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File: 543 KB, 625x469, LYNXED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4861350 No.4861350 [Reply] [Original]

how can gamebois even compete?

>> No.4861364

By having a price the middle class can actually afford and having battery life longer than 2 hours. Also having great games.

>> No.4861368

Did the Lynx have any tate shmup?

>> No.4861370

Atari dug their own grave with the 5200, their attempts at competing with Nintendo and Sega are downright laughable.

>> No.4861374
File: 98 KB, 1200x803, 1200px-Game-Gear-Handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can gamebois even compete?

>> No.4861389

The PSP was the only actual competition for a Nintendo handheld, everything else failed miserably or was miles behind

>> No.4861391

The Lynx had all of these things.

I honestly don't know how the Game Boy steamrollered it so comprehensively. Perhaps because Atari listened to retard focus groups regarding its size?

>> No.4861420

>Lynx retail price: $180
>Game Boy retail price: $90
Gee I wonder which one will sell better.

>> No.4861438

I never said it wasn't more expensive but it wasn't a Genesis-Neo Geo gap either.

The Lynx was perfectly affordable for most average-income families.

>> No.4861451

Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Contra...

>> No.4861467

Branding, as another anon said Atari lost the public's eye by being one of the main perpetrators of the '83 crash.

>> No.4861469

in after defensive nintenmanchildren kneejerking to stick up for their beloved company

>> No.4861518

you gotta remember inflation.

going from 1989 to 2018 you can pretty much double those numbers, the gameboy would be comparable to a sub $200 handheld today while the Lynx would be even more expensive than a Switch.

>> No.4861531

Given the difference in hardware capability I'd consider that quite a bargain.

Screen resolution aside, the Lynx actually outperformed pretty much everything available at its launch, home systems included.

>> No.4861679


>> No.4861691

Just because you're the greatest, doesn't mean you're the coolest. Atari was old hat and still carried the reputation of being the guys that killed video games. At the time of the Lynx launch, Nintendo was cool. Sega was cool. Atari was not.

>> No.4861694

It had Atari logo on it, which was a huge red-flag back in the day.
And it cost about twice as much as Gameboy

>> No.4862267

>>Lynx retail price: $180
>>Game Boy retail price: $90
>Gee I wonder which one will sell better.

Game Boy = 4AA Batteries, 20+ hours of battery life

Atari Lynx = 6AA Batteries, 5 hours of battery life.

Sega Game Gear = 6AA batteries. 3-4 Hours of battery life

Which one do you think parents are going to most likely buy for their kids?

>> No.4862282

Weirdly my parents got me a Game Gear back in the day. Aside from the poor battery life I loved the thing. I got a Game Boy Color years later and don’t really feel like I missed out on much.

>> No.4862296

>Weirdly my parents got me a Game Gear back in the day. Aside from the poor battery life I loved the thing. I got a Game Boy Color years later and don’t really feel like I missed out on much.

Yeah, I had a Game Gear too and I loved it. But the battery life was painful, so I used a wall adapter most of the time. Really liked Columns on the Game Gear. The Game Gear had a lot of downgraded 16bit Genesis ports or Sega Master System ports. But there is still some good stuff for it.

The Lynx is pretty cool and did have some of the best arcade ports on a home console. There are also some good multiplayer games for the system, but unfortunately very few people owned Lynx's to take advantage of them.

I wasn't a fan of the original Game Boy, I hated the green screen. I couldn't get into Game Boy games until I bought a Super Game Boy SNES adapter. I actually liked the Game Boy's library, and the Game Boy Color as well.

>> No.4862357

>middle class

Learn what this phrase actually means.
They are white collar workers like doctors and notaries and comprise about 20% of the population.
You think a dentist couldn't afford a $180 christmas present for his son?

Actually the Game Gear sold respectably well, comparable to the PSP's success.
That's why GG games are commonly seen at retro game stores whereas Lynx, NeoGeoPocket, and Ngage games are rarely found.

>> No.4862372

Yeah once I got a GBC and took a look at the original Game Boy library I quickly realized that for every one good game, there’s like 30 garbage tv licensed games.

>> No.4862379

As if the GBC was any different in that regard?

>> No.4862384

There was for sure a ton of licensed garbage for it too but I liked the GBC exclusives more than what the original Game Boy had to offer.

>> No.4862386

Unless someone at the store spoke about it, no parent made their decision based on, or even knew about the battery life of each system.

Could never quite get into the GG for some reason. Loved the Lynx. GB I enjoyed (but mostly played SML and Tetris.) My cousin loaned me his Lynx & games, and my thoughts on it were, "okay, I guess."

>> No.4862389

Cousin loaned me his *Game Gear*.

