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4875546 No.4875546 [Reply] [Original]

After finishing this game I can safely say its only redeeming quality is that it gave us 4 other games in the series.

>> No.4875551

I was so bored and underwhelmed with BoF, I could barely finish it. It may very well be the most mediocre JRPG ever.

>> No.4875553

>People tolerating games they dislike for hours
This JRPG dicksucking needs to stop

>> No.4875685

Completionfags are the worst

>> No.4875689

Gross. Stretching your ass for your next BBC would have been more productive desu

>> No.4875692

>that cover

American as fuck.
I like Breath of Fire 1 just fine, though it's my least favorite of the original four and kind of lacks personality. BoF 4 is the best.

>> No.4877160

It's an awful series anon. Arcade game makers are terrible at making RPGs - Capcom and Konami are the 2 most egregious examples.

>> No.4877185

you should have played DUAL ORB 2. It's got sniper rifles and monster trucks

>> No.4877229

Don't see a reason to shit on bof1 so much, it's really basic but at least it has good music and character design. Definitively not a shitty game.

>> No.4877248

Ryu looks like 20+ in that pic, while he looks in his teen in the game.

>> No.4877661

ridiculous amount of backtracking at practically every single point of the game

god forbid you dont play the game without a guide, lets use scande as an example because its still fresh in my mind

>gotta get a pass to get into scande in the first place, which is given by an NPC that spawns after a while
>when you get to scande you discover you need to fix the elevator to get to emperor zog
>you have to go and meet the tower climber for the BROKEN parts
>then you have to go to gantz to fix the broken parts
>then you go back and go up the elevator only for another NPC tells you to fuck off to Tunlan to pick up the D. Hurt ultimate weapon to fight zog

another example is obelisk, the final dungeon

>obelisk can only be accessed by digging
>but mogu can't dig through
>gotta do this fetch quest between the weapon buff old lady and the weapon buff old man before getting the i.claw, it involved at least 4 or 5 trips between them
>gotta go to mogus home town to teach him out to use this tool
>finally get to access obelisk

and finally

>there's only two endings in the game
>bad and good, and the only way to get the good is to get the agni transformation, which is never hinted to throughout the entire game

whether its a bad translation or not having to refer to a guide to get through a JRPG is pretty bad

>> No.4877676
File: 128 KB, 615x530, bof1 team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says, I like BOF1

>> No.4877696

I like it but only because I got nostalgia googles on for it. I never managed to beat it despite my friend lending it to me when I was 10 for many months. I tried to go back to it multiple times but the game is wayyyyy too vague and cryptic in knowing what to do next.
Karn transformations are cool. E.key rapes everything in the beginning.

>> No.4877703

Capcom has BoF and Konami has Suikoden.
You are dumb.

But BoF 1 was pretty bad. The first half was allright, but after that it became really dull and repetive.

>> No.4877752

That cover convinced me that there would be a time skip so that Ryu can grow up and not be the wimpy looking guy he is for the entire game.
Any minute now, any minute now, any min-oh I beat the game.

>> No.4877760

BoF is fine and Capcom's other RPG lines are Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma, which are both great. You're retarded.

>> No.4877790

>there's only two endings in the game
>bad and good, and the only way to get the good is to get the agni transformation, which is never hinted to throughout the entire game
This is also why BOF2 pissed me off. You can accidentally lock yourself out of the rest of the game by failing to realize that battle had more than one target. Great game, Crapcom.

>never finishing anything you start
I don't even need to know anything about you to know that your life is filled with regret.

>> No.4877828

>You can accidentally lock yourself out of the rest of the game by failing to realize that battle had more than one target

And this was almost immediately after the game gave you that fancy new FUCK EVERYTHING attack

>> No.4878031

I've only played 1 and 2 because of the consoles the others were released on. How were the dragon transformations in the other games? I liked staying a dragon for the whole fight in 1 instead of being just basically a summon that costs all your AP like 2. I wish elemental affinities were used better in both, t b h.

>> No.4878731


3 gets a lot of praise for it's dragon gene system, where you combine gems to create new forms, which I frankly don't understand because it's stupid and only tricks you into thinking you're creating something outside the handful that exist. (This enemy is fire based, so Ill create an Ice whatever!) lame.

4 is back to a basic menu form select transformation where the forms can all evolve as you go. There are also buddies you can summon.

5 is an unstoppable murder train but the caveat is it's giving you cancer so the more you use it the more you die too. It's great.

>> No.4878909


>Bought it on release

The character designs were pretty awesome and new for Console games at the time.

>> No.4878986

I would have enjoyed more this game if i had zero experience with RPGs before.

>> No.4879720

Or if you were coming off early Dragon Quest and the like. Visually and mechanically the game was a breath of fresh air, even if it seems so stereotypical now.

>> No.4879723

While it was a simple game, Breath of Fire is not nearly as bad as the fagsucks in this thread are making it out to be. There was a big cast of diverse characters, a lot of unique and challenging levels, a great atmosphere, and the story had enough worldbuilding to lay the foundation for the franchise that followed.

There were a lot of standout moments, like the Wizard of Karma turning the people of Romero into the undead. The grudging respect that Emperor Zog of the Dark Dragons gives to Ryu as a Light Dragon. Sara's battle with Jade. Operating the merchant stand as Gobi. The tragic story of Alan and Cerl.

>> No.4879843

I prefer BoF 1 than BoF 2. BoF 2's dragons suck.

>> No.4879882
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I liked the pace of one. It was almost entirely forward momentum and what it lacked in plot it made up for in spectacle. It was never intended to be about the story and characters specifically but used them as a vehicle to create a world and move the player from event to event. It's all very face value, but that face value is endearing. It reminds me a lot of DnD campaigns Ive ran

>> No.4880176

Maybe it's because I was 10 and only got like 2 games a year but I loved this damn game