starting just making games that had money on them - games that casuals could get into.

The market is more diverse now and we are slowly seeing games like years past again, but it was bad for awhile

>> No.5010692

That's pretty well what they are though and there's nothing at all wrong with it. Then as now different games exist to appeal to different kinds of gamers. And that's a good thing across the board.

>> No.5010709

More than nerds were always into games. The guy who originally introduced me to emulators was into ripping his own roms and he was very into sports and "dudebro" stuff. He is now a professional sports writer.

The notion that all or even a large majority of gaming fans were "nerds" is a mythical fallacy that's mostly due to TV abd movies making up a "jocks vs nerds" culture for entertainment.

>> No.5010719

>The notion that all or even a large majority of gaming fans were "nerds" is a mythical fallacy that's mostly due to TV abd movies making up a "jocks vs nerds" culture for entertainment.
No, that isn't correct. You must be very young to not remember how videogames were treated among normies in the 80s.

>> No.5010741

I am 44. I remember the 80's quite well. I personally knew many people who were big into video games and sports as well. That's why I mentioned my sports writer buddy. Ian Harrison, you can even look him up.

Jocks vs NERDS is hollywood bs just like most other fiction.

>> No.5010802

This is a very stupid post, do you know how much fucking moneygrubbing went on in the 90's, 80's, and 70's, regarding videogames?
Devs were cheated out of payment (and credit), Atari engaging in basically fucking mobster tactics with competitors, shitty and slapdashed arcade ports rushed out to make a quick buck (and succeeding), official and licensed peripherals devised basically just to sucker people out of money, etc, etc.

>> No.5010805

>You must be very young to not remember how videogames were treated among normies in the 80s
You're fucking 19 at best, stop bullshitting.

>> No.5010834

Sorry man, but that isnt correct. if you caught being a gamer back in the 90s and to some extent the 00s, you were considered to be a loser. That stigma still exists today.

Yeah, that shit was scummy. Dont know what that has to do with what I was saying regarding where the market was before. You can apply that same statement to any industry.

The late 80s - early 00s was very much looked at as an industry for nerds and kids

>> No.5010846

In the '80s, I was one of the "nerds" in school who was pretty skilled at video games. I was on good terms with the "jocks" because of that. I could give them tips and help them through tough spots. It's also the main reason I ever got invited to parties. They would sit me down in front of the TV and be like, "Check this guy out. Watch him beat Contra without dying. Watch him KO Mike Tyson without getting touched."

>> No.5010851

Fuck off.

>> No.5010860

>Sorry man, but that isnt correct. if you caught being a gamer back in the 90s and to some extent the 00s, you were considered to be a loser. That stigma still exists today.

Well I was there and always been a gamer and that's never been my experience at all. Not even close.

>> No.5011038

>I was born after '95: The Post
Yeah, we noticed

>> No.5011110
File: 16 KB, 300x100, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single nigger derailing a pretty good thread.

>> No.5011138
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>good 7th gen games
>post western trash
Go back to /v/eddit, holy shit.

>> No.5011213
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>> No.5011219

>T-those don't count
Sounds like KS rebuttal """"""argument"""""".
Also, don't get me wrong, but 7th gen wasn't exactly generous for Japanese games.

>> No.5011227

Yeah, but Gall Force was GOOD, in terms of interesting scifi themes and serious plot, as opposed to waifushit today

>> No.5011326

>but 7th gen wasn't exactly generous for Japanese games.
Only if you're a retard who thinks that Witcher and Far Cry are good video games.

>> No.5011441

retro games are so easily better for their time. It's not even fair. Game design reaches its peaks and games had the soul an spirit of a beginning industry.

>> No.5011538

Considering Witcher is one of the brightest spots of modern gaming and an RPG done right... are you trying to be contrarian or are simply ignorant?

>> No.5011593

>bleh, western
I don't think my post mentioned a single one of those games in your picture, you weeb troglodyte.

Far Cry 3 is perfectly alright.

>> No.5011867

>Still unable to list a single decent Japanese game of 7th gen
>Defensively shits on good western titles instead
Like pottery

>> No.5011891

Everyone in Japan was too busy playing Monster Hunter the whole time to care about anything else. Mon Hun will do that to you..

>> No.5011981

7th Gen has Demon Souls and Dark Souls.

>> No.5011995

And Bayonettas.

