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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4976428 No.4976428 [Reply] [Original]

Where can you still download Nintendo ROMs?

a few days ago emuparadise removed all of them ROMs, and before that other major rom sites also removed theirs.

Is there still an archive out there that I can use to download some ROMs?

Pic not related

>> No.4976431

ask reddit.

>> No.4976449


>> No.4976464
File: 171 KB, 1081x1636, 1489085610914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you bottom feeding shill piece of shit. Get a job that doesn't make your parents ashamed of you.

>> No.4976486
File: 405 KB, 1400x700, 1505632363177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtual console is available on your Switch.

>> No.4976487

Copyrighters will taste Retribution.

>> No.4976549

You can't they've all been taken down. It's a sad day for emulation.

>> No.4976551

I thought half these rom sites were located off in some shithole country that gives the middle finger to western copyright law, is the Nintendo empire really that powerful?

>> No.4976556
File: 21 KB, 480x367, Bite my frilly lolita ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the big Emuparadise thread that's already up, you'll find plenty of info there.

>> No.4976561

There's still a few hidden sites that carry them, let's keep 'em that way.

>> No.4976643

Just let it go, you had 20 years to download them and you didnt, the only reaon why you sudenly want them is because you are a hipster trying to be part of something, if you really cared about playing old games you shouldve had them years ago..

>> No.4976697
File: 75 KB, 356x259, copy link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you had 20 years to download them and you didnt
This exactly

My NES & SNES roms are on disc from the late 90s. Emulation is still "new" to me.

>> No.4976728
File: 26 KB, 584x448, 1473646525722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it isn't.

>> No.4976795

>Just let it go, you had 20 years to download them and you didnt, the only reaon why you sudenly want them is because you are a hipster trying to be part of something, if you really cared about playing old games you shouldve had them years ago..

Yeah it's definitely my fault. I I usually have a few downloaded at a time on an SD card, then annually delete them and download some new games. There was a couple more games I which I could've snagged when I had the chance.

>> No.4976829

Poor fags that can't into hard drives should buy their games.

>> No.4976841

>Where can you still download Nintendo ROMs?

can't help you, mr. fbi. nobody can.

>> No.4976849

it's a sad day for retro lamers and it means nothing to the rest of us that have been around this stuff for decades.

>> No.4976925

Are retro gamers really this helpless? Is this why they only play old games? They can't handle anything unfamiliar and dynamic?

>> No.4976929

>a few

>> No.4977098

Honestly it's amazing rom sites have even gone this long without any major action against them. That being said it's still piss easy to find them if you have baby level knowledge of torrent trackers.

>> No.4977159

>Are people in general really this helpless nowadays?
FTFY and yes they are unfortunately. Blame modern education that rewards everyone just for trying and telling kids they can do anything if they want to and giving them training wheels without ever taking them away.
It's sad to see that they can barely use something like a smartphone or a tablet, let alone personal computers or browse at other sites than what their peers do. In the meantime some of them think they're cool or edgy to shitpost or act like idiots "unironically". I'm sure that a lot of actual generation Z kids are alright but they definitely don't give me a good impression with shitty threads like this one (by the way kids, requesting outside of /r/ and /wsr/, should've known that already if you could read but yeah ... some are dumb as a rock to be honest).

>> No.4977162

>requesting out of /r/ and /wsr/ is a bannable offense
And yes that's in the rules and no that has nothing to do with acting like a mod because mods are barely active on this board. There's a thing called self-moderation and that alone can make a board much better than getting shit like this.

>> No.4977164

Did it feel good sucking yourself off that much?

>> No.4977210

You don't even need to torrent roms, I can still find 99% of whatever im looking for direct download just by searching the game name and putting rom at the end. I honestly do not know what peoples problem is using fucking search engines.

>> No.4977306


>> No.4977403

Pirate Bay probably has roms. Like titles like "Every NES Game Roms Collection"

>> No.4977419

Imagine being so spoon-fed that you can't even find your precious SOUPIR MAREA download on the whole fucking internet.

>> No.4977704

forget roms, what about their collection of isos?
roms can be found anywhere due to their small size, but isos are relatively harder to come by.

>> No.4977713

What are you looking for bb?

>> No.4977714


Plenty of places still have isos.

CDromance is still up. What kind of isos are you looking for to begin with?

>> No.4977728

Roms are isos though.

>> No.4977735

nice try CIA

>> No.4977770
File: 53 KB, 526x701, 1529519885351-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really seems like this is just a Nintendo intern trying to find new sites to sue into oblivion.

>> No.4978248

In awe of the size of this lad. An absolute unit.

>> No.4978317

You can't. Emuparadise was the only website in existence that had Nintendo roms. Now that they're gone you cannot get them from anywhere else. Sorry reddit.

>> No.4979179

Also, it's not possible to run any kind of emulator on something other than a Raspberry Pi

>> No.4979320

a fuckin complete set of PSX2PSP ready PS1 eboots would be nice, emuparadise was the only place I knew that had those, wish I DLed more while I had the chance

>> No.4979384

Nigga as a brainlet I spent a hour trying to find Phantasy Star 4 and purging my computer trying to find that rom after I got forced exes. Help a nigga out

>> No.4979392

why can't I be as slim as he is :(

>> No.4979472

Stop LARP-ing as a dumb nigger, you only look like a racist bigot like that.
white guy.

>> No.4979479

Okay I'm a dumb mixed guy who sucks at nearly everything in life but likes old games.

>> No.4979482

As the other guy said cdromance is great. Just make sure you have an adblocker.

>> No.4979489

Archive dot com has full sets

>> No.4979491

> Where can you still download Nintendo ROMs?

>> No.4979498

If any of you guys are going to use cdromance/nicoblog I highly recommend making a mega account and getting the megasync program. It actually works great. Multithreaded downloads with pause/resume, much better than using their weird browser setup.

>> No.4979514


that's cute

>> No.4979517

I can't even visit those sites. They give me infinite reCAPTCHAs.

>> No.4979524

All their shit is hosted on either mega or google drive. That's pretty much a given when it comes to the newer gen console isos, it's the best way to distribute that shit publicly that isn't peer to peer. But when it comes to older consoles it's just good as an alternative choice to the sites with self hosted roms. I recommend those ones first. I pick less popular ones that won't show up as highly rated in google (the-eye, eagleforces) because they are less likely to get shut down. Also they don't make you jump through any hoops to download anything.

Try another browser.

>> No.4979552

the concept of lurking more has long been lost unfortunately and the spoonfeeders here aren't helping

>> No.4979559

I don't mind spoonfeeding, but I really wish this shit was kept to a singular thread. I mean there was one with hundreds of posts and multiple ways to get things discussed already going when this one was made. It is what it is though.

>> No.4979635

Is this what /v/'s into right now?

>> No.4979849 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 660x884, 010041ad9349034c4e8a4d8561b10d73--sakura-wars-manga-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think about Sakura Taisen/Wars?

A new game's on development for the series currently ATM and is gonna be shown next summer, so yeah

>> No.4981069

I don't know who you are but you're my nigga.

>> No.4981124

Imagine being this huge but then turning it all around and getting /fit/ as fuck? I feel like getting fit is more rewarding the more shit a state your body was in when you started.

>> No.4981225

youd prob need skin removal

>> No.4981301

Either way you would be a hell of a lot healthier. I lost 140# and have a bit of extra skin but I really don't care. I look at it as a reminder not to get fat again. Seriously though, you feel so much better and have no idea how you even got through the day before.