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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4876192 No.4876192 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post companies who literally never made a single bad retro game.

>> No.4876201
File: 2.88 MB, 250x188, 061bomissiles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the reverse of the typical Treasure threads now? I love Treasure, but Stretch Panic and Guardian Heroes Advance suck ass and Gunstar always bored me after a while.

>> No.4876203

Square + Soft

>> No.4876208

Keyword: bad RETRO game. Neither Stretch nor Advance GH is retro.

>> No.4876210

What triggers console warriors on /vr/ about Treasure is that they released exclusive games for certain systems.
That, coupled with hipsters kids from /vg/ who hate Ikaruga because, to their understanding, it's a "normie" game (I think because it was once featured on IGN, and they praised it a lot or something), is a kind of explosive cocktail.

>> No.4876219

I always consider mischief makers to be the most underrated title for the n64

>> No.4876237

>Gunstar Heroes
>Alien Soldier
>Radiant Silvergun
>Mischief Makers

>> No.4876245
File: 293 KB, 585x797, smug_maegawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying those aren't all great games

>> No.4876249

He was probably listing his favorite games.

>> No.4876280

Okay fair enough. I don't love Gunstar and Silhouette Mirage isn't amazing even in the Japanese version (so much better though) but overall I agree.

>> No.4876287

I've never heard much talk about the ports here. Treasure gets hate from genre fanboys because their games were often a blend or tried new things and then gained popularity.

>> No.4876295

Usually it's arcade elitism shitting on Treasure because a lot of their games suffered from consolitis despite being like arcade games.

>> No.4876328

Those are all great?

>> No.4876343

Yeah that's pretty much what I was getting at. Like Guardian Heroes triggering beat em up fans because it's similar but not trying to be a clone of them. It's and those who enjpy it are a betrayal of their beloved genre.


>> No.4876351

More like its an exploit ridden incoherent mess of a game that doesnt know what its trying to be, like a lot of Treasure games really. It's just throw shit ay the wall : the company. Ironically Ikaruga is a game with a clear vision behind it despite all the shit it gets.

>> No.4876359

A+ impression or genuine upset
Either way, gold star for you Kiddo!

>> No.4876372

Impression of whom? Alien Soldier is like this too with its filler run n gun stages and the absolutely insane dash

>> No.4876382


>> No.4876392

Shame the vision for it was utter bollocks (colour chaining, bullet absorption, banal enemy designs, putrid stage aesthetics).

>> No.4876421

An impression of the arcade fan trolls who get triggered out the tits that Treasure made non-traditional games that a lot of people enjoyed.

>> No.4876431

O hi /vr/
>hipsters kids from /vg/
What happens is that there's a big Ikaruga fan there and some posters just shitpost to trigger him.
Treasure didn't suffer from consolitis really in the 90's afaik, they just favored gimmicky design over refined design a bit too much. Their games are still fine IMO

>> No.4876449

>What happens is that there's a big Ikaruga fan there and some posters just shitpost to trigger him.

We used to so many threads the opposite of that because one guy who came here had a meltdown at it's mere mention. I miss those days.

>> No.4876463


>> No.4876473

contra force

>> No.4876514

>all their style-over-substance, quarter-eating belt scrollers
>gradius 3
>adventures of bayou billy
>castlevania 2
>movie game solid, and the rest of kojima's overrated garbage

nah, fuck konami

>> No.4876529

I'm not seeing a problem with those games insomuch as I'm seeing a problem with your absolute shit taste, frankly.

>> No.4876530

You're right even if Konami at its best was good

>> No.4876538

Not him but
>Their beat 'em ups are nowhere near as good as Capcom's
>Gradius III is the worst arcade entry to the series. The SNES remixed game is Slowdown Town as well
>Castlevania II is grindy boring easy shit, coupled with a bad translation
>Kojima stuff is indeed trash of the lowest caliber
No idea about Bayou Billy tho

>> No.4876541

>y-y-you have shit taste
Ironic, coming from the Konami fanboy.

Face it, lad, Konami fucking sucked. Treasure spawning from them is their only redeeming value.

>> No.4876545

>Castlevania II is grindy


>> No.4876639


Also Enix

>> No.4876642

*/vr/ intensifies*

>> No.4876647
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>> No.4876649
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>> No.4876654


>> No.4876664

OP stated no bad retro games.

>> No.4876694

you seem upset ;)

>> No.4876715

Merging with Enix is what destroyed them though.

