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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4908129 No.4908129 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever play one of your old game consoles, and feel sad about how that particular consoles era is over? Sometimes I miss going in major department stores seeing the cool art work on the games.

>> No.4908137

Never again anon, never again

>> No.4908148

when i look at games today i see a load of shit i wouldnt ever waste my time with even if it was all for free. first thing i did when my friend gave me a ps3 was jailbreak and install retroarch to play snes, it's an illness

>> No.4908660

Sturgeon's Law, anon. Proportionally, there was just as many shitty retro games are there are modern ones. To say there are no good modern games is equally mental.

>> No.4908681

It's also mental to suggest that the rate of quality remains constant throughout all the years of the gaming industry. There are pretty objective reasons why so many corporations which used to be classic, churn out terrible shit nowadays.

I'd argue that gaming isn't in a bad place because of the greater availability and presence of smaller devs, and increased access to coding. But when we look at how so many respected, amazing games were developed on large budgets and professional teams, this just isn't the case anymore. That independent devs took the slack and compensate for the failures of the big players is good, but needs to be pointed out.

>> No.4908759

I just feel like dorky for having "retro gaming" as one of my core hobbies

>> No.4908761

god damn these FUCKING frog posting faggots

>> No.4908764

Nostalgia sure is powerful huh

>> No.4908839

I miss a time before online trailers and gameplay videos.

Playing a game for the first time was always so surprising when all you knew was on the box.

>> No.4908848

Nah it's pretty constant. Pick any one console and around 15% of the library will be good to great, and the rest is 'meh" to outright crap.

>> No.4908860

I play MAME games and become quite sad all the excellent arcades around my way have been dead for well more than 2 decades now

>> No.4908880

you can still play the old games lmao they didn't go anywhere

>> No.4909210

If that's what sturgeons law means then it is bullshit. There absolutely can be varying degrees of quality over different eras. Just look at modern cinema.

>> No.4909228

10% of modern movies are good too then. They may not be mega studio blockbusters, but if you're willing to look, then you will find at least 10% good stuff.

>> No.4909286
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You're so triggered lmao

>> No.4909297
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Good! Embrace the dork you normie bitch.

>> No.4909301

Then just say you like video games. there's no reason to differentiate.

>> No.4909304
File: 19 KB, 595x345, 37050002_2044728295546640_2201430808059707392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, there were gameplay trailers all over tv and at video stores you could see a test game. Video game morning shows and of course any kind of videogame store worth there shit would have a test copy open for people to play or at least see what it looks like before buying it. Its not like half the games you want didnt come frome playing at your friends house or somewhere else. Youre a dumb bitch!

>> No.4909310

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.4910281
File: 101 KB, 1080x776, 16230517_1322359737825329_2178520743833239552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will people think of Pepe 20 years from now?

>> No.4910289

Modern games feel more like movies than videogames, at least to me. Oldschool 2D games feel more like "videogames".
Funny thing is, I've lost interest in cinematic-style games like JRPGs over the last 5 years, and have been gravitating more toward platformers, beat-ems, and shmups. Like, I can replay aLttP countless times, even though it's piss-easy, and feel great doing so, but a game like Twilight Princess deters me a bit. My 13yo self would swap with me now no question.
Age does shit to ya.

Feels bad, man.

>> No.4910291

Dumb meme that was popular among dumb shitposters for an unknown reason

>> No.4910313

The word "retro" is retarded. You're basically implying you only like the hobby because of trendy aesthetics and nostalgia. It's like saying you like hipster music. Of course it sounds stupid.
What's wrong with calling old videogames old? Or classic? Everyone understands that.

>> No.4910363

Absolutely agreed. The NES and SNES libraries both have a huge amount of garbage movie and television licensed games. It’s just that all the crap gets filtered out and forgotten over time.

