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File: 103 KB, 500x362, 37916-Alien_Soldier_(Europe)-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4835827 No.4835827 [Reply] [Original]

>play game
>get my fucking ass handed to me
>check difficulty settings
>only options are VERY EASY or VERY HARD, so have to stick with very hard or I'd feel like a bitch
ebin... simply EBIN...

Anyways, any tips? I've been experimenting with the weapons and I'm still not sure what the optimal loadout is. I've started to gravitate towards Buster - Buster - Homing - Flame. Two busters so I pretty much always have ammo, and all the upgrades I find go to one of the busters.

One of the busters is definitely staying, and pretty sure on the flame as well, but I keep thinking I may want to swap the second buster for lancer and homing for ranger, but idk. How do you guys handle it? As far as I can tell sword is just all around shit. Also, I pretty much spend the entirety of gameplay in the gold suit movement/aiming mode, not sure if that's a good idea.

>> No.4835839

its an arcade port, its designed to be as hard as possible to take your shekels.

>> No.4835852

flame for natural enemies, lancer for robot enemies, homing if you're a beginner and are still having trouble aiming at bosses
buster is a meme weapon for new players, halfway through the game it starts deflecting off everything
free shot / gold suit depletes ammo faster, you should probably only use it when necessary

>> No.4835854
File: 60 KB, 554x398, AS04_grande[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No its not.

This game has a ridiculous history, but its not an arcade port.
The man behind the development(thats right, not team, MAN, later to finish development, a team came in to help) LOVED SHUMPS and wanted to make a platformer that was nothing but hard ass boss fights.

The game was exclusively made for the Sega Megadrive/Genesis. This dude loved that shit SO MUCH, that you can see what he wrote about it on the title screen.

Anyways, this game is the Dark Souls of the Megadrive/Genesis. The only advice I can give you is, GIT REKT UNTIL YA GIT GUD.

>> No.4836089

>arcade port of a non-existent arcade game
anon pls

Very helpful post here, thanks. I had no idea the gold suit depleted ammo so fast, but I guess that explains a lot. I'm thinking about doing 2 flames and 2 lancers now, is that reasonable? Or no?

>The man behind the development(thats right, not team, MAN, later to finish development, a team came in to help)
holy shit

>> No.4836101

>this game is the Dark Souls of the Megadrive/Genesis.
Why did you do this to me, anon

>> No.4836110
File: 98 KB, 600x400, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nami is insane, wish i could find him

yeah i normally do 2 flame 2 lancer and switch it to 1 flame 3 lancer halfway through, but again if you're still new you might want to have a homing
some bosses like epsilon 1 and sirene force are immune to flame and tough to hit with lancer if you don't know how

>> No.4836114
File: 55 KB, 516x412, Browny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Soldier is shit. I'd rather play Gunstar or Hard Corps on the same system- they at least have a bit more level design than AS.

>> No.4836118

Let me guess, you're the same anon that made this thread?


>> No.4836125
File: 54 KB, 630x435, gunstar-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Good guess, mate.

>> No.4836129

I can't beat the first boss of this game. It's too damn hard so I never really came back to it. Gunstar Heroes is good tho

>> No.4836137

anon pls. You know you can stick to the ceiling right?

>> No.4836143

Did any other developers make games in a similar vein?

>> No.4836159

Yeah, Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.4836216
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1523142885490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it to stage 11 bros!

>> No.4836279

>why does a boss rush game not have level design

Well gee, I dunno.

>> No.4836286

Playing a game that only has bosses is like eating a sundae without any ice cream.

>> No.4836306

Just use a dash from full health, thats how you deal with most things in this game

>> No.4836390
File: 13 KB, 420x274, 1517981793499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I did two flames and 2 lancers, no gold suit at all, and everything was going great until I got to the wolf guy with pelican claws. The lancer doesn't do shit unless I hit under his arm at very specific times, and even then the damage is still fucking nothing. The flame obviously does good damage, but the range makes it super easy for him to slap my shit if I want to stand there long enough to do any real damage. Is there anything I'm missing, or should I just pick up a buster force solely for this fight?

>> No.4836406

yea well thats pretty good too

>> No.4836408

I use flame at the beginning of the fight until he starts doing his stabs. Then I switch to lancer and shoot diagonally up at his chest whenever there's an opening. When he does the dramatic forward upswing with the huge tell he has a large opening, you just need to keep the proper space so you can take advantage of it.

>> No.4836413

to be quite desu, I don't really like vanilla or chocolate stuff, so I'd rather just eat the cherry and banana by themselves.

