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File: 210 KB, 980x393, s3z1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
499825 No.499825 [Reply] [Original]

So how the FUCK did Knuckles knock Sonic out of his Super form?!

Isn't Super Sonic supposed to be invincible?!

>> No.499843
File: 139 KB, 700x1059, 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's god damn Knuckles, thats how.

>> No.499840


>> No.499842


Super emerald power

>> No.499847

>Super emerald power

ahh yeah, that makes sense. I forgot the Master Emerald controls all the lesser Emeralds.

>> No.499860
File: 533 KB, 1280x800, Knuckles-Wallpaper-knucklesrulez-14569650-1280-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Knuckles is a badass

>> No.499897

Because unlike Sonic, he don't chuckle.
He'd rather flex his muscles.

>> No.501720

Here's some BS for you; Knuckles just happened to hit Sonic the moment Sonic's ring counter hit zero, then begin Angel Island Zone with zero rings.

>> No.501739


>> No.501758

Unused Intro

>> No.501772

That actually sounds like a possible explanation

>> No.501781

If that was the case, Sonic would've died.

>> No.501783

I fucking wondered this so hard on my latest Sonic 3&K run where I got all the supers.

>> No.502065


Not if Sonic were in super sonic mode for an extra fraction of a split second.

>> No.502092
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>Isn't Super Sonic supposed to be invincible?!

>> No.502115

>Name is Knuckles
Case closed.

>> No.502129

>Them damn spikes

Every time.

>> No.502141

>mfw when I double quote the post number
>mfw when I have no face

Damn these fingers to hell.

>> No.502202

Since Knuckles is the guardian of the master emerald, it stands to reason that he knows how they work.

>> No.502230

How about this theory, the Chaos emeralds have the power to know who is the chosen one to take care of them, Sonic isn't the care taker and Knuckles knew how to punch him in the exact right spot to disable Sonic's super mode. Then the emeralds detected Knuckle's presence and they just scattered on the floor.

(Knuckles punched him in the nuts.)

End of story.

>> No.502475

Sonic's weakness are spikes. Knuckles has spikes on his hands.

>> No.502501

>Even when invincible, spikes smashing down will kill Super Sonic
>Knuckles has spikes on his knuckles
>Knuckles uppercuts you and knocks you out of Super mode


>> No.502507

ahhh shit you on to something nigger

>> No.502521
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>> No.502552

I'm glad I'm not the first person who assumed that Knuckles was a girl before I read the instruction manual.
The first time I saw Knuckles was his toy from the McDonalds Happy Meal commercial for Sonic 3. I LITERALLY believed that Knuckles was a red, female Sonic riding a cloud.

>> No.502556

That intro is pretty cool as well. Though the Super Sonic one was awesome if you had beaten Sonic 2 as Super Sonic.

>> No.502557

That's some fucking autism, son.

Get yoself tested

>> No.503021

Bad justification.
Good justification.

>> No.503319


>> No.503347
File: 90 KB, 642x452, hidden palace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed it to the Super Sonic intro because the mural depicting Super Sonic is what Eggman used to convince Knuckles that it is showing Sonic trying to steal the Master Emerald.

>> No.503369
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>> No.503374

I don't get why you started the game with the chaos emeralds to begin with, it's not like they carry over in any of the other games besides with the special extended +Knuckles story.

>> No.503390
File: 20 KB, 493x387, 1308772137778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a moment, I thought super saiyan Sonic was fanfic.

>> No.503405

Ohhh... I just figured Knuckles was fucking retarded any couldn't even recognize the lore on the walls he lives around. That's not sarcasm either.

>> No.503437

Wait wait wait.

Hold on, that's never how I saw that mural.

That's definitely some ancient prophecy of the events that happen in Doomsday Zone. Look at it.

>> No.503434

Knuckles is in touch with the Master Emerald or some shit.

>> No.503451

Me too. To be fair, Knuckles has never been portrayed as very bright.

>> No.503453
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>he's never played Sonic and Knuckles!

>> No.503476
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Who the fuck could possibly not know this?

>> No.503489

That's what it is, but Eggman told Knuckles otherwise.

