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4976658 No.4976658 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Donkey Kong Country 3. Is it a good game or what? There are mixed opinions, but are they justified? I just finished DKC2 but I need more of my DKC fix.

>> No.4976668

It's a great game, but it should have had Donkey Kong in it. I think there were some copyright issues that prevented it. People wanted DK back, not a mentally retarded gorilla. DKC2 is the pinnacle of the series.

>> No.4976669

It's not a bad game. If you want more DKC, it's more DKC.

>> No.4976674

>I think there were some copyright issues that prevented it.
Nope. DK is not in it because some fuck at Rare said "It doesn't make sense for the villain to kidnap Diddy instead of DK", so they changed the plot to "villains kidnap both Diddy AND DK" and had Dixie be joined by a new character instead of DK. That's literally it.

>> No.4976678
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It wasn't bad but it was the weakest of the series, I don't think anybody can deny that it's hard to live up to the greatness and majesty of 1 and 2.

>> No.4976812

It's definitely worth playing. The only negative thing I can say about it is that I don't really like any of the new characters.

>> No.4976819


It's way better than DKC1. The world map is comfy as fuck

>> No.4976825
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not bad, but as stated before it's the weakest. though if i had to pick between this and 1, i'd choose this, and you said you just finished the best game the series has to offer so there's that.

>> No.4976839

super underrated game, I like it just about as much as 2

>> No.4976854

Music: blandest of the 3
Gameplay: 2nd tier - DK holding the barrel above his head + the unnecessary & sometimes unavoidable bonus tokens that push you back to the mid checkpoint makes DKC 1 worse.
No one should give a shit that Kiddy is a retarded -character-, he still controls better than Donkey Dong.

>> No.4976878

It's what I would call the quintessential 8/10 game. It's more DKC, but everything is slightly below the standards set by it's precedent. Most people's disappointments come from it being the game immediately followed by DKC2, which I (as well as many others) would consider a masterpiece.

>> No.4976979

>No one should give a shit that Kiddy is a retarded -character-, he still controls better than Donkey Dong.
I liked his skipping over water gimmick, but the timing on it was unnecessarily harsh and it didn't come up enough.

>> No.4977027

>but the timing on it was unnecessarily harsh and it didn't come up enough.

Git gud.

>> No.4977031

It's the worst of the three games, but it's still a good game. Don't let the bad rep scare you off.

>> No.4977040

I already did git gud. I'm a Donkey Kong speedrunner. The point remains however that I shouldn't have had to. It would have been a better game if they made it slightly easier. Even if they made it so you could skip automatically by holding down one bu button, that still would have been fine since the game's challenge comes elsewhere.

Like imagine Dixie's hover skill, except to use it you needed to keep tapping jump at exactly the right moment like you're playing Guitar Hero. Would it have been a better game if they made it that way? No, it just would have been obnoxious.

>> No.4977047

Fuckin Brits. Or was it the Japs? Fuck em both.

>> No.4977048


>> No.4977684

The Game Boy port is an interesting oddity.

>> No.4977774


the gameboy advance version is really good. Almost as good and in some ways better than the SNES version

>> No.4977837

I agree, the difficulty is uneven. It's a strange game. I'd like to say it's an enjoyable worthwhile experience despite not being as good as DKC2, but thinking back at how I had to push myself to play sometimes, I'm not sure even that applies. I found the bosses really good though, though I heard some people saying they didn't like the bosses which I don't understand.

Different people have different opinions of it. Obviously the only way OP can find out for sure is to play it him/herself. It's not like it's a vast RPG. For me it's a good game but not a great game.

>> No.4977847 [DELETED] 

>look, it's another false flagging thread by a butthurt DKC3 fag trying to stir shit up because no one likes his favorite piece of shit game

>> No.4977849

Is there a ROM hack to replace Kiddy with Diddy?

>> No.4978051
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>not DK like the game should have been from the start

>> No.4978119

I grew up on DKL3, I could never figure out how to beat the machine boss because you couldn't see the pillars that come out on a gameboy screen.

>> No.4978152
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i like kiddy. to have a baby as the new character, that's just that old slightly perverse rareware humor.

>> No.4978324

If you want more DKC then go ahead and play it. Otherwise they're not great games.

>> No.4978350

The first levels really turned me off, so I never ended up playing it. Shitty music, mediocre level design, ugly new Kong, no thanks

>> No.4978369

>It's a great game, but it should have had Donkey Kong in it.

That very thing turned a lot of people off from the game. The same thing happened with Yoshi's Island.

>> No.4978404

Does it have the same pay-to-save system as DKC2?

>> No.4978424


>> No.4978439

It's a bit of an oddity; the leads on DKC1 and 2 went off to work on what would become Banjo, so the lower-tier members on those games had to form a team from themselves. It takes the series in both good and bad directions, though the music (once again by Fischer and Wise) remains excellent. Certainly worth a play if you enjoyed the first two.

>> No.4978440

>I think there were some copyright issues that prevented it
If that were the case DK wouldn't have appeared at all. He's in the end sequence of the game after you beat K. Rool for the first time.

