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4911404 No.4911404 [Reply] [Original]

How different would things have been if Nintendo decided to hire on Carmack to port Nintendo games onto the PC?

>> No.4911414

I think for Nintendo it would've been a one time thing or something, for id, they would've become a port machine

>> No.4911419

Pretty much this, I can't imagine Nintendo ever releasing shit like Super Metroid and Earthbound as PC games

>> No.4911427

They'd probably be remembered in the same thought as other esteemed companies like Hi Tech Expressions.

>> No.4911443
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Would have been fucking nothing. Like the Sharp versions of Mario Bros.

>> No.4911445

Not much.
Super Mario Bros. was ported to japanese PCs by Hudson, so it isn't like it's something that never happened.

>> No.4911459
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That's because PCs had keyboards, mice, more memory, and faster CPUs. Something tells me most PC gamers (if you could call them that at the time) wouldn't care much about ports.

In addition, I think Nintendo would have had a harder time controlling their ecosystem, which has been a key to their success.

Btw, Carmack is a goddamn hero. In contrast to N, he takes the philosophy of _giving_ the ecosystem to players after a few years, allowing people to generate custom content and extend code. I really respect him, both for his technical ability and attitude towards games.

>> No.4911482
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The average PC gamer at the time would have crashed his airwing into the first column or be blown away by the first enemy, declared that Starfox sucks (which is fine, because he pirated it anyway), and gone back to clicking on his RTS game or DOOM clone.

>> No.4911491

> implying things would be different
besides, why in fuck would he want to program for shit-tier powered consoles that nintendo vomited up every few years? get real.

>> No.4911505

pretty much

>> No.4911506

>The average PC gamer at the time would have crashed his airwing into the first column or be blown away by the first enemy, declared that Starfox sucks
>when PC had Elite or Wing Commander
Starfox is objectively poorer gameplay-wise

>> No.4911793

That port is terrible though. The tech demo made by id is significant because it had smooth scrolling (see: the Commander Keen series). Alternatively, the OP my be hypothesizing an alternate timeline where Wolf3D, Doom, Quake, etc never properly got realized, thus setting PC gaming, FPS, etc back a great deal.

>> No.4911804

it was also programmed in a night, if i recall

>> No.4911815

Who would wanna play star fox on pc? I had more fun playing space rogue and sky roads, let alone elite 1/2! Star control 2 is wayyyyy better than star fox. Who the fuck wants to play starfox when you could play panzer dragoon zwei?

>> No.4911818

>panzer dragoon zwei
>you could play

>> No.4911835

It wouldn't happen because Carmack would be too busy playing around with his stupid tech demos while being buttfucked by Romero.

>> No.4913424

This. People that things came out way earlier or later than they actually did are baffling to me. I’ve always been pretty good at remembering or estimating release years for games or movies.

>> No.4913430

People that think things came out*

>> No.4913456

people have lives outside of video games buddy

>> No.4913571

Funny enough, a few years back I had an odd dream where Steam was launched back when HL1 came out, and Earthbound was one of the first Steam titles; it was allegedly ported in 1997.

>> No.4913592

Nah. Starfox is piss easy, as someone who had an NES and PC. Sky roads is far harder in that respect.

>> No.4915773

>more memory, and faster CPUs
Not when proto-iD made that Super Mario 3 demo.
That shit came off as witchcraft back then, because the idea of a PC game exhibiting smooth scrolling wasn't feasible, home computers were too slow to do that.

The secret was to figure out how to make the game only redraw pixels which actually changed. For example, instead of making it waste time and power on redrawing the entire sky, which is mostly a solid blue color (thus drawing a blue pixel to replace a blue pixel), the game just redraws the clouds and mountain parts, then focuses on the ground and sprites, ignoring the blue sky pixels until something actually does change.
The iD guys were the first to do this and use it in a published game on home computers; Dangerous Dave, and then later Commander Keen.

>> No.4915787

The scrolling was, though they spent some more time imitating Mario 3 assets to the best of their abilities and making some levels for the demo.

>> No.4915838

If the history isn't that important to you, then why ask questions and make declarations in ignorance of it?