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4834125 No.4834125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last relevant post:
"Rank is pretty irrelevant in Psikyo games. It's not like in Raizing where you want to control it.
In Psikyo it's actually better to keep playing at highest rank, because otherwise it fucks with the patterns and you easily can screw you over since you still can't really react often, even on lowest rank."
Yeah, I'm aware it's not a big deal, I managed to beat the Strikers without knowing how the rank worked. I was just curious.
After clearing Batrider and Bakraid (not Garegga, haven't played that game very much) last summer I became a bit paranoid about rank systems in these, I guess. Cool games though, particularly Batrider.
(Please focus on the subject, we got the thread deleted last time)

>> No.4834146 [DELETED] 

Enemy attack patterns just scale with shot power level as far as I know. Bullet speed might both scale with shot power level AND slowly increase over time. It is a bit hard to notice because you're going to be dodging almost everything preemptively, though.

>> No.4834148 [DELETED] 
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>I managed to beat the Strikers
Sure you did...

>> No.4834150

So this may explain why the game is easier when you die, since you revert to stage 1 power up. However, it doesn't help much since usually in these your starting shot is horseshit

>> No.4834152 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to /vg/ already, holy shit, you pieces of shit got our thread deleted.

>> No.4834156

>Enemy attack patterns just scale with shot power level
Dying also affects rank.

>> No.4834157 [DELETED] 

It actually changes the boss HP relatively to shot power level too, sometimes you might want to bump into an enemy to lower rank deliberately so you can kill a boss quicker. I never had to do it since I only clear first loops, but it's definitely something that might be useful for the second loops and maybe something like tech bonuses, if you plan it out.

>> No.4834160 [DELETED] 
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>says the lying poser who gets mad not everyone believes his bullshit fairy tales

>> No.4834165 [DELETED] 

I felt that it slowed down bullet speed, but does it affect enemy attack patterns too even if you get to the same shot level? This one is kind of a pain to test.

>> No.4834178

It always just affects the speed of the bullets and the boss HP, not the actual patterns.
And after you died once, it's basically impossible to get back to highest rank again, even if you are fully powered up. At least in Strikers99 it's like this.

>> No.4834182

Although, in second loop, I think the rank is fixed though. It's always at max there no matter if you died or whatever

>> No.4834183 [DELETED] 

Right, now that I think about it maybe boss HP didn't scale with shot level after all and only did with deaths

>> No.4834193

This is interesting. I always found the "hit enemies to power down" a cool mechanic, good to know more stuff about it.

I've been getting into Gunbird 1 and 2 recently. Still not a 1-ALL in either, I'm trying different ships and stuff. In 2 in particular I like the "good bomb" feature.
And man, I love the bosses by this company.

>> No.4834197

So lowering your shot is useless? Man, we need to test this out. I can't right now, however.

>> No.4834205

Lowering shot is always useless. Only superplayers do this, to get extra points from the extra power up planes spawning.

>> No.4834213

Nice. I don't check replays, but still good to know

In Gunbird 2, what's usually better to spend ammo on, charged attacks or melee attacks? I assume melee attacks are higher risk / reward attacks, since that makes sense.

>> No.4834220

I never played Gunbird much, but I guess it depends on your playstyle.

>> No.4834221 [DELETED] 

Melee normal enemies a lot in the first loop, it's less risky than not doing it cuz you can kill them before they get a chance to shoot in most cases. Also Tavia destroys bullets with her melee

>> No.4834228

Gunbird 1 doen't have that stuff, it's still a "Sonic Wings clone": Psikyo wouldn't start innovating till Strikers 1945 afaik. The only thing Gunbird has that's special is the improved bullet visibility.
Yeah, I usually use charged attacks since I haven't memorized the game and they are safer. And indeed, some deadly enemies here are designed to take forever and must be taken with ammo before they make things too hard.

>> No.4834237 [DELETED] 

You say that, but the game has Yuan Nang who is very close to the Gunbird 2 characters in that she has a very strong melee attack which also cancels bullets, and its hitbox is huge.

>> No.4834254

Oh yeah, she's the prototype for the Strikers 1945 and on style.

>> No.4834256

>Gunbird 1 doen't have that stuff
Thanks, captain obvious!

>> No.4834260

Actually yeah, I take some of that back, the game does indeed have some more new stuff than what I thought / remembered. Their previous first game already had charged stuff.

>> No.4834285

>who's the best at playing games as robotically as possible

Why does anybody like this shitty dead genre, again?

>> No.4834286

I usually avoid aesthetic discussion, but for a change: do you guys prefer the visuals for Psikyo when they're pixel art (around 1993-1996) or pre-rendered (1997-on or so)?

>> No.4834292

We aren't talking about who's best, but I guess you didn't read the posts.
Also, you don't need to play these for score or play further than the first loop, in which case you can fuck around much more.
I know you're just a troll, but try harder next time.

>> No.4834297

Depends on the game. Strikers45 II is pretty ugly, but Strikers99 looks awesome, and probably their best looking game.
Some of their older games look nice too though.

>> No.4834301

I like how their bosses move and telegraph attacks in the pre-rendered ones in particular, this is what inspired me to post this, it helps me react. Pixel art is usually prettier but I prefer playability.

>> No.4834304

Yea, when using prerender, they can animate easier, and thus the boss transformations look more impressive. They also improved their overall artstyle in general later though.

I prefer prerendered, but in Strikers45 II they use ugly colors.

>> No.4834308

It was their first attempt at a pre-rendered (second if you count Sol Divide), so it's understandable. The game also has fucking WordArt fonts, and they kept them in Plus for some reason.

>> No.4834320 [DELETED] 

Same reason people enjoy racing, because its fun to optimize your performance both the knowledge and execution parts. Optimization in anything with clearly defined metrics of success will be about learning how to play "robotically"

>> No.4834325

This, racing is more popular because of shiny graphics, but it's the same deal. Same with rhythm games, people find music appealing.
And then there's this whole little thing called speedrunning.

>> No.4834332 [DELETED] 

Imo Psikyo boss designs are the most memorable and well done in the genre. Great mech designs with lots of destructible parts/details and awesome phase transitions. Looks even cooler when they refined their 3D in Zero Gunner 2.

