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4903315 No.4903315 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. You needed a guide to know what to do here.

>> No.4903326

I think the "something appeared" message was enough of a hint. It specifically tells you that something appeared near the wooden bridge. That something being a monster who throws explosives. Explosives that could very likely break a bridge, because why else would you get a message telling you it appeared there?

>> No.4903330

I'll be honest. I did.

>> No.4903334

I don't remember this part at all, so I guess I didn't.

>> No.4903338

You push against a button on the wall in the Herald Shield room, and a skeleton ape comes in and demolishes the wooden platform in the room, which is designed exactly the same way as the platform in OP's pic. Then you get a message telling you something appeared near the bridge. It's very simple, because the game even shows how to destroy the planks as soon as you press that button.

>> No.4903353

Not really but they put the "guide" right there in the game so it was there for tards like you

>> No.4903357

The only part where I needed help was with obtaining the Beryl circlet.
Fucking crazy puzzle that involved becoming a bat, then a wolf and going back and forward through a rock a few times.

>> No.4903369

then I went to the bridge and nothing appeared, the skeleton was way far out for that message to make any kind of sense.

>> No.4903390

On my first play I didn't even go there and sequence broke the spike corridor. Only found out about that whole area down there in the reverse castle.

>> No.4903410

Nope, I figured it out on my own because I'm not a tard.

>> No.4903414

Played it some time ago, I didn't though i was using the Japanese translation rom

>> No.4903449

I beat the game without ever figuring that puzzle out. I may be an idiot but the game was easy enough for me to beat without it, so whatever.

>> No.4903543

I remember having something throw some shit at and picking it up. Not sure why you think that needs a guide.

>> No.4903568
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If you didnt enter that area then you didnt beat the game. Nice try

>> No.4903617

but I read a guide and watch a playthrough for every game before I play it

>> No.4903646

I watch more than a trailer or game review if im really unsure about a game.

>> No.4903752

I always use game guides lol

>> No.4903786


Come on, that was not hard at all! It is very obvious that you need to lure this one to the bridge. That said, I always liked to fuck around with Ape skeletons in Rondo…

Fun fact: Ape skeleton has three attacks a) throwing a barrel at ya' b) attacking with its arm in a weird downward arc and c) an elbow gut-punch if you approach it from the back. They could also do a slight jump if they approached a higher platform in Rondo, not sure if they can still this in SotN.

I just finished SotN a month ago for the first time and did not need a guide for that...

The four things I did not find myself are:

1. The way to open the right-hand clock passage and get Alucart equipment (a random youtube video spoiled this for me)

2. The way to press the switch in the Abandoned Mine

3. The way to open the secret room in Castle Entrance (the wolf + bat combo one)

4. The two secret rooms containing half faerie and nose demon cards (I played the translated JAP version)

>> No.4903795

huh, i never knew about this.

he might think he beat the game after evil richter. i have a feeling he watched a YT video and got confused.

>> No.4903798

your writing style is strange.

>> No.4903870

This, it makes no sense. I only looked that up because it was one of the last rooms I needed for 206%. cryptic shit that you wouldn't discover without a guide.
Same here, except I discovered the underground area, but not the spike boots. I just flew over the spikes with bat form and then forced my way through the door at the end.
I didn't have trouble figuring out OP's part, as others said, the game even shows you that you can break these wood floors with an exploding barrel, it's very obvious.
I also saw this same thread before, whatever.

>> No.4903882

Literally just got to this room for the first time today, thanks for the help /vr/.

>> No.4903886
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>needed help for this

>> No.4903894

Well technically I'll never know how I would have reacted going in blind since I read this thread before I got to that area.

>> No.4903957

Yeah, same to me. I still don't know exactly what triggers it to open, I was trying to figure out how someone would find out about it randomly. I'm sure lots of people might pass through that rockway once, some might even accidentally wonder through it twice, but I can't think of any situation where someone would come through as a bat and then as a wolf through it.

>> No.4904052

The worst part about the Beryl Circlet being so FUCKING DIFFICULT TO FIND is that without it, the fight against Garamoth becomes nearly impossible, as the fucker has 10,000 HP and his electric attacks can kill you on the spot, or constantly shave down your HP through the battle until you run out of restoration items and die. Yes, I know his weak point is his head but just try hitting him there without being hit or shocked, even if you use the Shield+Rod combo or the Crissaegrim the fucker can turn the fight around if you fuck up your timing just ONCE.

