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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1280, tmnt_vpx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4973023 No.4973023 [Reply] [Original]

90's anti-drug PSA edition.

>> No.4975057
File: 293 KB, 1006x1003, Woman-Lib backglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you pay for a Woman-Lib?

>> No.4975061
File: 224 KB, 1200x608, Woman_Lib playfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next goal is to get my drop catches down. And start actually making my live catches.

>> No.4975112
File: 15 KB, 320x200, epic-pinball_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic Pinball is great.

I hope no one posts Space Cadet. It's made of disappointment.

>> No.4976064

There's an arcade/bar in my town where the games are about 50/50 arcade cabinets and pinball machines. Any advice for gitting gud at pinball? Obviously practice, but any common mistakes or things to do/avoid beside the obvious (don't lose a ball if you can help it)?

>> No.4976132

That looks cool as hell. What a strange concept for a pinball machine.

>> No.4976137
File: 50 KB, 550x400, review-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I notice new players don't pick up one is the way these things work. Any time there's little slots with lights above them, you're meant to try to light all 3 to get a score multiplier or something like that. In addition, you can change which slots are lit or unlit with the flippers, so you can usually make sure each time the ball passes through one of those slots, you're lighting another light.

>> No.4976260


those are probably the same people that flip both flippers at the same time

>> No.4976295

oh damn, a japanese sega pinball in the wild, too bad it's so beat up

you might get $500 or so out of it

>> No.4976316
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>> No.4976327

>Obviously practice, but any common mistakes or things to do/avoid beside the obvious (don't lose a ball if you can help it)?
Ball control. Try(if you can) to catch and the ball and place your shots. Essentially you want to slow the game down.

>> No.4976504
File: 922 KB, 1728x2304, timeline[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone help me out on this

i ran into the game Time Line this weekend. Pretty fun game. However, my question is about scoring

The scoreboard only has six digits, the highest score it can display is 999,999 and the high score displayed was like 873,something

While playing it I rolled over the scoreboard 5 times, finishing with what would have been a score of 5,300,000 or thereabouts. However, I was not prompted for initials, and the high score shown during attract mode was not updated

So, can this machine keep track of scores over one million, and the real high score was just millions more than mine (but a number I will never know due to the 6 digit scoreboard)?

Or is it that every time you flip a million you 'reset the time line', and so you are being told to kill yourself as close to 999,999 as possible?

>> No.4976508

What's the raddest midway table and why is it Twilight Zone?

>> No.4976597
File: 2.04 MB, 409x741, dp-le-playfield-01a_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stern just announced a new Deadpool table. I hope it's good like Ghostbusters and not bad like every other Stern table for the past ten years.

>> No.4976598

stern tables always give me a cut corners / made in china vibe

>> No.4976607
File: 1.73 MB, 2880x3840, DSCF1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of them feel like they just throw everything together without thinking about layout or flow of play. Like the X-Men game from a few years back has zero flow.

>> No.4977232

I couldn't give any less of a shit about Deadpool, but I'm digging the layout. I just hope those sharp u-turn ramps don't reject too often.

>> No.4977993

Iron maiden is damn good.

>> No.4978015

The artwork is a big factor imo - Pinball needs hand drawings and not cut and pastes from photoshop

>> No.4978019

Doesn't help that Wolverine and Magneto look like shitty bootleg toys either.

>> No.4978052

That's what my eyes were immediately drawn to. Maybe it's the lighting or something, but those look like shit.

>> No.4978087

All these Sega of Japan tables NEED some preservation. I cannot find any info on them anywhere online. I'm afraid they're at risk of being lost forever. https://www.ipdb.org/search.pl?searchtype=advanced&mfgid=279

>> No.4978729

now i really want to know about non-american tables in general

like some dudes in a faraway land got an american pinball table in their village pub, thought it was the greatest thing ever, and went on to make their own

i know the italians had a good run, but surely some other countries attempted it

>> No.4979797

By catch the ball, you mean make it come to a rest at the base of the paddle while the paddle is up, then drop the paddle and hit it again so the ball is launched off the spot I want?

