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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4942269 No.4942269 [Reply] [Original]

>You will eventually run out of good retrogames to play in your lifetime
Doesn't that make you uneasy? There's only so much stuff you can play from 1999 or earlier that is both good and appealing to you.
>inb4 indies
Not the same thing. Some are pretty good at recreating the past but there's always something that feel odd.
>inb4 you can't run out of retrogames because new games keep becoming retro as time goes by
Who cares. I'm using the word as in games from the 80s and the 90s.

>> No.4942272

There's thousands of games on multiple platforms that can be discovered each day, I'm not going to run out of 'em by tomorrow.

>> No.4942274

I didnt know games disappeared once you played them once
I keep coming back to the same games over and over so I dont care

>> No.4942281

Unless you play games all day every day, I doubt you'll finish every good retro game there is.

Also, stop being a whiny bitch. Believe it or not there are good games made after 1999.

>> No.4942289

I already feel burned out and I didn't get to play a tenth of what I thought I would.

>> No.4942295

nigga what the fuck are you talking about
even if I never replayed a game I'd be unlikely to run out of good old games to play for even one genre
we're all gonna die, guy

>> No.4942317

No because "play" to me doesnt mean doing 1 casual runthrough and then dropping the game like a novelty addicted fag. Try to get decent at the games you play and you'll soon discover that you have the opposite problem - there are too many good games and it's hard to decide which to focus on.

>> No.4942329

I never will, because I don't arbitrarily limit myself to low res old games. The games that are shit today because they're new will magically be good in a few years when they're old enough.

>> No.4942331

You really won't though
It takes a lot of time to 100% an N64 game

>> No.4942334

I bet you'll never even play the top 30 for each console.

I need to play them fast to get all the jokes at GDQ!

>> No.4942380

this. the window of what counts as retro increases over time. today we find contemporary games repulsive but in 20 years things might look different. and many early 2000's games are great. you can find real gems among everything that wasn't triple A stuff.

>> No.4942384

I'm enjoying some great games published within the past year :-)

>> No.4942417

Your taste will expand to other genres or you'll burn out/want to replay stuff long before you just "run out".

>> No.4942449

There's more worthwhile games than you'll ever have time to play, kiddo. You'll learn that when you outgrow believing you know everything.

>> No.4942458

It might happen if you only enjoy one genre or don't want to give a chance to videogames that are outside a top 10 listing.

>> No.4942462


You will run out of lifetime before you play (not to mention finish) all good games released before 1999. And I'm not including chink and jap shit. I don't think you realize how many good games were released before 2000s. Either that or you have terrible taste in games.

>> No.4942463
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What irony. The only genuine issue I have with video games has been accepting that I know I will never have enough time to play through everything I want to fully.

So maybe you should look at your self imposed "only games from the 80's and 90's" as a positive.

>> No.4942468

>I like every single genre

>> No.4942479


Modern games (yes, even AAA titles) can be good too. You just have to be open minded and not autistic. Before anyone says anything - I'm over 30 and I play the shit out of games from all eras. Example - I'm a huge fan of Diablo 1 and 2, however lately I've discovered couch co-op mode in D3 and it changes this game from unbearable to great for me. Not to mention I'm playing it a lot with my girlfriend which is not possible with D1 and 2.

>> No.4942496

Not him, I have extremely picky taste and feel that way as well.

>> No.4942530

All these based replies. I bet OP thinks retro games are just nintendo and sega.

>> No.4942549

You could couch LAN the first two if you really wanted

>> No.4942564
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>there are good games made after 1999

>> No.4942581

Something becomes retro every year. If you honestly want to hold on that arbitrary distinction forever then congratulations, you self-imposed barred games from yourself.. It's pretty sad that you're part of the "indies just aren't the same" based on their development rather than how good they actually are. Especially when you consider they're specifically catering to us. All in all, your language suggests you don't want a solution, you just want to whine.

>> No.4942590

Is VVVVVV the best Commodore 64 game?


>> No.4942592

I'm going to die before even finishing my steam backlog
having a kid obliterated my free time

>> No.4942604

>Something becomes retro every year.
And those are games that don't resemble the ones I personally enjoy. Mainstream movies from the 70s and the 80s were pretty much polar opposites and they're both old. Age doesn't matter, style does.
>It's pretty sad that you're part of the "indies just aren't the same"
Because indies are, from the most part, simply not the same. They're to real retro what Star Wars is to Flash Gordon, and that's only counting the ones that succeed at providing a legit retro-like experience.