>> No.503507

Hahahaha, dude what the fuck are doing

>> No.503520


I never played a Sonic game, super saiyan Sonic just seems like fanfic to me, like Sonichu.

>> No.503528

No, the just made him full retard in Adventure, and that was painful to see.

>> No.503529

>he doesn't know about super sonic....

>> No.503535

>i never played a sonic game
Shameful, you should at least try the original trilogy and the avance series. Stay away from the sonic adventure games thought

>> No.503552

Oh come on now, they weren't that bad.

>> No.503547
File: 123 KB, 640x480, kim amputee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't honestly blame you. Fuck, everything after the introduction of Knuckles felt like a bad fanfic: robo sonic, those birds in 3dblast, Shadow's gun, Amy, Rogue, Knuckles' Mexican love interest, Sonic's relationship with that princess.

Did I leave anything out?

>> No.503562
File: 40 KB, 631x175, the horrible truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a perfect example why anybody should stay away from the story of Adventure.

Check the picture.

(The levels are fine though.)

>> No.503567

>Not liking Metal Sonic

He wasn't even the first Goddamn metal Sonic either, there were two Sonic robots before him in 2 and Knuckles.

>> No.503582


I liked mecha-sonic but he just seems like the kind of thing that would be in a fanfic. Or maybe i'm backwards projecting. I mean robot duplicates are also pretty common in saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.503579

You're the retard, it was intended as a joke.
I'm not trying to justify anything here, so the joke's on you too.

ITT: People who don't know a joke when they see/hear one.

>> No.503581

Peeps, just a note.

Eggm- Dr Robotnik's arm grabby machine in Launch Base Zone can bring Sonic out of a super state if it grabs him and smashes him against the ground.

So it seems that a good solid smack is more than enough.

>> No.503591

It's crazy how nobody even stops to think about it either, they just move right along as if Station Square was rebuilt out of thin air in 2. I suppose that would explain the gigantic fucking police force that was nowhere o be seen in the first game.

>> No.503593
File: 1.14 MB, 680x1671, 010312171246_jokes_on_them_it_was_merely_an_act.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best theory in the entire thread.

Pic related.

>> No.503621

3D Blast was a shit game I never bothered to finish, but what was so terrible about them in and of themselves?

>> No.503632

Do I look like I give a fuck? Nope.png

You're just a butthurt Sonic-fag.

Also, it seems to me you're delusional.

Who gives a damn if Knuckles knocks out the Chaos emeralds from Sonic, it's not like the three games have the most intricate continuity.

A goddamned mess I say.

Sonic-fags like you deserve Chris-chan and a Knuckle's punch in the balls.

>> No.503645
File: 9 KB, 259x194, angry birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess there wasn't anything especially bad about the birds. It's more that they seemed really stupid and reeked of lazy design: there's a pink girly bird, a fat dumb bird, a normal blue bird and a bird with spiky red hair who has 'attitude.'

>> No.503646

Someone's upset.

>> No.503653

Because he's rougher than the rest of them
the best of them
tougher than leather

>> No.503660

i liked Amy but not Rogue

>> No.503665

Yeah that's retro-active projecting. Fanfics did it because it had been done so many times already. Silver Sonic, Metal Sonic, Pseudo Sonic in the Archie comics, then Mecha Sonic.

>> No.503674

I'm somewhat amused how people can take such a thing seriously when such a thing is a joke.

That's what I get for dealing with Sonic-tards.

I hope you're not one of them.

>> No.503679

Even the Advance ones are pretty lame. Not TOTAL shit but hardly a good introduction.

>> No.503691

They only had those characteristics because it directly determined their movements.

>> No.503721
File: 62 KB, 470x500, rogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, OP that's a surprisingly funny comic. Most sonic related webcomics tend to suck. Kudos to the author.

No you're right, he is very fan-ficy.The reason it seems like a fan-fic though is because it is a tired concept and can be universally applied to any hero to give them a villain. It's a sort of lazy way to make a counterpart to a main character.