>> No.4862412

>'95 kids and older still don't know why the Game Boy was huge and other handhelds couldn't compete until the PSP
>they don't know how big Tetris was
>they don't know how big Nintendo was at the time with non-traditional gamers thanks to the NES, specifically because of games like Tetris
>they don't realize what a huge draw "Tetris anytime anywhere" was to the adult crowd, despite the fact it's still the best selling game of all time
If you kids ever bothered to read Nintendo Power you would see that even by '91 Tetris on the GB was higher rated than Gargoyles Quest, and the NES version was still outranking Mega Man 2, Castlevania 3, and Metroid in reader polls. It was the launch title that made a lot of non-traditional gamers run out and buy a Game Boy.

The Lynx was cool, but cost twice as much and the biggest launch title was either Chip's Challenge or California Games. Given the Atari name attached, not exactly anything that will attract the non-traditional gamers or regular gamers, even with the color screen. The fact it's handheld but not exactly portable without a backpack also didn't help.

Sega might have stood a chance, if they had more an launch than Mickey Mouse and Columns. They even pulled a page from the NES and got some arcade ports and sports titles early on to help pad the catalogue. Still, even by the time they got Sonic on it later that year, they were still facing off against a large install base thanks to Tetris. Meanwhile the Genesis was hitting huge and it actually looked like they might take the market away from Nintendo. So they treated the GG as a dumping ground for SMS ports and shovelware while focusing on the Genesis and also recently launched Sega CD. At least here in the US. Japan got some cool exclusives.

>> No.4862414

Really if you wanna talk about a mountain of licensed shovelware garbage, the GBA was king.

>> No.4862420
File: 68 KB, 359x500, 8389F17D-F4A5-40A3-B873-E877C48C9DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no joke. I was still seeing these things in Walmart bargain bins just a few years ago.

>> No.4862426

are those things actually full length episodes?

>> No.4862440

Yep. Frame-rate suffers hard, can be jerky as hell at times depending on the episode, but they are full length. Some guy figured out a encoding/decoding scheme that the GBA could handle without choking, and licensed it for use.

>> No.4862450

I'd like to see a Simpsons episode crammed onto one of those things

>> No.4862492

the GG's an okay machine murdered by the general lack of portability
not just how fucking big it is, but the total lack of battery life you got for six batteries

otherwise, it's got some decent games and the graphics were decent, SMS games but with a 4096 color palette, more than the 512 directly addressable colors on the Genesis.

>> No.4862548
File: 64 KB, 700x700, sku_195171_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know how big Tetris was

>> No.4862570

average american made more money then though

>> No.4862581

>Unless someone at the store spoke about it, no parent made their decision based on, or even knew about the battery life of each system.

Yeah this is true. It was mostly word of mouth type of thing. The Game Boy was a sub 100 dollar machine for its day with battery life that could live up to 30 hours. It was durable as fuck and a perfect cheap gift for its day. I knew so many kids in grade school with Game Boys. It was common to swap cartridges with other kids. Typical Game Boy cartridges cost anywhere between 30-40 dollars, or roughly half the price of a NES/ SNES game cartridge.It was always word of mouth that the Game Boy had good battery life.

I knew three people with a Game Gear, I was one of them. The people other kids that I knew who had these systems all knew that the battery life sucked.

I never knew anyone with a Lynx back then.

>> No.4862638

>portrait screens
absolutamente asqueroso

>> No.4862674

>and the NES version was still outranking Mega Man 2, Castlevania 3, and Metroid in reader polls. It was the launch title that made a lot of non-traditional gamers run out and buy a Game Boy.

Christ, normies have shit taste in games.
Tetris was the Nintendogs of its day. It has far less depth than Columns. I would rather play California Games though, it was a neat Chad simulator back then.

>> No.4862958

>The Lynx is pretty cool and did have some of the best arcade ports on a home console. There are also some good multiplayer games for the system, but unfortunately very few people owned Lynx's to take advantage of them.

The Lynx needed better battery life and more Original games.

And the Tramiels heads on pikes.

>> No.4862964

The GBA was even worse.

And the DS library seems to be about 80% shitty licensed games games based on Disney live action shows, Cartoon Network shows and reality television.

They even made a game based on The Biggest Loser.

>> No.4862968
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, Turbo Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand the fuck aside.

>> No.4862974

>The Lynx was cool, but cost twice as much and the biggest launch title was either Chip's Challenge or California Games.

I hate the Tramiels.

Why not have a modern/updated version of a 2600 Classic like Warlords or Yars revenge or ANYTHING BUT FUCKING SPORTS GAMES as a pack in?

If they had Activision or Epex making games for the Lynx, why not updated Activision/Imagic classics?