>> No.4834336

Guess LARPing as a robot isn't my idea of fun. Games where you need actual intelligence to be good at them are far superior, e.g. roguelikes and grand strategy.

>> No.4834338

They are definitely up there. I think they are less popular due to the memorization requirements in the second loops.
How some can find stuff like Touhou bosses engaging when stuff like this exists is beyond me.

>> No.4834347

Different preferences. However, you need intelligence to properly execute in these games, plan routes and such. I have a friend that's bad at these and he doesn't even know how to use smart bombs properly, and that's only a basic thing.
Your post is dumb. Are people that play an instrument well LARPing as robots as well? A lot in life is about memorization and execution.

>> No.4834354 [DELETED] 

Any retard can learn how to play grand strategies well if they have the patience, the complexity is front loaded once you get the learning phase you can exploit them non stop. These games are the opposite, very easy to get into but they stay engaging for a very long time after you learn them because of the execution aspect, theyre also very short and intense making them great for gratifying game sessions.

>> No.4834357

This guy gets it

>> No.4834381 [DELETED] 

I wish it were the second loops that put people off, that would mean they played the games enough to know. In reality it's probably just the drab colours and mostly quite forgettable music. All the best aspects are subtle things you notice when playing, the games are the polar opposite of Touhou in that they never show off. There every boss pukes out colorful bullets meant to impress visually, whereas Psikyo has "boring" orange bullets designed to serve a function of killing you and thanks to the speed you barely have the time to stop and look.

>> No.4834382

I like how sleek and stylish everything in these games look, compared to Cave for example where you have ridiculously overdesigned tanks looking like cardboard boxes.

>> No.4834394

I actually like their music more than in contemporary Cave games. Other companies win though, like Raizing.

Yeah, you're right, it's probably more about the "overly" functional aesthetics. However, I've noticed these are not AS popular among people that actually play these games. Maybe it's the smaller emphasis on crazy scoring? (Disclaimer: Nothing against cool scoring systems)

>> No.4834395

The reason why people dislike Psikyo is because they can't play it on twitch reflexes. Even the first loop is too heavily about memorization for them.
They rather play stuff like Mushihimesama where you also have casual modes for scrub players.

>> No.4834409

>Even the first loop is too heavily about memorization for them.
This is only the case if your reaction times are crap, though.
However, I find that a bit hard to believe. Maybe there's some truth in what you say, but it sounds oversimplified. I mean, who is into these games but dislikes the "memorization and execution" aspect to them? It's what gives them longevity. Do those Mushihimesama players never try to score?

>> No.4834418

At least playing a musical instrument well is entertaining to other people. What does being good at a shmup get you? A score that will just be reset when the hardware is turned off that you can use to dickwave online to other snobby strangers?

>> No.4834425

Just because you are good at these games doesn't mean you can't be drawn to certain aesthetics too.

I don't know how it's in Japan, but in the west many players are simply animu fags, and Cave better hits the nerve for otakus there. Psikyo is more for people prefering oldschool 80s 90s anime, while Cave went full waifubait, which is just very popular atm.

>This is only the case if your reaction times are crap, though.
Bullshit. It's basically impossible to play them on reaction even first loop.
In Cave or Raizing this is much more possible because there the bullets are slower.

Psikyo is similar to Irem. They are heavily about memorization.

>> No.4834429

>who is into these games but dislikes the "memorization and execution" aspect to them?
You also can be "into these games" without liking hardcore memo shooters, which Psikyo basically is.
Psikyo is really only for very good players, and those are rare.
Even Cave, which is already hard, still has many games with easier modes, but Psikyo is just hardcore pure.

>> No.4834430 [DELETED] 

Fun and satisfaction? Not all people are soulless robotic husks that engage in hobbies because they score them social points, for a lot it's just something we enjoy doing. Learning and improving is inherently fun, and learning and improving in games that you already found fun to begin with is even better.

>> No.4834436

Sounds to me like you only do things if society gives you praise for it. Not everyone is an attention whore like you.

>> No.4834439

Some people don't do stuff for others or for extrinsic rewards, man. It's just a fun activity to do for 15-60 minutes.
Cave only went full waifubait post-/vr/ IMO so this isn't a topic for this board.
In my case I dislike anime. However, I really just judge these by how they play and that's it. Even still, my favorite Cave games are DonPachi, DoDonPachi and Dangun Feveron. Coincidence?

>> No.4834441

Strange, considering how widespread some of their games were back then in arcades (like Strikers 1945 II). Times sure have changed.

>> No.4834449

>Games where you need actual intelligence to be good at them
>what is Ikaruga

>> No.4834453

Don't bite the bait nor start just memeposting, please

>> No.4834456

>Cave only went full waifubait post-/vr/ IMO
Even Ketsui already had very distinct anime aesthetics. It's just not waifubait but husbandobait.
Cave just has a very flashy style overall, which attracts most people easier.

>I really just judge these by how they play and that's it. Even still, my favorite Cave games are DonPachi, DoDonPachi and Dangun Feveron. Coincidence?
DDP games play like shit, because they are way too strict when playing for score. They also ugly with shitty artstyles. People still like them though, because they never play for score and like flashy shit like this with pink bullets and very colorful graphics. Or they like them because of the "hardcore scoring". Although, Psikyo scoring is also hardcore. Cave scoring just looks harder because it's shittily balanced where you lose half of the score just because you fucked up a crucial part on the last stage or whatever.

>> No.4834463 [DELETED] 

>Rank is pretty irrelevant in Psikyo games. It's not like in Raizing where you want to control it.

Wrong, all superplays use rank management not just for the rank sake but to spawn more power icons for score, see saitos strikers 45 2 run at stunfest and look at the suicide after boss defeat strat.

>Yeah, I'm aware it's not a big deal, I managed to beat the Strikers without knowing how the rank worked.

No you didn't, no one 2-alls strikers without even knowing basics like boss selection.

>After clearing Batrider and Bakraid (not Garegga, haven't played that game very much) last summer I became a bit paranoid about rank systems in these, I guess. Cool games though, particularly Batrider.

YUour scores are far far to low for rank to even be an issue, if you play pleb normal mode which you did rank is a non issue and can be completely ignored. Press f2 then reset game, when the boot menu comes up press start, this starts the game at low rank which you didn't know.