>> No.503730

i don't even remember if sonic 3 explained why knuckles slapped his shit. it just seemed like you got robbed and had to spend the game getting your stuff back

>> No.503750

>dude what the fuck are doing

Haha, you be smokin dat weed too brother?

>> No.503753

He thinks the Chaos Emeralds Sonic has are Master Emerald shards.
It's like that one scene in Sonic Adventure where he thinks the same thing.

>> No.503765

Furthermore, why didn't he use them to become Super Knuckles and tell Eggman to go fuck himself because he didn't need a partner?

>> No.503772

Do you have any evidence to support that?

>> No.503807

Well, I'm not the guy who wrote it but I think the second sentiment is true, if I recall correctly Knuckle's confuses them with emerald shards.

>> No.503823

5/20 soak weed

>> No.503863
File: 957 KB, 700x4464, 1358644970077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His nipples have special anti chaos emerald powers.

>> No.503887


I'm pretty sure Sonic 3 takes place immediately after 2. Death Egg crashes, Sonic is riding on the Tornado, good ending assumes you have the emeralds.

>> No.503897
File: 134 KB, 768x640, Sonic3_us_manual_04_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Translation of Japanese manual)
Some days later, Knuckles was patrolling the altar of the island's seven Chaos Emeralds, but all traces of the Emeralds had vanished. While in his relentless investigation of the island, Knuckles encountered an unfamiliar man in the woods.

The man called himself Dr. Eggman, and already knew Knuckles was the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds. He said to Knuckles:

"I am a scientist who came here to stop (?) that egg. Uumu, since you are the Chaos Emeralds' guardian I knew I had to inform you. The truth is, there is an evil hedgehog named Sonic that has been interfering in my research, he is the one who has stolen this island's Chaos Emeralds."

"The Chaos Emeralds were stolen....!"

With Dr. Eggman's ingenious lies, Knuckles was very easily tricked. That is how Knuckles' challenge to Sonic was started.

So to correct my original statement, Knuckles thinks Sonic's Emeralds are the Super Emeralds.

>> No.503901


What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.503932

Sonic adventure wasn't bad. Neither was SA2 really. I can agree that SA2 was the starting point of the games going downhill though.

>> No.503956

IIRC the manual mentions Eggman tricking Knuckles into thinking Sonic wants to steal the Emeralds to keep them, and then convinces him that Eggman is the good guy who wants to help him.

There's even one part of the game where Knuckles realizes he was tricked.

>> No.503962

It's because the real ending of Sonic 2 is if Sonic got all the Chaos Emeralds.
The games always gave you a "Try Again" message after the credits is you didn't get all the Chaos Emeralds.

>> No.503981
File: 104 KB, 600x848, v4ZNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see those WTF Simpson's comics.

>> No.504009
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>> No.504019
File: 116 KB, 406x508, 1277141040068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.
But he was probably just told to "Beware the Stealer of the Master Emerald" but wasn't told which one of them was the "bad guy"

Then Robotnik waltzed and went "Yeah, the blue thing is the bad guy. He even stole all my Chaos Emeralds, dude. That's why he's coming here; to steal yours!" and Knuckles went to work.

>> No.504016 [DELETED] 

omg lol so randomy weird lol XD

>> No.504029

you're pretty good at this. can you explain why knuckles is still a prick in Sonic Triple Trouble?

>> No.504047

But Amy and Metal Sonic were added in Sonic CD...
Which was released before S3...

>> No.504056

>Robo Sonic

Metal Sonic and Amy were in Sonic CD, which came out before Sonic 3. Try again, kid.
And Sonic was originally going to have a human lady-friend in the first game.

I agree, though; the series went to shit mid-way through SA2.

>> No.504069 [DELETED] 

Robotnik got to Knuckles first and "warned" him that Sonic was there to steal the Master Emerald.
Master Emerald shards...lord...

>> No.504093

But the flickies were in S3&K.
And in Flicky.

>> No.504102

I was die hard Sonic fan. I lived and breathed Sonic for several years. It was the only fandom I can say I was ever a part of.
SA2 sucked bad enough that it snapped me back to reality which is weird since it seems to be the launching point for most of the fandom these days.

The kind of people that always add "Battle" to the title. UGH!

