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4897140 No.4897140 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people keep shitting on early 3D games?

>> No.4897159

Severe autism

>> No.4897223

Because most of them were uninspired blocky pieces of shit not worth buying or playing. An entire era of gaming was built around the notion that since the tech had finally evolved to the point where some rudimentary "3D" shitsmears were possible, this obviously meant that every single title from that point forward needed to use them. Fuck whether or not the game was actually good, or even arguably a game at all, gotta be 3D cause that's the future, radical bros.

>> No.4897226

It was an experimental time with good and bad results

>> No.4897237

Only millennials do so. And sometimes they pretend they are older in order for their shitty opinions to have more credence.

>> No.4897248

Fuck off and die already you retarded boomer.

>> No.4897257
File: 12 KB, 150x260, 146945896258924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. How could anyone think something like this is ugly or poorly done?

>> No.4897260

>Only Jews do so
Wow, nazi.

>> No.4897262

Love the Millennial shilling on this board when Generation X were the biggest sellouts of all time

>> No.4897264

People have been spoiled by higher quality graphics, so looking at something that polygonal would probably make them say it's ugly

>> No.4897270

Back then the complaints were poor controls and awkward camera mostly. Don't think anyone said anything bad about MGS if the pic is related.

>> No.4897271

>team inexperienced with 3D trying to save on VRAM by using untextured goraud shaded polygons and trying to replicate Shibuya's style for the field models

Surely, the worst.

>> No.4897278
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This reminds me of "every woman is beautiful" except with videogames.

>> No.4897280

A lot of them are just ugly by modern standards due to low polygone counts. This is true even games that were clearly designed for 3D and pretty fun to play, like Twisted Metal or Hogs of War. Even the original Ocarina of Time looks kind of bad. Many 3D games used tank controls, and even OoT (which didn't) still had issues with figuring out how to balance "walking around in a 3D environment" with compelling level design.

>> No.4897283

>early 3D
>Metal Gear Solid

That was basically the end of the 'early' era, OP.

The period of shit 3D games was very short, but extremely, intensely tranformative, lasting from 1993 to 1997, but primarily centering around first two years of the Playstation's life cycle, and effectively ending with the proliferation of 3D graphics cards on the PC.

>> No.4897284

>Have no experience
>Release shitty product
>Actually, since the reason for being shitty is my lack of competence, this somehow makes it not shitty

>> No.4897290

That's an example of really good design within the constraints of the era. The spiky hair became iconic and works well in the low-poly model. The blocky hands made the animations really distinct and easy to follow.

But, still, I would agree it's not perfect and there are still rough edges.

>> No.4897301

To be fair, it's just the arms. Everything else looks fine but the arms look unrealistic and stick out in the model, if they works on them or at least had a workaround that look good at 240p it would be fine.

>> No.4897313
File: 46 KB, 640x360, aeriscloud507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even notice that as much during the game. The blocky hands look a bit silly but make sense given that they're the focal point for body language and gesturing, which is what the model was designed for. (There's a separate model for battles)

>> No.4897315


I'm genuinely fascinated by early 3D technology and rendering. On one hand you have a lot of very interesting mechanics built into some of the early 3D titles, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3, etc.. but on the other hand you have to understand that these games will never look better- ever. The reason for this was that hardware limitations made them what they were, and in that respect they are all quite unique.

>> No.4897317

Even in that scene you can see Cloud doing a bit of manspreading with his feet apart, while Aeris's legs are together and closed modestly.

>> No.4897318

They've got bad taste
Starfox is game kino

>> No.4897319

Another great question would be, "Why on earth do people keep shitting all over Ocarina of Time," on the N64. It was a revolutionary game, their was nothing else like it. To this day I still can't think of a game that transformed what we take for granted for today.

>> No.4897323

Where do you think the industry was going to hire experienced 3D graphics programmers in 1996?

It was a field that had barely existed outside tiny niches until a just a couple of years prior, and suddenly there were hundreds of companies trying to hire people to do jobs that basically nobody knew how to do and that there were almost no established practices for.

This was pioneering shit. Of course it was going to be a bumpy ride.

>> No.4897324

Yeah it's understandable, but I'm sure they could've had work around, such as cutting the hand to be more like a "claw" than just a block.

Although I'm sure at the time they probably attempted multiple different renders and this was the best to them.

>> No.4897326

People point out legitimate flaws or express a different taste, and millennial babies who played it when they were children lose their shit, flabbergasted that anyone might not agree with them that Ocarina is a perfect 10 and the best game of all time.

>> No.4897330
File: 19 KB, 276x369, sm64 model .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While crude I really wouldn't say that 5th gen games are ugly

>> No.4897337


I'm not arguing that is doesn't have flaws, but as far as as the game is concerned, its still quite good. I feel like mechanically it isn't too different from a lot of 3D games now, it just was limited by the hardware. I think its safe to say that the 3DS version basically puts a new coat of paint and fixes some of the issues in the original release. That being said, I think their both very playable even today, but for different reasons.

