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4991823 No.4991823 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to pick only one

>> No.4991828

MM7 if it is CIB. Jewel cases don't look good on my shelf collecting dust.

>> No.4991831

The cutscenes & voices are dumb, but the laser charge shot in 8 is worth it.

>> No.4991924

7 Anyday. Fuck those snowboard segments, and fuck the maze level in 8

>> No.4991927


>> No.4992374

if you actually think 8 even holds a candle to 7, you're insane

>> No.4992381

7. Say what you will, it still feels like a Mega Man game. I can't say that about 8.

>> No.4992383

7 because I never beat that one

>> No.4992384

7 has vastly superior level design and bosses, but 8 has superior soundtrack and aesthetics.

>> No.4992386

8's gameplay isn't nearly as tight thanks to long ass animations

>> No.4992395

retarded namefag being retarded as usual

>> No.4992583

I replayed 7 a handful of times while I never felt like returning to 8, to 7 it is.

>> No.4992598

Except even actual MM devs admit to that. Check the interviews for MM11 on youtube and how they say they wanted to make sure not to do that mistake again.

>> No.4992620
File: 16 KB, 512x448, Rockm7fc_ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the shit originals instead of the superior 8-bit fan demakes
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.4992630

where can one acquire this?

>> No.4992676

I want to replay both, but I have fonder memories of 7 so...

>> No.4992717
File: 25 KB, 149x292, 1534291602531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded, this is what I always wanted 7 to be

>> No.4992814

>Not even actual NES ROMs
Not superior at all.

>> No.4992842

Make them then.

>> No.4992850
File: 26 KB, 312x312, throw_up1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those atrocious 8-bit arrangements that don't do the originals justice

>> No.4992865

Fuck off. The games are fundamentally shit but at least the upgraded sound and visuals gives something, removing that would leave you with nothing more than a mundane time waster

>> No.4992870

What about 7 is supposed to be shit other than the initial unskipabble cutscene and Megaman's sprite size (which I didn't mind)?

>> No.4992883

Mega Man X evolved the series and pushed it into doing things it could never do on NES. MM7 is a gigantic step backward in this case, something about it just feels overly simplistic on SNES where it doesn't on NES. It's hard to explain.

>> No.4992889

Literally nothing. People will find any mindless reason to complain about it just because it's not on the NES. They complain about the simplicity of it, as if that's anything different from the previous games. They complain about the items and level exploration, as if the previous 3 games hadn't incorporated it as well. They complain about the sprite size, as if the game doesn't adjust for it. Etc., etc.

>> No.4992910

>something about it just feels overly simplistic on SNES where it doesn't on NES. It's hard to explain.

nigger, the nes games were more complex than 95% of sidescrollers on the console

>> No.4992913

>muh boring lame ass childhood

>> No.4992924

>They complain about the simplicity of it, as if that's anything different from the previous games.

Being an uninspired cookie-cutter entry to the series that barely does anything to justify its existence is a legitimate complaint. MM5 and MM6 are the same way. In fact, the only reason MM7 is better than those is because of Bass and the sheer number of items to find.

>> No.4992960

Every game except 2 is an uninspired cookie-cutter entry to the series that barely does anything to justify its existence.
3 adds the slide and doc robot then does everything else the same as it was done in 2.
4 adds the charge shot and the collectables then does everything else the same as it was done in 2 and 3.
5 adds fucking nothing and does everything the same as it was done in 2, 3, and 4.
6 adds the adapters and then does everything the same as it was done in 2, 3, 4, and 5.

The entire series is mindless shit like this where each entry just appeals to a specific breed of autism. The X series is objectively better

>> No.4992998

3's sliding fundamentally changes how you play the game, its level design and enemies. It also added Rush, which made you tackle challenges in new ways. Plus it was only the third game so nothing felt stale at the time.

4's charge shot, again, makes you think about challenges in new ways, plus it had two fortresses and an actual storyline.

Also, you're a fool if you think X is exempt from cookie-cutter nonsense, because X3 doesn't have one goddamned iota of originality besides Zero being playable (as an unwieldy piece of shit who dies forever and locks you out of the good ending after only one life) and the ride armors and enhancement chips (all of which are completely pointless because of the gold armor).

Hell, X4 adds fuck-all besides Zero. X's playthrough has absolutely nothing new. The only reason people name X4 as their favorite is because Zero is so much fun to play.

