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/vr/ - Retro Games

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485927 No.485927 [Reply] [Original]

>all dose upgrades
>that satisfying splatter
>that realization that holding Z with the machine gun while looking in their general direction is much easier than actually trying to aim

I've had this since Easter of 2000 and I'm finally going to beat it, feeling good.

>> No.486086

One of the best titles for the N64. I haven't played this in year and just now remembered the main characters goofy ass animation when he runs haha.

>> No.486112


Everyone is slanted like / as they run, it's absurd. Lupus doesn't but he's a dog with hover jets and a gun strapped to his back so that's already absurd

>> No.486124

Is it just my controller or do N64 joysticks suck?

>> No.486134


They're pretty bad, I can aim to just above their head but the second I push further up the reticle goes too far down

>> No.486142

That's what makes this game near unplayable for me. If I could just get a hang of it I could love it.

>> No.486149

I fucking love Rare, but I just could not get into Jet Force Gemini at all. The control was too awkward, and the rest of the game was really uninteresting. I imagine that JFG could've been a lot better if it was on the Gamecube or something.

>> No.486156

Weren't there rumors for a sequel at one point?

>> No.486158

I played the game for a couple minutes then never touched it again. I´m thinking about re'picking it up. It´s still in the back with all my other N64 games

>> No.486168

But JFG is the worst rare game of that area, the camera and control make it almost unplayable

>> No.486165

Z and machine gun in general direction of enemies mostly solves that issue thanks to the autoaim, enemies above you will still get some shots in while you aim but you can avoid it with strafing

>> No.486175

I could never finish Gemini back in the day. Could never find all the little Ewok-analogues - hunting through the same levels got tired fast. Stayed away from Rare games mostly due to that "collect 'em all" factor after that.

It was a gorgeous game for it's time though, definitely, and one of the most colourful. Multiplayer was a blast.

>> No.486179

it's the best IMO. the controls and camera are fine.

>> No.486192

So talk about something else then, it's a a Rare thread

Am I the only one that hasn't run into any issues? Game's been smooth sailing and I'm currently collecting ship parts and trials

>> No.486187

Yeah, it was a nice idea, but it had such bizarre controls that it became ridiculously hard to play. After like two or three levels, I end up dying all the time because I can't aim accurately and quickly enough.

And I'm speaking as somebody who owned it when I was younger, who felt that way back then. So don't just assume I only emulated it recently and couldn't into N64 controls.

Still a pretty good game, though. Kind of like what a 3D Mega Man should have been.

>> No.486186

I always make it to the Tribal collectathon and quit.

>> No.486202
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Rare put out so many fucking amazing games on the N64. How did they do it? What sort of wizardry were they using? Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, goddamn son all of those games are still fucking amazing. I can go and replay any of those games at any time and still enjoy the hell out of them.

>> No.486206

okay, if you think so, but I had problem the last time I've try to play it, I guess it take time to get used to it

>> No.486227


it's called having several studios

>> No.486254
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>> No.486262

The controls are no different than todays console FPSs, what are you babies crying about? Each character gets homing missiles anyway and auto aiming.

Not to say emulating the game isn't a complete bitch since the analog sticks are not as accurate and sensitive these days as they were on N64, but you can adjust sensitivity anyway

>> No.486270
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Gore pics go on /b/ you nutter.


>> No.486282

I literally had to hold back tears. What the fuck, Rare?

>> No.486285

Perfect Dark wasn't even amazing when it came out, yet alone now.

>> No.486301

But it's old so it's good.

>> No.486295


I'm ashamed to share the same shitty monitor resolution as you.

>> No.486296
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>> No.486305

I really liked JetForce, it was lose as a prostitute, and the aiming was infuriating. But I liked it.

Until, I beat the game, and I got told I had to save all the bears for the real ending. Then I pulled it out, and sealed it away for good.

Ahhh, It is a fun game though.

>> No.486303

Rare is just a name. All their actual talent left the company before Microsoft even bought it, and was either among the Free Radical Design folks (Now Crytek UK), or wound up in other studios.

