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File: 16 KB, 510x446, zsnes_load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4954125 No.4954125 [Reply] [Original]

Why does a 20 year old emulator have a better user interface than anything made today?

>> No.4954129

>wow pretty colors haha : )
>and stars that move around so I have something to focus on and mitigate my ADHD !!! :D

>> No.4954131

It doesn't.

>> No.4954146

It's easy to read and easy to navigate. Way too many UIs love having tiny text and loads of submenus.

>> No.4954306

Agreed m8

>> No.4954315

It does less.

>> No.4954324

Always hated their UI. I used Snes9x a lot more just because of that.

>> No.4954325

really comfy, isn't it. like those early windows dos games ui

>> No.4954458

meanwhile it is 201X and RetroArch is engulfing the entire efforts of the emulation community, into its retarded Steam BPM soulless UI with even more retarded configurations and lack of customisation

>> No.4954463
File: 112 KB, 784x708, Concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stars that move around
Y-you know its snow right anon?
Your not actually this retarded... right?

>> No.4954578

>lack of customization

opinion discarded

>> No.4954585
File: 38 KB, 256x224, King of the Monsters 2 (U)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use ZSNES anymore but it's undeniable that this had the best looking UI of any emulator.

>> No.4954590

lack of plugins

>> No.4954593


>> No.4954604

Nah, ZSNES sucks. SNES9X is better.

>> No.4954609

I don't like it too much, it's ok. I'll take the generic windows UI any day.

>> No.4954662
File: 47 KB, 800x640, 1426266714310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did a 5 year old make the GOAT emulator ??

>> No.4954663

I'm an UI designer by trade an ZSNES really does look the best. Simple and clean. I like how you can load a rom without even touching the mouse. Esc, Enter, Down Arrow, Enter. Boom, new game up and running.

RetroArch on the other hand closes itself automatically by pressing Esc, doesn't remember your most recently opened folder, selecting filters is a fucking mess (no previews even), and I could go on.

>> No.4954827

I still use snes9x after all these years, though I do remember having to use zsnes for some roms and snes9x for others for a few months in my youth

>> No.4954830

That was back in the good old days when devs weren't fired for having a sense of humor.

>> No.4954962

Maybe he never even used it. Maybe he doesn't remember well.

>> No.4954965


>> No.4954981

ZSNES does suck, other than the UI

>> No.4954984
File: 42 KB, 256x224, Kirby3-forest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4954987
File: 1.28 MB, 512x440, zsnes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that 255 + 255 = 100

>> No.4954995
File: 54 KB, 373x373, 1407687717819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stars that move around

>> No.4955003

nah... im thinking hes retarded

>> No.4955009

>an UI designer
Thanks shitman

>> No.4955057


>> No.4955063

What year was the snow added? I think I remember it suddenly being there after I'd been using it on my Pentium 3.

>> No.4955173
File: 491 KB, 1198x689, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mike got memed into using zsnes emulator

made me chuckle

>> No.4955175
File: 96 KB, 345x324, 1488794674487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4955189

The interface already sucked in the 90's.

>> No.4955227

That UI was pretty standard back in the day.
What was the last game to use a UI like that, Unreal Tournament?

>> No.4955256

You could use ZMZ. Same interface but with a modern Snes9x core. Hell, you can set it to use bsnes as a core.

>> No.4955272

Because WIN 98 was the best OS ever created. Simple is better. Modern tablet mobile app interface like retroarch is pure garbage

>> No.4955315

Oh yes, plugins are the essence of emulation.

>> No.4955348

You can get different menu UIs for it, you know.

>> No.4955402

I do get a lot of nostalgia from zsnes interface, and I barely even used it back in the day. Just very charming and the style takes me back to software past.

>> No.4955474
File: 12 KB, 396x126, criminal scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4955572

>firing developers making hobby projects to play pirated games

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4955589

cheers, mate. Think I'll boom on this for a while..

>> No.4955632

the higan guy hates zsnes because he'll never make such a good emulator. muh accuracy, muh sound, all the guy wants is your money to buy retro games and what does he give you in exchange? a shitty elitist non functional emulator. I'm sure the higan guy doesn't even know what assembly is, unlike the zsnes guy who wrote his emulator for old machines, he thought about every poorfag in the world while making zsnes. The higan guy made his shitty software just to circlejerk with gbatemp and all the elitist fat collectors.