>> No.4979803
File: 76 KB, 423x375, Sonic Pinball Physics~03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic was always more about pinball physics than brainless speed. The marketing focused on speed but the games did not. Boost and Adventure are not classic Sonic logically translated into 3D, they're gotta-go-fast simulators with a sonic skin. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack. Instead of earning speed through maintaining momentum as you run and bounce through an obstacle course, you just push up and hit max speed in 1 second, then proceed to watch some auti-pilot bullshit until it's time to mash homing attack again.

>> No.4980780

Just look around IPDB. Spanish pinball was probably the second biggest.

>> No.4981941
File: 108 KB, 1340x754, TNAwallpaper4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 8 long months of waiting my TNA is finally scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I really hope some moron in one of the shipping depots didn't put his forks through it.

>> No.4982030


Deadpool stream: https://youtu.be/L4RLFqdFf4U?t=16m23s

>> No.4983119

They've stepped up with the artwork of late, with the exceptions of Batman 66 and Star Wars. Ghostbusters, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden and now Deadpool are all great

>> No.4983628
File: 334 KB, 1200x1600, post-52-0-13571100-1450932615[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did roller derby go from an over-the-top american gladiators style sport to a dirty lesbian shoving match?

where did it all go wrong?

>> No.4983650

>TPA loses rights to the two most important licenses it owns
>Takes a long time to update, eventually adds three tables from it's spinoff
>But it's a cash grab in that you needed to buy tables you already own to get them
>Once again, taking forever to update

Rest in piss TPA, time to get to the real simulations. I'm looking for something good on a Tablet, is Zen Pinball any better?

>> No.4983686

>TPA loses rights to the two most important licenses it owns

which tables?

>> No.4983694

Williams and Bally.

It's most important because that was the majority of their tables IIRC.

>> No.4983702

oh shit

so if people already bought williams and bally tables do they get to keep them, or are they removed if you update the game

>> No.4983751

They still stay in the library and Farsight says they'll still be supported, though the status of them being updated in the future is kinda unknown.

>> No.4984121

I've done a fair bit of research. All the ones that have known locations are in Japan. Two of them are on location. Sega has or had a Sapporo in their headquarters.
The rest are in the collection of Bruce Tsuji. He seems like a cool guy. He used to have his collection open to the public at a place called the Japanese Game Museum (as I recall), but it wasn't a big hit and now it's invitation only. Bruce Tsuji seems like a really cool guy. He posted the story of a rare non-Sega find he had on pinside.
No Woman-libs have ever been found to my knowledge. The only pic I know of is the backglass and the flyer. Those targets in the center are like swinging protest signs.
Silverball Planet doesn't have any Sega of Japan.

There was also a Megaman quasi-pinball redemption thing in Japan. Pic Related.

>> No.4984125
File: 395 KB, 850x1205, Megaman flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4984139

The physics on Zen Pinball is generally considered to be better. People say Timeshock is best, I've never played it.

>> No.4984153

Yeah, that's it. Here are some gifs that explain the techniques. It's easiest to aim right after you release a "cradle". That's because the ball is moving at a (relatively) slow speed along the flipper.
Focus on the easy-to-understand gifs first. The dead flip is easiest and very useful. Cradle separation is easier than it sounds.

If you want to nudge, just know that nudging the table to the left sends the ball to the right. This is because you're moving the table around the ball. But it's fine to practice the flipper skills before you learn to nudge.

>> No.4984174
File: 92 KB, 800x536, Total Recall Pinball Cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metallica, ACDC, and the Walking Dead are all well liked. Batman 66 and Guardians are well liked with code, I think.

Have you seen that interview with Bruce Tsuji on Pinball News? He goes over all the interesting ways Sega of Japan games were different than America games, both inside and out.