>> No.4993765

They're nice but the only thing arguably better in the "demakes" are the bossfights, especially for 8.

Otherwise, 7 sucks because the change of scale renders the game incredibly empty and easier.
In 8 they outright deleted entire stages segments, and yet sill managed to end up making things which wouldn't have been possible as such on NES.

>> No.4993940

I despise demakes, no matter how bad a game can be(I'm looking at you 8) it's still worth to try and move forward instead of stagnating in 8bit limbo forever.

I was very happy when they revealed MM11 and it looked like a new game instead of a shameless 8 bit cashgrab.
Only wish that they used the Smash Mega Man model.

>> No.4994256

8 because it has actual varied and distinct level designs.

>> No.4994261

Say what you want about 7 Even though its good

the OST is peak megaman

>> No.4995667

>5 added a bird and does everything the same as it was done in 2, 3, and 4.
Fixed bro.

>> No.4995684

5 adds the bird, the M tank, and makes the charge shot OP. It's also the first which has a stage focused on non platforming (jetski), which then became a staple

>> No.4995690

>Fuck those snowboard segments
play it on original hardware you fucking brainlet

>> No.4995691

>all of which are completely pointless because of the gold armor).
>he didn't do a samurai run

>> No.4995695


>> No.4995712
File: 158 KB, 900x1200, CypFGchVQAAqFv_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 is like the Famicom games but with better graphics, 7 is like the Famicom games but with a crap ton more of content, both are great but in my humble opinion 7 is better, only because it has more shit to do.

>> No.4997341
File: 198 KB, 1500x1125, mega_man_8_cels_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman 8 all the way. There is no contest, really. 8 is perfect. they pretty much through everything into it including anime. the soundtrack is one of the best in video games and memorable

>> No.4997375

They're both great games.

>> No.4999331

Mega Man 8, obviously. I never understood the hate for that game. If people didn't give it such a hard time, we probably would've had a Mega Man 9 much sooner probably on the ps1/2.

>> No.4999334

MM7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. Seriously, fuck 8.

>> No.4999338
File: 16 KB, 480x360, megamanvii_gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999358

MM7 and 8 are both pleb filters, I prefer 7 because I'm better at it and the bossfights are fun, 8 has some of the best production in a PS1 sidescroller though.

>> No.4999364

The Saturn version is better

>> No.4999381

Yeah but I don't have a Saturn, also why Capcom stopped porting Megaman games to Saturn after X4/MM8? budget?

>> No.4999751


>> No.5000373

Mega Man 7.

>> No.5000619

google it you dumbass

>> No.5000824

MM7 has a cheat code where you can play a MM vs Bass fighting game type mode. My brother and I spent more time playing that than the actual game, so I'd pick 7 based on that alone.

>> No.5001893

I like Tenguman's PSX theme more though.

>> No.5003514

>they took that famicom out of the background for the Legacy collection

>> No.5003589
File: 261 KB, 768x874, Auto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Mega Man 7's box art have Auto fighting when he doesn't do that?

>> No.5003597

>the auto-scroller near the end of Mega Man 8

is there a more miserable level in a mega man game?


>> No.5004425

that's your imagination.

>> No.5005441

fucking 7 anyday
7 ain't even CLOSE to bad

>> No.5006848

He can fight

>> No.5007056

1. Doesn't let you access all Robot Masters at once.
2. Does nothing interesting.
3. Is an easy baby game.

>> No.5007087


meanwhile Mighty No.9 is wholly made for chaining combos, score routing and speedrunning, but nah it looks ugly, mishandled Kickstarter 0/10 trash...

MM2 rehashes on the other hand? Greatness!

>> No.5007090

Megaman 8 is good? I didn't notice since it's made for 6yos and I went through it in the blink of an eye without taking a single hit.

>> No.5007092

Don't even pretend graphics and KS drama are that piece of shit's only problems.

>> No.5007098

the music is complete shit

>> No.5007118

Why does Auto have Zero's nipples?

>> No.5007235


>> No.5007361

MM7, because it's my favorite classic MM game.

>> No.5008993

I'll agree about your first point, but it does many interesting things, and it's not as easy, including having one of the hardest Wily fights unless you read how to beat him fast.

>> No.5010781

Beat MM7's Wily Capsule without using a single E-Tank or S-Tank and then you can tell me all about how Mega Man 7 is an "easy baby game".

>> No.5011847

all megaman games are made for 6 year olds but 8 is actually good