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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 259 KB, 640x480, Mideel_town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4910817 No.4910817 [Reply] [Original]

>do not bring up the remake
>no flame wars, this is a comfy thread for reminiscing on past memories and experiences of the game
>do NOT bring up the remake


>> No.4910823

8 iz bedder a hyuk hyuk

>> No.4910828
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>> No.4910932


>> No.4910980
File: 35 KB, 1400x722, cropped-ff7-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, I forgot how comfy Mideel was. Too bad it gets destroyed almost immediately after finding it.

>> No.4910983

Final Fantasy 7 is probably the worst Final Fantasy in the entire series. I don't understand the cult following that It has. The music is bad, the gameplay is just abismal, the graphics look like crap, there is no character development and the story line is just retarded. Every time I play it I have to force myself just to finish the first disc, after that i fell like I want to drill a hole in my head. If I could, I would go back in time and stop this game from ever being made.

>> No.4910991

Thanks for the contribution Edgar. Now go make another falseflag thread.

>> No.4910993

This game is boring. Graphics are horrible, and they could've done better. I wouldn't be so angry if that was the best they can do, but I saw other ps1 games that have WAY better graphics than this. Cloud has like horse hands. And it's always so dark. And, it's SUPER boring. It's impossible to finish this game.

>> No.4911000

I remember playing this for the first time four years ago. I had lung inflammation for two weeks and spent all day every day playing this. The team I used was Cloud, Cid and Vincent. Good times.

>> No.4911004

8 was superior in every way, ESPECIALLY the towns.

>> No.4911028

opinions discarded

>> No.4911048

It was literally there first attempt at making a game for the PS1 and was one of the major early titles for the system that helped sell the console. At the time it was one of the most expensive and heavily staffed video games to have ever been created and the graphics and quality were considered groundbreaking. That you're a retarded underaged faggot that didn't experience it at the time and so look back at what appear to be dated "half-assed graphics" doesn't change the fact that it was a landmark for the entire industry, let alone Square.

>> No.4911053

nah i'm just mocking 8fags, 7 is alright but I prefer the famicom games

>> No.4911074

I can tell spanish is your native language. I'm not surprised your opinions are, consequentially, shit.

>> No.4911406
File: 216 KB, 566x424, Iron_Man_FF7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally thought that gouraud shading was a clever technical approach to circumventing the distortion caused by screen-space texturing. clearly textures won out, but the execution is done competently and looks good. i wish more games had taken this approach

>> No.4911661

That sword looks pretty silly

>> No.4911673
File: 61 KB, 309x281, Morn_Dennis_Madalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music is bad

What? Ok, im not a huge fan of ff6 or 7, but the music is some of the most unique and beautiful music ever created for a videogame. There are no analogues in any other medium that sound like it. You may have the opinion of it not being good, but its an objectively good ost!

>> No.4911678

I've always loved Costa del Sol and Icicle Inn.

Relaxing music and comfy atmosphere. Cloud and company deserve a vacation after all they've been through.

>> No.4911738
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I used to rent the game every December 30 and spend the new year's eve holidays playing it. I did this for 4-5yr since I've played it for the first time. Since I was a kid who bite the 'bring Aeris back to life with Ressurrect spell' BAIT, all my characters were 99lvl and all my Materia was mastered, I used to spend my days killing the weapons in different ways. BOI how I miss that soundtrack and that lovely soundtrack. Cloud, Cid and Red XIII were my favourite party members.

>> No.4911754

The remake looks way better than this garbage.

>> No.4911765

My best memories of FFVII were about the hype of the game leading up to its release. At that time I had RPG fever, and I tried Wild ARMs and Suikoden in an attempt to slake my thirst. FFVII was better in terms of graphics, sure, but overall I'd say it tied with those other two games.

>> No.4912425

I remember being a young kid and I was home alone and needed to take a shower but was terrified for some reason, like someone would break in while or a monster would get me. So I turned on FF7 and loaded my save at Costa del Sol and blasted that relaxing music so I could hear it in the shower.
Everything went just fine.

>> No.4912430

>break out a box of PS1 games I still won
>FF8, FF9, MGS, Tekken 1/2/3, Bushido Blade, Galeries.
>My mint copy of FF7, Vagrant Story, and Heart of Darkness is missing

I feel sad. But I own FF7 on PS4, so might just play that

>> No.4912704

out. you were obviously sucking on your moms saggy tits when this game debuted.

>> No.4912720

i feel sorry for you, having taking such obvious bait. but i understand. i desperately wanted someway to get aeris back. i remember my first play through i what absolutely thunderstruck when she died. i was weeping while i fought jenova and though it was an easy fight, i felt that i had already lost. after i found a savepoint i turned of my playstation and had to go for a walk down to the park and stare out at a pond for a while to collect myself.

>> No.4912727

I first played this baby in 2006. I was a late comer to the PS1 so FFVIII was my first PS FF.

So I don't have nostalgia for it.
My verdict? Exceptional JRPG. No question. YES, the graphics are dated, but the game is so good and fun, I found it plenty easy to forget. And the more simplistic look, especially on the world map, was charming.
Locations were neat. And the music was exceptional, as to be expected from Uematsu and his team.

My only real gripe is, too much time spent in Midgar at the beginning. BUT, the game ends that section very well with the bike chase and party decision. And when the normal world map music starts up, it feels like a proper adventure.

Top 10 of its generation, no question.

That's what makes it cool. Just like the buster sword. It's stupid and fun.

>> No.4912732

>cloud, cid, red xiii
my fucking guy, this is my favorite party two, sometimes i also like putting tifa in instead of one of them just because I like monk type characters but i could never decide who to remove

>> No.4912737

>My only real gripe is, too much time spent in Midgar at the beginning.
Yeah this is a divisive thing. Some people like it some people don't.

While there were probably a convergence of reasons they did it that way, but my guess is the main reason is they wanted to show off and keep the player in rich pre-rendered backgrounds for as long as possible before going to the fairly generic 3D world map.

>> No.4912761
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Seems logical. I'm not a big dystopia/cyberpunk fan either. Just personal preference of course. As I said, I don't hold the game to it. Exceptional is exceptional.

The thing about PS FF games is, each one feels cared for. You can tell the team cared about the game, its presentation, and even the legacy it might leave. That's what really makes them the defining RPGs of the console, just like their 16-bit older bros. YES they can be overly cinematic. Okay. But in 30+ hour games, I don't mind that. Keeps me interested. RPGs are the only games(W or J) that can really draw my attention for over 30 hours without getting stale. A game like VII isn't just played for me. I become a resident of that world. With more arcade-like titles, they're just fun wastes of time. A game like FFVII makes me ask(when Cloud decides to keep going after Sephiroth after the infamous scene), what would I do? Don't get that shit from any shmup, fighter, racer, etc.
JRPGs are much more than cinema. A movie you sit down and watch for a few hours max. Devoting 60+ hours into characters you grow and a world your explore, can't be compared really.

Plus, I like the DBZ-esque "start as a nobody, end as a God" type of thing. lvl up!

>> No.4912825

>renting the game
idk what year it was but i was able to buy it new for $20 greatest hits

>> No.4913197

Why not discuss the remake? It’s the only relevant thing to say about this game. Not that it’ll be any good, but

>> No.4913223

rip anon you will be missed