>>who's the best at playing games as robotically as possible
>Why does anybody like this shitty dead genre, again?

wrong, these games especially at high level have bum loads of rng.

lmao, yeah it totally doesn't take tons of intelligence to route a shmup and learn all the ridiculously complex scoring. You're a joke that likes easy games basically, go away you dont know anything.

wrong, racings popular because it's much more relatable, conceptually makes sense and is thrilling.

wrong, racing is great because there's no rng and it's 110% down to you and execution.

what a pathetic life obsessing over imaginary audiences must be for you, we get it you're salty that you suck and it frustrates you so you protect the ego by turning it around on the games instead.

>my favorite Cave games are DonPachi, DoDonPachi and Dangun Feveron. Coincidence?
No coincidence, you have terrible scores in all 3.

>> No.4834465

>all superplays use rank management not just for the rank sake but to spawn more power icons for score
That's not rank management, but power up milking, then. Those are 2 different things dipshit. They do it to milk points, not to control the rank.

>> No.4834467

yeah as i said? but it also lowers the rank you fucking idiot, the after boss suicide doesn't but watch saitos boss ramming last stage midboss.

>> No.4834468
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>Cave just has a very flashy style overall, which attracts most people easier.
My pic

>DDP games play like shit, because they are way too strict when playing for score.
I'm not too into their scoring, I get good enough at it to get extends (in DDP, no extends in DP really). However, Dangun Feveron is one I like purely for the score.
Sometimes I'm in the mood for a shooter where I can dodge on reaction easily that still engages me (unlike Touhou), so DP and DDP fill that craving quite well, though I'll usually play Hishou Zame for that the most. It's one of my go-to comfort shooters. Shin Nakamura praised the game in an interview iirc

>> No.4834471

>racings popular because it's much more relatable
Wrong. Racing is popular for the same reason fighting games are popular. They also can be fun for scrub players.
STG however is kind of boring when it is too easy.

>> No.4834473 [DELETED] 

>no extends in DP really
what? there's 2.

>However, Dangun Feveron is one I like purely for the score.
no you don't, your scores non existent, i bet you haven't even beaten the default top score.

>> No.4834475

>YUour scores are far far to low for rank to even be an issue
For once, you're right. I didn't get into the scoring much.
>if you play pleb normal mode which you did
Okay, fuck you, stop assuming shit. Sure, my cleares were scrubby, but what the fuck is wrong with you. Same with the Strikers games. Fuck off.

>> No.4834476

nope, racings popular because racing is literally a part of life, it's understood immediately and anyone can partake in it. At high level theres fucking WAYYYYYYYYY more competition in racing than arcade shit.

>> No.4834478

They do it to milk points tho, not to control the rank. Get a brain. I know superplays of this game, but in general rank is irrelevant for players. You don't want to touch it.

>> No.4834480 [DELETED] 

>wrong, racing is great because there's no rng and it's 110% down to you and execution.
How does that contradict what I say though? No rng is good because it removes shitty noise from the equation and lets you see any difference in skill more clearly, but its still that improvement where the fun comes from

>> No.4834482

>what? there's 2.
You don't need to learn any scoring to get extends in DP. Without even trying I get an extend by stage 3, and the only other extend is at stage 4 by destroying stuff.
>no you don't, your scores non existent, i bet you haven't even beaten the default top score.
Are you mentally handicapped? My score isn't superplayer worthy or anything, doesn't change the fact that I enjoy how the scoring works in that game.

>> No.4834486 [DELETED] 

>For once, you're right. I didn't get into the scoring much.
I know, i can tell.

>Okay, fuck you, stop assuming shit.
i'm right though, you think i'd get an I score advanced clear in batrider and not know about the game?

>but what the fuck is wrong with you.
Well you're the one getting offended by the truth so it's your problem.

>Same with the Strikers games. Fuck off.
you cleared 1 loop tops, don't pretend you 2-alled.

are you broken? read again, i SAID it's for score by that naturally doing it in certain parts ALSO lowers rank aswell whether its intended or not, tiresome.

>> No.4834487

>My pic
What are you trying to prove with this? Yes, Psikyo also used waifus. That's not all which makes a game flashy though.
Cave is also flashy because of the amount of bullets, the amount of colors, the music, the ridiculously overdesigned bosses, etc.

>I'm not too into their scoring
Of course you are not. You are just another dadshit who actually has no idea about these games.
If you want an actually well designed Cave game, then play Guwange.

>> No.4834492

You can't just assume people haven't beaten games just because you say so, you dipshit. Specially when it's not that hard to scrub clear those Raizing games.

>> No.4834493 [DELETED] 

>You don't need to learn any scoring to get extends in DP. Without even trying I get an extend by stage 3, and the only other extend is at stage 4 by destroying stuff.
but you stiull get fucking extends which you weren't there.

>How does that contradict what I say though?
oh because no matter how optimized you are rng will decide whether you WR or not so luck is a factor, not so in racing.

>Are you mentally handicapped?
i have a 9 million clear so no, you? you don't really know much about scoring, you can't because you haven't done it.

>> No.4834496

>because racing is literally a part of life
That's also a factor of course, but the main factor is, it can be fun for scrubs too.
It's by no means a hardcore genre like shooting games.

>> No.4834497

>Assuming shit about people for no reason
>"You are just another dadshit"
Okay, mods? We got a thread deleted because of these assholes. What about getting rid of just them?

>> No.4834501 [DELETED] 

I didn't do anything of the sort, naturally if you are good at a game you can tell a mile off what level someone is just by things they say.

i'll tell you this though, ain't nobody barely pleb clearing batrider normal but can 2-all strikers, kek.

>> No.4834505

>it can be fun for scrubs too.
yes........ because it's related and understood as a concept whilst watching a number increase for weird arbitrary reasons is not.

please don't hate the kraut, he is not native speaker.

>> No.4834507

>but you stiull get fucking extends which you weren't there.
What the fuck are you trying to say here.
When I said "no extend in DP really". Read: REALLY, it's because yeah, you can get two lives, but you don't need to get into the scoring at all to get them. Unlike in say DDP where chaining gets you lots of lives (and bombs with them, very important).
That's like saying Final Fight has extends because yo get an extra life around when you beat Damnd. You're stupid, Cee.