>> No.4897339

claiming girl F

>> No.4897341
File: 9 KB, 312x162, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distant LOD Mario is cute!

>> No.4897342

I'd say the way the bends in his arms, legs, and torso merge together are ugly.

>> No.4897356
File: 27 KB, 540x405, gfs_50215_2_9_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we got one more gen of 2D games before the PS2 era kicked in and 3D games stayed a rare novelty like Starfox and Virtua Racer.

All of the "this looks like an incredibly elaborate SNES game" titles held up so well

>> No.4897358

Yes: B, E, T
Maybe: U, I
No: A, F
Hell No: U, L

>> No.4897375

OoT deserved its praise and hype for the time. A second Joystick on the controller would have helped with the camera on Mario 64, Zelda, and Goldeneye a lot but the fact is it worked and it wasnt as bad back then as people claim now. Its just harder to go back to the primitive controls after being introduced to a better camera handling option for several console generations. All of those games deserve their scores back then, shit millenials think otherwise.

>> No.4897384
File: 92 KB, 1000x713, FFVIIbattleexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 6th gen onward games were mostly 3D too. That's not a reason to criticize exclusively the 5th gen.
The battle models look good though.

>> No.4898751

I never understood that either
I find them really charming

>> No.4898767


This x100000000

>> No.4898834

The arms are fucking autistic

Le woke up millenial who likes sprites only
Early 3d is human

>> No.4898940

Prior to 3D, the tech evolved much more gradually with Atari, Spectrum, Amiga and expecially Arcade games graphical capabilities evolving at a slower pace without very few rapid jumps in quality.

3D however evolved much quicker to the point where games released just a year before were looking like shite compared to the new ones. There were just 2 years of difference between Doom 2 and Quake. There was another 2 years between Quake 1 and Half-Life. And then next year we got Quake 3.
2 years to go from "blocky shit with solid colors" seen in Virtua Fighter to "Something actually resembling humans and monsters, fully textured too" in Q1
2 years from "Blocky humans" to "Quite good human models" of Half-Life
1 more year for "almost realistic graphics" of Q3 (and then realistics of MoH and CoD using same engine with minimal change).

Another thing: in order to look good, Low-poly needs to have a distinct style, and everything in the game has to follow same guidelines of said style. Developers however, having 3D at their disposal often attempted realism, throwing style out of the window which led to their games looking shitty in hindsight.

>> No.4898950

F is the only good one

>> No.4899112

Even those games that tried to look realistic have a unique style to themselves by now

>> No.4899117
File: 57 KB, 600x451, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since F is taken, I'm claiming T as mine. Also, fixed.

>> No.4899145

>Low-poly needs to have a distinct style, and everything in the game has to follow same guidelines of said style.

Q1 looks better than Half-Life for this reason imo.

>> No.4899147
File: 41 KB, 640x400, alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4899172

Because they're who weren't even when those games were made.

>> No.4899568

Thank's your input

>> No.4899625

I didn't even like them at the time. You can bet I don't care for them now.

>> No.4899654

The FF7 field models are charming in their own way. If you want truly ugly early PS1 3D post some Tekken or Toshinden

>> No.4899669
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>> No.4899893


The main reason games after fifth gen are 3D is because there's nobody left who knows how to make a good looking 2D game.

People still think SotN is some kind of pinnacle of 2D animation when in reality it looks pretty dated compared to 2D animation you can find in some indy games. Imagine if people were still making professional 2D games.

>> No.4899902

>Imagine if people were still making professional 2D games.
Street Fighter V is basically a 2D game.

>> No.4899904

Although I guess you mean frame-based animation style rather than gameplay.

>> No.4899906


Dumb nigger.

>> No.4899908

They're angry that people still love games they either didn't enjoy or didn't grow up with. Usually there's also some salt that their favorite iteration in a long running series isn't the fan favorite.

>> No.4899939


You are a retard, that's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

SFV has 3D graphics because nobody at Capcom knows how to make 2D sprites anymore. The people that actually produce the assets and code the game are virtually all trained only in 3D graphics.

>> No.4900196

They are ugly as fuck, it probably took until Doom 3 that 3D games didn't looked weird and shitty and even that aged "bad", but you can still show somebody the graphics of Doom 3 without fearing that the person would laugh his ass off or starts vomiting.

>> No.4900228
File: 219 KB, 355x422, 1495350468914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're more busy fighting the camera than enemies.

>> No.4900252

pfff such a disingenuous message when all the girls here are like 8/10 at worst

>> No.4900274

u is the cutest what the hell

also f looks like a 10 year old

>> No.4900283

There are still quite a few professional artists making 2d sprites. For exemple in the fgc there's Blazblue and Guilty Gear. If you actually search for them you'll see that there's more than a few recent sprite based games.