>> No.504103

Flicky was a pretty cool game.

>> No.504110

Flicky was in EVERY Sonic game.
And his own game before that. Sonic 3D Blast is like a sequel to Flicky starring Sonic.
I enjoy the game, I've never understood the hate for it.

>> No.504131
File: 47 KB, 918x796, 1265180296959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robotnik actually got all the Chaos Emeralds, but one of his machines fucked up and blasted them everywhere. Knuckles gets tricked AGAIN by Robotnik into thinking Sonic and Tails were out for evil because Knuckles is about as sharp as a bag of wet mice.

Don't let the modern games fool you; Knuckles was pretty much a (pardon the pun) knuckle-dragging idiot for most of the 90s. That and the fact that Sonic and Knuckles weren't actually friends until the end of Sonic Adventure. And even then it was "Sort of"

>> No.504139

>who is flickie

>> No.504136

No, you're probably just in your 20s now, grew up with the Genesis games, and were old enough back then to realize Sonic Adventure 2 was an awful game, whereas most people who consist of the "fandom" today are probably young kids or teenagers who grew up with the 3D games.

At least, that's the story with me. I was 12 when Adventure 2 came out and I didn't outright hate it at the time, but man oh man something was way off. Enough to turn me away from the series as a whole for a long time. Adventure 1 was lousy but it has its merits to a small degree. Adventure 2 is just bleh.

>> No.504141

Flicky's a girl.

>> No.504140

Well even in Sonic Adventure when Knuckles attacks Sonic, Sonic says "What gives, Eggman trick you again?"

Plus the GameGear games seem to work on their own continuity.

>> No.504149

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Only for Nintendo GameCube.

Now available on PS3.



>> No.504169

Yeah, I think Shadow resembles Super Sonic because Gerald saw the mural and interpreted it as depicting him creating the ultimate life.

>> No.504164

Mecha Sonic was the best Robot Sonic thingy to me, it was cool seeing him go super at the end of Knuckles Playthrough.

Also is the Eggrobo from said playthrough still working for Robotnik or is it self-aware?

>> No.504167

The "Battle" only refers to the lame multiplayer. Not the story or the level design or anything else.

>> No.504173

Probably non-canon

>> No.504179

I just recently bought SA2. I didn't think it was that bad. Same goes for Sonic Heroes.
It looks kinda bad and the plot's way too convoluted, but hey, the levels are pretty fun.

>> No.504183

I know that. It's sad.

>> No.504191

No, Shadow is suppose to resemble Vegeta.
And don't try to say that it's not like that; the mirroring of DBZ is as strong as ever in the series.

>> No.504193

I agree with this, those games are a good challenge regardless of the shit stained stories.

Wait, I take that back, fuck Sonic Heroes.

>> No.504206

What, why?

>> No.504210

Super Saiyan was first seen at the end of the Freeza saga in Dragon Ball Z. That was first aired in 1991 IN JAPAN(North American unknown). Super Sonic was first seen in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which was released in 1992 in Japan, US, and Europe.

Yup. Copycats.

>> No.504227

I like when a sequel does that. Picks right up where the last game leaves off.

>> No.504246

Nah there was one of the Advance games that explains that Gerald did see that mural and designed Shadow to look like it.

>> No.504251

Your picture, that god damned writing.

Deer Knukels.

I aBcidintlee brokened you're mastir emrld.

P.S.: I forget where I brok it. - Love Sonic

>> No.504256


>> No.504264

I wish Knux was still Sonic's rival instead of Shadow.

>> No.504267

>I just figured Knuckles was fucking retarded

Well he did grow up on a floating island all alone. Eggman was most likely the first person he has ever seen.

>> No.504269

Implying the authors didn't steal the mural's look from DBZ.

>> No.504315
File: 5 KB, 320x224, yummy2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic was originally suppose to surf onto the island. I'm guessing they scrapped this intro because they wanted to introduce knuckles immediately and couldn't think of a better way to have him lose the emeralds.


>> No.504359
File: 41 KB, 544x617, Knuckles_without_his_glove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comic's continuity is even fuckier.
His spikes? They're a cause of his father's genetic experimentation on himself and Knuckles as an embryo.

>> No.504371

I wouldn't know. I never liked DBZ but it's not like the Death Egg is a totally original idea either.

>> No.504381


What specifically in DBZ did they steal?

Also, 7 chaos emeralds, 7 dragon balls, super saiyin, super sonic.

>> No.504384


>> No.504397

Vegeta's hair, I figure.

I take it back. They're original in every way.

>> No.504519

Sonic Heroes is a piece of shit game, bad story and bad gameplay, deadly combination.

>> No.504789

I don't understand how the gameplay is bad?

>> No.504902

It's tedious, having to change between characters feels like an obstacle in game mechanics. The game should have obstacles not playing with the characters by switching to overcome them. I don't think it suits well a 3D environment when the characters stick together like Siamese twins

Three words to describe the character change mechanism:

Annoying, awful, shitty.

>> No.505045

Well, it wasn't exactly necessary.
90% of the time, you can just rush through as Speed type.

>> No.505131
File: 348 KB, 638x357, Mattdamoncraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knuckles at age 3 learning math and science while his parents argue

This is like middleschool fanfiction tier stuff what the fuck

>> No.505149

The only sanic game I really played (played the original at my cousins house for like 10 minutes before he told me to fuck off and let him play) was sonic heroes
And I like it

I really need a genesis and play some sanic

>> No.505162

That's Ken Penders for you.

And that's not even the dumbest thing he did.

>> No.505236


>> No.505256
File: 11 KB, 320x180, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this scene?

>> No.506960 [DELETED] 

Advance 1 was good, but after that...

>> No.506986
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>> No.507012
File: 432 KB, 299x228, 1324382351663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, i used to think that until a replayed the game last year. there's actually scenes implying that nobody died and that all humans survived inside of the ruins.
it's still fucking stupid and all

>> No.507018

Well of course they survived.
If they all died, who would have thrown an awards ceremony for Tails disarming the bomb to give him the Chaos Emerald he has in Adventure 2.

>> No.507056

and the manga?

>> No.507073
File: 75 KB, 500x548, 1283574_103334_1_lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think japanese artists winks at each other about these references, just to try to sell something more.
I don´t even follow One Piece and yesterday I saw one of his new characters. The resemblance is uncanny.

>> No.507081

Last time I checked Yuji Naka was a DB nut.

>> No.507097
File: 79 KB, 1088x676, 1364109452181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Sega Genesis and played all the sonic games as they came out (except for Chaotix). Looking back on it now, SA's storyline is pathetically weak, But the redesigned characters were nice, the gameplay was fun, when you weren't fishing (why did Big get 5 levels and Amy only got 3?), and I liked the exploration aspect, plus the only storyline we'd had up until that point was Robotnik is an asshole, Knuckles is a moron.

SA2 began the descent into shittiness. I actually liked the storyline more, but the gameplay suffered. No exploration, tails is stuck in the stupid walker thing, Amy Rose is relegated to npc status, and we got the first inclusion of rail-grinding. Seriously, IMO, rail grinding, and the homing attack in 2D games are the two worst things in modern sonic games.

Heroes continued the downward spiral, but was still kind of fun. The return of the chaotix, Amy, and the E-series was nice, but I really hated the team vs team battles and the whole game just felt like it was missing something. It just didn't feel memorable.

Sonic 2006: Now they're just fucking with us.

>> No.507143

>Original the Character

top lel

>> No.507480


kind of disagree. SA2 was still awesome.
Sonic Heroes was when it went dowcliff, though

>> No.507560

Never played a sonic game before then?

>> No.507573

3D Sonic gameplay was fucked from the start of Adventure. Instead of focusing just on Sonic's gameplay, they added in everything they could possibly think of and it resulted in one giant clusterfuck. Adventure 2 wasn't much better. However, the story in both games was pretty good. In Sonic Heroes the story, voice acting and overall production quality was worse, but the gameplay was better simply because it wasn't a complete clusterfuck all the time (aside from the Chaotix). It wasn't until Shadow and 06 that both gameplay and production quality were shit.

