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File: 82 KB, 500x498, 1460412091112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4848997 No.4848997 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things that were released for some reason

>> No.4849003

Its simple and cheap to program and can be sold for 40bux. Shovelwares always been around

>> No.4849004
File: 886 KB, 1400x1400, 1460412485348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4849012
File: 99 KB, 980x551, gbc light .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bizarre accessories or bizarre games?

>> No.4849017

everything that makes you go "why"

>> No.4849035

What is this "game" all about? Just an interview?
Some stuff I read about it, which isn't much says that "it appears to be nothing but an audio-only interview.... , with some visuals overlaid."
Just.. a fancy F1 interview for all of his fans to play, on their Saturn.

>> No.4849038

An interview in English with Japanese subs that plays over pictures

>> No.4849046
File: 165 KB, 1920x897, power glove .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 3rd generation was a bizarre time

>> No.4849070
File: 64 KB, 638x640, 487161-2102314656_9b60b09ff9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why take a bible with you when you can read it on a gameboy?

>> No.4849090

Oooh a King James bible, too. Perfect for proving all your Catholic friends are going to hell, too, even though they agree with you 98% of the time.

>> No.4849105
File: 587 KB, 610x609, microsoft-the-best-of-entertainment-pack-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always wanted to play SkiFree on the go!

>> No.4849148

Pretty much every portable bible tech sticks with the KJV because it's public domain. Every other version worth a shit falls under some sort of copyright due to the timing. (Most modern biblical translations take after the Dead Sea Scrolls which was discovered in 1947, about 25 years or so after the first Copyright Act was signed into law in America)

>> No.4849169
File: 92 KB, 1015x761, Heim Waltz Pic 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heim Waltz, a rare japanese house tour software with probably 50-100 copies ever made

>> No.4849180
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, VFCG_7_Shun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell
And I thought the VF character discs were odd

>> No.4849210

The saturn was fucktardedly popular in japan, DVDs weren't really big yet, putting out a VHS would be too much work, laser disc was expensive, only thing really left for shit like this was the saturn

>> No.4849338
File: 77 KB, 808x656, 1507249829942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4849349

What is a Tiger Handheld?

>> No.4849351

ghetto gameboys/game and watch basically

>> No.4849352

A miserable little pile of circuits.

>> No.4849363
File: 715 KB, 400x300, Nmgf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you get it

>> No.4849364
File: 64 KB, 682x682, 1528579272811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4849368

Smirked approvingly.

>> No.4849378

god damnit, I didn't even notice it was castlevania

>> No.4849518
File: 106 KB, 600x356, c_eyeful_home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyeful home, similar to heim waltz

>> No.4849582

Oh fuck I had that monster light

>> No.4849608

But what do you mean by "house tour software"? Can you navigate through it like an FMV on rails, or is it just pictures? What house is it, like is it famous or maybe it was for sale and the disc was meant to promote it?

>> No.4849614

One is a tour where you can control what room you go to, then watch an FMV walking up to the room, the other is videos you don't control. They were for Japanese housing companies

>> No.4849619

I see, so it's like something that would be on an interactive website for a housing development today. Or something that would have been a DVD a couple years later.

>> No.4849624

>Spencer Mansion: Before the Nightmare

>> No.4849681

Whew, just loaded it up. Just what I always wanted, SkiFree zoomed in with no visibility whatsoever. 10 outta 10. Minesweeper is pretty well implemented though...

>> No.4849689

F1 used to be a big deal.
You are just too young to remember.

>> No.4849757

Pretty much. Interesting idea

>> No.4849836

>putting copyright on the direct word of God
Christians are funny
It's either the word of god to save everyone's soul or a monetary scam, you can't have both

>> No.4849883

To be fair, that would have been useful in the 90s.

>> No.4849897
File: 71 KB, 640x646, king james bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought having a portable version of the bible was pointless because there are pocket sized versions of the bible

At least the mini games kind of made it seem worth it.

>> No.4849951

>Christians are funny
You don't have to be Christian to publish a bible. and it a pretty popular title too, so why not get in on it?

>> No.4849960

>so why not get in on it?
Because they free.

>> No.4850082

That's kind of interesting. Odd to have it on the Saturn instead of on computers, but handy enough for its purpose I guess.

>> No.4850149
File: 124 KB, 909x703, pocket sonar .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever wanna bring your gameboy on a fishing trip with dad?

>> No.4850208

That's a really weird Game Boy.

>> No.4850217
File: 16 KB, 218x200, ac0031_MED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this was in a Nintendo Power way back. The NES had a full blown piano

>> No.4850292


>finally the gameboy has found its ultimate calling

>> No.4850370

That is very cool. It's just using the gameboy as a portable computer, which is a great idea since it was probably the most popular portable computer in the world at that time. The requirements for something like this are just that it needs to be battery operated and have a built-in display that you can read in sunlight (plus nominal computing power that could probably be satisfied with something much more rudimentary than a gameboy, onboard logic in the sonar unit could suffice). I doubt it worked very well since the sonar unit was probably made very cheaply (low cost would be its only appeal over a standalone model with its own display and inputs).