Alien Soldier: 1
Sundae: 0

actually wait is a banana split a sundae

>> No.4836417

I think Lancer and Flame are the only weapon types you ever need; they'll kill everything in the game.

Buster is rather weak, but holds a lot of ammo. The setup I usually run the game with is Buster/Flame/Lancer/Lancer.

I never found any good reason to use Homer, Shotgun, or Sword.

>> No.4836419

I feel like that's where most people get when they're playing the first time because the game doesn't really explain how things work. Once it clicks the game is fantastic though. It's one of my favorites to come back to and do a quick playthrough of now and then since it's not too difficult once you have it down.

>> No.4836423
File: 7 KB, 237x185, as-clawmansuper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xi Tiger is supposed to be the big badass "end of act 1" boss, there isn't really any strat that'll make this fight easy. Just keep calm and use Lancer. Also try to enter the fight with full health so you can open with a phoenix attack. If possible, get him on the edge of the screen when you phoenix attack him.

>> No.4836439

yes a banana split is a sundae

>> No.4836505

>I don't really like vanilla or chocolate stuff
what's it like being a tastelet

>> No.4836578

>they at least have a bit more level design than AS
>games MUST have stages before boss fights
I keep seeing this weird sentiment a lot. Do you honestly believe this to be some kind of objective standard of quality in game design, or is this just personal preference talking? Because for the former I wouldn't understand at all.

His claws block your shots. When the fight starts, hover around the height of his stomach, then unleash your flame until he starts attacking. Once he does, immediately perform a Phoenix Dash (provided you didn't get constantly hit like a scrub). Do this right and it will instantly kill him.

2 flames and 2 lancers is the set-up I used to clear the game, but you will need to switch to three lancers around the ice mountain stage to be prepared against Seven Force.

For reasons I don't know whether they are intentional or unintentional, if you kind of box the boss into the edge of the screen with your Phoenix Dash, it will deal a LOT more damage. You can kill the first and second bosses instantly with a single Phoenix Dash that way. Basically the camera can't catch up with your speed, so more frames of your Phoenix Dash make contact with the boss, which means more damage.

>> No.4836591

>any tips?
Pay it on a difficulty that's not "very hard" for starters.

>> No.4836737

>halfway through the game it starts deflecting off everything
isn't that bad game design? if it did less damage that'd be one thing but having it do nothing limits the number of builds for no reason.

>> No.4837024

I disagree. Playing on Superhard from the beginning will help you really get a handle on the game and the mechanics. Will you have to restart from the beginning a lot? Sure. But you'll learn and appreciate the game in a different way.

>> No.4837120

Alien Soldier is not a well designed game. It's fun in some ways but it's also a sloppy poorly balanced mess

>> No.4837212

It is sloppy and poorly balanced but it got a lot right.

>> No.4837226

to be fair the game was only 50% complete. i would kill for a director's cut.

>> No.4837982

the jump from supereasy to superhard was disappointing, after beating supereasy I got superhard in one shot
superhard features some slightly altered stage designs and some bosses have new attacks (though the only prominent one is artemis force having a 50/50 chance to shoot either a curvefireball which curves behind you or a straight fastball at you, rather than always a fastball like in Supereasy), and phoenix force consumes two small pickups worth of health rather than one, which makes it somewhat harder to keep spamming, but not really since you usually parry multiple projectiles at once

I would agree, but I end up liking it a lot because there aren't that many speedkill-centric games where you can go ridiculously fast if you are good, and this is a very unique kind of run 'n gun which makes use of its arcade game-structure to challenge your ability to manage ammunition in the long term

however, this would have packed out better if less bosses were cheesable and flame/flame/lance/lance isn't always the winning setup

>> No.4840480

The final boss always felt like it needed another form or two.

>> No.4841158
File: 14 KB, 174x231, 1452417413123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have tried to play ALIEN SOLDIER more than a dozen times by now
>first videogame I played was super mario world when I was four
>grew up somehow playing ps1 gems like Tomba and Klonoa whilst playing smash bros, goldeneye and OoT on my cousins n64
>cemented my lifelong love for videogames
>have played videogames all my life, now 23
>can't past the first boss of ALIEN SOLDIER

>> No.4841163

He's weak against the flamethrower though, there's a pattern that will let you torch his guts quite a bit

>> No.4841232

Your 68000 heart isn't on fire.