>> No.4900302

To be QUITE honest, I still think modern 3D games are rather ugly in general.
The uncanny valley will never go away no matter what, and 3D art styles are not pleasant to the eye, especially when they try to go for a "realistic" direction.
So, in that regard, I don't care if a game is "early 3D" or "current 3D", it's still not pleasant like 2D is. So whatever.
There's many 3D games from 5th gen that still never got better successors.
Wave Race 64 is still better than Bluestorm, Star Fox 64 is still better than whatever Star Fox games came after.

>> No.4901251

I would rather play games with these graphics, than any of the shit movies, that try to be games. Thats for sure.

>> No.4901310
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It's mostly butthurt Nintoddlers since their supposedly more powerful console was incapable of anything more than gouraud shaded models with barely any textures, and none of the N64's games have aged well at all due to their hilarious blurry textures.

>> No.4901325
File: 1.61 MB, 500x500, 1517914835309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just 2D autist lashing out that we didn't get another console generation of 2D games. Personally, I think 2D games more than worn out their welcome and I'm glad 3D gaming came when it did. If the recession of '91 never happened we might have had 3D gaming a year or two earlier than we did. In fact I think another generation of 2D gaming would have severely hurt the health of the industry as games were becoming extremely derivative of each other.

What I found most astonishing is these 2D autist genuinely believe that if consoles stayed 2D for another generation then PC gaming would stuck to 2D as well. The reality is 3D would have taken off the same way it did because no matter how under-powered consoles are they can't hold back the advancement of PC hardware. I personally don't see how having an even greater rift between PC and console gaming would be a good thing but autism is a hell of a thing.

>> No.4901430

Even if these games look ancient by today standards

They just have this unique style to them that makes them really interesting to experience

Tbh I would rather play games that look like that than what we get these days

>> No.4902209

That truck is beautiful. From which game is it?

>> No.4902926
File: 505 KB, 1105x1600, ZzA - Anime 039 - 1632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because early 3d is ugly.
We could've had some great looking 2d games if people went with the saturn. But instead they were memed into buying a mediocre console with mediocre graphics. 3D became good in the ps2 era

>> No.4902961

I'll order E, thank you very much.

>> No.4902983

>not pictured: fat girl with no tits

>> No.4902993

u has a jew nose

>> No.4903020

they're a bit ugly and a lot of them have ridiculously poor cameras

For a model that's as small as it is most of the time, it's not too bad. Once you scale it up, it's fucking terrible.

Man, Virtua Fighter alone is a wonderful example of the evolution of graphics. Every one of the games was on expensive-ass high-end 3D boards at release.
purely flat shaded, vaguely high poly but not really, 30fps

textured (and moderately high res textures, too), decent poly count, double the framerate

these graphics are arguably 4 whole years ahead of their time, although the DC's chipset does come close, which is why they abandoned the expensive-ass Model 3 for it (the NAOMI is a good bit faster than all but the last of the Model 3 revisions IIRC, but the Model 3 still had more advanced video hardware)

tried to find a real hardware video of something about each game and then a clearer video if I needed
but god damn, these were the monster leaps and bounds that you could see within three years

>> No.4903027
File: 9 KB, 640x400, Flight_Simulator2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ps1 is not early 3d and was considered state of the art at the time.

Early 3d includes battlezone, microsoft flight simulator, grand prix 1 and games without textures. At the time textured polys were considered the new gen and filled polys were considered very outdated.

>> No.4903047

Nobody actually complains about manspreading. Thr real complaint is that when there's no seats left and you're taking up two.

>> No.4903069

When flight.sim 4.5 or whatever finally.came out andyou.got that new 747 cockpick for the first time ever

>> No.4903076

Coz idiots try to play them on emulators without shaders or a CRT and they truly look terrible that way.

>> No.4903085

>All of the "this looks like an incredibly elaborate SNES game" titles held up so well
One of my favorite examples of that was Tales of Destiny.
It looks like a super-SNES game and even runs at the same resolution, but has more color and better special effects and bigger sprites in battle.

it's not so much that it seems like a generational leap, but the game just looks like something that's solidly, consistently better than what you could do on the SNES without cutting back while still retaining the general look

>> No.4903093

Because they usually control terribly

>> No.4904034

Remember that when you actually played this in the 90s, it also looked better because crt. Game was beautiful and art style was fantastic.

>> No.4904038

I don't know if it's my nostalgia talking or what but I like the Mario 64 model, I think it's cute

>> No.4905940

Because we are spoiled as shit from the games of today

>> No.4906051

this applies to all jrpg summerfag retards

>> No.4906541

Because people are obsessed with their 2D games

>> No.4906578

B is better in every way you pathetic manlet.

>> No.4906662
File: 37 KB, 500x337, 116130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat girls with no tits were made for breeding, because it's natural tit enhancement

>> No.4906686


>> No.4906704


N64 was the worst for that. Why that system gets do much praise is beyond me.

>> No.4906708

Nice truck, garbage opinion.

>> No.4906719


Sf4 And 5 are cost reduction. 3d is far cheaper.

Snk almost went out of business making the last kof (which looked beautiful).

>> No.4906736

Garbage framerates, incredibly inconsistent performance, janky hitboxes/collision, empty depressing dead environments, wobbly polygons, clumsy control schemes and they damn near killed 2D games because the average retard prefers novelty over quality.

>> No.4906748

Oh and very stiff shitty animations, almost forgot about that

>> No.4906762

How is that a question?
Because 3D graphics were obviously at their worst when they were first attempted.
It's not like you're going to introduce a radically different new approach to technology and also make the most impressive instance of it on the first try.
I really don't understand how this isn't extremely obvious.

>> No.4906764

>Fat girls with no tits were made for breeding, because it's natural tit enhancement

No. Pregnancy tits don't look nice.

>> No.4906878

3D > 2D
And don't ever forget it, faggot. The earliest 3D games had more to offer and still do, which is why they're so much more prevalent. It's also much easier and cheaper to make a game with 2D style gameplay with 3D graphics while also looking better. Everyone here underestimates the labor needed to produce a ton of 2D sprites and animations for them.

>> No.4906890

More to offer being what? Casualized cinematic gameplay with all the flaws I listed? Your second point is true but it's only better now that hardware's good, in the ps1 days you had games like R-Type Delta that ran like total shit despite being custom built for the console

>> No.4906929

You could say that about a lot of modern fighters but definitely not SF. It plays 2D but sure as hell doesn't look 2D.

>> No.4908276

It was a novelty at the time
now its just bad to look at and play

>> No.4910558

Uh yeah that was a bit of humor. Point is that the masculine and feminine dichotomy between Cloud and Aeris is clearly recognizeable due to their body language. People who actually complain about manspreading are cunts who probably already pissed off because they couldn't afford an Uber.

>> No.4910560

Yeah I realized I'd made a mistake and made a follow up post immediately. That didn't stop everyone from piling on though.

>> No.4910716

>>Fat girls with no tits were made for breeding, because it's natural tit enhancement

>No. Pregnancy tits don't look nice.

They can look fucking nice, man.

>> No.4910746

Because we that are old enough to have lived through the shift know how shitty it felt to go from the height of 2D to the infancy of 3D. Late 2D was beautiful, and early 3D looked like, and often controlled like, complete shit (even at the time).

>> No.4910750


Would fuck B,E,T,F, possibly marry F

>> No.4910818

Literally just zoomers who can't handle things from the past.

>> No.4910951

Look, these aren't the best models. However when people mod FF7 to replace these with the battle models they look much more terrible. The animations and environments do not accomodate the more realistic models.

>> No.4911082

but they play minecraft and fortnite

>> No.4911093

The fixed-angle and 2.5D stuff is usually pretty good but there's a ton of trash early 3D games.

>> No.4911136

i wish people were as level headed and reasonable as this man

>> No.4911345


Anyone have screenshots of MGS1 in 1080p?

>> No.4911679

Some anon had 1080p screens from Mednafen's software hi-res mode, they looked amazing.

>> No.4913160

Fuck it I love these old graphics

>> No.4913164

i don't know about that, its also the most popular "retro" generation

>> No.4914614

Shits ancient

>> No.4914729

There literally are, just not selling them for $60

Cuphead has hand-drawn sprites, and Splasher is gorgeous. Did you miss the 2D platformer renaissance that started around the beginning of this decade?

>> No.4914731

Skullgirls and Rivals of Aether are gud 2D fighting games :-)

>> No.4916449
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>Why do so many people keep shitting on early 3D games?
Because it's an easy target.

Without being stylized, it can often fall in the uncanny valley and generally just look "off".
Stylized too much, it looks sloppy and nonsensical.

3D at lower resolutions will almost never look better than or even as good as sprites filling the same purpose, and higher resolutions showcase the low-res textures and filtering or lack thereof. There's always a catch.
Meanwhile sprites generally look great at their native resolutions, and can be scaled to higher resolutions without losing the original appeal.

There's also the performance hit associated with running 3D visuals on platforms barely powerful enough to handle them. Which of course is often the reason behind the issues above.

All of that aside, there are some early 3D games that look absolutely phenomenal, even today. Developers, knowing that they couldn't push the most REALISTIC visuals, had to get creative.
Games like Rockman DASH, Metal Gear Solid, Dr. Slump, Bomberman Fantasy Race, Tail Concerto, Shadow Tower (fuck you I like it), and countless others look great despite limitations, and it's almost always because they tried something different.