>> No.4834512

I cleared ADVANCED, moron. And I spent way less time with these, just a few weeks last summer, so of course I'm not as good at them.

>> No.4834513

>because it's related and understood as a concept whilst watching a number increase for weird arbitrary reasons is not
No, it can be fun for them too, because it can be fun to just cruise your car across a track.
Even if your time is shit, you will still most likely reach the goal.

In STG however, it's not really fun constantly dying and flying into bullets. Nor is it fun if the game is so easy that scrubs can play it too.

>> No.4834515 [DELETED] 

>oh because no matter how optimized you are rng will decide whether you WR or not so luck is a factor, not so in racing
Yes, but unless you're a masochist getting dicked by rng isn't the appeal of getting gud at shmups but just a reality you have to accept to experience the parts that are actually fun

>> No.4834516

>In STG however, it's not really fun constantly dying and flying into bullets.
I happen to not mind this and still have a lot of fun, even in older shooters when you're sent back and stripped of power ups. But I'm aware this is not common.
I guess this is the kind of taste that takes to be into stuff like Psikyo to the point of beating some of the games.

>> No.4834526

I am into stuff like Psikyo, but I can see why people don't like these games.
It's not exactly what I would call "fun" to play them. It's more like the "fun" you get when working on something you like.

Most people however do not want to feel like working when playing video games though, which I can understand. They wnat to relax and get entertained. And these games are really not good for this.

>> No.4834534 [DELETED] 

Scoring fixes that but good luck getting the casuals into it, it's too abstract and you need to understand the game to even know what a good score is. Speed as a way to gauge skill is intuitive though, everyone loves going fast

>> No.4834536

>Most people however do not want to feel like working when playing video games though
Except people sure love to grind for shit, which feels more like working IMO
The difference is that in shooters you're engaged and it's on short sessions, while grindings takes 0 skills and demands more time.
I do enjoy them in a kind of relaxed way, even though that makes me take more time to clear them than usual (no save state practice as I said in the previous thread)

>> No.4834539

>Except people sure love to grind for shit, which feels more like working IMO
You mean grinding like in MMORPGs? That's not work, that's just time wasting.

Work, to me, means that you actually have to put some effort into whatever you are doing. And grinding in RPGs doesn't take effort, merely patience perhaps.

>> No.4834548

Also, why do people even go to an ACTIVE medium to "relax"? Doesn't passive stuff like movies, books or music exist?
Instead they buy games that are essentially (mediocre) movies or books but with very slight interactivity, it's weird.
In my off time, when I'm in the mood I play a coin of an arcade and have fun, then relax and watch something, you know? To me those games don't actually enjoy engaging with game mechanics at all.

>> No.4834549 [DELETED] 

Sticking to first loops + default stage order + save state practice = comfy fun psikyo experience

>> No.4834550

>Work, to me, means that you actually have to put some effort into whatever you are doing.
Yeah, like surveillance? A lot of people's work is quite menial. They do it for the reward of the paycheck.
Same with grinding in games. They do boring shit for the reward. Instead of doing fun stuff by the fun of itself.

>> No.4834554

>Doesn't passive stuff like movies, books or music exist?
Sure, but they are not interactive. People like gameplay, for sure, they just don't like hardcore gameplay with countless restarts required.

>> No.4834557

I usually don't bother with second loops, however I enjoyed the Strikers games THAT much to keep going.

>> No.4834560

>A lot of people's work is quite menial
Sure, because they are not qualified for work with more skill requirements.
Same as in video games. Grinding an RPG is something everyone can do, but grinding shooting games takes a special kind of requirement, because it actually requires skills and effort.

>> No.4834561

>with countless restarts required
So they want to spend hours playing or something? I usually feel satisfied with a coin for the day or for some hours. It's like I feel full and satisfied.
The restarting thing is only an issue if you play the same thing over and over for hours, that shit's bound to produce some burnout. The games are so compact and packed they're draining for too long (good to me IMO)

>> No.4834564

How do you explain then that these games used to be much more popular back then? Have people gotten "less hardcore" since then?
The MegaDrive was filled with shooters, yet it also had stuff like the Phantasy Star series to choose instead.

>> No.4834568

>So they want to spend hours playing or something?
No, they just want to have fun. That's also why multiplayer games are so popular. Because interacting with people can create funny, unique moments.

I love shooting games, but I honestly don't think they are very fun compared to other genres. They are too hardcore to be "fun". Playing them reminds more of studying for an exam, than having fun, frankly.

>> No.4834570 [DELETED] 

If I'll ever go for a 2 ALL it will be in a Psikyo game without a doubt, the short length and focus on survival play help a lot. I wouldn't mind if the market was full of 10 minute shmups desu.

>> No.4834573

Even if games back then were more hardcore, they still were games. So of course people still found them interesting, because didn't have much else.

Devs just had no other choice than to make them difficult, because they had to make them short.

>> No.4834583

To me they are more fun than boring unengaging "games", though. Get bored extremely fast with easy games.
Also: >>4834564

>> No.4834589

>The MegaDrive was filled with shooters, yet it also had stuff like the Phantasy Star series to choose instead.
Yes, and casual games were much more popular on consoles.
Shooters really only were popular in arcades. And even this ended with Street Fighter 2, because there also scrubs could have fun.

>> No.4834591

Nah, it's cool that the genre is varied
Why didn't they just buy stuff like Phantasy Star while ignoring shooters like what happens now, then?

>> No.4834594

>Shooters really only were popular in arcades.
Why were there so many ports and made for console shooters, then?
>because there also scrubs could have fun.
I find this interesting because the most common criticism now for these is that they are too inaccessible and people get destroyed online

>> No.4834596

Meant for >>4834589

>> No.4834601

>To me they are more fun than boring unengaging "games"
I agree. But modern games like Planetside 2 for example, are what I would call fun.
It can be very difficult to play, but it doesn't involve countless restarting and every session is very different.

Shooting games are also fun, but in a different way. It's not a relaxing kind of fun, but a fun which takes effort. They are very rewarding, but also take a lot of effort. And this effort is what most people are not willing to invest.