The PEOPLE who made Rare what it was were and are still doing well.

>> No.486316
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>it was lose as a prostitute

>> No.486343

>Perfect Dark will never get the PC port it deserved

dammit I thought I was over this guys

>> No.486356

Playing it always made me want to play Shadows of the Empire.
And most of the time I did. Because that game was the best.

>> No.486370


It's not nearly as bad as their other collectathons, hoping this second fight with Mizar won't be as much of a joke as the first

>> No.486374

I remember playing this a lot at my friend's house
I wonder if he still has it and his n64, but he lives in a ghetto ass neighborhood so it probably would have been stolen at some point

>> No.486380

Actually, a plenty good number of sequels on the Gamecube,cancelled because Rareware got their asses grabbed by Microsoft

>> No.486385

Yeah, except the last game they made was five years ago. And the last good game they made was fucking eight years ago.

>> No.486396

At least Banjo and DK were controllable, even if it was less work to collect. Good luck though, I looked up the last fight recently, and damn it looked epic.

>> No.486417


>> No.486432


Yea fair enough, the fuck was I thinking. In retrospect, I want to write RADICAL.

The scope of the battle is rather grand though.

>> No.486447

Oh, that kind of epic. I see.

I don't think I ever actually beat the final boss of BK, despite it being my favorite game. Wasn't it like 10 phases long and brutally difficult? I know the final boss from Tooie was supposed to be ridiculously hard, anyway.

>> No.486490

This game is genious. The fantastic worlds to explore and the various weapons to use are just a few things that make me come back to the N64 for more.
And that glorious Robin Beanland soundtrack.....Water Ruins.

>> No.486508

BK has possible what I deem the best boss fight ever as it's final boss. The entire game teaches you a bunch of skills, and the final boss demands ever one of those skills to be put to the test.

That said, the last bit with the Jingos is a bit cruel.

>> No.486507
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Rare made some fantastic games, and not just in the 4th and 5th gens either.

>> No.486534


You remind me of a friend that I used to have who bitched about Perfect Dark.


>But Perfect Dark improved on what goldeneye was in so many ways, dude! The multiplayer, the graphics, all those cool weapons.


But, seriously. PD wasn't the best FPS on N64, but I consider it as good and fun as Turok.

>> No.486585


Goddamit Acclaim, what happened to you?

so few survived into the 6th gen.

>> No.486587
File: 120 KB, 788x756, please tell me im seeing things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare, hiding penises in games since the 80's

>> No.486601

You mean the T shape? I think you got dicks on the brain, son.

>> No.486613
File: 18 KB, 402x402, Sigmund-Freud-9302400-1-402[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about your muzzer.

>> No.486635

look 2 rocks to the left.

soft, medium and hard

>> No.486650

>German accent

Shit dawg. It's clearly "mutta", since the German word for mother is "mutter".

Was ist los mit dir?

>> No.486793


Jesus Christ, you guys fucking suck. I was a kid back when this came out and I beat it.

Fucking pansies.

>> No.486816



Yeah, you. It's the fucking Box for you, asshole. See you in 3 months.


>> No.486918

I heard Retro Studios, of Metroid Prime fame, included some people from Acclaim, so there's that.

>> No.487639


Rare could make a great goddamn soundtrack, I was high listening to Aquatic Ambience from DKC, started tearing up like a fag it was so beautiful

>> No.491505

The whole franchise has god-tier music in my opinion. I fucking love it!

>> No.491563

>Is it just my controller or do N64 joysticks suck?
Actually, N64 sticks are great. They do, however, have a design flaw where the stick grinds itself out.

Also, JFG has "expert mode" and "normal mode" controls. Maybe normal will feel better.

>I imagine that JFG could've been a lot better if it was on the Gamecube or something.
You mean like *cough* Star Fox Adventures?

>But, seriously. PD wasn't the best FPS on N64, but I consider it as good and fun as Turok.
But which Turok? Turok 1, Turok 2, Turok Rage Wars, or Turok 3 - the underappreciated Half Life Clone where you play Joshua's wife?