>> No.5012248

I think I mostly agree with this, but I am also a console fag who mostly like Japanese-style games. Games like these were great because they had to stuff as much quality content as possible into a tiny cart, focusing on only what they could do well, and then sell that cart for like $60 in 199fucking4. People might say that we are cherry-picking games here, but that's kind of the point as well; the NES, GEN, SNES, and PSX had hundreds of games for each and what couldn't compete was quickly eliminated.

Now we have games that are based more on a western PC design school with limitless optical storage media and only a few big-budget releases, created by massive content factory teams, that stay on store shelves until the next sequel arrives or longer if people actually buy it.

It's not that these developments are all bad, if I had to choose between ALttP or Skyrim (have not played BotW) I'd go with Skyrim for the value, but if I had to choose between 1 day with ALttP and 1 day with Skyrim give me Zelda, and if I had to choose between Skyrim and a SNESmini I'd go with the mini no fucking doubt.

>> No.5012298

I feel that the retro games that are objectively better than modern ones where so because of their limitations.

Compared to modern games, older games did not have the capasity to mimic and include other creative "art forms" (mainly movies) and where therefore forced to appeal to its audience mainly as a game, with "interactive experience" mindset taking backseat if anyting.

A very objective thought, but in that sense I think more retro games are more of a "game" than modern ones

>> No.5012350

Some people definitely try too much for cinematic.
I don't mind it, but like, it's a game, first and foremost.

David Cage is a hack fraud.

>> No.5012361

>Witcher is one of the brightest spots of modern gaming and an RPG done right

Yeah you posted even worse trash.

Why would I do this on /vr/, retard?

>> No.5012371

I'm willing to bet you haven't played a single one of the games I've mentioned.

>> No.5012402

>it's imposible to anyone not sharing my awful taste in video games
I dropped Witcher, Far Cry and RDR after a few hours. Half Life 2 and Fallout were savescumming shit, so if you're retarded enough to enjoy those I guess they're not that different from original games. Also 7th gen made me completely stop even trying westshit, so I don't really care if anyone accusing me of not touching those piles of crap.

>> No.5012414

I like retro games because you can put them down whenever you like, and there's rarely some always-in-your-face challenge/unlock/goal to get.
I enjoy playing multiplayer games now but they also frustrate me because of how much is locked away behind challenges or in-game currency
that takes a long time to progress with - not too long so that you'll never bother, but just long enough to get you to try.
Pair that with shoddy netcode, hackers, terrible balance, less content than it's predecessors, and modern games start to look like shit.

At least when I start playing something from PS1/N64/Dreamcast era and earlier, I can just stop whenever I want, which helps me not waste too much time.

>> No.5012427

>I dropped Witcher, Far Cry and RDR after a few hours.
Oh, so you have ADHD.

>> No.5012429
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>> No.5012438

>Half Life 2 and Fallout were savescumming shit
What a retarded complaint. The savescummer is you, not the game.

>> No.5012447

Or you know, I don't like eating shit.

The "game" is an underdesigned piece of trash if it allows you to save anytime you want.

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.5012513

1990 actually

I wish I and many others lived in whichever paradise some of you guys lived in, because that wasnt the case in a lot of the United States.

>> No.5012517

It's really subjective and kind of applies on a case by case basis. I mean, you could say modern games have better graphics and that old games look like shit, but that's not always the case...other than Vanillaware, everyone's 2d pretty much looks the same of comparable to games of the past and a lot of the high budget games just end up looking realistic but with no real art direction so they feel bland.

Then on the gameplay side of it, we've gotten past all the clunkiness of the past to get control schemes and gameplay that work, but then everything ends up just being CoD or Uncharted with very little variety, where as for as many games that played like shit back in the day, you had plenty that figured things out and feel great to play.

I tend to mostly stick to the PS2/3 era myself because it's sorta evened out between the two extremes of retro and modern.

>> No.5012528

>The "game" is an underdesigned piece of trash if it allows you to save anytime you want.
That's not any less retarded than what you originally said. "Underdesigned" means nothing to begin with, but even if it did, it would hardly apply to literally every game that allows you to save whenever, considering just how many *widely different* games would fall into this category. Doom, Lunar: Silver Star Story, Monkey Island, and Jagged Alliance 2 cannot be subsumed under "underdesigned" just because of their open save systems.

