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4893932 No.4893932 [Reply] [Original]

How is Tails able to keep up with him?
Sure Sonic loses Tails often, but Tails always manages to catch Sonic again.
I mean what's that about?
Serious answers only please.

>> No.4893947

Bionic leg implants. Eggman has them too which explains why you can't catch him in Sonic 2's Death Egg.

>> No.4893963


Genius-level intellect
Skilled inventor and mechanic
Super speed
Enhanced durability
Hand-to-hand combat skills
Enhanced acrobatic skills and reflexes

From: http://sonic.wikia.com/wiki/Miles_"Tails"_Prower

>> No.4893971

Sonic is always slowing down and waiting for his friend

>> No.4893983

>Serious answers only please.
How about gameplay not accurately reppresenting canon speeds, you dip.

>> No.4893987
File: 18 KB, 220x165, 220px-Daggerfall_promo_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, hes autistic, be a little nicer. Just kidding i dont give a fuck

This is now a daggerfall thread ftw!!

>> No.4894057

When Sonic went to Westside Island, Tails admired him and tried to do everything he could to impress him, like being good with Sonic's plane, being able to fly (and therefore reach places Sonic can't), and using his tails as propellers to rival Sonic's speed. So to answer your question, he studied his object of admiration and got good.

>> No.4894179
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I feel I've read somewhere that he uses his tails as a propeller to move faster as well. I could be wrong...

>> No.4894192
File: 2.97 MB, 1000x563, collision chaos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tails is fast too

>> No.4894214

Tails has always been a cooler character, he just wasn't utilized in gameplay properly. A pilot mechanic/inventor is more interesting than a dude whose only gimmick is being fast and cracking oneliners.

>> No.4894350

I bet he's a gambling addict, too.

>> No.4894419
File: 1.00 MB, 1365x767, Tails_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Tails Adventure sequel

>> No.4894427

Tails' insatiable hunger for Sonic's cock is what propels him.

>> No.4894442

this but unironically

>> No.4894449
File: 297 KB, 532x355, tails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using his tails as propellers to rival Sonic's speed
>uses his tails as a propeller
Page 20 of the Dreamcast Sonic Adventure game's instruction manual mentions Tails is able to keep up with Sonic by flying with his propeller tails and also by finding shortcuts that someone on foot wouldn't have available to them.
That aside I think another answer is something more like this:
>gameplay not accurately reppresenting canon speeds
I don't normally like answers to questions like these that involve saying something along the lines of "it's just a game, it isn't realistic," but in this case I think there's a particularly good basis for arguing something like that.
More specifically I played Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic 3 with Knuckles combination game a lot when I was younger and one thing that always stood out to me was how the game didn't really even try having Tails behave in a realistic way e.g. he would constantly "die" and respawn.
I understand why they made him that way for the games. It's because the easiest way to include a same screen, autonomous extra character like that without complicating the player's gameplay is to do what they did and make that extra character mirror the player's movements except without the consequences of losing rings / dying / losing lives / having to go back to an earlier part of the stage. It would be a horrible gaming experience to need to keep both yourself and an autonomous side character out of harm's way, or to need to somehow actively control both characters' movements without any side character automation.
Basically the mechanics of the games worked fine but also involved some Tails behavioral weirdness. It fits into the same category as Robotnik being able to outrun Sonic to get to his boss machines or Sonic's actions resulting in the little turtles trapped inside the robots in the Sky Chase zone falling out of the sky.

>> No.4894450

Have you played Sonic before? Tails cannot catch up unless Sonic stops to let him

>> No.4894454

Oh yeah, in Sonic Adventure if you try to beat Sonic in a straight race you'll never beat him.

>> No.4894463

Not really, Tails is kept pretty close to Sonic most of the time in the original games he's in. If you spindash or otherwise ball up and get propelled forward by a spring Tails does the same thing, and even when he goes off screen he comes back almost instantly, it's not like you have to sit there and wait before he shows up again.

>> No.4894468

sure but he can't land unless sonic stops to let him. I know because I've dragged my sibling through many levels not letting them get back in

>> No.4894470

Oh yeah.
>Letting little brothers play Tails risk free without hurting Player 1
Tails is great design.

>> No.4894471

tails is also a valuable resource during bosses if you have a competent friend because he can't die or leave the screen and can hurt the boss

>> No.4894605

I wish my favourite games as a kid were not associated with autistic OC

>> No.4894612

>How is Tails able to keep up with him?
he doesn't. he stays off screen until you slow down enough to where the game can re-enable him to follow you again. it really was a totally useless two player option and even more useless as a cpu controlled character. thanks, sega.

>> No.4894627
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>How can Eggman outrun Sonic?

>> No.4894636

saved kek

>> No.4895017

I was playing through sonic 2 the other day and I went so fast I ran through a ramp or the ground not once but three times. how does that even?

>> No.4895030

>Page 20 of the Dreamcast Sonic Adventure game's instruction manual mentions Tails is able to keep up with Sonic by flying with his propeller tails and also by finding shortcuts that someone on foot wouldn't have available to them.
That's literally just a gameplay hint.

But yeah, the "Tails can keep up with Sonic by boosting his speed by spinning his tails like a propeller" thing has been mentioned in manuals all the way back to Sonic 2. It's part of the character concept.

>> No.4895067
File: 74 KB, 800x800, CNKkc6jWgAA0ukj.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Tails so dang cute?

