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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4977921 No.4977921 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you into retro games and what does it mean to you?

If it helps, cite a specific game and talk about it to explain why you like it despite it being made decades ago. I'm sure a lot of you got into this stuff as kids but people like me didn't get interested until later on in life. I'm interested to know what makes these games so special for them to still be discussed all these years later.

>> No.4977934

Mostly because i'm too poor to afford a new console or a decent PC.

>> No.4977943

I like videogames

>> No.4977984

I grew up with them, they aren't retro games to me they're just games like any others, which I judge on their own terms. Speaking in trends I like the game design that limited technology spawned like arcades and early console games they influenced. There are less challenging single player games being made now, only indies deliver sometimes. Certain genres completely died off, look at belt scrollers.

>> No.4977997


>> No.4978283

>I grew up with them, they aren't retro games to me they're just games like any others

>> No.4978307

I'm not into retro games specifically. I just like video games, which means not giving a fuck how old they are.

>> No.4978316

Late 80s through all of the 90s was my childhood. As for why I'm -still- into them, well I keep discovering old games that are new to me all the time. Remember that as a kid you don't see every new game that comes out, and that was especially true in the pre-internet era. There are -hundreds- of 80s/90s games I've been playing in the last decade or so that I didn't as a kid and potentially even more as Japanese games are translated.

>> No.4978475

I hate modern life. My personal life is good now, unlike when I was a child. Back then playing games was one of the only ways I got fleeting moments of happiness. But the world overall is pretty bleak and depressing. I'm fine but everyone else seems so fucked up. I hate the intersection of video games and politics. I hate "gamer" culture. I don't give a fuck about Twitch streamers and their thoughts on anything. I play old games to forget it's 2018.

>> No.4978482

Because despite Persona 2's clunky RPG system it's plotline isn't a weeaboo waifu shitfest (persona 3 onwards)

>> No.4978485
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These are the games I played in my youth and a lot of them are still really fun. I don't only like retro games though.

>> No.4980064

>Why are you into retro games and what does it mean to you?
just a way to relax: playing (or reading about) some old stuff brings up a glimpse of the worldview I used to have when I was a kid/teen (not that rational and somber yet)

>> No.4980094

Bluntly not enough stuff is coming out to entertain me. I think there are two games this year being launched and that’s it. Most of these retro games are revisits of my youth that haven’t been played for a decade or more. Also there is always that fun backlog of games played but not finished or those fun imports we never got so I get to try them now.

>> No.4980096

I'm not into retro games.

I was into video games, when they suddenly stopped being good around 2000.

>> No.4980115

Because they're good?

Seems like you're a normie that wants to fit in, but you don't like classic games. Let me tell you, opening a useless thread won't make your taste any less shit.

>> No.4980119


You're me. But i'll add that I've always been a misanthrope, and the current state of the world just served to amplify it tenfold.

>> No.4980127

I just like playing shit from my youth and finding about games I didn't know about in my youth

>> No.4980128

I just like old vidya, the mechanics and genres and aesthetics that have long since been abandoned. I beat panzer dragoon for the first time, now I'm playing Sin & Punishment for the first time too, I am also replaying Majora's Mask.
Most of my absolutely favorite retro games I didn't actually play until 2013 or 14 when I built a computer that could emulate decently

>> No.4980138

Because great stress relief. Also these games had better use of some gaming genres too.

>> No.4980150
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For me, its sour grapes. I grew up in a very frugal household where every expense had to be factored in to our budget and approved by my parental units. All of my friends had the newest systems and blockbuster subscriptions so I still got to play all the newest stuff but I never got to own any of it. This was also compounded by whenever I got the approval to get something they would almost always get taken advantage of by someone else.

When my my mom told my grandma we wanted a Sega genesis for Christmas some asshole behind the counter convinced her we would rather have an original model Nintendo Entertainment System a mere WEEK before the Super would be released. We had no idea until Christmas day. The box was clearly left over inventory.

They thought "Why get him a PlayStation when we can get him a PC for school and also play games on it!" So they proceeded to spend almost double what it was worth on an obsolete PC from a "friend of the family" sold one to us for "half of what she paid for it". It was a windows 3.1 system that barely ran windows 95. Doom was 15 fps.

The only time I really came out ahead was with handhelds because if mom an dad were in a mood, it was no fun allowed so gaming on the bus and under the covers was essential. They were usually cheaper than their big console counter parts so I was able to amass a rather large collection over time with the help of thrift stores and yard sales. While my friends were playing Genesis, I was playing Game Gear. While they were playing N64, I got a gameboy color, ect.

