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File: 448 KB, 640x640, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Link's_Awakening_(PAL).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4844689 No.4844689 [Reply] [Original]

At the time of its release, was Link's Awakening the best handheld game ever made?

>> No.4844694

Pretty much.
Still kind of is.

>> No.4844718

It's blasphemous to say otherwise.

>> No.4844841

In it's genre, yes.

>> No.4844865
File: 207 KB, 1280x1600, DSCF0885[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears

>> No.4844873

I love the Mana series but no

>> No.4844876

Probably, but the bar wasn't very high. Handheld games kind of sucked really badly more often than not until very recently.

>> No.4844890

it still is m8
best zelda too

>> No.4844894

My parents bought me a Gameboy bundle when we were on vacation in Europe. I was maybe 7 or 8 and a hyperactive little bastard. They needed something to chill me the fuck out. The Gameboy bundle included Zelda LA and I had no idea what Zelda was. I remember playing it, just walking around the beach when I found the sword, hitting enemies around and such. I eventually understood what the game was about and I went through the whole thing. Still one of my most favourite video game experiences ever. I love that game.

>> No.4844920

The game had me forever as soon as you pick up the sword and the theme kicks in. Probably the best use of the theme in any Zelda game

>> No.4844945

Tetris was objectively better.

>> No.4844948

ur objectively gay

>> No.4844952

I can't be gay, I'm a girl.

>> No.4844963


>> No.4844965

Girls can be gay, they're called lesbians, aka "clam rubbers".

>> No.4844969

why do women love puzzle games so god damn much? my sister used to steal my gb just to play tetris and dr mario

>> No.4844971

>Link's Awakening was the best game ever made!


>> No.4844978

because their spatial reasoning is less than that of a man's so they need to practice in order to parallel park.

>> No.4845000

All I remember from that trip is Zelda, Wario Land and Disney land.

>> No.4845002

>family vacation to Europe
>goes to the worst Disney park

You should have a word with your parents.

>> No.4845053

I don't know yet. Jeremy Parish still has two more years of releases to cover before getting to that.

>> No.4845067


>> No.4845116

I like this one more
But Zelda is good too

>> No.4845118

They're both great. My top two favorite gb games.

>> No.4845138

Right. The only other games I can think of worth mentioning are Kirby's Dreamland and Final Fantasy Adventure. While FFA is a good game, it's really hard to make a convincing case that it's better than LA. Whether you think Kirby is better is largely a matter of taste.

And Tetris, whatever. Tetris was way better on NES.

>> No.4845146
File: 290 KB, 1024x937, wario land .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do people never mention Wario Land in GB threads? It was probably the best game for it, in terms of platformers.

>> No.4845156

I agree, but for some reason, Wario Land 1 is kind of underrated. I believe people who started with later Wario Land games see it as too old or not too similar to their favorite Wario game, so they trash it.
I personally like Wario Land 1 and VB Wario the most.

>> No.4845159

I prefer Mario Land 2, but Link's Awakening is pretty good, too. I've never been a Zelda fan until recently, and have too much nostalgia for Mario Land 2 in particular.

>> No.4845163

I'm a fan of the series as a whole, but I can see why people wouldn't like it. It's a bit too similar to Mario.

>> No.4845168

Still think it's underrated. At least by some /vr/ anons.

>> No.4845182

Wario land just isn't very good. I'm sorry, but it's true. The second one is the only one that even rises above mediocre.

>> No.4845185

But Wario Land is very good.

>> No.4845187

It's better than those shitty Donkey Kong Land games.

>> No.4845201
File: 33 KB, 111x192, 1460303182816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't make it worth playing.

>> No.4845204

I mean, what else is there on the GB as far as platformers go? Mario Land 2, and that's about it.

>> No.4845209

Yeah, it was.

>> No.4845217

How is Wario Land not worth playing?
One thing is to prefer another Wario entry in the series, but why do you actively dislike Wario Land 1? What about it offends you so much?

>> No.4845283

Gonna have to say Wario Land 2 > Wario Land 1. Both in terms of gameplay and music. But I agree that it's a shame that no one ever mentions the Wario land games.

>> No.4845290

What? Why would you even bring those up. I mean, yeah, you're not wrong, but that's like saying solid shit is better than diarrhea.

>> No.4845309

>very recently
I'd say starting with the DS generation handheld libraries became very, very good even if there was still a lot of shovelware. Though I have a softspot for the GBC's aesthetic

>> No.4845343

GBA was great too, if you like SNES ports.

>> No.4845359


>> No.4845379

I'm just harsh on the DS because it promised us console style game experiences but failed to deliver them.

It was an okay little handheld, but I still didn't have nearly as much fun with it as I did the 3DS.

>> No.4845416

I’d agree with that. There was still an ocean of TV/movie licensed garbage on the DS but it felt like it also got pretty consistent standout games. The Neo Geo Pocket Color is probably the handheld that has the overall highest quality library of games just because it’s so small.