...the Beryl Circlet absorbs electric damage and converts it into HP, so if you find and equip this item you can just rush Garamoth and use his own electric attacks to fully replenish your HP as many times you need.

>> No.4904262

I seem to remember you can stand in a certain spot and dodge things much easier and just whittle him down with spells that way, but it makes the fight take forever. I don't mind how difficult he is though, he's pretty much the last optional boss in the game, so you can still kill Drac without him and just come back when you improve at any time.

>> No.4904264

>I don't remember this part at all, so I guess I didn't.

This. Plus I played the Japanese version on the Saturn.

>> No.4904265
File: 788 KB, 360x240, galamoth getting owned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Galamoth is nearly impossible


>> No.4904358

>Shaving down 10,000 hp at 74 hp per hit.
Stand there for 2 minutes and half punching the guy nonstop, but only if you know about that specific spot and specific way to defeat him?
OK, I suppose.

>> No.4904775
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for some reason this castlevania was few games where did not need any guides whatsoever

>> No.4904813

Are you just that bad at games, anon? NO boss in SOTN is even remotely hard. Galamoth is easy as fuck as long as you use every tool the game gives you:

>being obscenely overleveled by playong normally
>amazingly powerful weapons

Like, how can you not just mop the floor with him? Do you just stand still and slash away like a retard?

>> No.4904824

I beat him using my Luck potions and then spamming him with spells for extra damage, but his fucking electric storm kept fucking me up.

>> No.4904838
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It seems like they do spell it out for you, but then again you have correctly infer that "the wooden bridge" means "that small plank of wood in a different room"

Of course, this being SOTN it's just more stuff you can easily live without anyway

>> No.4904881

>ape skele that throws flaming barrels
>random wood bridge
nah I didn't need a guide, the game tells you everything you need to know without saying words, how things should be

>> No.4905042

>not just throwing dynamite onto the bridge
cum on now lads

>> No.4905048


I didn't need a guide for any of this game and I played the Japanese version without knowing a lick of the language.

>> No.4905053

literally just turn into mist to dodge anything that can possibly hurt you come on man

there are literally dozens of special moves through items and relics and shit that just make you totally invincible for the entire casting, this game has so many i-frames and your enemies get none

>> No.4905089

I did a Lv1 fresh data run on Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia, punching Galamoth for two minutes would be a welcome change of pace.

>> No.4905289


I think I had that one as a teenager but had to look it up again as an adult.

>> No.4905903
File: 913 KB, 1920x1080, seyanaani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched a video. The devs must be crazy.

>> No.4907425

I just ignored it and moved on, It's one of hundreds of non essential bits of filler in this unoriginal game.

>> No.4907575

But you need to break the bridge to get the spike breaker armor and beat the game. Unless you're >>4903870 apparently.

>> No.4907613

I solved this puzzle entirely by accident...

>> No.4907617

If anything, I've never found the breakable wall that had the Holy Symbol until I saw video of it.

>> No.4907865

I didn't need a guide, but it also wasn't something I just intuitively knew how to solve the second I saw it so I can see how it'd trip you up. The one area of the game I legit had to use a guide for was figuring out how to get to the colosseum, I had no idea that different paths would open up in the clock room at different times and I could deduce that there was a major area above it but couldn't figure out a way in

>> No.4908009

I sequence broke the spike corridor using the fog, not the bat, but both probably work.

I figured that if you come back to human form next to the door; and then take out your shield at the very same time you get hit by the spike, you'll go through the door.

>> No.4908054

You run over the bridge with the speed booster to break it, of course.

>> No.4908075

you are one dense cunt and you shouldn't play games
ahahahahhaha you enjoyed 40% of the game
you're slating SOTN, yet have a bioshock infinite photo for your post. pls leave and don't return with your horrid opinions
sounds to me like someone who didn't know where to go or what to do or a super metroid fanboy

>> No.4908150

Seriously, how could you not figure this out
You get a message
A new enemy appears in that room
Enemy throws flaming barrel at you
There ya go