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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4854928 No.4854928 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/! I just beat G.O.D -Mezame yoto Yobu Koe ga Kikoe-, which was released in 1996 for the SNES but only translated into English this April, and I greatly enjoyed it. It's somewhat similar to Earthbound in terms of style and comedy, though the story is more religious in nature.

I wanted to make a thread to focus on games that have fan translations, particularly JRPGs, though any games are welcome. In the retro gaming sphere, it's hard to find "new" games, and fan translations are some of the only real options. So, I ask: What fan translated games are your favorites? What games are you desperately hoping for a translation for? (I'm still praying for Little Princess & Angel's Present for the PS1.)

Anyway, use this thread to discuss any game that used to be Japanese only, but now is available in English! Do it for the good of tomorrow.

>> No.4856193
File: 62 KB, 904x720, G.O.D. - Heed the Call to Awaken-180622-221746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just beat this game too. There was some discussion about translating the PS1 remake, but it looks dead.

I'd definitely have to recommend Treasure of the Rudra and to a lesser extent, Metal Max Returns.
Just check the most recent fully-playable translations on romhacking.net, I've found a lot of "new" old games to check out that way.

>> No.4857209


I've been hearing a lot about Treasure of the Rudras, I think I'll have to play that next! Thanks for the recommendation.

Interesting to hear about the PS1 remake of G.O.D, though a video I saw of it makes it seem like it's largely the same game (even has the same battle sprites). I guess we'll see what the future holds!

>> No.4857759

Yeah, Rudra is a really good unique game. definitely check it out. There's also plenty Shin Megami games and spinoffs (Last Bible) to check out if you're into that series.
I noticed that too, they're just not as compressed. the overworld tiles and sprites get a face-lift too.

>> No.4859253


I've not played any of the SMT games, what distinguishes them from other JRPGs? Just the setting, or is the gameplay significantly different? They seem appealing, though I think I'm going to go with Rudra for my next game.

>> No.4859262
File: 67 KB, 640x350, glory of heracles 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glory of Heracles 3. It's not some amazing JRPG, in fact, it has a few random mechanics that add nothing or outright feel unfinished

But it does so many things right - like its melancholy, music, bigger than you adventure, set pieces, etc.

>> No.4859440
File: 21 KB, 339x382, noobow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fantastic translations have come out in the last months: Asuncia, La Wares, Square's Cleopatra, Little Master, Noobow and more!

>> No.4860558


Where do you get your translations from? These arent listed on the site I use.

>> No.4860587
File: 177 KB, 800x1429, 45437-shin-megami-tensei-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The early snes games are actually pretty rough in terms of gameplay. If you're not used to first person dungeon crawlers they'll feel primative. The newer games are better for newcomers to the series.

What makes SMT interesting is its use of mythology, religion, and folklore in its enemies, themes, and narratives. You encounter and recruit various demons that really exist. In most games they use the name Shiva or Odin to sound cool. In SMT you can fightband recruit THE Shiva and THE Odin, who are really the entities we know in our world. It's use of these entities from various parts ofvthe world to create one cohesive world is unlike anything else. On top of this the art and character designs by Kazuma Kaneko give the demons a lot personality with designs that are faithful but add some flair to them.

To add to this a alignment system that isn't just "good vs evil", apocalyptic setting, cultist and satanic imagery, and cool rock and roll music makes them great games.

>> No.4862716

So was it any good?

Pretty bland JRPG until the final few hours and then it throws some of the biggest mindfucks you will ever experience in a 16-bit JRPG. Like what the fuck, I did not see any of it coming.

>> No.4862751

Do reccomend any of them?

>> No.4862826

Demons that really exist? oh fuck demons exist?

>> No.4863198

Noobow is a classic. Don't know much about the others, just found it neat.


>> No.4863462


It's pretty good, though not quite excellent. Difficulty is a bit low, and there's not a whole lot of sidequests, but there's a lot of options for character development and the story is funny and compelling at the same time. It's above average for a SNES RPG and only below FF/DQ for a random-encounter turn based JRPG.

If you like Earthbound, you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.4863472

i want to say mother 3 but that will trigger the NAWT WETWO autists here

>> No.4863805

Are there any fan-translated j-exclusive horror games besides echo night 2?

>> No.4863923

I remember playing this japanese board game on the snes, you had to roll dice, something with cards... i dont remember it very vividly. We played it and managed, i dont remember how or the name. Anybody?

>> No.4863931

Glory of Heracles 4 is much better, and the body system was great.
Also OP, you can check Eternal Filena, Chou-Mahou Tairiku Wozz, Super Shell Monster Story, Bahamut Lagoon.

>> No.4863936

>What games are you desperately hoping for a translation for?

Boku no Natsuyasumi. I don't know japanese so I have to be content with this playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMvLJvLxBOg

>> No.4864159

Well shit guys, stuff like Shiva and Odin aren't actual figures in mythology. You know all those texts about them? Any of the millions mentions of them is fake.

Thanks for the info anon.

>> No.4864601
File: 104 KB, 500x925, god-mezame-yo-to-yobu-koe-ga-kikoe-super-nintendo-traducido-ingles-english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this game has no fanart whatsoever