>> No.4834606

Different kinds of fun, but still fun. Fun is subjective in the end. Just that less people are into this kind of fun, or at least nowadays.

>> No.4834610

>Why were there so many ports and made for console shooters, then?
Because they were popular in the arcades? Of course there also are console shooters, but those games were not nearly as popular as casual genres there.

>the most common criticism now for these is that they are too inaccessible
it depends on you are asking. If you ask actual good players, they will tell you that they are getting too accessible, ie frame chaining becomes too easy, etc, but sure, if you ask the usual pleb, they will say they are too difficult.

It's still an arcade genre of course, so of course the modern gamer will still complain about the difficulty.

>> No.4834617

Well, some people also find hitting their head against a wall is fun. But I would not call this fun.

Shooting games are both. Work and fun. Similar to how drawing and painting can be fun, but also work.

>> No.4834618
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Gunstar Heroes has a shmup level where 2 players control one ship; one's the pilot and the other the gunner. What other games have 2 players controlling parts of the same ship?

>> No.4834621
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And now an hour later there are fifty more posts

are shmup threads even better than belt scroller threads?

>> No.4834624

>some people also find hitting their head against a wall is fun
Man, don't compare shooters with that, what the hell

>but those games were not nearly as popular as casual genres there.
Weird, not as popular but still the console was flooded with them. They must have sold decently for that to happen, shit sure as hell wouldn't happen now.
Yes, as a fan of older fighting games I also dislike the dumbing down in newer ones, I was just citing the common mainstream criticism, what they usually think when they say they're a "niche genre"

>> No.4834627

We are just a couple of posters here if you haven't noticed. When even one of us isn't here shit freezes.
It's not exactly like this, but Dogyuun has a very cool feature where the two players can combine to form an overpowered ship.

>> No.4834628

>Man, don't compare shooters with that, what the hell
If you've never felt like hitting your head against a wall, then you've never played a difficult shooter seriously.

>They must have sold decently for that to happen
Of course, but look where they are now. Shooting games are pretty much dead, while all the other genres still exist.

>> No.4834636

>Of course, but look where they are now.
But this is the key. Why were they acceptable then when much easier games were aso available and not now?

>> No.4834651

Different times. Back then all games where harder in general, so of course you still had more people playing them.
Arcades were still alive so of course people will port their games.

A whole genre doesn't die out over night. It takes a whole generation of players to disappear for this to happen. And this generation, ie arcade gamers, slowly but surely disappears.

>> No.4834654

>When I said "no extend in DP really".
What you really meant is the opposite, learn the fucking language.

>That's like saying Final Fight has extends because yo get an extra life around when you beat Damnd.
yes which is also an extend, it even says so on the fucking title screens, it's always called extend. you're a fucking meat skull spastic shitter and likely a fugly cunt aswell.

>> No.4834656

>I cleared ADVANCED
No you didn't.

you lie about achievements, you didn't 2-all any strikers either.

>> No.4834659

So the general gaming population has just become allergic to challenge, got it.
Interesting why that happened since, again, there were plenty of easy alternatives back then, or ways to make easy and lengthy games.
I feel this might be linked to a general shift, people have less attention span now due to social media and the like.

>> No.4834661

Extends linked to actually being skilled at the scoring system, you dense motherfucker
Fuck off already

>> No.4834665 [DELETED] 

I think it has to do with the money involved in it nowadays.
Devs take no risks anymore and merely pander to the lowest common denominator.
People who decide how games look often never even played games, but are merely some old farts with a shitton of money.

>> No.4834670 [DELETED] 

>So the general gaming population has just become allergic to challenge, got it.
Also, I wouldn't say it's just about challenge. Regular people just don't want to feel like working when playing a game. They play them for entertainment, not for mastering something.

Sure you also have lots of stupid people who can't handle difficult tasks, but I think it's unfair to generalize it.

>> No.4834672 [DELETED] 

Also, back then, genres like RPGs were still a lot simpler than now. Which is probably also why arcade games still had a chance back then.

>> No.4834720

Still interesting to think why that shift to "safer" releases happened.
Again, as I said, I find what they usually play feels more like work (chores for rewards) and shooters more like a fun game

I'm off to sleep for now. Keep the passion for these alive, guys.

>> No.4835186 [DELETED] 

>Extends linked to actually being skilled at the scoring system,
yes a differential you mention after the fact and they are STILL extends. Yor original statement was "dp doesn't have extends really" you don't understand english at all if you don't know what you actually said, you thick arrogant poorly educated illiterate worthless shit.

>> No.4835193 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off already
Why not be honest? who did you clear batrider advance with then?

>> No.4835234

Strawman with the code to play with the same ship, I don't remember with which button though since I tried different stuff constantly.
I also came close to beat it with Shorty and Maria (in fact, sometimes tried with these three as a team). I had to avoid guest ships since they spawn exclusive tough bosses, which other than for scoring is not what you want at all.
Bakraid was with Flame Viper, though again I don't remember which configuration. It was the easiest by far from what I tried.
I didn't clear Garegga, but the ships I liked the most were variations of Wild Snail and Miyamoto. My highest score was with the latter, which was around 4 million (I know this is crap, just to give you an idea at which point I stopped. The game is fine, just that by then I bought a new mouse and wanted to try some FPS games so I dropped these for a short while)
Why argue with semantics if you already know what I meant is that scoring (well) isn't linked with getting more lives in DP? This is some autistic shit. This is winning an argument for the sake of winning, nitpicking crap that doesn't matter. You understood me, so shut up already.
Read: >>4834468
"I'm not too into their scoring, I get good enough at it to get extends (in DDP, no extends in DP really)."
It's quite clear. Yeah, by not wanting to make the post too long I made a not 100% accurate use of the word "extend". But c'mon, do you really think I don't know what an extend is? The only thing missing is "no extends (linked to being skilled at the scoring)", which to me it seemed redundant and implied by what I said earlier.
Happy or what, you dipshit.

>> No.4835257
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muh bois here?

>> No.4835264

Do you mean the shmups system11 forum? I'm not from there. Though a couple of shitposters here came from there (they were banned by the forum, though)

>> No.4835310

Congratulations for finally pulling a response out of me after about half a year of ignoring your perpetual diarrhea stream, Cee, but what the fuck is your goddamn damage?

