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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4937214 No.4937214 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is going to think about Dreamcast and Blockbuster today?

>> No.4937225

I'm just waiting for shit to fuck off so I can relax and not have my noise cancelling headphones rumble.

>> No.4937227
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>> No.4937237

I stopped watching when he made a reddit-pandering video whining about a movie he wasn't going to see.

>> No.4937245

>doesn’t realize he’s the redditor @poster sans AVGN

>> No.4937261
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>try to talk about old games or 2000s games
>get le boomer spam
>come to /vr/ to talk about old ass games
>STILL getting boomer spammed everywhere

>> No.4937264

Have you tried actually playing the old games you claim are so good?

>> No.4937270
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yes, i need some mods or complete overhauls after playing vanilla

>> No.4937281

Have you tried actually playing a game?

>> No.4937287
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Yes. Can't right now because low frequency noise from an unknown source is making my eat hurt and headphones rumble. My phone isn't sensitive below 20 Hz but about to go check other places it's not present anyway.

>> No.4937327

I just found evidence of it being electromagnetic. Time to call the FCC

>> No.4937380

>whining about a movie he wasn't going to see.
Gotta disagree. Making that vid was the best things he ever did. The amount of unnecessary butthurt it caused was way more entertaining than anything else he ever did.

>> No.4937382

Was that video about the recent Ghostbusters movie? I remember just watching it and thinking nothing special about it. What caused the butthurt anyway?

>> No.4937396

>What caused the butthurt anyway?
People who didn't watch his video where he calmly and politely states his reasons for not wanting to see nu-busters attacked him calling saying he's a basement dweller, mouth breather, women hater, etc etc.

>> No.4937425


Yep. He carefully laid out the reasons the movie wasn't for him (bearing in mind he's a huge Ghostbusters fan) and why it was a bad idea in general. It set people off but he didn't acknowledge the rage towards him even once, just kept making his regular content, then everybody calmed down and the movie came out and was a flop. History proved him right on this one.

>> No.4937470

Hah, those people are always looking for things to get mad or offended at. It must be pretty exausting to live like that. I kinda feel sorry for them.

>> No.4937605
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>> No.4937609

I still maintain that he's the most unpretentious e-celeb of them all, mostly due to the fact that he ignores drama and shit

>> No.4937702

This. Guy seens like he just wants to make his videos and have fun.

>> No.4937738

AVGN is based

>> No.4937897
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>AVGN is based
but when did he peak?

>> No.4937925

Why won't he just shave it off, god fucking damn. He's obviously self-conscious about it, with all the hats he wears indoors.

>> No.4937945

What a bunch of spineless cowards. No wonder people hate millennials

>> No.4938017

>This guy disagrees with us? Instead of hearing him out, let's make broad assumptions about who he is, make fun of his channel, mock his appearance, and drag his wife into it for no reason!
The tolerant left strikes again. Good on James for speaking his mind and not taking the bait.

>> No.4938337
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He's still making content? Is the Irate Gamer still around, too? I don't remember the last AVGN thing I watched. I remember looking back at his McKids review and liking the more annoyed but kind of laid back approach of it.

>> No.4938884

AVGN episodes are few and far between these days, but he seems to be taking a quality over quantity approach now. The recent earthbound episode was really good. I hope board James comes back soon since he really seemed passionate about that series, like he hasn't been about AVGN in years.

>> No.4939047

Of course /vr/ would be a target for a Boomer meme, it's meant to shame people who don't automatically prefer newer stuff.

>> No.4939048
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Gameboy now that was a good handheld.

>> No.4939058

>battery runs out and shuts off with little warning
It's been a long time since I played Pokémon. Did we just constantly save and replay the same parts any time the battery died, hoping it wouldn't be during a boss battle?

>> No.4939064

I know what I did before not too long was get a battery pack that had a little LCD bars charge indicator and played it plugged in at home even though it whined.

>> No.4939074
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Played through Golden Sun with one of these. The battery is only slightly larger than AAs and most of the grip is just air. Also had their light and it burned out so they mailed me a new one with a few cartridge slip cases.

Most of today's official hardware doesn't have enough shortcomings for third party products to exist.

>> No.4939080

holy shit, I think I had this too

>> No.4939103

Did you have the translucent GBA which was the definitive color or did you choose wrong?

>> No.4939140
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>> No.4939145
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I think I had a Nuby brand battery pack. A kid at school was like "heh heh nubby"

I remember one of these being at home. It may have been my brother's for his Color.

>> No.4939147

Is that a motorized sucker? One that plays music through teeth?

>> No.4939160

I had the gba that matched the battery pack in your pick :-(

>> No.4939175

So did my brother, who chose Castlevania over Mario. Nothing wrong with it. Handhelds finally had enough RAM for small multiplayer games with only one cartridge and it was amazing. Played Mario Bros\. over link cable on way to cabin. That's the only time I ever read comic books as a kid. My dad always grabbed one or let me pick one out. Sometimes I got a Bongo Simpsons. They can all be torrented now. It's 2018 and full page color e-ink still isn't ubiquitous :(

>> No.4939192
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>then everybody calmed down and the movie came out and was a flop. History proved him right on this one.
It only flopped due to sexism. It was at least as good as Ghostbusters II.

>> No.4939204
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>> No.4939205


>> No.4939207

It's a butt twizzler

>> No.4939213

It was more of a mild success than a flop. Not enough to warrant a sequel, but a decent profit for anyone who negotiated some gross instead of net.

>> No.4940537

The Monster Energy never made sense to me. The true 30-something boomer beverage would be a craft beer IPA.

>> No.4940563

The meme applies to gamers who act like boomers.

>> No.4940857

There s a couple phases
Some of the later phases have some low points
He may have peaked with Earthbound, we ll have to wait and see.

>> No.4942526

this character is a racist token

>> No.4942531

you can't go around drinking a beer in public and in your car though. you can drink monsters though

>> No.4942546

/pol/ was doing the same thing to him only with cuck memes. pretty disingenuous of them to point fingers like this

>> No.4942551

I enjoyed the earthbound video but felt that he should have covered the mother series as a whole

>> No.4942728

I just turned 30 and remember Monster and the like being popular back when I was in college. Maybe modern youth culture has changed and they don't drink that in their college years, so perhaps they associate Monster with people who are around 10 years their senior?

>> No.4942772

Winston was my favorite GB because how relatable he was to the average audience member. This dumber gorilla looking bitch is exactly as you described her. Just some poor excuse to force "representation" into a film that did it better before.

>> No.4942893

Motherload is a good game though

>> No.4942895

lmao same balding pattern as me, I just do the Steve Jobs thing tho