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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4995032 No.4995032 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong, /vr/?

>> No.4995035
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>> No.4995040
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Oh god what the fuck happened? Please tell me that's not the Reignited Trilogy.

>> No.4995051

my dick

>> No.4995061

On one hand, I wish she was more like the original.
On the other hand, I wanna fuck that kangaroo.

>> No.4995072

well... shit

>> No.4995074
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>> No.4995078

I wish I was reeeaaaally small and shoved in her pouch

>> No.4995082

haha, that's weird

>> No.4995084

They made her more fuckable.

>> No.4995089

>spyro thread simulator

>> No.4995103
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I wanna see how the furries over at Toy for Bob manage to make Buzz look fuckable next

>> No.4995145

They gave her clothes

>> No.4995146

Shirt with no pants is better than completely nude.

>> No.4995249

The design is fine. Except for the hair. That does not need to exist.

>> No.4995253

The artists at Toys for Bob wish they worked for Pixar or Dreamworks so they're just subbing in that style instead of trying to realize what the original graphics represented

>> No.4995634


Yeah, this looks great on a technical level but it's a very clear departure from the original. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Reignited, shit looks completely different every month.

>> No.4995754

With all the characters given clothes in Reignited...is Spyro seen as a nudist?

>> No.4995846

>What went wrong, /vr/?
In art direction department? LITERALLY NOTHING WENT WRONG!
I would fucking buy that game but I just do not want to give a single penny to Bobby "Greedy Cunt" Kotick.
Kill your self my mane.

>> No.4995875
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boy if they ruin my nigger moneybags i don't know what this autistic kid over here is capable to do

>> No.4995904 [DELETED] 

They wouldn't dare fur-ify Issac Moneystein

>> No.4995907 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4995918 [DELETED] 

Yet Shelia is closer to the original in this version than the Reignited Trilogy

>> No.4995931

That's a pretty slick looking bear haha I'm not gay, but I wonder what he would look like naked, just for laughs because it would be funny to see him naked and embarrassed haha

>> No.4995935

No, you kill yourself you literal faggot.
Just because no human wants you doesn't mean you should go fuck dogs.

>> No.4995941


>> No.4995945

Humans are overrated tho.

>> No.4996727
File: 5 KB, 119x167, Fluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i secretly want to fuck the living shit outta the weather imps from spyro 3, for me they paved the way for imp appreciation. looking forward to this shitty remaster, hopefully i can see some thick, juicy imp and fantasize the weirdest shit on it. what do you think??

>> No.4996745

I've never played a Spryo game before. I feel like it is a series I missed out on because I never owned a PS1 back in the day. Instead I had an N64.

The model on the left looks like a bad imitation of Hippety Hopper from the Warner Bros. cartoons. The one on the right looks like the design came from Deviant art.

>> No.4996747

the remakes look good but we dont need a /vr/ thread for it. enough people ree on /v/ about it

>> No.4997409

Honestly spyro is just a fun game with good music. Even if you didn't play it as a kid you should enjoy it as an adult. Apparently the devs got mail from grandmother's who stole the games from their kids because they enjoyed it more

>> No.4997494

>frogposting in /vr/
What went wrong, /vr/?

>> No.4997496

Anon... I'm sorry.

>> No.4997509


All of these remasters are garbage anyway. Just play the PS1 originals

>> No.4997520

God damn I would pump that kangaroo's ass.

>> No.4998563
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>tfw no thicc 'strayan kangaroo gf

>> No.4998595

More like what went right. She's gorgeous.

>> No.5000223

Her original design was far too gender-neutral, on top of being really simplistic. If you faithfully re-created that in HD, she'd just look weird and unfinished compared to the other characters.

>> No.5000232

Not retro. Get this /v/ thread out of here

>> No.5000271

I feel you.

For the most part I've liked the new designs or wanted to put my dick in them. They're not bad at all, just really different. Either way the originals aren't going anywhere.

>> No.5000309

With all due respect I never liked the spyro character designs very much.

>> No.5000430

Sorry, I'm not blinded by nostalgia.
The new design is better.

>> No.5000438

But where's the pouch?

>> No.5000562 [DELETED] 


>> No.5000678

he already is

>> No.5000696


they were honestly really bad. spyro was fun but i couldnt give a shit about any of the characters

>> No.5000958

What? They're were adorable and had a lively animation. What's not to like?

>> No.5001015

To all the posts going "they turned it into furry shit" well news fucking flash idiots, it's been always furry shit from the start. You grew up playing a furry game, deal with it.

>> No.5001032

top kek

>> No.5001034

This is funny as shit and makes this abortion of a thread worthwhile. Good job anon

>> No.5001039


Stewart Copeland from the Police made the music for these games

>> No.5001164

Saying Spyro is furry shit is like saying Looney Tunes is furry shit.

>> No.5001343

Looney Tunes is the original furry shit.

>> No.5001353

It had a gay crossdressing rabbit that kissed humans in the mouth

>> No.5001580

This game series should've stayed dead, remastered was created by people who've never played it as a kid.

>> No.5001616

the only ones i really cared for were the ones in 2. the minotaur lady and professor made for nice companions in the game. hunter and the sorceress always scared/pissed me off.

>> No.5001618

I really don't get the remastered craze, let the past stay dead. If you really want those games they're right there waiting for you.

>> No.5001657

yeah exactly, if people played the guy (as they claim) when they were kids why can't they play it on their ps1 now? if anything just resell the same game on a newer system.

>> No.5001661

And yeah I have yet to play a good remaster, all of them suck.

>> No.5001682


gen 5 graphics and CD load times are fucking awful.

>> No.5001839
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>> No.5001870

left: soul
right: soulless

>> No.5001872

Left: graphics that scream edutainment for little kids
right: furrybait

Each is awful in its own way.

>> No.5001971
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Thank you anon.

>> No.5002031

That was a pretty good fap not gonna lie.

>> No.5002043

And that's not even counting shit like Lola

>> No.5002065
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Wrong guy designed them

>> No.5003414

Maybe it's because I didn't play the original but I think the new design is cute. Not in an "I wanna fuck that" kind of way. I do think she didn't need the hair though.

>> No.5003494

You using inaccurate color depth to depict the PS1 screen is what went wrong.

>> No.5003498
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She looks nothing like that though.

>> No.5003694
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how about now?

>> No.5003705
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fucking furries

>> No.5005496

You're a cancerous tumor in the face of humanity and morality. You should either fix your goddamn life, or end it. Those are you choices.

>> No.5005883


>> No.5005918
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>> No.5005919

still no

>> No.5005939
File: 2.62 MB, 3300x2100, spyro_wizard_cat_by_chief680-damw3vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really goddamn excited for this, and the more footage they reveal the more my interest wanes. Now I just feel apathetic. I guess it was inevitable that they would put their own spin on a lot of the designs, considering this is the same company and team that makes Skylanders. I don't hate it for existing and I won't shit talk people that enjoy it, but I can't help but shake the feeling that despite all their PR shit they don't genuinely care that much about the originals. People like me who still play them every once in a while have been passed over in favor of trendy YouTubers who remember playing Spyro at their friend's house that one time and 10 year olds that know Spyro through Skylanders.

>> No.5005963
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else wanna fuck the kangaroo on the right?

>> No.5005969

Many such cases!

>> No.5005974

I'd fuck both honestly. As long as she's sapient and female and has the accent.

>> No.5005981
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