You come here moping about how /vr/ is "dadcunt plebcunt collectordadcuntshit feral low IQ wank cunt oi mate bangers and mash" central, and how you want "real players and real discussion", but then people that actually playing shooting games talk about their mechanics and systems, and you keep fucking dumping on them. Literally every fucking post you make here is completely devoid of anything constructive or informative, and it's clear as crystal all you're interested in is jerking off to an audience. You're a capable player, sure, but so fucking what? Do you have WRs? Are you an important, notable figure in STG communities? Are you the unequaled best at any one game? Of course not. There are hundreds of players that crush you without a struggle, and they've mastered the ultimate secret technique of "behaving like a correctly-functioning human being" Why don't you give that clear a try next?

You're banned from communities of good players like System 11, where several people have bested your scores. You swim in the sea of elephant shit that is the /vg/ STG general, which the last time I checked had absolutely zero discussion of video games at all, yet a smorgasbord of Pepes, brainlet Wojacks, nu-male Wojacks, and other such ebin meems. No one here or fucking anywhere is impressed with your shit, and if your reason for coming to /vr/ is to laugh at retards, then what would any sane person think of the mongoloid who sits outside of the special needs school everyday giggling to himself?

This is a complete waste of a post, and I'm a fucking idiot for typing it, but if you could just put an iota of effort into not being the biggest fucking oxygen thief I've ever seen on this website, I'm sure it would be appreciated.

>> No.4835338

This thread is called "Ignore and report /vg/ shitposters" for a reason. However, have to admit "dadcunt plebcunt collectordadcuntshit feral low IQ wank cunt oi mate bangers and mash" made me laugh.

Anyway, back on topic: one thing I love about these Raizing games, particulalrly Batrider is how they don't feel as punishing to play. When you die, you don't lose bomber ammo, are not sent back to a checkpoint or really on power ups (pick them up again after dying) and the rank lowers (not even the scoring potential is severely affected by just dying most of the time). It makes for a fun, more casual shooting experience when I'm in the mood for that, without sacrificing any of the depth. Also helps that Batrider is fun as hell with amazing enemy placement, patterns and bosses, as well as having fun ships to choose from.
That said, the easy modes in Batrider and Bakraid suck balls. Autobomber is already stupid in these Yagawa games, but triggered by fucking grazing? Worthless unfun mess.

>> No.4835363 [DELETED] 

All this butthurt because you can't speak english.

>dp doesn't have extends REALLY
>well yeah it has extends but not THAT kind of extend

Very very unintelligent person and it bleeds into your player capacity aswell thus you have no good scores and are only capable of simplistic understandings of survival, you also lied about 2-alling strikers.

You're angry at me because i persistently present the truth thus it bothers you.

>You're banned from communities of good players like System 11
yes i got myself banned from a community of the most lopsided leftist moderation imaginable, echo chamber enthusiasts not unlike you, must be a beta gamer thing.

>where several people have bested your scores.
Not in guwange and batrider or karous they haven't but who cares anyway? i've never made claim to being particularl good or best or anything of that kind, i only differentiate between those who are good and invest effort and those who are bad and have no approach of value (like you).

>yet a smorgasbord of Pepes, brainlet Wojacks, nu-male Wojacks, and other such ebin meems.
complete myth but as demonstrated from your lacking language skills you won't understand my witticisms anyway.

>Literally every fucking post you make here is completely devoid of anything constructive or informative
wrong and a complete lie (you're good at those.) You're so emotional you can't se straight.

>There are hundreds of players that crush you without a struggle
of course, games are just silly fun to me as i've always stated for nigh on 10 years.

>No one here or fucking anywhere is impressed with your shit,
Speaking for others again like a dictator, the collectivist mentality is strong in the echo chamber tribal enthusiast.

You just aren't a very smart creature, lacking in all faculties and undoubtedly physically as unimpressive as psychologically. Games mean a lot to you... guess you have nothing else, sad.

>> No.4835370 [DELETED] 

>particulalrly Batrider is how they don't feel as punishing to play.
because you play it at a low level, at high level it's as restrictive as any other game, deaths, bombing, milking, points of extends planning, never getting 3 lives so keeping track of your score approaching extend at all time etcetcetc are all precise and thus it's a restart heavy game and not even factoring in the terrible rng of certain bosses which can land you 500k short completely out of your control.

>> No.4835373

>All this butthurt because you can't speak english.
That was a different anon, can't you tell, moron?
>my witticisms

>> No.4835376

>because you play it at a low level
Keep reading you piece of shit, of course I'm only talking about them on a surface level then
"It makes for a fun, more casual shooting experience when I'm in the mood for that, without sacrificing any of the depth."
Of course the games are tight in high level, do you think I'm that stupid? Fuck off already

>> No.4835381
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>shmupg down all day
>i don't feel like restarting the thread
>come here and the chav and kraut are shitposting away

>> No.4835393 [DELETED] 

>>my witticisms
I agree they are funny, naturally you don't have the nuance or language to enjoy all of them though.

>Keep reading you piece of shit
I did and this gem
>without sacrificing any of the depth.
is amazing because your play style doesn't see ANY of the actual depth as i demonstrated.

>It makes for a fun, more casual shooting experience when I'm in the mood for that
Well you play every shmup casually so the experience is merely consistent.

Please start one, having to converse with these low skill know nothing unintelligent poor communicators who act like stalin due to feefees thinking truth nor alternative opinions are even allowed is tiresome. Again though posting other views and truth is not fucking shitposting, you're doing the same trick ppl do when they call everything racist so they can validate violence.

>> No.4835395 [DELETED] 

>do you think I'm that stupid?
I can only refer to the evidence on this matter which leaves me with an resounding "yes" conclusion all assessment considered.

>> No.4835401 [DELETED] 

Attention whores will always find an outlet, remake the containment thread so they can keep arguing with each other in between the anime girl pic bumps

>> No.4835403 [DELETED] 

>Attention whores will always find an outlet,
same strategy, use a blanket statement to condemn what you don't like to validate its dismissal. were you guys all raised by trotsky or?

