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4901321 No.4901321 [Reply] [Original]

soul soulless

>> No.4901328

dick dickless

>> No.4901335
File: 365 KB, 698x713, soul meme for dummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been through this. Get on with the times. Soul = emotion evoked. It makes only sense when used to compare art. What you're doing is comparing your sense of nostalgia, so it will only be relevant to people who owned the original back in the day before the newer model. Meanwhile if you compare artwork you'd be judging it by its inherent capacity to evoke certain emotions, making it quantifiable regardless of past experience with it.

>> No.4901337
File: 24 KB, 800x400, 14870750493310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4901338

old thing good

new thing bad

me like when feel good because old

make me feel better than people who like new thing

>> No.4901341

At least the newer model actually fucking worked.

>> No.4901348

You're probably thinking you have an argument. You're wrong.

>> No.4901349

there's nothing wrong with preferring the older style of something but green eyes/blue arms tier autism is cancer

>> No.4901393

The one on the right has a gorgeous colour scheme, i wish consoles looked like that now

>> No.4901398
File: 327 B, 83x20, oeo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying rainbow letters can tell anything about soul
Get on my level

>> No.4901426

my psone still going stronk, love that thing

>> No.4901584

> 90s Sony
> Not soulless
Sony was the definition of soulless. All of their hardware was usually functional and reliable but also generic as fuck. Maybe that's why I liked the PS game pad so much. It was boringly designed to be a good controller and that's it. But seriously, the playstation was the most soulless console of the entire decade. I owned one because of its game library and frankly the PSOne is actually an improvement.

>> No.4901927

>frankly the PSOne is actually an improvement.

It has a noisy spindle motor. Not nearly as bad as the Dreamcast but the original PSX is almost silent and thus superior.

>> No.4901929

How is PlayStation soulless it's dank anime the console

>> No.4901931

Totally disagree. The PSone is rounded and fun and playful looking. Easily one of my all time favorite ‘slim’ console designs.

>> No.4901932

But you can play PSOne on your break as a mall santa


>> No.4901968

I love my little modded PSOne!

>> No.4901986

And you do? Lol

>> No.4902024

OP posted a picture of the hardware, so I didn't take into account the game library. I give Sony credit for building a reasonably reliable console that developers wanted to make games for. Which, at the end of the day, is the most important thing. But if we're going to compare to other consoles like the N64 or the Sega Genesis, the machine itself just was just kind of plain and functional.

>> No.4902058


Really? I consider it to be by far Nintendo’s most boring looking console.

>> No.4902082

soul is the actualization of intention on reality

I think the original donkey kong there has soul because the artist is obviously just trying to think of something fun and made a stereotypical villain (king kong) more approachable by giving him a tie and making him look kind of absent minded

on the other hand I can tell you with confidence that almost everyone who worked at rare didn't even like videogames and just did it as a job like "hey I could do that, I could just make a game like that and get paid for it"

something is soulless in media when you can tell that the creator, from the very first moment even, hadn't decided to do it on purpose but did it for money as a job

>> No.4902467
File: 34 KB, 650x220, SMSConsoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this one can be topped for soul/soulless.

>> No.4902487

>on the other hand I can tell you with confidence that almost everyone who worked at rare didn't even like videogames and just did it as a job like "hey I could do that, I could just make a game like that and get paid for it"
lol whatever you say bro

>> No.4902510

What are sone good master system games? It was my first console as a kid but i dont remember what i actually played on it.

>> No.4902612

Yeah, I think the curves and the different color on the control sockets and such all wind up looking very sleek while maintaining that "toy" feel that the Nintendo consoles always had.

>> No.4902659

If you want a general overview of good games I'd recommend checking the /v/ recommended games page for the MS:


As far as personal recommendations, I mostly play RPGs and platformers so I can only really give suggestions for those. My favourite RPG games on the system are Phantasy Star and Golden Axe Warrior.

As far as platformers I personally enjoy Castle of Illusion, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Shinobi. They all have 16-bit versions on the MD/Genesis, but both versions of each game are different enough to justify playing both imo.

>> No.4902750

soulless gets a cool lcd screen!

>> No.4902778


>> No.4902809

Your pin connectors are just bent. Luckily, that part is easy enough to replace.

>> No.4902858 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4903029

I agree if we’re talking about one of the play it loud series colors but I never liked the black/grey standard version.

>> No.4903048

I can't get over how ugly the MSII looks.
it's like you took everything good about the MD/Genesis designs and threw it all out the window, but still imitated the design cues anyway
the original Master System looks like the fucking SR-71 in comparison, slick, black, futuristic

at the time, the PSone design did look a bit lamer than the original
but nah, I'm okay with it now, it retains a lot of the look while being smaller and cuter, which were explicit design goals

Man, I was really tempted to get a PSone and the screen for it at the time because of this shit.
IIRC, the screen cost too much, and I was going to get a PS2 anyway? Something like that.

>> No.4903064

>16 years ago sony used the same commercial sound effects
feels cozy lads

>> No.4903204
File: 216 KB, 1024x681, 13963118146_909cc2e237_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90's sony was souless

im not kidding when i say that was the most retarded thing i heard all year

>> No.4903231

fucking this
Sony was the height of industrial design for consumer electronics. God damn.

>> No.4903232
File: 331 KB, 1600x1087, 16142326868_1b6cd6539a_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean come the fuck on

>> No.4903267
File: 23 KB, 590x435, 1510715175853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO, as much as I hate Sony they were KING in the 90s.

>> No.4903463
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1523504850801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, you're pretty dumb.

>> No.4903529

>not bending the pins back or boiling them
Enjoy your chinese connector with its death grip.

>> No.4903684

Isn't that kind of what he's saying? Because they were the height of industrial design, they came off as generic and soulless.

>> No.4903743

That's exactly what I'm saying. I had a lot of sony products and liked them all for what they could do and how reliable they were. But I didn't love any of them.