>> No.4978445

No, saving is free.

>> No.4978532


>> No.4978789

I would kill for a DK hack of 3 like that Zero mod for Mega Man X3.

>> No.4978798

This game is pretty great. It's just as fun and challenging as 1 and 2, and the music and background graphics are as beautiful as ever. One thing I didn't like though was Kiddy Kong. He feels bulky, and his jumping feels really floaty.

>> No.4979745

>Shitty music

Are you serious?

>> No.4979746

Not him but Stilt Village is without a doubt the worst background music in any DKC game. The fact it's the first level song you hear in the game doesn't give DKC3 a good impression for first time players, which makes it easy to be negatively biased to the game even if the rest of the OST can actually sound really good.

>> No.4979776

this game is unironically better than DKC2 outside of kiddy kong's design and the baby game over screen, and of course the unambitous music and opening level

literally everything else is better. If you prefer style over substance you will like dkc pirate edition more

>> No.4979778

There was this brief time in the 90s where video game developers said: "You know what's going to be the next big thing? Motherfucking Goddamn babies! Nigger!"

>> No.4979856
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A game that had hard time living up to it's predecessor and can feel more tacky too due level designs + the world, but I personally like it for it's own merits when not comparing it to DKC2. Also soft spot for the setting because it reminds me of where I live (Finland)

>> No.4979870
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If to continue, it's like a tranquil book-end game for the trilogy with some creepy undertones, which I think was necessary to make it at least establish itself better than fail even harder trying to replicate the huge spectacle creep explosion that came from playing through more ambitious and bigger adventure in DKC2. Sorta like a reserved bookend to the series.

DKC3 dials this all back for a more natural and "comfy" setting and less involved kind of a start (which tends to bore those wanting big adventure in caliber of last game, especially first world) - but the game gets better during 2nd world. It sorta speaks deep to me in that way, even if I know it's not living up to DKC2. But for what it is, I think it's decent if you give it a try.

>> No.4979871

try donkey kong 99 on mega drive/genesis

>> No.4979918

It's a let down after the first two in the series. It had a different team to those games as the original team had moved on to N64 work. It marked a point where Rare started to emphasis fetch quests in games, which reached a cresendo with DK64. It also had a lot of digitalised burping sound effects so for weird reason. And the graphics were kind of ugly due to weird colour choices with the SNES's limited gamut.

The gameplay isn't completely shit. There are some levels that are probably more challenging than the other games, but they are also quite frustrating. There's some solid platforming here, but overall the game feels more mediocre than the previous games.

>> No.4979950

>It marked a point where Rare started to emphasis fetch quests in games,

Non sense. Do you know what a fetch quest is? A fetch quest is when you have to go to another part of the map to fetch something and bring it back, you see it a lot in RPGs. What you might be thinking of is collectathons which is very distinct.

Even then your statement of how it went is completely wrong. DKC2 and even DKC1 both had your percentage collected on the screen. DKC3 didn't "start to emphasize" collecting. In fact I didn't bother getting 105% (or whatever it is) on DKC3 but it was the same as DKC2, you are wrong, that had nothing to do with it and DK64 is also an incredibly good game.

>> No.4980016


The biggest mistake rare made with this game is starting with a stilt level instead of something more exciting. First impressions are important

>> No.4980202

maybe hes referring to the map, where you have to collect parts for the vehicle in order to progress. it also marked the beginning of rare's use of americana tropes

>> No.4980206


The theme in DKC3 is more like Canada than America

>> No.4980269


I think it fits the level perfectly, it's more a problem that the level itself is pretty meh, it should not have been put at the beginning, makes a very lukewarm first impression.

>> No.4980287

Yeah that he retarded baby is what did this in. Great game and would have been right up there with 2 if Diddy was just in it.

>> No.4981539
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The fact that it was made by the side team at Rare and not the team that made 1 and 2 really shows. It's got great bosses and good level gimmciks, but worse music with inconsistent themes, worse animal buddies, kiddy kong, and adventure game quirks on the world map that are tedious on replays(but are pretty cool the first couple times through).

Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best game in the series, but anyone saying 3 is bad is wrong. It's a good game, just not better than 2.

>> No.4981594

yeah I considered that and that part sucked but considering it takes up like 0.01% of the game it hardly makes sense to talk of it as a defining part of the game. What he was really thinking of was collect-a-thon as has often been used against Rare titles but that's not something that started with DKC3 and is no reason why it wasn't as good as DKC2.

>> No.4982151

>takes up 0.01% of the game
No it doesn't. I mean, I get what you're trying to say but you're still massively underplaying just how tedious that adventure game bullshit can get on replays.

>> No.4982161

2 is also a collectathon because you spend half your time looking for secrets and playing those minigames for kroc koins
>But that's optional
Still tho

>> No.4983137

Finland has video games?

>> No.4983180


the dkc3 team also made dk64

>> No.4983198

Diddy is the shittiest character in the whole of Video kingdom.

>> No.4983218

Sure if you want to think of it like that. Though some people like to use the word "collectathon" as a pejorative because they're stupid.