>> No.4841341

First encounter with a game that isnt piss easy Nintendo trash? Get to the boss at full health and use the flame dash, even if you dont take off nearly all of his health (which you can), it should be more than enough to remove the only danger during the fight which is the time limit.

>> No.4841975

ffs anon, you realize you can stick to the ceiling for that fight, right? Just double jump to stick to the ceiling and shoot at him from a diagonal (this way of raises himself up he won't hit you like he would if you were right above him).

>> No.4842041
File: 15 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aw, this game is ea-

>> No.4842959

Unironically this game is pretty fast even if the controls are mostly easy. I can understand why some people have trouble especially if they haven't played games that are designed to challenge the player like this one.

It helps to spend a long time on the controls screen mastering the feel of all the actions, and then taking your time in the stages and the boss fights actually helps a lot. Learning to avoid damage because it's easier than learning how to deal damage makes it easier to process the way the game is designed; then you can work on dealing damage faster to get your time down enough to make it through the stages.

If all else fails and the game is just too fast for some people, you can always play the Euro version at 50 FPS and just accept that you're not that great at action games (yet?).

>> No.4843026

I'm pretty ok at the game which is impressive since I'm not too much of the videogame type.
But FUCK the lobster boss, fuck it. If anybody know if there is an easy way to kill it, please do tell me.

>> No.4843046

don't use the teleport, just jump over the swing by moving towards him

free shot with flamethrower works well, if you use the right timing you can burn him point blank at the start of the fight while hovering

>> No.4844070

Do you mean the crab? Or is there an actual lobster boss later on? Farthest I've gotten is the weird fan guy after the shark.

>> No.4844180

if you're kinda bad and can't keep full health so you can one-shot it with the dash, just spam the reflect in its face for big damage (double-tap attack)

>> No.4844591

At first I wanted to drop some bantz, but then I got sad once I realized this guy is the average person on /vr/ nowadays.

>> No.4846524

literally right after the boss you made it to is the lobster, he's like 10 seconds after

>> No.4847707

His only tough to dodge attack for me is the reverse claw. Most of his attacks are pretty easy to dash through as long as you try to stay on the boat. He's got a huge wind up. The little lobstrosities he summons when he does his falling attack are free health too, be sure to cook them up.

>> No.4847712

Have you tried slowing it down? The game has a built in slowdown feature (not some kind of crappy pause/unpause garbage, it literally slows the whole game down) and it can help you git gud a little if you practice with it.

Also experiment with the menus. It took me a long time to figure out which exact menu config was right for me, because some of them didn't give me the information I needed properly. I tried doing numbers for the life bar but it bothered the fuck out of me when I couldn't glance up and know how fucked I was health-wise. Turns out I work better with a life bar. For some reason ammo is fine as numbers though.

>> No.4847715

Type 8 is my go-to. Curious what everyone else uses.

>> No.4848167 [DELETED] 

anyone else watch pasky speedrun this game last night? he's fuckin good

>> No.4848171

Is there a speedrunning event happening right now?

>> No.4848720

why is this deleted

>> No.4849819

type 4. Get to know my ammo, my health and enemy'

I do cook the lil lobsters, know I have to jump while at the center, but damn I get this feel the lobster's claws have some huge hitbox or the timing must be pretty precise. I will try to get the fire on it's face as soon the fight starts. in fact that's how I beat the flying moth (the one before the spider), I don't even give it the chance of attacking, 5 seconds with the firegun.

With the exception of seven force, later enemies are not that hard.

>> No.4850924

buster, fire, laser , laser.

buster because its helps you conserve ammo, fire because its really destructive to bio enemies and laser because it handles the rest. you have to make sure you power up your weapons and find a good overlap with grabbing them and saving ammo for other encounters. you can abuse the absolute fuck out of phoenix dash if you can get it in time with enemy trajectories. for instance if a boss is moving left and half off screen etc you can keep the dash onto them and cause massive dmg, often for one hit kills etc. id reccomend watching a speedrun for the ideas. also you can cancel the shot recovery on laser by switching to the weapon wheel and immediatley firing. i been learning the game myself and trying to put together a run.

im seeing a ton of shitty info in this thread. do yourself a favor and watch a speedrun for this game and get some strats. youll see what im saying.

whoever said its an arcade port should never be listened to ever again. best of luck

>> No.4850926

loved Browny


>> No.4850962

I use sword, fire, lancer, lancer. Usually switch the sword for lancer later on. Sword is shit at range but up close the damage is a lot better. Best thing you can do in this game is abuse phoenix dash, always have ammo stocked up and keep trying. The final boss is a huge let down.