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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4897536 No.4897536 [Reply] [Original]

Why I love retro gaming.
>Each game relased is actually completed
>No Day 1 patches
>DLC is nonexistent
>Loot boxes don't exist
>Saves don't cost money
>Free online service
>No special edition bullshit

Also, pic not related.

>> No.4897541

There were expansion packs, but that just added to the game, mostly.

There were patches for pc and older systems that used floppy discs, also updated rom patches and stiff for carts.

Youre wrong

>> No.4897542

Ok, expanion packs did exist but I still think they offered more value compared to those of today. Wasn't one of the packs in the newer Tomb Raider games only 30 minutes long?

Also to your second point, it was mostly geared towards console gaming, but technically you are correct.

>> No.4897553
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I bet $10 they're playing Bomberman.

>> No.4897904

>saves don't cost money
never seen that before

>> No.4897916

This is why I love sixth-gen gaming.

>> No.4897931

I don't think Anon plays games.

>> No.4897939


in metal gear solid izombie or whatever that latest non hideo kojima led metal gear is you have to pay for a second save file.

>> No.4897948

Kill yourself.

>> No.4898156

hot take: pokemon arguably does this and hasn't fixed it in 20+ years of existence

>> No.4898183

Who knows, might not be long until it happens
Haven't played a pokemon game since gen 2, but is this really still the case?
Are there no different player profiles on the 3DS which might give as many saves as there are profiles?
If not and there's only one save, that actually is pretty low if I think about it.

>> No.4898195
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I love retro gaming because there are a ton of really fun games. It's the same reason I love modern gaming.

I think both games getting patches (so many retro ones could have used it) and DLC are pretty great.

Loot boxes and paying for saves is idiotic but I've always avoided those.

Also, pic not related.

>> No.4898230
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>Each game relased is actually completed
>DLC is nonexistent
>No special edition bullshit

>> No.4900146
File: 16 KB, 193x396, streetfighterII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DLC is nonexistent
Yeah, you just had to pay full price for the game if the devs decided to add content or patch some broken shit. But at least it wasn't DLC, right?

>> No.4900172

>Haven't played a pokemon game since gen 2, but is this really still the case?
>Are there no different player profiles on the 3DS which might give as many saves as there are profiles?
>If not and there's only one save, that actually is pretty low if I think about it.
First game to allow multiple saves was Colosseum on the GC, and that's only because they couldn't tie a disc to a memory card so buying additional memory cards allowed additional saves. Same for the sequel which shall remain nameless. First actual mainline game to do it is going to be Let's Go, and then only because they can't lock a single cart to a single system account.

Pokemon is max happy merchant, always has been. It might've been a necessity in Generation 1/2 and even 3 when they were limited by save file sizes, but since the DS they've had no fucking excuse.

>> No.4900179


Everyone knows Street Fighter isn't a real game, anon

>> No.4900184

>the sequel which shall remain nameless
Say it. Say it, you coward.

>> No.4900193
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>> No.4900198


>> No.4900209

>Each game relased is actually completed
Suikoden 2 and Xenogears aren't.
>No Day 1 patches
Maybe not day 1 but games were updated, bugs fixed and then the carts repressed and re-released and older copies scrapped.
>No special edition bullshit
You been living under a rock? Special Editions have always existed,

>> No.4900241

GTA 2 does this: you saved at a church and you needed to "donate" to the church to save your "soul" (progress).
>Damnation! No donation, no salvation!

>> No.4900308

shit thread

unexpectedly good post though.

>> No.4900310

kek. A lot of games did that shit, SFII was just the most egregious example I could think of.

>> No.4900331

Hallelujah! Another soul saved!

>> No.4900338

He means you have to pay REAL money for save slots. Which is actually a thing, I know Metal Gear Survive does it, you have to pay for a save slot after your first.

>> No.4900387

Kojima had nothing to do with Survive.
Konami fired him shortly after MGSV's launch.

>> No.4900394

Can you not read?

>> No.4900395

It delights me to think you might be serious.

>> No.4900616
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This post stinks of leddit. It's ok newfriend, you don't have to take part in the echo chamber to post here. Also no upvotes so you don't have to post a commonly held belief for fear of being downvoted if you don't.

>> No.4900632
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1521415236305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really just 2 of those statements are correct

No day one patches, but there were patches, so kind of a null point.

Loot boxes dont cost money, duh there were no "loot boxes" as we know them today. Not /vr/, get the fuck off my lawn. Dont post again until your balls drop kiddo.