>> No.4983269

I don't understand the appeal of diddy too
dixie is way better

>> No.4983296

hell yeah donkey kong canada

>> No.4984543

unironically better than dkc2 in most aspects not involving atmosphere

>> No.4984547

>the graphics were kind of ugly
you are high as fuck, this is one of the best looking snes games easy

>> No.4984582

I misspoke, I meant collectathon not fetch quest.

To get 101% on DKC1 you needed to find all the secret rooms.

To get 102% on DKC2 you needed to collect all the DK coins and beat all the secret rooms.

In those two games, reaching maximum percentage was skill based.

I don't remember specifically why I think DKC3 started Rare's foray into the world of collectathons, I beat the game when it came out and I never played it since. I seem to remember there were various types of coins you had to collect, plus there were banana birds and other things. There was some sort of shop and you needed to use it to progress. DK64 was not fun at all, it was just a collection game.

>> No.4984632

>you needed to use it to progress
No you didn't. The only time you have to visit a bear to beat the game is in the second-to-last world where you need to take a lift to continue. Besides, you only need to collect the bonus coins from the bosses to continue. All the other bonus coins, other brother bear visits, trading items, the additional secret world, banana birds and DK coins are all optional to beat the game. DKC3 is a lot of things but it's absolutely not a collect-a-thon like DK64 or the Banjo games where you have to collect and backtrack just to advance the game.
At worst you had to come back to Funky two times to use a new vehicle which makes sense when you consider you visit the worlds in a way that allows a little more freedom (which isn't exactly a huge advantage or anything but still).

But to come back to that statement, no you don't have to visit bazaar bear and you don't have to buy anything from him just to beat the game, it's optional as well and so is visiting boomer bear in Krematoa and unlocking the banana bird caves.

>> No.4984810

From my understanding Rare stopped using DK after Miyamoto came out and said "Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good". So Rare basically said fuck this guy we aren't gonna use his creation as the main character.

>> No.4984817


I love how butthurt this old chink got from the success of DKC. He made a lot of legendary games but it's clear he hated to not be the center of attention for once.

>> No.4984824

He was right though. While clearly a decent title with impressive graphics and music, gameplay wise it’s a bog standard Euro side-scrolling scotformer like hundreds before and after it. Meanwhile, less than 12 months later, Miyamoto dropped Yoshi’s Island which was not only one of the more innovative scotformers to date it also, frankly, has a far more appealing art style than DKC.

>> No.4984836

>realize how suggestive that look

>> No.4984838

Based AND redpilled

>> No.4984839


I think Yoshi's Island is very overrated. I like the graphical effects, which no doubt were introduced partly to one up DKC's graphics. I think the art style is not particularly good, nor the gameplay. Super Mario World is much better. And I don't see how simplistic gameplay is a bad thing. It's not about always innovating, especially if something works.

>> No.4984852

Yoshis Island is good and is better than DKC1 and DKC3. It will never top DKC2 though.

>> No.4986586

Didn't he said he DOESN'T hate DKC and just didn't want to follow its routes because some DKC devs suggest he should do that or something?
While I agree that simplistic gameplay isn't always bad, but I wouldn't call YI overrated when comparing it to SMW. A lot of people from what I've seen prefer SMW over YI because they didn't like its gameplay mechanics. They're both good games, nevertheless.

>> No.4986610

Yoshi's Island is a piece of shit compared to DKC games.

Also Miyamoto never said that, it's a made up quote repeated by people here.


>> No.4986621

It’s a 8/10 for me. DK 64 is still the best...and the hardest.

>> No.4986625

And Super Mario World wasn’t overrated? It was just a modded version of SMB3. I am being serious it really was look it up.

>> No.4986634

smw is the platonic ideal of platforming

>> No.4986637

No, not even close. The original SMB is.

>> No.4986641

smb feels stiff and mario looks weird

>> No.4986643

Oh well go play your Nintendo Switch then.

>> No.4986649
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>Redpill me

>> No.4986651

I love it. I bought it when it came out. I was a Sega kid but bought a SNES when it was on clearance for $50 at Toys 'R Us.

I played DKC1 and 2 on my friend's SNES and while I think DKC2 is something special - DKC3 is just a complete and satisfying adventure with so much to do and lots of variety and stage gimmicks to master.

>> No.4986673

>Yoshi's Island is a piece of shit compared to DKC games.
Disagreed. It's still a good game even when compared to DKC games no matter which one you prefer over the other

>> No.4986675

You're a piece of shit.
I love both DKC2 and Yoshi's Island. DKC was cool, never played DKC3

>> No.4986685


>> No.4988475

All 3 of those are boring compared to DKC2.

>> No.4988550


in the end it's all completely arbitrary and entirely related to the emotional impact these 2-megabyte games had on our baby brains in the era in which bill clinton would be shown playing his saxophone in the evening news.

>> No.4988587

what about nintenyearolds who weren't born yet when every snes game came out

>> No.4988605

Great, another retard in a mid-life crisis.

>> No.4988649

haha get fucked. it was just a silly joke.

>> No.4988996

The Jap version was a full Game Boy Color game.