I didn't play this extensively, but I always thought it was cool how Nightcrawler and Storm's powers were translated.
Another way to get good is to just watch tournament players play. A lot of their stuff you won't understand or be able to replicate, but I think it's worth watching for a little bit just to get a picture in your head for what good pinball play looks like. There's lots of footage of tournaments on this site:

>> No.4984192

I'm not really convinced that TNA is worth owning. It's an interesting game, but I feel like I got enough out of it just from a few credits. If it wasn't six thousand dollars (more with add-ons) then sure, but there's just not enough gameplay there for me to drop that kind of cash on it.

>> No.4984724

I think you ment where did it all go right

>> No.4985102


>> No.4985539

pinball could be good if there wasn't so much licensed boomer bullshit.

>> No.4985598

I actually am moderately hyped for this, they got Posehn to write the lines so I'm hoping it won't be annoying. Also Dazzler is featured I guess and I love her
The Nightcrawler pop-ups were nice but the whole playfield feels cluttered.

>> No.4985874

>Epic Pinball is great.

>I hope no one posts Space Cadet. It's made of disappointment.

Its a freaking classic for sure.

>> No.4985921

Thanks for the info, I found the articles and they're all pretty interesting.


>> No.4985971

t. zoomer

>> No.4986005

no one cares about metallica anymore gramps.

>> No.4986083

And we gamers still call his name wrong. Just like Peach, Eggman and M. Bison.

>> No.4986106

im really surprised after all these years nobody ever made a physical space cadet table

>> No.4986393
File: 343 KB, 1700x1150, Baby Pacman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was obsessed with this custom cabinet combination pinball and video game.

>> No.4986408

Fuck off back to ZOGbook or Reddit.

>> No.4986858

The video game half of this is the hardest fucking thing. I never made it past the second maze.

>> No.4988301

This guy knows what he's doing at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fNAXXWxpsE

>> No.4988424

there must be different difficulty settings. ive played it before and had all the ghosts come at me like homing missiles in level 1

the ghosts in the video act retarded in comparison

>> No.4989740

I feel the same way. If I had 6k to throw down on a NIB machine, I'd much rather throw that at an Iron Maiden.

>> No.4989802

I'm looking at the DIP switch settings in Visual Pinball (press F6, btw) and I don't see any "Ghosts are total assholes" setting. I think their AI is throwing you off because it's very different from the original Pac-Man ghost AI.

>> No.4989803

Read the instructions for the game. Very few people do that.

>> No.4990285
File: 171 KB, 480x480, jpsalas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this man keep shitting out high quality recreations every week?

>> No.4990296 [DELETED] 

pinball is the gayest shit. why does it belong here but somehow fooshball and pool does not?

>> No.4990334

those belong in /tg/

>> No.4990621
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x800, Fairy Tower 1.1.7 02.21.2018 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever found any more keycodes for those neat littlewing pinball games? Those were legit cool and it's a damn shame we can't buy OR pirate the full ones.

>> No.4990664

Yo, does anyone know why the Stranger Things VPX table has been taken off VPForums?

>> No.4990685

Dunno but it's still on vipinball.com

>> No.4990689

Huh, weird.

>> No.4990995

I got it because of it's difficulty. A game like Maiden while impressive just wasn't something I look for. After I put up a great game I can't see myself going back to something like it. TNA is an ass kicker for even great players and I love games like that.

>> No.4991768

I won't tell you how to spend your money, but there are plenty of machines you could have bought for a fraction of the price that provide a similar or higher degree of difficulty. If that's really what you cared about, you would have bought 4 older machines instead.

>> No.4993287

Good because I already own a Paragon. That wasn't my only reason for buying, the music and light show is top notch. I love the total package and I don't need a deep ruleset to enjoy a game. Maybe if I ever destroy all nine reactors I'll consider selling it but until then I'm in love.

>> No.4994561

Paragon is pretty good.