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File: 2.97 MB, 2053x604, Game Boy Display Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4951449 No.4951449 [Reply] [Original]

How do you play your Game Boy games? Pea Soup, Grayscale, or GBC Palette?

>> No.4951501

I prefer grayscale because it reminds me of how my Game Boy looked. I had one of the Play It Loud ones that used an updated, non-green LCD, so the green color holds no nostalgia for me and just looks ugly. The GBC palettes ruin the aesthetic of most GB games as well since they were designed with a monochrome screen in mind.

>> No.4951709

Honestly I don't really see the point in playing gameboy games. Take Mario Land for example. It's just a terrible platformer.

I prefer the middle. But not with some shitty filter.

>> No.4951719

Well yeah, there's a short list of worthwhile games for sure. But it's still fun to clear your backlog and sometimes you're surprised. Metroid II ended up being more fun that I was expecting for example and it was great to finally play the first two Dreamland games.

I like the green tint.

>> No.4951720

You got me there. Guess I just wanted to shit on Mario Land.

>> No.4952913
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, For the Frog the Bell Tolls (Translation)-180219-234422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4952952
File: 1.03 MB, 3456x2304, 7KGCssX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That filter makes the screen look like a TI-83 calculator rather than a Game Boy.

>> No.4952954

the Wario Land games are some of the finest platformers I've ever played, on a handheld at least.

>> No.4953304

>one of the Play It Loud ones that used an updated, non-green LCD
>The Play it Loud! Game Boy is exactly the same as the original Nintendo Game Boy

>> No.4953319

I don't think WL games are bad, but they're kind of bland.

>> No.4953328

Which have you played? I think 1 is really bland but 3 and 4 are fantastic.

>> No.4953332

I've played all of them. I think 1 and 2 are rather bland but VR, 3 and 4 are good shit, but again I don't think they're fine in the platformer sense. They're more exploration based puzzle games if that makes sense. As a platformer you are rarely punished for not making certain difficult jumps.

>> No.4953870
File: 14 KB, 640x576, Super Mario Land (World)-180804-184226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it looking like this with the green shade overlay in RA. I don't care that much about 100% authenticity since I never owned a GB, buf I like it and grayscale just depresses me.

>> No.4953889

Why do these filters make the pixels so fucking huge?

>> No.4953912


because they have to? The GameBoy has a resolution of 160x144, so to get those pixels in 640x576 they have to be pretty big.

>> No.4953937

Pokemon 1 and 2 are the best original games for the system, everything else is just a watered down version of a home console game

>> No.4953948

turn the filter off, moshe

>> No.4953971

They're on a bigger screen.

>> No.4954078

Pokemon 1 and 2 are objectively bad games that require heavy fixes from mods and overall quality of life improvements to be more playable.

>> No.4954145

i think he meant the gb pocket.

>> No.4954151

The mostly red palette is my favorite.

>> No.4954167

I don't remember it being green at all, though. At some point someone told me that they used GB Pocket screens in those versions and that's why.

No, I meant one of the fat ones that came in different colors. I don't remember the screen being green at all, though. My memory is that it was grayscale.

Maybe it's just a case of my memory being shit. I'm definitely willing to accept that possibility.

>> No.4954169

the dark blue gbc palette with red sprites. it's the least garish looking

>> No.4954198

I looked up videos of Play It Loud models and they're all green. I don't think Pocket's LCD could be used in later batches because it's a bit larger. Human perception is relative instead of absolute, which is why projected films are able to have black, so it would be easy to remember the light background as grey/white in your write-only memory (there is no read-only mode)

>> No.4954206
File: 10 KB, 225x300, s-l300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure enough. It's crazy how unreliable memories can be.

>> No.4954280

that looks rather nice actually, i may start using overlays thank you

>> No.4954349

Left + A , the blue one

>> No.4955126

I could always find a gbc palette that added something for me. Hell I'd play the inverted one from time to time because it made me lol

>> No.4955131
File: 49 KB, 663x541, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4955164

Uh...I'm not really sure it's supposed to work that way.

>> No.4955180

Nah, they are fine. You just have first world problems syndrome.

>> No.4955184

Uhh, thats def not right, also select is a button used. I use down select for most games.

>> No.4955413
File: 656 KB, 3000x2000, Game-Boy-Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color tone is off, but I'd say the square pixels match a lot better to what the original gameboy screen looked like.

>> No.4955414

Left or right unless I just happen to want to use color.

>> No.4956018
File: 676 KB, 1366x768, retroarch_2018-08-05_15-45-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4956057

Clean off your fucking screen, you mong

>> No.4956123

Was it possible to actually change the colors on a Game Boy? I don't remember that. Mine was kind of greenish.

>> No.4956128

You can pick a palette for monochrome games when played on a Game Boy Color. Super Game Boy had a similar functionality.

>> No.4956229

Comparing to that photo, I think the emulator overlay's spacing between the pixels is much too exaggerated, which is what makes it look more like a calculator screen to me. Those calculators had extremely defined pixels with a lot of space between them whereas the GB's pixels actually blend together better. On the GB you can only see the space between them if you focus closely on spots with clusters of black pixels, but in these overlays the pixels have very obvious and distinct separation throughout the whole screen, which really doesn't imitate what it's like to actually look at a GB screen.

>> No.4956230

>Uhh, thats def not right
that image has its colors inverted

>> No.4956243
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1533291826265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way it's meant to be played

>> No.4956638

They are objectively bad games. They have poor balance, poor coding and tons of glitches.

Not my fault you're unable to objectively discuss a game without resorting to ad hominem.

>> No.4957267

The way the developers intended

>> No.4957552

what am i looking at?

>> No.4958739


>> No.4958865

What shader is this? I like that glow. I have something similar on my text editor :-)

>> No.4958879

dank wallpaper for my beatoff laptop

>> No.4960029

There are some good original games. Even besides Pokemon and Tetris, there's Jurassic Park 2, Battletoads (completely original game, different from the NES one), Castlevania Legends, Elevator Action, Kirby's Dream Land, Megaman V, Metroid 2, Super Mario Land 2, Wario Land, Trip World, Gargoyle's Quest, Link's Awakening, Batman: The Videogame (entirely different from the NES one), Donkey Kong '94, Mario's Picross, Alien 3, Tobu Tobu Girl (homebrew)...

Why people on this board keep ranting against retro reviewers if yall aren't educated on consoles you talk about? Go watch some Boyographic.