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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 1152x648, The Blue Alchemist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4925998 No.4925998 [Reply] [Original]

This is my ideal controller design.

What do you think?
What would you remove and/or add?
What's your 1 to 10 rating on it over all?
And what kind of design do you have in mind as well?

>> No.4926017
File: 65 KB, 567x561, 1493927005855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go. You go there.

>> No.4926024

We can use controllers for retro games too.

>> No.4926027

awful, 2/10

>> No.4926029

Okay. Your reasons?

>> No.4926040
File: 36 KB, 1212x1960, 1532391750219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is this design, dude?

>> No.4926051

Hah! Not a very good one, apparently.
No man, I'm just trying to emulate other familiar controllers, while at the same time adding as much good features as possible.

>> No.4926054


>> No.4926062

It's almost perfect. I would only change the 1-6 button layout so it was more like the Saturn (or 6 button Genesis) controller.

>> No.4926068
File: 47 KB, 1152x648, The Blue Alchemist V0.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a friend of mine pointed that out, as well as the A and B buttons not having enough room. (Probably for internal space reasons)

>> No.4926072

Well there it is. Total perfection. You wouldn't be able to produce enough to meet up with demand.

>> No.4926078

Yeah my one criticism was that the face buttons being in a straight line looked very uncomfortable. Offset like this, it looks like a really good controller.

Saturn d-pad and face buttons, and ps3/4 everything else

>> No.4926083
File: 137 KB, 553x783, Autism-signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the gimmicky ventilation feature.

>> No.4926092

What do you mean by autism?

>> No.4926117

I'd go with inability to relate to others here. Look at the picture you autist.

>> No.4926125

I lfrrt it

My rating is %

>> No.4926134
File: 62 KB, 1600x1200, 15863587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this image.

>> No.4926228
File: 187 KB, 508x1634, Dah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Inability to relate to others"
>posting a controller on a board about gaming
So you're calling me an autist just because I have an idea I wanted to share with people?
Creative people like me are the reason nobodies like you have fun and interesting content. I even asked nicely what YOUR ideas would be like, but no. You wanna throw the old autismo insults out because somehow it's become such a popular term to call people. So kudos points on yet again being a nobody and blindlessly following every other duckling in the big meme pond.

Enjoy your stale bread, faggot.

>> No.4926438

slap a saturn style d-pad on anything and I'm pretty happy desu

>> No.4926532

a playstation dualshock controller with a 6-button layout!!!
why didn't they think of that!!

>> No.4926561 [DELETED] 

Capcom Classics Collection 1 & 2
KOF Orochi Saga
> KOF 98 UM has an arranged mode (visuals, soundtrack) and the classic one
Metal Slug Collection
Midway Arcade Classics

>> No.4926567

Mad Catz Corp. here. We love it!

>> No.4926575
File: 72 KB, 680x882, d645744db39730480ac7c4cf4b22e249_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4926576

They purposely copied snes design

>> No.4926580

this never came out, right?

>> No.4926653

Saitek made this controller a decade ago

>> No.4926687

Should call it Coldsteel the Controller.

>> No.4926702

Based Chinese stealing the schematics to the original Steam controller

>> No.4926985
File: 24 KB, 425x425, 51MJTVZ95NL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4926994

actual correct answer is this sort of thing, but with the saturn controller design instead of the snes.

>> No.4927000
File: 21 KB, 400x300, sfc30-pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.4927013

My brother gave me one. The D-pad is shit so I don't use it, and I don't like that kind of rubber on anything because it eventually turns to shit.

>> No.4927015

There's plenty of six-buttons for PS4 that also work with PCs and ARMs.

>> No.4927017

>clit button

>> No.4927491

Sorry, I meant "strange attachment to objects" and "inappropriate laughing or crying" so sorry autismo.

>> No.4927641 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 1020x426, 1532449685216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh 'Eeey this guy, huh fellas?
He did it, he did the meme! Let's all laugh at his great leap onto the band wagon! Yaaaay!

>> No.4927664

>Creative people like me are the reason nobodies like you have fun and interesting content.

This is true, but not in the way you think.

>> No.4927769

You're only proving my point the more you sperg out, flappy.

>> No.4927901

It'll only cost you $59.99!!!
get it while it's hot!

>> No.4927967
File: 28 KB, 600x583, 2gse9gj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928013
File: 38 KB, 477x480, PerfectPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pad.

>> No.4928053
File: 83 KB, 1400x840, c1400x840q75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already exists, even in the same color. Try harder.

>> No.4928156


Generally I like it, however the ventilation seems a bit gimicky to be honest and I imagine could be prone to faults (getting clogged up, noisy, draining battery etc), and I think the buttons on the right should be angled more like a Sega saturn. I can also see other people being bothered by all the buttons in the middle, but personally I think it's fine.