>> No.4835408

Ignore and report /vg/ shitposters
Please focus on the subject, we got the thread deleted last time

Also, mods, do your fucking job already

>> No.4835417

Thank you.

I think this is why these Yagawa games are still this popular: they work both as a causal shooting experience (as casual as a hard shooter can be without being boring at all) while also having one of the highest skill ceilings of the genre.

>> No.4835429

do you even clear the game?

>> No.4835434

I've cleared 2 of them. Just saying I find they are successful at being fun at a surface level without sacrificing any depth at all.
So a lot of people might try them and keep playing due to the sheer fun, motivating them to keep playing and getting into high level play. They don't discourage the player that much initially.

I wouldn't want the entire genre to be like this, I appreciare the variety. Just an observation.

>> No.4835435

any tips for simple Bakraid 1cc?

>> No.4835454

Pick Flame Viper. If you're already playing that ship, remember that grazing lowers the rank, and inside the bombers where you're invincible you can graze for this. Try grazing at the beginning, like against the first boss, since the game starts at medium rank so you can lower it from the get go.
Don't pick up power ups when you're already at maximum and they give you score. In fact, if while trying to chain you get killed, don't bother. Scoring better increases the rank, and if you're not very good at it it may not be worth it at all; extends help, but only so much.
You can also set a stage order via codes if that helps you be more consistent.
If you have an issue with a particular part of the game, tell me.

>> No.4835463

Just to add, compare these games with Truxton/Tatsujin arcade (a game I love):
In that game you have to memorize in the first stage already to even survive. You have to get used to dodge with a very fast ship (it's this or not being able to dodge some patterns at all) with a big hitbox. If you get hit you lose all your remaining bombs and get sent back with no speed ups or power ups, the game becomes almost impossible and you have almost no hope of recovering.
However, the game's scoring is barebones and it mostly just consists of surviving longer in an infinite loop.
I hope this made my point clearer.

>> No.4835484 [DELETED] 

>communities of good players like System 11
System 11 is 95% scrub players too. Only very rarely you have good players there, and then they are mostly also dickheads. Vast majority of them are just casuals and collectors.

>> No.4835491 [DELETED] 

You call it attention whoring merely because you have no scores to post. If you actually had any idea about these games you also would have scores

>> No.4835494

Cool. Now stop talking about that shit and focus on the games, please, we don't want another thread closed due to this crap.

>> No.4835502 [DELETED] 

You are the ones bringing this shit up. Just because someone posts his initials, doesn't mean he is a fucking attention whore.
It just means he tries to prove that he actually knows what he is talking about.

Cee has the western record in Guwange, so of course he will post with his initials here if a thread is about Guwange. It's just common sense.

But you retards just call it attention whoring, because you have no fucking scores and no fucking idea what you are actually talking about.

>> No.4835503 [DELETED] 

Why do you think the two are mutually exclusive? One leads to the other, it's only natural to want to show off your achievement however some do it in more obnoxious ways than others.

>> No.4835506 [DELETED] 

And how am I obnoxious about it? The only time I mention my initials here is just to give some form of proof that I know the games we are talking about.

I am not an attention whore in the slightest. In contrary, I don't want anything to do with people.

>> No.4835507

We are OK with him posting replays or scores, that's not the issue with Cee and you know it.

But PLEASE stop with the fucking drama. Do you give a crap about these games or just want to shitpost?

Mods, please consider removing these assholes instead of the thread. This thread proves how we were having a decent conversation about the games for 100 posts until these fuckers came to LOL DADS.

>> No.4835514 [DELETED] 

You are the one who is shitposting. Cee is a rude asshole, but he actually knows these games. He knows what he is talking about mostly. He is not a shitposter at all. He is just a rude jerk.

And you guys constantly calling the mods here doesn't prove your point at all. It merely shows that you dislike when getting confronted with people who actually know these games.

Again, Cee has the western record in Guwange and Batrider solo play. I have no idea why you would ban such a person here. He actually knows these games.

>> No.4835516

guwange is not /vr/

>> No.4835518

>He is not a shitposter at all.
What do you call coming to a thread to mass reply nitpicking shit and assuming people are retarded?

>> No.4835520 [DELETED] 

All his posts are deleted, so I can't judge about it.
I know Cee can be very aggressive, but he also actually knows what he is talking about mostly.

It is a fact that vast majority of people in this genre are scrub players, yet act like they know everything, so I don't judge him for assuming people are retarded. This is sadly mostly the case.

>> No.4835521 [DELETED] 

He is a shitposter who also posts useful info. Being a good player and giving advice do not excuse provocation and needless shit flinging. He isn't a socially retarded aspie, he knows that he would get a busted lip in a matter of minutes if he spoke this way to anyone in real life. You alone are capable of discussing games but combined with Cee you faggots turn any thread into exactly this, yet another fucking personality focused shit flinging contest.

>> No.4835525

Yeah, he knows, we aren't questioning that. But that's not the issue.
You can't discuss anything with a person that automatically assumes you're retarded.

>> No.4835526
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>> No.4835530 [DELETED] 

That's what mid to late 90's shmups are all about, lowering skill floor while also adding depth and raising skill ceiling. It's no wonder games from this period are the most popular among casuals AND hardcore players

>> No.4835531

Psikyo games are not like that, though. Or much less so.

>> No.4835534 [DELETED] 

>combined with Cee you faggots turn any thread into exactly this
I had a normal discussion here yesterday about the games. And I wasn't even here when Cee posted. I just came into the thread minutes ago, and saw your drama here again calling for the mods again like fucking leftist sjws.

I am just calling you out for your bullshit.

>> No.4835538 [DELETED] 

They are quite oldschool indeed, Dragon Blaze is their only game that has a scoring system more akin to Cave. But you can't play it on reaction at all still.

>> No.4835539

Aren't later games even more about lowering the skill floor, though? Like post-PGM Cave

>> No.4835541 [DELETED] 

May be you are right. I just dislike how you guys here generalize everything like "hurr /vg/ shitposters ban them all".

I am pretty sure /vg/ has more decent players than /vr/, and calling for the mods make you look like dumb immature tard anyway. If you want your savespace echo chamber, then go back to the farm, where everyone is passive aggressive instead.