>> No.4942610


Yes I could, but it wouldn't be as convenient and I wouldn't be able to enjoy them with my girlfriend which kills the whole purpose. I have friends with whom I play 1 and 2, but my gf is simply not interested in older h&s games. Also we play on ps4 which is a superior version of the game (I couldn't stand it on k&m however it's perfect on controller).

>> No.4942623

Sorry OP but I think you're vastly underestimating the number of good classic games in existence.

>> No.4942625

>implying you can beat tetris
op is fag

>> No.4942649

Are you kidding me? I couldn't play through my entire library of shit I already have.

>> No.4942669

Honestly, I'm not out to play literally everything ever made. So who cares?

Also, nostalgia will eventually move the retro cutoff up a decade (or two) and continue doing so over time. So by the time OP dies, PS7 games will be retro, and he'll be shitposting from the old folks home about how everything was SO much better in the PS4 years.

It's all relative, you mongoloid.

>> No.4942681


>> No.4942720


Don't worry, there's a legion of autists who will make sure that nothing, I repeat NOTHING past 5th gen never becomes "retro" on this board. These are the same people who try to convince everyone that "retro" is a fixed period of time and don't realize that the term originated way before they were born.

>> No.4942812

>Before anyone says anything - I'm over 30

It's kind of a myth around here that most retro gamers tend to be older. Of everyone I know around my age (44) I am the most enthusiastic player of claasic games and I'm into a lot of modern stuff as well.

>> No.4942818


>> No.4942823

It doesn't help that we use the word completely wrong to begin with. None if the games we talk about are actually retro, they're old. Shovel Knight is an example of something that is actually retro.

>> No.4942837
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Wait until they are "retro" in your opinion, or enjoy them now?

>> No.4943079

I remember when I was a contrarian retro gamer 8th grader and NES was newest platform that could be called retro. It never ends.

>> No.4944053

>never overflowed his nes

>> No.4944059

You never run out of games to play unless you stop playing games.

>> No.4944062

>You will eventually run out of good retrogames to play in your lifetime
I don't think so.

In fact, i think that a whole lifetime is not enough to play all the good retro game that already exists, which is even sadder.

>> No.4944461

But what if you're a turbo hipster who can only enjoy something if it's not popular with normies?

>> No.4944482

Learn japanese. You wont run out of 16 and 32 bit rpgs any time soon.

>> No.4945512

Pinball. Random outcomes every time and skill is accounted for. Plus you can own something that holds value. You also get the chance to learn how to fix things when something eventually breaks

>> No.4945591

absolute dipshit
common sense and reading comprehension

>> No.4945612

>anon correctly defines retro
>is a dipshit
>autist whines he's out of games when he definitely hasn't played them all
>has common sense


>> No.4945890

>You will eventually run out of good retrogames to play in your lifetime
When it happen, try roomhack of these games.

>> No.4945949

>Your taste will expand to other genres
This. I play the fuck out of stuff I never would have touched as a kid, like Pinball and Magic Darts for NES. Even Kirby's Adventure. I'm mostly into action platformers, but I used to think that one was too much of a kiddy game, now it's one of my go-tos when I just want a chill game after work or something.
Then you have stuff like SMB 1-3 and the original 6 Mega Man games, which have never and probably will never get old to me. There's also games I loved but haven't been able to beat yet like Castlevania (always get stuck at Grim Reaper), or Ghosts and Goblins and the Ninja Gaiden series.
Point is, OP needs to fucking relax and just play the damn games. Unless he does get bored and run out, in which case he's a trend hopping "much nerd culture" bugman who can go fuck himself with a fencepost.

>> No.4945953

I'm into JRPGs so in theory there's hundreds, maybe even more than a thousand games out there for me to play once hey get translated.

>> No.4945968
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Why wait? Just learn Japanese

How do I into pinball? Like whats a good ballpark price range for a machine? Maintenance considerations? I've always wanted to own the South Park pinball machine.

>> No.4945976

I've been playing on a regular basis for over 40 years and aside from a few dry spells in the early days when not much was being made I've never had trouble finding something good to play. Sounds like you might need to watch more youtube videos to expand the number of games that exist in your little world.

>> No.4946126

If you're not a fanboy, no you won't.

