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File: 1.03 MB, 2098x1535, snes_super_star_wars_p_hlusgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4838769 No.4838769 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about the Super Star Wars Trilogy?

>> No.4838780

X-Wings are supposed to shoot four red lasers, not two blue or green ones.

>> No.4838795
File: 564 KB, 547x478, Lava Beast Jawenko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Lava Beast Jawenko.
Fuck the Lava Beast Jawekeno up it's stupid fucking ass. Otherwise absolutely love the entire series.

>> No.4838802

There were a few times playing this game if I died on a section/boss, that was it. And I'd need to reset.

This was one of them.

>> No.4838819

I remember this part pissing me off back in the day. There's actually a prototype version of this game where the screen locks differently on Jawenko so the left edge of the screen is flush with the platform, allowing you to camp without risk of falling in the left lava pit. Apparently the developers actively tried to make this area as irritating as possible.

>> No.4838826

Good. Hard.

>> No.4838837

>End of Level 3
Probably increased the difficulty to fuck with the rental market. It's likely those LucasArts devs could do it blindfolded.

>> No.4838846

if you know the secret rooms, and the item location this game goes from really hard...to a little hard.

>> No.4838861

The trilogy made the best use of Mode 7 of any games on the console.

>> No.4838941

>Apparently the developers actively tried to make this area as irritating as possible.
That pretty much describes the whole series. Super RotJ is the fairest of the three games and even then it's still pretty hard.

>> No.4838943

Unless you use the character select cheat to use Wicket. For whatever reason, he has 2.5x the attack power of everyone else, so you can absolutely steamroll with that little moppet.

>> No.4838956

As cool as that is I've hated ewoks since the early 90's. I guess they're at least better than Jar Jar and Rey.

>> No.4838964

Why do you hate the Ewoks?

>> No.4838981

Teddy Bear spearchuckers winning a battle against the Empire with only one on-screen Ewok casuality IIRC.

Honestly though, thinking back on why I hate Ewoks doesn't feel as painful as it used to. Star Wars got a lot worse after the OT, the Ewoks don't seem as offensive now.

>> No.4838996

I always assumed it was virtue of the PG rating. The Ewok population could be in the thousands, so even just swarm tactics would overwhelm the Stormtroopers.

>> No.4839029

Didn't ROTJ come out before PG-13 existed, and there were a lot of violent PG-rated movies? I want to say it did but I could be wrong, because the PG-13 rating did come out around that time.

>> No.4839040

A game where you can tell the people who designed and programmed it did not play video games.

>> No.4839045

This is where I stopped my most recent playthrough, it was just too annoying (that whole Sandcrawler level is annoying).

I did play through the whole game with save states about a decade ago, though. I remember the game getting simpler and easier towards the end.

>> No.4839389

Euro trash series:
Awful ramping
Awful controls
Awful level design
A billion common and well established game design golden rules they just ignored or were too stupid to know about.
Playing them is like trying to play an Amiga platformer except somehow worse.

>> No.4839414
File: 18 KB, 256x224, Super-Star-Wars-The-Empire-Strikes-Back-U-V1.1-304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That never gave me any issues. The cantina boss was the one that was a pain for me. I like these games quite a lot.

>> No.4839436

Sorry they were too hard for you :(

>> No.4839443
File: 37 KB, 360x337, jj_anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jar Jar is awesome once you realize he's working for the dark side.

>> No.4839447

Makes me wish Rose was working for the dark side too, at least then I'd understand her sabotaging Finn.

>> No.4839478

Maybe she is. It would at least give her character a reason for existing. But I doubt it, the new movies are abysmal so far so it's hard to imagine them suddenly making a good turn.

>> No.4839560

These sorts of theories are a bit pointless when you account for the fact that Disney plan out nothing and the stories no sense on their own

I got RotJ sealed in box for <$10... not anything impressive but that's as collectorfag as I get

>> No.4839632

first game is annoying with bad level design.

empire and return are both more solid.

i had a weird experience with return. i beat it the first day i got it. things just clicked for me that day. I'd spam luke's spin jump with the light saber. not sure how that happened as i usually need time to learn a game.

>> No.4839661

Well exactly. Old Star Wars, even the prequels was the vision of George Lucas trying to tell a story. The new ones are a room full of writers trying to perpetuate a trend long enough to get their next paycheck. Similar on the surface but vastly different.

>> No.4839663

First game is the best though.

>> No.4839813 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1529077940903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The games are just like the films themselves
Empire > Jedi > Star Wars
LucasArts reused the Vader SESB sprites for their screen saver pack.

>> No.4839879

Ehh I agree they're like the films, but Star Wars is the best film of three followed by empire then return.

>> No.4840035

Jedi is the best game and film.

>> No.4840073

Hell no, fucking Ewoks man

>> No.4840085

My biggest complain was that stone arrows can kill armored troopers. I could accept that lazers are designed to penetrate armor, but not stone arrowheads. But now we have strong women tapping stormtroopers on the shoulder with night-sticks and the tumble unconscious one on top of the other. Oh well.

But Wicket is my favorite to play in Super ROTJ.

>> No.4840105

If star wars taught you anything it should be that stormtroopers, their armor and their blasters are all completely useless. It looks like cheap shitty plastic armor because that's all the Empire felt like buying for them.

>> No.4840195

There is literally nothing wrong with Ewoks.

>> No.4841116

and their helmets can't even function as gas masks according to TFA

>> No.4841170

Third game is by far the easiest

>> No.4841190

Ewoks aren't even the main problem it's full of that zany humor everyone hates from Phantom Menace. There are so many lame jokes and 'go nowhere' scenes. The Jabba scene is cool and the final battle is cool but the rest isn't so hot.

>> No.4841197

Yeah that shit is absolutely ridiculous. It's like they forgot it was armour.

>> No.4841383

That might be the one thing consistent with the rest of the universe that's in that pile of crap.

>> No.4843117

>There are so many lame jokes and 'go nowhere' scenes
Yes, because Star Wars and Empire totally didn't have scenes like that. Need I remind you of the whole C-3PO subplot in Empire? Sounds to me like you're mad at a Star Wars movie for being a Star Wars movie.

>> No.4843494

Why is it so hard?

>> No.4843569

> with only one on-screen Ewok casuality IIRC
Wrong. Theres plenty.

>> No.4843592

Played them as a kid. Felt very confused and unsatisfied. Probably haven't touched these since 97.

>> No.4843665

Not him but no there isn't. Not on screen anyways.

I enjoyed these games a lot. Empire being diffucult made me get it in a sweet trade so that's a bonus to me.