So now I have the opportunity to go back and enjoy all the stuff I missed and pick from the best.

>> No.4980329

long live the rom
play on, anon.

>> No.4980907
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As an oldfag it's partially nostalgia, but also because every era has its own flavor that's hard to recreate after the fact and sometimes I want to play something that has a certain feel and aesthetic and retro's the only way to get it.

Look at the Sonic franchise for an ex example of what I mean: they keep trying to recapture that same feel or update it somehow but the vast improvements in technology don't help at all. Or look at Final Fantasy to see the same thing even in a successful franchise, VI and X were both successful and share some common elements but they don't really look or play the same. If you want the retro flavor the retro games are the only real source.

>> No.4980926

I'm an old fuck, and I just never stopped liking what I like. Though I will admit that the generally lower prices of retro games is nice.

You kids needing a reason to like things are all faggots, btw.

>> No.4981104

All new games are shit and filled with jewry MR. FBI

>> No.4982275

Absolutely hit the nail on the head. Even indie projects can only get so close, and that's the best of the best. There were so many different variables involved in these games' creation: cultural, economic, technological. The only way to replicate them is to replicate the entire world at the time. Such is the way with games, movies, television. There's nothing like them anymore, just like there will one day be nothing like the games made today.

>> No.4982289
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>Why are you into retro games
they're good
>and what does that mean to you?

>> No.4982313

I prefer arcade games and hard-and-fast single-player FPSes. Modern games don't do much of either. It really is as simple as the industry abandoning all the best genres in favor of stuff that doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.4982317

>There's nothing like them anymore, just like there will one day be nothing like the games made today.

It's that way with everything. Time flows and things change. No moment will ever be the same.

>> No.4982323

Nostalgia. Also got tired of constantly upgrading my computer, just to play dumbed down rehashes of my favourite games just because they have slightly better graphics. I know what I like and I am sticking with it, so all those bought-off reviewers and twatty no talent wannabe game developers can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4982326

Not so much nostalgia, but familiarity. Also I've never been a graphicswhore, and some of my favourite franchises were better back in the day (Megaman, Fire Emblem) *crack* *siiiiip*, ahhhh

A game is a game, I don't care when it was made as long as it's good.

>> No.4982351

I assume that's how it is for most too young to be nostalgic. I've made a hobby out of baiting them into leaking their age.

>> No.4982365

They're video games, and I like video games, including new ones, and this board has a good SNR

and how old were you then, hmm?

>> No.4982367
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>> No.4982373


>Look at the Sonic franchise for an ex example of what I mean: they keep trying to recapture that same feel or update it somehow but the vast improvements in technology don't help at all.

Sonic Mania

Otherwise, full ACK!

>> No.4982415

I'm into old games because I honestly wasn't much as a kid. I'd play stuff occasionally but it failed to keep my interest for long, my childhood was defined by comics, the children's section in my local library and legos. I didn't start to seriously expand my gaming tastes until the late teens, and I've been catching up on console gaming ever since. I utterly fail to relate to gaming "nostalgia" since anything except early 2000s PC era is basically new to me.

>> No.4982456

modern games are either too cinematic and suffocating or bloated and aimless (well the AAA ones at least)
older games seem to be a bit more balanced and varied, but that's just me and I could just be out of touch

>> No.4982683

>life with meaning is gay

>> No.4982704

Video games hold a special meaning to me purely because of nostalgia. I don't replay sonic adventure annually because it's the best thing ever made.

I just like remembering old shit. I know this sounds gay as fuck but I get a warm feeling in my heart when collecting dreamcast games.

>> No.4982713

>I'm fine but everyone else seems so fucked up

No they don't. The moments you encounter an asshole make you think this. But even they're probably just having a bad day. The majority of people pass you by and don't trouble you at all.

You've probably pissed someone off without meaning to. It's just life. Find what makes you happy and stick to it. If you're worrying about politics that much you don't understand anything.

>> No.4982747

>because if mom an dad were in a mood

They weren't in any sort of mood. They wanted to buy you shit and only sometimes could have a savings built up which they spent on fucking video games instead of good health care or a better car.

>> No.4982785

You don't know shit about him or his parents.

>> No.4983139

No, thats definatley not it. My mom is (was?) manic depressive and got psychiatric help for it in recent years and has very little control over her emotions. Every Friday, like clockwork we would have a big melodramatic argument about something i did or sometimes something she imagined if there was nothing serious to fight about.