>> No.4835549

You saw how nice the thread was before the /vg/ shitposters came. They cause the last one to be deleted.
I get you, but Cee is indefensible, man.
And no, fuck forums.

>> No.4835553 [DELETED] 

>You saw how nice the thread was before the /vg/ shitposters came
I am from /vg/ and was in the thread yesterday. I kept it alive with on topic discussions about Psikyo and the genre in general. Again, stop generalizing.

And most of the stuff you call shitposting is actually not shitposting anyway. It's just calling people out on their bullshit which you dislike.

>> No.4835556

>I am from /vg/ and was in the thread yesterday. I kept it alive with on topic discussions about Psikyo and the genre in general. Again, stop generalizing.
That's what I meant, you were there. See how it was a nice on topic discussion? That's the point. People with passion and knowledge (even if varying degrees of that) discussing the games they like. Not just coming for LOL DADS.

>> No.4835558 [DELETED] 

Yes, but the skill ceiling hasn't been raised appropriately. I think some attempts are very well done, Deathsmiles is a good model for making shmups accessible with its level system, stage select and death mode/extra stage.

>> No.4835562 [DELETED] 

Then stop being retarded and generalizing everything. /vg/ is not just shitposting at all. /vg/ actually had many decent players.
Here you get instead people claiming they 2ALLed every Psikyo game without savestates, yet can't post proof of it at all. That's rather what i woudl call shitposting and derailing threads.
If you make such a claim that you 2ALled every Strikers game, then don't be surprised that people want to see proof of it.

>> No.4835563

>Yes, but the skill ceiling hasn't been raised appropriately
Indeed, late /vr/ shooters hit a certain sweetspot, even if I love older ones as well (or even more)

>> No.4835571

That's why I say "vg shitposters" and not just "vg posters". Of course not everyone there is moronic, sorry for the misunderstanding.
>Here you get instead people claiming they 2ALLed every Psikyo game without savestates
That's me, but only the Strikers games. I don't record my games because who cares. And that's besides the point, why not just talk about the games? If I were a poser I wouldn't be able to follow the conversation, but it's more fun for the shitposters to just keep attacking.

>> No.4835572

>Yes, but the skill ceiling hasn't been raised appropriately
what does this mean? all of the games cave made to be more accessible for casuals to 1cc are still extremely hard when played for high score.

>> No.4835574 [DELETED] 

>And that's besides the point, why not just talk about the games?
If you have an argument about the games, and someone suddenly acts like a total expert (which you are when you 2ALLed the whole Strikers trilogy already), then don't be fucking surprised that people want to see proof of this.

>If I were a poser I wouldn't be able to follow
Well, you couldn't even answer how to manipulate the stage 7 bosses, so I don't know if you could really follow. To me it seemed more like half knowledge, which is not hard to aquire.

>> No.4835576 [DELETED] 

I don't think it's a matter of difficulty as much as depth, even oldschool shooters with simplistic scoring systems are hard as fuck when played at a high level but the difference between them and something like Cave shooters is that with Cave the scoring is I guess more "analog" meaning that there's way more variety in the scores you can get based on very subtle differenced in actions. Non-/vr/ games are still hard as fuck but I wouldnt call them deeper than the older ones like Esprade, DOJ and Ketsui yet they are way more accessible.

>> No.4835579

I wouldn't call myself an expert, just a veteran. When you play these for many years with 1 coin you're bound to relatively master some games.
I didn't answer to the manip question because I was tired of interacting with the shitposters, not because I don't know. I realized they would never be satisfied (it was the third fucking question of the interrogation). Even if I tell you this you could easily accuse me of looking it up.
I have no desire for e-penis, that's why I don't care about recording myself. Sorry if mentioning I cleared those games as an example of an experience just to state that I don't mind strict memorization when the game is fast paced seemed to arrogant. But it's true, don't make such a big deal out of this. I spent months playing those every day.

>> No.4835580 [DELETED] 

And again the thread has been derailed by /vg/'s finest shitposters. Good job, guys. We're talking about meta bullshit again instead of games.

>> No.4835584

We're trying to talk about the games if you notice.
This floor/ceiling stuff is interesting.

>> No.4835585 [DELETED] 

>I was tired of interacting with the shitposters
You call it shitposting, while you make ridiculous claims like 2ALLing all Strikers without savestates and without being able to prove it, plus calling everyone who records their runs "attention whores only caring about e-penis".

YOU are the one who is shitposting here, buddy. I am just another fucking player who wants to see proof of people making such ridiculous claims. Because 2ALLing the whole Strikers trilogy without savestates is pretty fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4835587 [DELETED] 

If you don't like it just leave rather than your gestapo tactics.


>He is a shitposter
I#ve literally explained this to you yet you still keep shouting it, its a fucking leftist strategy of discredit that which you don't want to be allowed, you are a fucking disgusting authoritarian lunatic. You can have your fucking weirdo echo chamber cry baby bullshit here but never forget given the chance i'd fucking kill you, threats to liberty and free speech under the blanket of emotional authority needs only the most violent of retalliation you fucking weak, man child, poorly raised, skinnyfat worthless piece of fucking cunt shit.

>People with passion and knowledge (even if varying degrees of that) discussing the games they like.
Yeah we do that to but no thats still not good enough is it?


Fucki hope you die in your disappointed mothers arms you cunt.

You can ban me as much as you i will never capitulate to the fact that you know NOTHING have no talent and are a massive cry baby shit who should be beaten to death.

>muh shitposters
keep repeating it, george orwells proud of you.

>wahhh how dare ppl ask me questions

Jesus christ you really are the biggest loser i've ever met, lemme guess single mum and a weed smoker?

>I didn't answer to the manip question because I was tired of interacting with the shitposters
lie, its cus you didn't know.

>just to state that I don't mind strict memorization
you need more than that to beat strikers 45 1s loop.

>> No.4835591 [DELETED] 

>Because 2ALLing the whole Strikers trilogy without savestates is pretty fucking ridiculous.
especially in a few "months" as the SJW lunatic with mantits claims, he's such a fucking liar that's why he needs me banned to stop exposing him.

>> No.4835594

>ridiculous claims
It's not, stop making such a big deal out of it. