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4995908 No.4995908 [Reply] [Original]

One of the main selling points of the Genesis/ Mega Drive was "having the arcade at home". Sega doubled down on this with the Saturn. Why pay $50 for an arcade port that you can beat in 15 min? Both PSX and N64 had many rich & deep single player games with tons on unlockables.

Sega also failed to capitalize on the RPG boom in the west, some of the best RPG'S on the system never left Japan. Crowning Sony as the role playing king.

Many of the Sega games for the 16-bit system never really got true sequels on the Saturn. Again alienating fans.

Lastly, outside of few fan-favorites, like
panzer dragoon what exclusive Saturn games they were - just weren't that good

>> No.4995910
File: 30 KB, 343x500, bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you ask this guy

>> No.4995914

>Why pay $50 for an arcade port that you can beat in 15 min?

Because they have 1000 times more ludo than a 100 hour JRPG.

>> No.4995932 [DELETED] 


Didn't this faggot come from Sony to Sega? Pretty sure it wasn't a coincidence, he was there to ruin everything.

>> No.4995954

Sega always had a problem listening to the American division. Even tho they were almost single handedly responsible for their success, those nips are far too stubborn

>> No.4995985
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Bernie came in at 1997 and work more on the Dreamcast.
Now as for Satrun from it's blunders launch to "hey we just need sports games guies" you want Tom. He is basically what modern gaming has become.

>> No.4996002

I don't think I'd blame Bernie for Sega's failings. He did the best he could with the Dreamcast and fought like a motherfucker. Sega of Japan just didn't get it.

>But it is true that Sony was holding its first golf tournament — I believe in Napa [California]…I forget which golf course. I had someone go to the golf pro, paid him money to take out all the Sony golf balls and put in Sega golf balls instead.

>And I had somebody dressed up as Sonic driving around the course, and skywriters writing “Dreamcast is coming” up in the air. That part is true, yes.

>[Current Sony Computer Entertainment President and Group CEO] Kaz Hirai and [current SCE Europe President and CEO] Andrew House both called me and said, “You’re a great friend and a great competitor — and that was pretty damn funny.”

>> No.4996005
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>One of the main selling points of the Genesis/ Mega Drive was "having the arcade at home".
Wrong. One of it's main selling points was playing sports games. That was why it was crushing it in the US for 5 years was they found the magic of football and other sport games running their best on it.
>in before: "b-but arcade sports games existed!"
What they doubled down on with the Sega Saturn was reactionary to everyone around them. It had nothing to do with arcade perfect because without the ram cart only a small few were even close to that. What they fuck up on was the put all their chips into 2D when the 3D market soar off. SS was subpar to 3D gaming arcade and everything.
>Many of the Sega games for the 16-bit system never really got true sequels on the Saturn
That did shit dude, what turn them away was a $400 price tag and the fact all the -new- hot titles were on PS1 like Crash, Air Combat, Battle Arena Toshinden, (Satrun's was over 6 months later), Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors and actaully good sports titles.

>what exclusive Saturn games they were - just weren't that good
on that we can agree, only a handful were even worth noting.

>> No.4996042

Then he joined Mattel, who had just bought the worldwide rights (outside Asia) for the WonderSwan. Guess what...

I would have said he's a Nintendo plant if anything, but thing is Nintendo was too incompetent to pull that 4D chess when they were doing their own self sabotage and Japan/US infighting.

>> No.4996090

> be sega
> release the saturn, try and compete with playstation. yuge mistake.
> charge insane amounts for licensing and development systems, shit tools and documentation
> be an under performing, over engineered pile of garbage
> awesome with sprites, awesome sound, absolutely shit at 3d.
> sales figures worldwide: embarrassing
> software houses struggled to produce anything that was of any decent quality thanks to sega's retard efforts
> a few years later: discontinued.
> game devs and sega board members flee the sinking ship
> sega rarely speak of the saturn ever again.. like it didn't exist.
> dreamcast ftw

>> No.4996105

> incompetent
amazingly so. the dire lack of decent titles for the n64 is a testament to that at the time.. yet somehow that machine did well. nintenbros have incredibly low expectations and still hand over the cash and praise them. only have to look at the switch to see how low those expectations are.

>> No.4996179
File: 102 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was a piece of fuckin shit.

>> No.4996219

>quads instead of polys
>shitty dual SH2 CPUs

>> No.4996234

Too expensive.

All there is to it. "Not good at 3d" isn't really a strike against it given that the Playstation isn't good at 3d either.

>> No.4996454

You can label dozens of mistakes but the two biggest weaknesses we're:

Sega of Japan's board of directors we're xenophobic and jealous of Sega of America's success. They did numerous actions that harmed Sega in America to bring up their own power.

Sega was much smaller than Sony and Nintendo, tho tjey had grown in recent years. They started 1989 being 1/5th Nintendo's size and in 1995 we're 1/20th Sony's size. They weren't in a fair fight either time and yet still did remarkably well. Sony did well by simply buying out 3rd parties via money flooding principles.

Those 2 are the only things that caused Sega to do bad. Take away either and the Sega Saturn succeeds.

>> No.4996556

The N64 sold 32,93 million units despite all of it's flaws.
The Sega Saturn sold 9,26 million units despite all of it's technical advantages.

>> No.4996576

why did Namco boycott the Saturn?

>> No.4996580

Sony bribed them to.

>> No.4997525

>development systems, shit tools and documentation
Let's not forget sega of america didn't provide tools and translated docs for western devs
Yes they fucked up. The 1994 launch was pushed by Sega of America because they had no idea about video games
Look at the Atari Jaguar that kind of people was in charge of marketing Dreamcast
Nintendo of America knew how to market their games
They hired sluts to promote N64 games on malls so kids would beg their moms for a n64 especially rich kids

>> No.4997729

what punches did SoJ throw at SoA?
pushing the saturn out to the west prematurely despite no marketing strategy?

>> No.4997740


Why do you intentionally misspell 'its'?

>> No.4997814

-Worse at 3D that the Playstation due to being a modified 2D system designed to skew sprites to simulate 3D, instead of made with 3D primarily in mind.
-Cost $100 more than Playstation at launch.
-Harder to develop for due to poor C++ dev libraries and dual SH2 CPU design compared to the single powerful CPU of the Playstation.
-Most of the best Saturn games were arcade ports that could be beaten in a day. Also most exclusives (NiGHTS, Panzer Dragoon, Astal, Clockwork Night, Mr Bones etc) also failed to resonate with the general consumer like the Playstation's library did (Crash Bandicoot, Wipeout, Tekken, Twisted Metal, Final Fantasy 7 etc).
-Failure of 32X from 1994-1996 destroyed Sega's built-up reputation.
-No true 3D Sonic title to act as a system seller like the original Sonic did. Sonic 3D Blast was a Genesis port, Sonic Jam a retro compilation with a bonus 3D museum world, and Sonic R a five level racing game that could be beaten in 30 minutes.
-Sony did a much better job courting and encouraging developers to make Playstation games then Sega did (anecdotally).

>> No.4997820

A heavy push for the development of a 32-bit console (32-X) upon seeing the Atari Jaguar, then pooling the resources 6 months later into putting out the Saturn was a move that made SoA look greedy and seem as though they thought their target audience was dumb. Furthermore, SoJ rushing the development of the Saturn and pushing the release date forward gave Sony the opportunity to counter with the PS, it being $100 cheaper and more readily available.

>> No.4997839


the SH2s were pretty good. Just a little tricky to use both instead of one, potentially faster CPU. Too bad sega was pretty much the reason hitachi even made those. I think they were kinda stuck with them.

>> No.4997882

>1000 times more ludo
Are you making up words again, anon?

>> No.4997886

He's a phoneposter too lazy to turn off or at least fix autocorrect.

>> No.4997957

Should I buy a saturn for $40? What are the best 2D games on it?

>> No.4997981

nah, other way around. it was sega.jp that wanted the saturn. sega.us was still seeing really good sales numbers of genesis and software in the mid 90s. sega.jp told them to stfu and market the saturn. sega.jp and sega.us failed spectacularly because of it.

>> No.4997985

for $40? bargain. buy it.

>> No.4997996

> autism
who gives a shit how it's spelt. as long as the message gets through.

>> No.4998484

Reminder Sega 32X was Sega of America idea

>> No.4998543
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It failed because Sega got ballsy and retailed the Saturn at $349.99. It had a ton more features than the PS1 or N64 did but whatever.

>> No.4998565

Not to mention that aparently here in Europe, specially Spain, they wanted to boicot it.

>> No.4998620

Sega's customers had no reason to trust the company anymore. On the other hand, Nintendo still retained it's customer's faith and Sony was doing great at stealing customers from both companies.
Nintendo launched a console that showed it's power right off the bat with a launcher title(Mario 64) while Sony quickly caught the customer's attention with launch games like Tekken (to rival Sega's Virtua Figther) and Ridge Racer (To rival Sega's Daytona USA)
On the other hand, the Saturn barely had killer launching titles to set it apart from it's rivals and the lack of a Saturn Sonic game was a huge mistake that cost them a large chunk.

>> No.4999000

>absolutely shit at 3D
explain this then (skip to 4:19 if you're on the embed player, it doesn't support time links for some reason) https://youtu.be/QyJLAlCbF3A?t=4m19s

>> No.4999012

>One of the main selling points of the Genesis/ Mega Drive was "having the arcade at home".

Said no one ever.

The SNES had WAY more arcade ports, and the multiplatform releases were almost all better (save for the obvious exception of Mortal Kombat 1).

Genesis was Sonic, Mortal Kombat, and sports games. Maybe Streets of Rage if you were a beat 'em up fan.

>> No.4999016


Literally the worst thing to ever happen to gaming until DLC.

>> No.4999087

>-Harder to develop for due to poor C++ dev libraries and dual SH2 CPU design

Complete BS. The quads also didn't matter either. And the PSX dev kits were equally shit, the launch games were literally Net Yaroze titles.

The problem with the Saturn was that the VDP1 was USELESSLY SLOW. PSX was 4 to 8 times faster depending on what you were drawing. You could have the easiest to develop for system ever, if the GPU is shit then you won't get rich graphics.

And back in the 90s, Sony was still a quality brand, so of course developers flocked for them. They also had an insanely big CD distribution network, making them cheaper.

>> No.4999092

All SNES arcade ports were horse shit compared to the MD versions though, with the exception of SF2 and, like, Primal Rage maybe.

>> No.4999095

The reason is called PlayStation

>> No.4999102

To be completely fair, arcade ports on MD and SNES are both "shit" compared to the real thing.
Sometimes, MD got the better ports (Mortal Kombat 1), sometimes it was SNES (Mortal Kombat 2). But neither was the Neo Geo.

>> No.4999105

Nintendo could adapt and survive to the newcomer's assault, Sega didn't.

>> No.4999117

Nintendo were raking in mad dosh from the Gameboy, and they were making money on hardware sales so it didn't matter how well they do, they'd get a profit either way.

>> No.4999127

arcade games are by nature designed for replayability. i'll replay a good shmup hundreds of times but something like an rpg i'll likely only play once or twice.

>> No.4999128


>> No.4999858

The Neo Geo was literally an arcade system. The only major difference between the home system and the arcade system was in the BIOS.

>> No.5001416

the saturn was mostly arcade ports
arcade games are designed to give you a thrill and then game over you ASAP.
it took a while for companies to realize that games need restructuring for the home market.
that sega trucking game on the dreamcast springs to mind; one mistake and oh no, you're out of time.

>> No.5001421

panzer dragoon was sweet.
at the time i did not notice the low rez textures and wibbly low floating-point 3d

>> No.5001474

i think it'd do better now since theres more adults (manchildren) spending their own money on games
weren't people paying 600 for ps3s when new?
and people spend thousands for gaming pcs

>> No.5001489

Neo to MD ports were almost always decent though, while their SNES ports looked like Atari 2600 games.

>> No.5001490

The only one I think is actually better than the SNES port was Samurai Shodown.
I remember the Fatal Fury games being always at least a bit better on SNES.
Fatal Fury Special on SNES was better than the Sega CD port.