>> No.4912261

I agree with OP its a bit of the nistolga and dislike for the shitteir games they spam out nowdoways

>> No.4912280

people will probably remember him like they remember the dancing baby

>> No.4912413

> do you .. feel sad
not really. i like old computers but i don't live that much in the past.

>> No.4912426

It makes me sad to think of all the forgotten scotforming franchises that will never be reprised. The era of the scotformer is long gone.

>> No.4912513

No, because Genesis games are still made.

>> No.4912516
File: 76 KB, 832x548, 1188346935701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was never a time you couldn't find an NES or SNES in a Kmart or Sears
Can't find an NES mini or SNES mini now though. Yeah. "Time is over."

>> No.4912526

you piece of shit. we know what you're doing. you're posting every single conceivable stupid "term" for genres and concepts in the hope you will coin some moronic neologism and everyone will be even more retarded than before.

(my true fear is that your chances of success aren't as low as I'd like to believe)

>> No.4912817

I mean, the same goes for Sega, Sony, Microsoft, etc. No reason to single Nintendo out.

>> No.4912851

it is the same one guy who keeps saying scotformer right

>> No.4912868

You don't ever even feel a little sad looking at one of your old machines and thinking it was brand new and sat in a store as a highly valued item once? It shouldn't be a feeling of serious depression lol but there's at least some acknowledgement that that era is gone.

>> No.4912879

First-person games spook me. So, I miss the days when the side-scroller was king

>> No.4912954
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Games can't be spooky.
Only spoopy.

Unless you're 6.
The sound effects from Hexen still haunt me.

>> No.4913007
File: 32 KB, 545x362, time keeps on slippin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to go to toys R' us and stare at the Neo-Geo and Tubografx CD behind the glass like they were museum displays or something.

I also used to go to the warehouse so I could buy a new CD, an INXS poster and some cassette singles while shopping for SNES games.

Newfags will never know these feels

>> No.4913008

Sure, I was just pointing out that it’s not like Nintendo’s most beloved consoles were any different as far as the good to shit ratio in their libraries.

>> No.4913047
File: 57 KB, 640x360, Project-Octopath-SaGa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how that particular consoles era is over?
Is not over.

>> No.4913234

You sound like you would like traditional roguelikes. Boiled down gameplay with tons of replayability and no fluff.

>> No.4916191
File: 57 KB, 594x275, jones1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to be sad about, anon. Old games and consoles are still being played just like old cars are still being driven, and old movies are still being watched. If anything, retro gaming's gotten a boost in popularity in recent years. Just enjoy whatever the hell you want, everything gets "old" in 2 weeks.

>> No.4916257

I'm hearing that game is actually good too.

>> No.4916560

What is that, Minecraft? That 3D effect looks like ass.

>> No.4916569

Same. That store was fucking magical when I was a kid. I lived in a small town so I only got to go to Toys R Us when we visited my grandparents in a bigger city. Only time in my life I've seen a Neo Geo AES and TurboGrafx-16 in person.

>> No.4916587

I have never owned a console since the PS2. Something feels different since then.

>> No.4916885
File: 14 KB, 320x240, ys1saturn-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cannot be helped, kids nowdays don't like 2D pixel-art graphics.

>> No.4916901

saddening, to tell the truth

>> No.4916910

>Do you guys ever shitpost about your dads toys?
No. Neither should you.

>> No.4917006

That's not true. The likes of Shovel Knight and Stardew Valley have been consistent top sellers for years now. As long as the game itself is fun, kids don't give a shit what it looks like.

>> No.4917069

They are the exception. You cannot make a jrpg and expect it will sell well if it doesn't look appealing for a teen. Octopath's effects ruins the pixel art but they are good enough to draw the attention into playing yet another rpg.

>> No.4917669

Stupid dumb frogposting scum.

>> No.4917949

Well there's also the specific example OP mentioned about going into the games section of a department store. I guess they still exist (and I remember looking at videogames in catalogs as a kid) but now there's a lot more digital and online purchasing. It's undeniable something like that can change over time.