>> No.4850682

The face of a man who'll soon need a fresh pair of pants, because he can't believe he's actually making money off of this.

>> No.4850683

I should get one and try it out on the water some time

>> No.4850704

Senna was dead by the time that came out. That's why there is ridiculous Senna merch like that in the first place. Dying young at the peak of your fame tends to cause that: whatever unreleased shit you left behind, someone will try to monetize.

>> No.4850853

The KJV as a plain text file is about 4MB. How the hell did they fit that on a gameboy cartridge?

>> No.4850889

It's a Game Boy Light. Never released outside Japan.

>> No.4851250

The private idol series as well as all the gravure things are pretty weird

>> No.4851495

They replaced a few popefag phrases like "i say unto thee" with one byte code and it's instantly 4k. He works in mysterious ways.

>> No.4851530


>> No.4851560 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 636x477, 18s08hla4pe8hjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why turn your DS into a radio when you can just use it as a battery for a radio?

>> No.4851976

Still happens even today.
Gods Eater got 6 side "games" that are all fanservice cutscenes and zero gameplay.

I found the rom in the no intro sets i had so i took a look inside.
It's 1MB, not all of it is bible text, some of it is the minigame (wtf) normal ascii text uncompressed, some graphics too (the font and some minigame shit)

But everything else is compressed to oblivion. I can tell where blocks begin and end so probably a rudimentary scheme, text stored in all caps and proper-cased by software, no numbers or symbols, auto line break, 2-byte replacements for common words and verbs just like japanese do for kanji in games... and it's doable. They likely didn't even need to put unlicensed Lempel Zip implementations in their code to cram it all in.

Still fascinating.

>> No.4853023

Japan loves side games and character discs for some reason

>> No.4854543

But not "good" ones. Most people who are interested in Bible study know the King James version is a pretty horrible translation.
come up with a better version and patent that shit

>> No.4854548


Also, Senna was big in Japan.

>> No.4855964
File: 82 KB, 640x480, c400ffe2-e4f3-4848-9b60-e8697d73de94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread.

Here's the Sega Aiwa CSD GM-1, a boombox that can play Genesis games.

>> No.4856072

That has nothing to do with anything. Stop trying to play the 'I'm older than you' card, you whippersnapper. The thing that makes it bizzare is that it's essentially a video released for the Saturn instead of a sane format for the content like a bloody video tape. inb4 you come back with some retarded answer like 'VHS wasn't a thing in Japan, but YOU'RE TOO YOUNG to remember that!'.

>> No.4856514

So you really are so young you don't remember when that sort of shit was a thing? The only thing bizarre here is your reaction to being called out. Not even that anon, just another random one who's old enough to remember that time.

>> No.4856523

Yeah because audio interviews were so BIG on Saturn

>> No.4856564


>> No.4856595

They were never a thing common enough for this example not to be weird

>> No.4857117

Cool. Theres also a dvd player that plays sms games.

>> No.4857275

For someone who gets all bent out of shape when someone says you're too young to remember things you're very intent on proving you're too young to remember things

>> No.4857945

As someone who just started reading this thread, stop posting.

>> No.4858510

Oof I had the monster light too. Smelled horrible, drained batteries, barely worked

>> No.4858714 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 633x640, 42D3894B-A9C4-4D3E-A9E3-20D8337F60AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 yr old boomer who watches saturn interviews

>> No.4859126

>Smelled horrible
That is hilarious.

>> No.4859182

Text compression lets you take the most common words and phrases and have them render when the text parser comes across a specific character. If I was to assign "and" and "the" to render when $ or % is used, then each usage saves two bytes. "and" and "the" appear around 56,000 times combined, meaning I save around 110 kilobytes from that alone. Do this to the most common words and phrases, you can compress it down to a fraction of what it was.

>> No.4859195


It's not sane to release random interviews except as an ego stroking thing, which was probably the case, so that's not weird.

It's perfectly sane to produce media for a new format. Especially back in those days where "digital media" literally just meant exactly what you're looking at: disc based 1s and 0s. There was no youtube and successful formats didn't die after a few years. Getting into just any optical format, no matter how basic, makes perfect sense before the advent of DVD.

This is how businesses work sometimes, they just try stuff and see if it works. There used to be a tech economy where large and medium sized companies actually tried stuff instead of buying every startup that almost has a product out, like nowadays.

>> No.4859196

Is there any video of it in action?

>> No.4859334

I'm surprised that someone didnt try and use the Gameboy as a rudimentary e-reader

>> No.4859340


Are you for real? The screen resolution precludes comfortable use, even with 20/20 vision.

And let's not forget the poorly quality of the original GB screen.

>> No.4859342

But playing text based JRPGs is fine....

I mean people have used the Gameboy for wackier shit

>> No.4859354

> likely didn't even need to put unlicensed Lempel Zip implementations in their code to cram it all in.

absolutely not. a lot of these gameboy programmers made their own compression routines or used algorithms that are free and in the public domain.

>> No.4859521

They later did that in GBA era.

>> No.4859528


>> No.4859529

they should have put lotr on the gameboy

>> No.4859546

Electronic Bibles were a thing long before the GB. Makes sense.