>> No.4946846

Price range depends on the title. Maintenance is mostly simple unless you run across a dumbass with connectors plugged into wrong board or you buy a project machine. Most repairs can be done with parts bought online and nothing more than a screwdriver or soldering iron. South Park is a good first game because there are a lot of them and a lot have been routed, meaning that they were eating quarters on location. A pristine one will never go for more than 5k unless somebody finds a never opened one in a storage locker and you should never pay more than 4 for anything else. Ideally SP is a game that might have some wear on the cabinet and playfield but working fine you're looking at $3500> at today prices, closer to 3

>> No.4946875

Nah - backlog is massive and time is finite.

>> No.4946983

>when a legit zoomer posts in a boomer-thread

>> No.4947105

I can't even find a videogame I like, retro or not. It feels like every game has some frustrating mechanic designed to drive me up a wall. I want my game to be made, but I am too pathetic to learn how design a game.

>> No.4947158

Just early gen x. 69.

>> No.4947174

what? that's not turrican 2.

>> No.4947190

>You will eventually run out of good retrogames to play in your lifetime
Not really a factor considering when I "run out" I'll likely revisit old ones that I haven't played in a long time.
Also all things must come to an end and if you are more hanged up with the future than the now like that you are going to have a shitty life.

>> No.4947193

> You will eventually run out of good retrogames to play in your lifetime
nah. great games have replay value and I've always loved them. there's far more garbage than there is solid gold out there for a lot of platforms. also, have you seen the sizes of some of these software collections? we're talking in many terabytes of data. that'll last you for a very long time. i still find games in collections i have never heard of. sounds like you need to broaden your horizons a little.
>inb4 indies
>not the same thing
i've always found this 'recreating the past' thing a bit corny but i do like games that keep it simple, low resolution etc.
>inb4 you can't run out of retrogames because new games keep becoming retro as time goes by
by the time you get through every arcade rom/chd dump, all the consoles, handhelds, computers, etc., you'll still be playing catch-up. it's never ending.

>> No.4947207

Unless you're a perma-neet and really young, this isn't an issue, I'm in my mid-30s and struggle to find time to play as much as I want to. I only have a fraction of the time I had in say, my early 20s. I've gone back to PC games since I was always a console gamer, and there is simply so much good stuff left that I doubt I'll ever have enough time to properly enjoy it all. Unless all you do is play the first hour of the game or just rush to complete it to tick off a checklist there is simply too much out there to really tackle in your life.

>> No.4947285

Sounds like you want to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

>> No.4947313
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Thanks for the quick rundown, anon.

>> No.4948681

notbimg stopping you to replay your own favourites

>> No.4948684

You haven't even played all the good games on the NES. Stop shitposting and get to playing.

>> No.4948690
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 0a9d-8c88-41b2-87ce-f8735a2fd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've relinquished the goal to finish most games and just want to play through the remaining FF games and Suikoden 1-5
>can't dump 100+ hours into a game without consequence, like I could as a bachelor

>> No.4948698 [DELETED] 

Dubs and I get a girlfriend.

>> No.4948743

I'm just trying to finish the games I've already started.

>> No.4948760
File: 482 KB, 500x488, source of the scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future, you're going to have a multi-core computer in your brain and you'll be able to play 10 retro games at the same time in your mind.

>> No.4948829

If you're honestly worried about running out, consider these options:
>start playing games released in the first half of the 00s
>get a job / other hobbies / a gf so you don't spend as much time playing video games
>start replaying your favorite games

Between adult life, shitposting and my other 2 hobbies I barely find the time to play the games I want, and I only have a list of about 20 favorite games that I've been playing over and over for the past 15-20 years. Not all of them are /vr/ related but the point is that there is only a relatively small number of games any one person "needs".

>> No.4948841

Sometimes I do find myself thinking about how a level in Castlevania is laid out and how I'd play it, but I work a mind numbing job and if I didn't engage my imagination once in a while I would an hero

>> No.4948845

I deadass still play Doom to this day b making custom maps and playing others man the community ain't gonna die soon

>> No.4948850

Do you have the full romsets? Beating them all would take more than your lifetime.

>> No.4948871

If you're really worried about this, and you have games you love that you wouldn't mind replaying, why not get into speedruns or high-score runs of your favorites? One of my favorite things to do in a game is to practice it, learn new strategies, and feel like I'm getting better at it and understanding it more deeply.

>> No.4949514

In the past you're going to have something far more powerful than that and be able to do more than just play games. But I can see how you, as a typical low IQ millennial, could envy the brain power of a pi zero.

>> No.4952659

Just focusing on one console can give you at least a hundred games to play through so no not really.