>> No.4955771

I don't know why but I have an extremely soft spot for this shitty UI. Maybe it's because it looks like something that really would appear in in an SNES cartridge.

>> No.4955815

Theres nothing shitty about it though

>> No.4955919

I thought mike hated emulation?
Though he used one of those 5in1 retron things, I dont think he understood it was an emulator though

>> No.4955975

he claims that he only hates stave staters,otherwise its fine.

He's really into streaming game hacks now so he is trying to get into emulation i guess

>> No.4956158

>doesn't even know what assembly is,
that is impossible for the writer of an emulator
considering his efforts have not invalidated that of ZSNES, you should only be happy for him as ultimately you have the choice to use either

>> No.4956568


>> No.4956574

no thx. I've seen what he eats and his cummies wouldn't taste good.

>> No.4956580

PPSSPP has the best interface out there though.

>> No.4956589

Now the OS just calls it a bad function and ragequits the app, it's more classy now, calling them bugs and all that considering there's a shit ton of incompatibilities and missing libraries and what not that require packages.

>> No.4956620

Now hol up there, faggots, legit question here: are you all just baiting or do you unironically like the UI of ZSNES? I mean, it's the best fucking thing in the world if the only other option is Retroarch, but what isn't.

>> No.4956652

< shitty elitist non functional emulator
bsnes and an obscure nippon emu are AFAIK the only emulators that can play Der Langrisser with sound on, with no errors . Everything else crashes on the intro screen or can only be played with the sound turned off. It is the most stable and accurate sound reproduction.

>> No.4956657
File: 704 KB, 1080x2147, 1466212533815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into this. Thank you.

>> No.4956661



>> No.4956663

Still the most efficiently-built emulator to this very day. Now a retarded monkey could code the fuckiest emulator ever and it wouldn't matter because hardware is such that it'll make anything run good.

>> No.4956670

I like features. b8 is shitty b8. When I don't want features, I just use something like Gens instead of KEGA. For SNES, Snes9x is just fine.You don't need to configure it much at all.What's so hard about loading a ROM from the first top left menu option. WTF? Bsnes/Higan has a minimum menu, not that much different from ZSNES, except it doesn't use wacky colours.

It's like everything else is better than ZSNES. Only reasin to use ZSNES is to emulate SNES game on a DOS system, which is absolutely pointless these days. You can buy the cheapest or free WinXP rig with a Duo-core Celeron CPU, and it would run Snes9x just fine. It just won't run Higan at more than 10 FPS.

>> No.4956672 [DELETED] 


>> No.4956674

>Add snow and useless shit

>> No.4956685

Yeah, Higan is fucking retarded, I mean when I tried it, it didn't even have non-integer scaling and FUCKING proper V-SYNC, I was like, you srs nig? And then he gets his dick sucked by his fans and gets thousands of dollars to spend on his video games and most likely bad dragon knots and fursuits.
>hurr durr use retroarch
It's a top contender for the worst emulator UIs ever. If I wanted to go through illogical menus and look at shit I don't care about or understand even, I'd install linux. I did configure it, it works, but it's so uncomfortabke I never use it.

>> No.4956787

Are you trying to win dumbest post of the day?

>> No.4956869

If i was i would win

>> No.4956876

More like Durr Langrisser. Why bother when you can play the superior Genesis version.

>> No.4957007

Thats not NESticle

>> No.4958112
File: 24 KB, 960x720, retroarch_2018-08-06_15-47-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4958134

>Needing an interface or front end at all
I've never gotten this. We're no longer using DOS. Just associate your ROMs with the proper emulators and run them straight out of Explorer or whatever the equivalent is in loonix. The GUI should only be used to change settings, and all the modern shit is fine in this regard.

>> No.4958157

Win2000 is better, it's rock stable.

>> No.4958290

It's nice to see box/label art before starting a game :-)

>> No.4958341


>> No.4958349

It gets me (You)s :-)