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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 487x700, gimmick!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4938039 No.4938039 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck, why did i wait to play this? This is one of the most rewarding and fun games out there, it's even better than Castlevania 3.

>that music
>that artstyle
>that atmosphere

>> No.4938075

For some reason it's bugged when I try to play it on vita emulators. Is this a known problem? How do I resolve it?

>> No.4938085 [DELETED] 

Gameplay is interesting, but it's extremely short. I still prefer CV III because it's more challenging.

>> No.4938091

This and umihara Kawase are the best gameplay on any system in my opinion.

>> No.4938119 [DELETED] 

>gameplay game

>> No.4938714

Sunsoft were gods on the NES. Shame they shit the bed during the next generation.

>> No.4939330

Sunsoft fell for the "contract western developers for your games" meme, like so many have. I think their only in-house developed 4th gen games were Batman and Superman for the Genesis, everything else was done by >western devs.

>> No.4939363 [DELETED] 

you're putting words in his mouth there

but yeah personally gimmick is my favorite famicom game. balls hard too.

>> No.4939424 [DELETED] 

>RPG hate
PSX is what cemented my love of video games and changed who I am forever

>> No.4939431

Well they did publish one of the most underrated scotformers of the scotformer era—Aero the Acrobat—so it wasn’t all bad

>> No.4939491 [DELETED] 

Are you so deluded you believe everyone likes playing RPG's?

>> No.4939707

>Castlevania 3.

the games are nothing alike whatsoever. what a retarded comparison

>> No.4941453

That game is bloody awful.

>> No.4942074


It's honestly hard to believe that this game is a NES game. I know it was a later release, but damn, it honestly looks more like a PCE/TG-16 game. The graphics on the game blew me away.

If anyone's an expert at Gimmick, or just a massochist, try the romhack Dark Gimmick. It's insane, you have to get gud at the star physics and riding them and such. I've not beat Gimmick yet, but have got to level 6 (castle) with all hidden items. I thought maybe I was good enough for Dark Gimmick, but it frickin destroyed me. I'm off work on vacation for a couple weeks, I guess I need to keep working on beating Gimmick.

>> No.4942076 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the (You) but I have no idea what you're talking about on hating RPG... assuming it's bait.

I purposely didn't use "gameplay games" when I posted as it was too much like shitposting in a thread about a good game.

>> No.4942486
File: 106 KB, 1024x765, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking nigger

>> No.4942505

Any way to play this on a USA NES? I'm guessing repros are plentiful

>> No.4942923


Repros are like $75 or more becase it's a pretty special board. You're honestly better off playing on a flash cart (what I do), or emulate it. Be aware it's physics are epic and even small amounts of lag will screw you, so have a good emulator setup if you're going that way. On pc it should be fine, but on nes classic it had enough lag to make it much more difficult than it should be.

>> No.4942939

Awfully bloody good more like