>> No.4895674


>> No.4895712

>Tails has always been a cooler character
Homosexual/closeted gay detected. Sonic and Knuckles are the only two masculine characters. Anyone that adores Tails above and beyond the other two has obvious mental problems.

It's like wanting to be Robin.

>> No.4895718

I'm bisexual as fuck and I love Tails. Sonic isn't nearly as cool and neither is Knuckles.

>> No.4895886

>That's literally just a gameplay hint.
Yes... ?
What other sort of material were you expecting here?

>> No.4896128
File: 141 KB, 880x587, cute-baby-foxes-cubs-17-574436be67482__880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a cartoon fox kit, which means that he'll probably stay cute even as he grows up.

>> No.4897637

Sonic's signature trait is that he's the fastest of all of his friends, not simply being the only fast one. Everyone has super speed, he's just the best at it.

>> No.4897731

It doesn't "mention Tails is able to keep up with Sonic by flying with his propeller tails and also by finding shortcuts that someone on foot wouldn't have available to them", it tells you that you as the player should do that to beat his levels.

>What other sort of material were you expecting here?
Almost all the text there that you didn't quote is a character profile.

>> No.4897775

This is art

>> No.4897791

You can only do that as the player because it's true for the character.

>> No.4898317

He uses his tails to push himself forward. Also, being capable of flight, Tails is working with one more axis than Sonic is. He can completely bypass many obstacles that Sonic would have to maneuver on foot.

>> No.4899826

Sonic is fast, but he doesn't run at full speed all the time. Most of Sonic's friends are almost as fast as him anyway. Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Espio, Shadow, etc. Even Eggman is pretty quick on his feet.

>> No.4900247

Tails is a helicopter - he can keep up with a dumb hedgehog.

>> No.4900428

It's not just about speed, but being able to react while moving at mach speed. Tails can't, that's why when Sonic jumps out of the way of spikes or a badnik at the last second Tails runs into them. Because he can't react at those speeds like Sonic can.

As for catching up so fast after being left behind he's flying through the unseen 3D plane of the world rather than sticking to the runnable paths Sonic must use to traverse the world.

>> No.4900786

Probably years of following Sonic made Tails able to keep up with him. Same can be said about Amy as well to a lesser extent.

>> No.4900795

So Amy?

>> No.4900826

game is buggy. same with all the sonics on megadrive. they hide the bugs as well as they can, release the cart, hope for the best.

>> No.4902068


>Sonic and Knuckles are the only two masculine characters.

>not Robotnik
my only and true hero

>> No.4902076

>mental problem

>> No.4903265

Tails flies to maintain his speed. Look at his sprites. It's easier to go fast in the air than via land travel, and the whole reason Sonic was such close friends with Tails was because he could keep up.

the real question is how the fuck does Knuckles keep up
in all of his /vr/ appearances, Knuckles was fast, and in S3&K, the only movement constant that's different from Sonic/Tails is his jump

but it's not like he's some kind of super-speed echidna or anything

remember kids, the Tornado was Sonic's plane before Tails came along
Sonic's got more than being fast.

always fucking loved this pic

funnily enough, Amy's probably one of the few friends Sonic has that's largely been portrayed as not being able to quite keep up, at least until Sonic Advance 2 (she's just Sonic) and Sonic Heroes (she's her team's speed character)
in SA1, she's really slow, in Advance 1 she's slow and can't spin
and in SA2, she's still slower than Sonic/Shadow

>> No.4903268
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>> No.4903305
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>how the fuck does Knuckles keep up
By being sneaky. He's the guardian of the island and has the home team advantage. That's how he knocks out Sonic and takes all the emeralds from him in the intro sequence to Sonic 3. Trapdoors and shit.

>> No.4903314

He slows down a bit to let Tails catch up but not in a way where Tails will notice and feel bad.

>> No.4903360

If Sonic was always going at top speed, you wouldn't be able to control him at all.

>> No.4903363

Why does Tails have two tails?

>> No.4903365


>> No.4904707

no ground friction?

>> No.4904872

This makes me wonder if all the animal characters of Sonic(and Robotnik) are actually supernatural creatures of legend...

>> No.4905384

>How is Tails able to keep up with him?
Because he uses his tails and not his feet

>> No.4905405

A reason I heard is that going that fast generates Sonic booms. So Sonic doesn't ordinarily go that fast. At least not while there's an environment he's in.

>> No.4905462

Knuckles can't keep up though. In Sonic 3&K he's obviously not as fast as sonic.

>> No.4905625

in S3&K, his movement constants are identical to Sonic's in-game beyond the low jump
he's neither slower, nor does he accelerate/decelerate differently; he doesn't have different gravity or anything, he doesn't have more friction, etc
but his jump is lower (I looked the exact values up in the disassembly a while ago, can't be arsed to look it up again)

>> No.4905693

tails is fast as fuck , sonic is just faster

the ova shows this well , this vid has few clips showing tales speed, same as game


>> No.4906927

>How is Tails able to keep up with him?

If you've played any of the games, then you'd know that she uses her tails as helicopter rotors to produce additional thrust. Her top speed animation doesn't even have her running, she is just holding her legs back while flying forward.

Even the fucking manual says that she did this to catch up with Sonic in the first place..

>> No.4906949

shit b8 m8

>> No.4907502

I always picked a character who wasn't a protagonist when given the choice out of some habitual contrarianism, but honestly this theory is actually interesting.