As for my design, I tried mocking some images up but they all failed miserably. In summary:

>Saturn button layout and dpad, but X, Y, and Z buttons are the same size and shape as A, B, and C buttons
>generally the same controller shape as the sega saturn controller, but the handles would be a bit longer
>a detachable vmu like the dreamcast, but with far better hardware capability and a high-resolution touchscreen (there will still be optional phyical buttons also)
>2 rows of shoulder buttons, with the back row being xbox-style trigger buttons
>in the central gap between the controller handles, there will be a port to attach optional additional hardware (in particular it can be used to attach analogue sticks of your choosing, but it third-party manufacturers could be free to develop all kinds of gimmicky extra stuff with it, such as a touchpad microphone, fan, LEDs, etc)
>Wireless and charged via microUSB - can be played whilst charging
>vibration built in
>has a textured back material to provide extra grip (similar to the ps4 controller)

>> No.4928354

>Try harder
He did. OP's controller has functions this controller doesn't have. Read harder.

>> No.4928420

Decent. I'd change the name. Sounds gay.

>> No.4931542
File: 46 KB, 1152x648, The Blue Alchemist V0.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name's not changing.
Made a few changes and an edition.
Opinions again?

>> No.4931559

Looks like my ten year old cousin with Asperger's made it

>> No.4931562


>> No.4931570

Do you have a design for us?

>> No.4931580

No because I'm not a sperg

>> No.4931736

Psshh... nothin personnel but I'm sure your designs would suck.... kid

>> No.4931832
File: 5 KB, 218x250, Zoinks00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so bad that I want to design my own controller?
Why is it that I get called an autist just for presenting an idea?
It's about a controller design on a video games board. It's not as if I'm trying to force an OC for everyone to see or shit posting and ruining everyone's day. Where do you guys get off to crapping on an idea thread just because it's not something YOU would do? And when I try to be kind and ask for your idea because I figure you might just want to present your own, you insult me further.

>> No.4932212
File: 70 KB, 600x791, 1530561450297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol captain autismo

>> No.4932235

Not so much "purposely copied" as "continued to use", the PlayStation started life as a CD-SNES

>> No.4932240
File: 3.44 MB, 2550x3504, controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4932241

based. was gonna make this

>> No.4932249

Your misstep was flaunting it around on an internet forum instead of 1) hiring a professional graphic designer for a proper 3D mockup and then (2) going to a venture capitalist investor instead.

Going to 4chan with an MS paint drawing is something an 11 year-old would do.

>> No.4932257
File: 10 KB, 300x229, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fan gimmick has been done. There's a ridiculous looking attachment you can get for PS4 controllers. It doesn't help much, because the oil is still there, and sweat is largely in response to core temperature. Bring a towel like some speedrunners do.

>> No.4932745

he wasn't

>hiring a professional
that comes later


>Going to 4chan
possibly a mistake - if the inventor of the wheel had presented his idea here, it would have been shit on

>MS paint
or any other basic paint program is fine to start

>something an 11 year-old would do
if he's smart and creative

>> No.4932960

How obese/autistic and deep in the heart of Florida do you need to be for this to even be an issue?

>> No.4932964


Your idea fucking sucks, dork. That's why.

>> No.4933045

Fucking dying here. 11/10

>> No.4933063

That didn't seem like a post which you needed to segment up and nitpick.

>> No.4933089
File: 18 KB, 500x363, 41d0eRHcABL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much my favorite controller with a few more buttons in the middle

>> No.4933118

I had that controller, it was a piece of shit.

>> No.4933124

Me too. The D-pad wasn't great.

There's some good six-buttons for PS4 that work just as well with anything else.

>> No.4933136

The hat wasn't great, but it kept me solid with emulating, especially N64.

Cool, didn't know that.

>> No.4933158

The D-pad and analogue was shit.
Buttons were alright though.

>> No.4933178

I had that but it had a weird throttle button.

>> No.4933297

You say it's awful multiple times and yet you do not provide reasons with evidence. Therefore I have nothing to work on to make it better. It seems like you just came here to insult me for the sake of insulting me.
Instead of using mental insults, tell me what I should improve upon and what should be added or removed. If not, I suggest you go to another board, because gaming is not about bitching and doing nothing but throwing insults.

>> No.4933390


How is playing with toys inappropriate for a little boy like him?

>> No.4933757

that controller doesn't even have start/select buttons

>> No.4933769

It's meant to be a PC controller.
Inside game options, you can bind them to do certain actions.
In emulators, you can put them to the proper buttons depending on the type of system the emulator is trying to mimic.

>> No.4934128

The computer doesn't know what's printed on the controller casing.

>> No.4934542

He arranged them by color. This makes him inhuman apparently.