My mom was chronically abused and harassed when she was younger and because of it she is (was?) constantly starved for attention. This put a lot of stress on us as children because we did not have the necessary tools to help her.

Boy, that took a dark turn didnt it lol

>> No.4983148

>Why are you into retro games and what does it mean to you?
Because of my age, I consider a PSX new and I still have a backlog of SNES games. I was working age when SNES came out, so I missed some thing. Over the years I would buy a system and just not use it. Now I have a whole bunch of systems and no reason to buy any new shit. Until I get through my 15+ year backlog of games, I will be "retro"....by the time I get to the PS4, it will be retro .....though I doubt I will live that long.

>> No.4983165

I'm not into "retro" games per se, i'm just into good games and most good games just happen to be older games.

>> No.4983556

I really, honestly believe we lost something in the jump from 5th to 6th gen. It's not something I feel angry or cynical about, I think it's just the byproduct of video games being more of a thing that's taken for granted.

It's the same thing that happened with rock 'n' roll. It used to be something that was fresh, exciting, and had plenty of possibilities to be explored. Companies were still trying to exploit it for profit, but they didn't have it down to such a science yet. The Wii is the "Journey" of video games. Your mom enjoys creating a "Mii" and "playing" Wii Fit (OK, maybe I'm a -little- cynical and angry).

There are still good games being made, just not at the rate or percentage there used to be. Would I rather play something amazing I've already played to death than take a chance on something that might be a net mediocre? Yes, especially now that I'm almost 30 and have a mortgage.

>> No.4983647

It's simple: I noticed a steep decline in my enjoyment of games during the early parts of the 4th gen. That's not to say I don't enjoy some 5th gen games or even the non-retro 6th-and-beyond gens, just that most of the ones I like quite a lot are firmly 3rd gen. If I could play the complete library of NES/Famicom and MS for the rest of eternity, never touching a game from any other console (maybe a few arcade games, like Kangaroo and Burger Time), I'd be okay with that.

That's why I /vr/.

>> No.4983672

literally because there's games I wanted when I was younger that I'm just getting around to playing now because I have money and they are now "retro"

>> No.4983673


>> No.4983726

I'm into retro games because they offer things that modern games, for the most part, just don't offer any more.

>If it helps, cite a specific game and talk about it to explain why you like it despite it being made decades ago.

I still hold up Jagged Alliance 2 as the king of turn based squad combat. The best recent offerings in the genre are the X-Com and Shadowrun games. JA2 plays like a simulation, with a headspinning amount of variables and possibilities. There are more tactical options in an hour of JA2 than there are in the entire length of any of those games. Sadly, in this already sparse genre of games, the X-Com model of lowest common denominator, console-friendly simplicity has become the standard.

In X-Com, you make a move, you shoot, maybe you use a an ability. In a single turn for a single squad member there are almost never more than 3 descisions for the player to make.

In JA2, a turn has so much potential descion-making granularity that you'll routinely be undertaking a dozen or more seperate actions in a turn: Approach a door, look through it, run in, spin to see both side of the room, run to cover, then decide how many action points you're going to spend on your shots: A 3 round burst? 5? A full auto spray? A single snap-shot? 4 snap shots? 2 slightly more focused snap shots? A focused, fully aimed shot? A focused, but -not- fully aimed shot so that you still have enough time lie down in full cover after you've fired?

In X-com that would be: Run through the door and into whatever bit of cover you can reach, pick a target and an attack, or an ability. End of turn.

And that's why I view a 19 year old game as the best in its genre, to this day.

>> No.4983775

I think it happened that from generation to generation, as technology improved, the possibilities for games expanded and games became better and more diverse, but that sort of peaked in gen 6. By that time pretty much any game idea was possible to make into a game. So after that, game design tendencies began to develop horizontally rather than vertically, if I had to put it into words. Games stopped becoming better, just different. Graphics improved, sure, but that's it, you can take a modern game, make the graphics shittier and it could work on a ps2 (like how dynasty warriors 6 and dw gundam were later backported to ps2 with extra content somehow)
But anyways sometime between gen 6 and 7 games stopped evolving and simply began to change, also internet connectivity in consoles ruined everything.

>> No.4984623

it's easier to emulate

>> No.4984653

Because I stopped enjoying new games after I turned 14.

>> No.4984662

I'm poor and can't git gud so emulating alone saves me a lot of embarrassment. And it gives me something to talk about with the ugly girls at school.