Not to mention the fact that Fallout and HL2 don't solely hinge upon the actual practice of savescumming anyway. Fallout wasn't designed around the idea of taking a shot and then reloading if you miss, or reloading every time your lock-picking fails. That's a player's choice, a choice to abuse a system to their advantage. Both games can be played perfectly fine by simply reloading in case of death. You're just talking shit.

>> No.5012532

I don't agree with the other guy, but this just made me realise how much better it is to only be able to save whilst out of combat.

>> No.5012537


Yes, gun to my head. Otherwise, it depends.

Few reasons:

>Comfy AF
80's and 90's kid - Come home from school, put on a game, play it by yourself, rinse repeat. For years. Decades. It was/is heaven.

Many older games are pick up & play. Now, with competent emulators, there's no need for rage quitting or losing progress - you can literally save state if you need to take a sudden toilet break, or do IRL things, then come back.

Can't really do that with today's multi-player, always-online games.

We own the physical copies of our game. We can do pretty much whatever we want to it. Break it? Buy another copy. Glossy manuals, nice boxes to house the disc/cartridge in. Display pieces.

Now? All digital. They exist abstractly, on a user account. Noone cares if you have 50 games on your Steam. But if they see a bookcase full of retro stuff, it's cool.

If you are a nomad that only possesses a t-shirt and a backpack, maybe having a game collection isn't desirable. For everyone else, we love this nerd shit.

Remember Pokemon Blue/Red (Gen I)? Compare those games to the most recent iterations (Gen VII; Ultra Sun/Moon). Which do you prefer? I'd prefer Gen I, hand on heart.

Modern gaming usually involves unnecessary tedium and fetch-questing nonsense. I just want to get comfy.

Good things about modern gaming are that evolution of the genre needs to happen. Online competition is a necessary thing that should exist (just not in everything). Indie gaming is saving us from triple A retardation. But other than that...modern gaming is a bit of a chore.

I don't get hype for anything anymore. Most companies just want to push my shit in, with day 1 DLC, micro-transactions, live services, always online, buggy products.

I'd prefer to stick with retro until today's games become tomorrow's retro, if that makes sense. I'd probably still prefer pre-PS3 era gaming.

>> No.5012539

>how much better it is to only be able to save whilst out of combat.
Yeah, didn't mean to defend systems that *lend themselves* to abuse very easily. I think especially Fallout could have used some restrictions in this regard, because I actually have talked to people who've played the game the way I described; you know, saving after every turn, then instantly reloading if things go even slightly wrong. To me, this kills immersion (not to mention tension) so hard, I'd never advocate for it.

My point is simply that the game doesn't hinge upon this way of playing. It's not designed around save-abuse. Failing a skill check or missing a shot *usually* results in manageable in-game consequences, not in an instant Game Over that would literally force you to reload.

>> No.5012541
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I mean, the quality of good games that come out today vs what did even back during years like 1998 makes me have to say that gaming is better than it's ever been. That being said, specific genres (Shmups in particular) got much more love.

Mind you, I'm not a /vr/ fan for nostalgia or some shit because that's just being a fucking manchild. A lot of these older titles are honestly really fucking entertaining even by today's standards and it's also cool to see the medium progress the way it has.

Now, when people bring up other issues with gaming like DLC/Lootboxes etc, that's not really an issue with the genre, any form of entertainment is going to be fucked with by capitalism, shit sucks and the free market ain't your friend. People who complain about "Muh SJWS" or "Stop injecting politics into games reee" are actually retarded and haven't played shit.

>> No.5012543

Games that have the opposite irritate me more however. The amount of times I'm at the end of FTL after 2 hours, just to die due to missed shots or the worst possible circumstances, is just annoying and feels like such a waste of time. I feel like a game should have a check point every half-hour or hour of time elapsed or something similar.

>> No.5012547

>People who complain about "Muh SJWS" or "Stop injecting politics into games reee" are actually retarded and haven't played shit.
I don't see how this is relevant to anything else in your post at all

>> No.5012550

I was talking about shit that people would complain about as it pertains to modern gaming.

>> No.5012554

It's relevant to his insane obsession with politics.

>> No.5012573

>I actually have talked to people who've played the game the way I described
That was possible, because Fallout is the underdesigned shitgame, you utter retard. Its developers were to busy with writing cringy dad jokes instead of actually designing and play testing a good system that doesn't allow such retardation like letting players save whenever they want.

>> No.5012591

lmao check out this mongoloid.

>> No.5012605


I'm guessing this one is from neogaf or tumblr. Either that or a game company employee.

>> No.5013053

>I dropped Witcher, Far Cry and RDR after a few hours. Half Life 2 and Fallout were savescumming shit
So basically you have extremely poor attention span, and you actually suck at shooters given that you find yourself savescumming.

Nobody but you the player is savescumming, so basically git gud, scrublord.

>it allows you to save any time you want
Yeah, fuck convenience and shit. Again, this is YOUR weakness if you can't stop yourself saving every single little moment.

You should go back to NeoGaf or Resetera where your filthy socialist kind belongs.

>> No.5013097
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>a good system that doesn't allow such retardation like letting players save whenever they want.

>> No.5013121

>Being able to save at your leisure is a bad thing
This is what faux-grogs born after 1995 think

Did anyone ever force you to reload? Or it was your lazy-ass, risk-adverse spineless behaviour that lead to save-scumming?
Either way, removing from game option to save at any moment just to prevent save-scumming is the most retarded thing imaginable. It leads directly to dozens upon dozens of issues if you aren't a neet and have other things to do with your life than just playing games.
Let's take a modern example of this shit in practice. Kingdom Come, the hottest dumpsterfire material. Save system is designed to prevent save-scumming... only that it doesn't. It simply makes saving tedious to perform, without preventing you from save-scumming in any way. Dozens of people abuse auto-save and there is virtually nothing preventing you from having multiple saving tokens on you and hundreds of them stored after finishing tutorial part of the game. And actual emergency save system when you have to leave? Wasn't introduced for first few months, until the devs realised there are non-neets also playing their game.
So in the end it had a fuckload of "preventive" mechanics that didn't stop anyone or anything (not to mention a free save mode mod was released 6 hours after the game premiered), but due to the way how it's all designed, the game is just tedious, rather than correcting or preventing any of your behaviour.

>> No.5013162

>you have extremely poor attention span
Because I'm not interested in garbage?

>Again, this is YOUR weakness if you can't stop yourself saving every single little moment.
>Did anyone ever force you to reload?
Nice try, but I'm not an imbecile so I don't waste my time "playing" "games" that let you retry every single failure without any restrictions. It's funny how you westshit interacting morons don't even understand that some people treat video games as actual games and see such features as repulsive. When developer puts this shit in his game, it stops being a game on a basic level, simply as that.

>> No.5013221
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>> No.5013267

>I'm not an imbecile
lmao good one.

>> No.5013268

>When developer puts this shit in his game, it stops being a game on a basic level, simply as that.
What an unimaginably retarded and wrong thing to say.

>> No.5013317
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>Uh, I have to play the game from the start if I want to win? But it's inconvenient and tedious! Everyone, this one doesn't count, I'm reloading it. I hope you all grew playing western trash, guys, and think there's nothing wrong with it as well.

>> No.5013321

>American reading comprehension

>> No.5013330

Reading comprehension of your mind, moron? Saying "ur wrong" isn't an argument.

>> No.5013337

There have been numerous posts here explaining exactly why you're wrong and you keep making the same irrelevant strawman ad nauseam.

Maybe it's time to see a doctor, little guy.

>> No.5013339

I can only imagine he's trolling because I've never seen anyone with such fucking retarded and inane opinions.

Nobody is this stupid for real.

>> No.5013348

What if your game is fucking 40 hours long you dumbass? Kind of inconvenient to not be able to save when you need to, you fucking braindead catamite. Oh woops, I have things to do, better turn off the game and lose 7 hours of progress, but hey, I can just go back and play again, maybe I will be able to play a videogame until I pass out from exhaustion or without my dog and kids complain that they need to eat.

There's more to videogames than quarter siphoning arcade machines from 1991, or ports and imitations of such on consoles.
Yeah, being able to save whenever you want to is something a weak willed person would be able to abuse to make the game easier for himself, just like you can make any arcade game easier by just feeding it a fistful of quarters.

It's like you can't picture videogames outside of a very narrow perspective. I don't fucking like driving simulators or racing games, but I don't say those are bad genres of videogames and only stupid people play them, because I'm not a chronic autist like you are.

>> No.5013364

>There have been numerous posts here explaining exactly why you're wrong
Like these
>irrelevant strawman ad nauseam.
>little guy
Nice to see that you're buttmad though.