>> No.507882

Sonic Adventure is a good game, it has annoying amount of glitches but there's nothing really broken, and story is okay (that robot... Gamma or something). Sonic Adventure 2 is terrible, it's stupid and unplayable.

>> No.508097

Most of the levels reuse the exact same areas several times, making each one far too long. That plus awful checkpoint pacing makes it an awful crawl through it.

>> No.508192

Mah nigga.

>> No.508295

This explanation is absolutely perfect.

>> No.508367

Its depressing that Sonic has only had 6 good main games(Sonic 1-3,CD,Advance 1,Colors and Generations) out of all the garbage and mediocre shit.

I'm at least hopeful that the new one will be good seeing how Sega finally got their shit together.

>> No.508384

I recall Advance 2 being decent.

>> No.508396

Sanic going fast in space after #125. I think that's the last comic I bought.

>> No.508409

Advance 2 is the death of 2D Sonic. It's where the marketing of Sonic as the fastest thing alive broke through into the actual game and quality platforming was replaced by pure idiotic speed.

>> No.508417

but Advance 3 was a great balance between 1 and 2

>> No.508423

actually Advance 3 had a good mix of speed and platforming

it just had shitty enemy placement that's equal in bullshit of Metropolis Zone

>> No.508442

Who's bright idea was it to change the comic from slapstick to grimdark seriousness?

>> No.508456

I loved that, made it feel like more of an actual challenge.

>> No.508461
File: 267 KB, 600x828, sonictripletrouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to use my last $5.00 to get this for the VC. Instead of Fire Emblem DLC

>> No.508465
File: 204 KB, 500x281, Fingers the Enchilarda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.508469

I unno, but whoever it was I respect the executive decision to do so but I personally did not enjoy the product as it felt outside of my personal likes.

>> No.508475

Don't do it. It'll annoy the ever loving fuck out of you... except for Sunset Park Act 3. That's some god tier music and stage right there.

>> No.508535

Why does this series attract so many autists?1

>> No.508537
File: 80 KB, 516x800, 2b0b07d3e7da5fbd03e9149c25d41849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>50 years before sonic 3, Gerald Robotnik and his team of researchers investigate Angel Island and find the mural. Gerald interprets his future grandson's mech as a god granting powers to people using the powers of the emeralds, and creates the Biolizard.

>However, the biolizard was weak, mortal, and uncontrollable, and he realizes his interpretation was incorrect. He reanalyzes the mural and interprets it as the gods infusing emerald powers into a hedgehog. He then creates Shadow on this theory

>> No.508538

/v/ pls go

>> No.508561
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>> No.508640

How does Sonic even have a fanbase of autistic 14 year olds if the last good game before Generations was over 15 years ago?

>> No.508673

It doesn't. Most autistic Sonic fans are in their 30s.

>> No.508680

You mean before Colors

also some young fans probably played SA-Heroes first and you can probably guess what happened next

there's also the dark ages of sonic comics which didn't help either

>> No.508706

Depends, the youngest possible is pushing 20.

>> No.508780

Three words: SatAM, Archie Comics. And it's spread from America. People who only played the games are the best fans.

>> No.508795


>14 year olds


>> No.508798

"All's well that ends well!" - Literally what Tails says.

>> No.508814

The best fans are the ones who were into the cartoons and comics as a kid, and have since disavowed everything but the games. We know what it's like and why we left. Never again.

>> No.508818

I picked up a Sonic comic a couple years ago for nostalgia sake and jesus christ is it bad, It had Tails in a cape flying around, super shadow, Sonic gathering a billion fucking chaos emeralds from across the universe, and some fucking stupid turtle that guys that went super saiyan and is Eggman's son.

>> No.508881

The current eic is trying to kill off and bury as many of the Archie characters as he can (save for the ones too powerful/awesome to ignore) and has inserted a ton of callbacks to the games in the writing. The plots are still srs bns, but know when to let up on it now and then

>> No.508918

I think I'm eligible for non-cancer fan, and I've only played the genesis games, advance 2, generations, (gotta play colours) and watched some Sonic X and the OVA. I think I'm cool with this.