>> No.4984753

good games don't release often enough to always have something to play so retro games fill the gap

>> No.4984764
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Because of modern trends and games with zero limitations, it makes me appreciate retro games and the gymnastics they had to pull for some of their games, mechanics, gimmicks, and other such things. Heck, some of the best NES games are smaller than some common JPGs you see on 4chan. Imagine making a critically acclaimed game with less than 500 MB.

>not enough space for story, so you can't rely on muh cutscenes
>graphics? forget about it, you get a mishmash of pixels and polygons
>music? 8 bit chip tunes
>that gameplay quality better be gold on a silver platter

>> No.4984773

Well put. In my opinion, in addition to the unique flavour of various eras, systems, and games, is the fact a good game is a good game. I like what I like, sure. But chess is two thousand years old, perhaps more, and doesn't need updating. I'm not saying that every old game is perfect, or even good, and that there wasn't shovelware, or that there aren't a lot of wonderful games being released now amongst the majority of today's shovelware, but there are wonderful pieces lying around waiting to be picked up - which is why the retro bubble has happened. IMO it's not going to burst. Rare first editions of books don't tend to drop in value, and neither does art, with exceptions and caveats, of course.

>> No.4984928
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pretty much this
i'm only 20 but I grew up playing NES games
back then all kids my age were playing ps2 or even ps3 games, but my parents were too poor to afford that (tfw third world) and I wanted a console so bad, so they went and buyed a second hand NES clone called "polystation" thinking it was the same as the playstation
pic related

>> No.4984930


**Macaco de merda.**

>> No.4984932

>retro games
I just call them games. Do you refer to Scrabble or chess as “retro board games”?

>> No.4984935

Because they are better than games from 2003 - present. I feel modern day gaming is getting a little better, but it's nowhere near the fun level like 1985 - 2002 were.

>> No.4984936

não sabe nem fazer spoiler otario

>> No.4984942

The sound of chiptunes has nothing to do with bit depth.


>> No.4985346

Because they're different to today's games. There are a number of different eras of game styles in my opinion:

1. Pong
2. Single-screen arcade games. The aim is to get a high score. Atari to early Famicom. Game and Watch also counts.
3. Sprite-based side-scrolling era. Super Mario Bros. was the first popular game in this era. Third and fourth gen basically, with some fifth gen games included. Gameboy/Color/Advance also count, as do some DS games.
4. Early 3D - 5th gen with a handful of 4th gen games.
5. Intermediate 3D - 6th gen, DS, PSP, Wii. Games are primarily offline.Rapid improvements in 3D game design are still being made.
6. The modern era. 3D game design has matured. Many games are online. HD resolutions are standard.

Each of those eras offers something different to me that I can't completely get from any other one (well, aside from Pong).

Sidescrollers are different to single-screen arcade games. 6th generation games are different to 5th generation games, and yet are also different from the modern era.

In today's world, 2D games are a rarity, retail 2D games more so, and sprite-based 2D games almost unheard of. Retro games offer me those games, made with a completely different mindset to today's games. That is why I play retro games.

>> No.4985361

I'm a literal autist and I avoid trying new things whenever possible, and video games are one of the few places where sticking to "the classics" isn't looked down upon, as opposed to books, music and even food, where being eclectic and adventurous is the mark of good taste.

>> No.4985407
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Well for one I'm a collector and hoarder. I played games on a C64 Nintendo Genesis and PC growing up. There's something about old electronics that gets me going. That's why my current hobby and collecting obsession is vintage computer hardware.

>> No.4985410

You don't like trying new food? Why? If I didn't have gout I'd be searching for different recepies that use organ meat all the time.

>> No.4985597

I like them because they're good and I missed out on a lot of them. I was in a Sega household and didn't ever get a NES still the late nineties. Luckily I grew up in an area with at least 7 retro game stores so buying stuff I missed out on was easy. My emulation came about from the same thing in addition to just lack of money, and internet speed. I could keep downloading shareware games for PC or load up the bloody hand and play Super Mario. I like old PC games and all but so many genres just sucked on PC for most of time. Only in the very really 2000s did the freeware scene start making good platformers.

>> No.4985679

this is me but it started when i was like 14. I loved what was "newer" then (ps1, n64) but now with flashcarts, cheap handhelds and pc going through like it's 3rd revival, i never need to play new games.

>> No.4985686

Growing up I was poor (born in 1999) so all I had was my older brothers stuff. There is legit nostalgia there but people will discredit me anyways. Most games also seem to be simple skinner boxes for simple people meant to dazzle instead of being games.

>> No.4985691

Don't you know Miyamoto picked the coin sound because it sounded the most like his pachinko machines. I think it's amazing how people think retro games are not tailored to be highly addictive