> better turn off the game and lose 7 hours of progress
Are you just pretending or you really haven't played anything outsdide western PC trash, that you don't know that other non game breaking save systems exist?

>There's more to videogames
Yes, but only until they stay games, unlike savescumming interactive passtime that some clueless retards hail as the best video games out there.

>> No.5013372

>not the same teams
Epic put the UT4 team into Fortnite when they saw how big it got.

>> No.5013419

So you would say games like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D are bad because they let you save at any time?

>> No.5013432

Yes it's one of the reasons.

>> No.5013436

No, thats not what hes saying you fucking dipshit.

>> No.5013445

Then I can just disregard you and your opinion like a screaming homeless man on the street.

It is pretty much what he's saying.

>> No.5013839
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No. It's just that they've been around longer and it's easier to figure out which ones are good and which ones suck. Not to mention they've been patched and modded, so the bad stuff can be worked around.

The reason I play retro games has nothing to do with thinking they are better. In fact half of them I never even played when they came out. I'm just cynical and lazy when it comes to video games. After Duke Nukem Forever I realized that 99% of 'hype' is pure snake oil (and always has been might I add). There's no point in investing time and money in something that MIGHT be good.

However if people are still doing multiple playthroughs of a game 10-20 years after it came out, then that's a pretty good indication that it's a good game, and if it's not the most you've lost is 30 minutes of your life and 5 bucks if you're a sucker.

>> No.5013852

Of course it is.

>> No.5013867
File: 33 KB, 1020x426, here it is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab it, you seem to be in desperate need for some (You)s

>> No.5013871
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I like you and your attitude

>> No.5013894

this is probably the same nigger from /v/ that thinks any game with more than an hour of cutscenes isn't a "real video game"

>> No.5013895
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>The reason I play retro games has nothing to do with thinking they are better. In fact half of them I never even played when they came out.
Yeah. I was like 1 years old when Doom came out, but it's my favorite game, played it a bunch as a kid, still play it today.
Helps that there's so much content around for it. There's always some cool new level set someone made.
I played Rise Of The Triad the first time this year, and I was amazed at how incredibly FUN the game was, I wish I had played it sooner, it's like a halfway between an arcade shmup and, of course, Wolfenstein 3D.

>I'm just cynical and lazy when it comes to video games. After Duke Nukem Forever I realized that 99% of 'hype' is pure snake oil
Sort of the same. I was dumb enough to believe the hype, then reviews came out, chilled my interest a lot.
One day, a few years later, I found a used copy of it for like a dollar, and decided "What do I have to lose? I looked forward to this game for so many years."

I still felt robbed.
There's two upcoming games I'm interested in, Scorn, and Cyberpunk 2077, the former has just had some basic things shown, and after the failure of Agony (a vaguely comparable game from a competitor), as well as receiving more funding, they're delaying the game and retooling it a bunch, hopefully this means they'll make a better game than what they've shown.
For Cyberpunk 2077, I always loved Shadowrun on the SNES, Syndicate Wars, and G-Police, cyberpunk kind of stuff. I've always wanted some kind of modern RPG action game to capture some of that kind of stuff (partially because Shadowrun was ultimately a very short and, very little replay value).

Though I'm excited for these, I am also cautious, and I *NEVER* buy games at launch anymore, I wait first for reviews to see if it's actually good, see what people are saying, then I'll wait for about 6 months or so, and if it looks good, I'll buy it then, when it has gone down in price and maybe had some patches done.

>> No.5013902

If all that shit is lumped into the start of the game (or any one point, really), I think would call that an example of very bad pacing, but if it's a very long game and it's evenly spread out, I fail to really see the problem.

As long as they don't go on for like 15 minutes at a time or something ridiculously long shit like that, I think that's fine.
I recall hearing MGS4 had some problems with this, but that once you got past the long and drawn out start of the game, it was supposed to be very good.
Can't speak for the truth of that, since I haven't played it.

>> No.5013909

>I recall hearing MGS4 had some problems with this, but that once you got past the long and drawn out start of the game, it was supposed to be very good.
MGS4 had like 20 hours of cutscenes, no exaggeration. It was absurd.

>> No.5013910

>partially because Shadowrun was ultimately a very short and, very little replay value.
That came out mangled.