>> No.4876719

muh jarpigs

>> No.4876729

I disagree

>> No.4876763

Square tanking themselves with that shitty FF movie is what killed them.

Enix was always mediocre at best, though, and rarely developed their own games even.

>> No.4876765
File: 8 KB, 320x200, budokan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we just not including one of the worst games ever made or what?

>> No.4876921
File: 538 KB, 320x200, budokan 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of. As I see it them tanking with Spirits Within was what forced the merger, and it's just that Squeenix never ended up being nearly as good.

That game is awesome. It just has a very unusual control scheme and most people looking at a screen expect a typical fighter, which it isnt at all.

>> No.4877121


>> No.4877132

I like 90% of their games but jesus, Guardian Heroes was incredibly disappointing.
They had plenty of misses.

>> No.4877138

Love-de-Lic never made a bad game, yet they only made three.

>> No.4877151
File: 4 KB, 250x154, factor 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even that stupid dragon game for the PS3 was good once they patched the motion controls for proper analog stick controls

>> No.4877165

I'll never understand the random appearance and disappearance of the "t" from game to game in Japan

>> No.4877173

what is the origin of the "t" anyways?

>> No.4877174


>> No.4877176

oh, ok

>> No.4877182

You just resolved 20 years of mild confusion for me...

>> No.4877317

Even with the awful choppy movement? I mean I'll give it another try just for you anon but I remember it being pretty terrible.

>> No.4877329

I always liked Codemasters soundtracks but games were hit or miss

>> No.4877351

What's wrong with Guardian Heroes, other than it having a Progress System, unskippable dialog and some characters' abilities being OP?

>> No.4877396

It would be cooler at a higher frame rate, but take it for what it is and the speed works and makes everything deliberate. I like the way it makes you learn all the weapons strengths and weaknesses and really plan your way through the tournament. Very satisfying game to finally win.

>> No.4877462

Not him, but game's a goddamn mess visually in both visual language and aesthetics with all that pixelation, jagged scaling, and more subjectively the art. Fixed a bit in the 360 version, but honestly I just don't like how the plane system works and it all feels incredibly chaotic. Maybe mad cuz bad a bit, but there are a lot of games I enjoy losing at.

>> No.4877556
File: 638 KB, 500x324, tumblr_n0aontbJ5a1roqda3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I saw GH the pixels were jarring, but it quickly grew on me just because of how much fun the game is. I also like the art style though. It's pretty funny to take the characters who can move between planes in the arena and move them super close so there's just 2 or 3 huge pixels on the screen.

The dreaded progress system works well because there isn't really any grinding, it just lets you decide how your character gets more powerful and what play style you want as you go on and it's balanced well with what you fight.

I will say this though, it's way way better in co-op. It feels like a party game.

>> No.4877717

Why are tumblr gif makers so god awful? It's a whole three frames.

>> No.4878075
File: 324 KB, 500x324, f721f68f7e4f28c9423ebc9a242f0b26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less. I'm just happy they made me some gifs

>> No.4878359
File: 5 KB, 467x187, nintendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, nobody's posted them yet?

>> No.4878389

Donkey Kong Picnic

>> No.4878405

Good platformer, just not a good Mario game.

>> No.4878681

Justice League Task Force

>> No.4878684

m-muh mudder won, ardifishul diffiguldy and too much grindan

>> No.4878876


>> No.4879307

where my fatlus bros at

>> No.4882328

Not that anon, but there is indeed lot of heart grinding if you want the sweet new whip, stake or garlic or similar shit, the game does not have a good correlation between progression and hearts given

>> No.4882908
File: 92 KB, 272x322, Rareware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it to be true.

>> No.4883251

This is the bad taste the meaning of bad taste

>> No.4886362

everything before the N64 era was pretty good, banjo, dk64 and conker have aged like shit and you know it.

>> No.4886505


>> No.4886791

they were bad/mediocore then as they are now

>> No.4886816

I feel the opposite.
Wizards and Warriors and battletoads are garbage, and the ZX Spectrum isn't even worth looking at.

>> No.4886861

Cave was here, treasure is a faget.

>> No.4886891


China National Petroleum

>> No.4887503

Did Cave made any game that isn't a bullethell?

>> No.4887520

Steep Slope Sliders

>> No.4887565

Is it good?

>> No.4887597

Not bad, but it's no Snowboard Kids.