What I mean is, Shadowrun, if you know where to go or what to do, is actually a fairly short game, a lot of its gameplay length comes really from you just wandering around wondering what to do (sometimes it's obvious, sometimes its not), as well as grinding for Karma, in the game's rather clunky and inflexible combat system.
If you know what to do, where to do it, who to talk to, what to ask them about or show them, and where to grind for XP and money (graveyards are good for Karma), you could cut the average play time in half.
I like the game a lot, it has a lot of charm and atmosphere, lots of cool things, but it's kind of meager as a whole.

I've always wanted something that's like it, but just, much more, much better.

>> No.5013916

Christ. That's actually obscene. How long is the game? I can't imagine the length of it is majority in cutscenes. It would have to have a lot of gameplay content to balance out all those cutscenes.

>> No.5013926

It's been like 9 years since I beat it, but I remember it feeling like there were more cutscenes than gameplay. Every gameplay segment seemed uncharacteristically short for a metal gear game.

>> No.5013930

Okay, I actually googled it an apparently there are 9 hours of cutscenes in the game. I'm not sure if that figure factors in codecs and whatnot.

>> No.5013931
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its about a 50/50 split of gameplay to cutscene

>> No.5013937

I feel that's kind of too much. Especially given that there was like 40 minutes of cutscenes before you got to actually play the game, or something like that.

>> No.5013938

At least you can skip all of them.

>> No.5013942

>I wish I and many others lived in whichever paradise some of you guys lived in, because that wasnt the case in a lot of the United States.

I am Cabadian, but I still can't imagine the cultures being that different.

Though I will say this, after thinking about it some. While it's deffinitely true that most people I knew back then, both sports guys and weirdos alike certainly enjoyed video games and wouldn't think anything odd of someone who did, that doesn't necessarily include the kid who ONLY liked video games. But that applied to other things as well and it really wasn't tge video games themselves that would draw the hate, but rather the obsessive attitude.

And I'd still be willing to bet that it was also common in the states for guys into sports to also be into video games as well. People like to act like Halo fandom came out of a vacuum, but it's not the case. Remember all those resold madden carts were originally played by someone.

>> No.5013963

>People like to act like Halo fandom came out of a vacuum, but it's not the case. Remember all those resold madden carts were originally played by someone
Thank you. They'd also play various action games too, because they had the consoles and they were there.

Whether or not the stereotypical jock had good taste in games, and if they were any good at them, can be debated, but they did play them.

>> No.5013992

I think this is kind of a dumb question considering for the most part the genres are completely different nowadays. Even the ones that are still around they're probably a part of a modern subgenre. Like I wouldn't compare Doom to CoD because they're functionally different in mechanics. With the exception of the 2d resurgence I think it's unfair to compare the two, and even then I think qol improvements in oldschool games have made even mediocre modern 2d games better then mediocre old games. Either way they're different beasts and the way we develop things today changes even the things we usually would deem comparable to an outside perspective.

>> No.5013993

Well I would disagree with the entire notion of good vs bad taste in games. They might like Madden which I don't but that doesn't give them bad taste, just different. They did, in my experience anyways play a range but lean towards action, fps and fighting games outside of sports.

>> No.5014715

Due to reasons (being Slav, not exactly being middle-class and being a Slav), I didn't get a PC until '99 and it was an old clunker hand-down. So whether I liked it or not, my only choice was to play early-to-mid 90s games I had to procure first somehow without spending a single dime on them. I've played dozens upon dozens of abandonware and outright shovelware from that period and most of it was just meh to me. Sure, there have been also plenty of good and at least decent games, but I never played them due to "old games are better", but because old games were the only stuff I could run on my toaster.
And I complely stopped playing those once I've managed to finally get enough money for "real" PC in '04, pretty much forgetting about old shit, because I had a decade of vidya to catch up.
So when I now play some old game, I play it, because people keep praising it years later. I have zero sentiment toward them and due to being pretty much "behind times" until early '10s, I always end up lacking any sort of nostalgia or even get an anti-nostalgic reaction from the get go. The only difference between old and new games is the scale, but the ratio of good-to-bad stuff is pretty much unchanged. In fact, I would argue we are having LESS games made today, because it's considerably harder to write your own shit in the "garage" than it was 20 years ago and what is classified as "indie" today would be "mid-sized studio" then.

tl;dr I play old games when I want to and they are considered worth playing decades later, not because I have any sort of personal attatchment or being "raised" on them.
Which is probably the reason why I don't get people being so much invested into Mario.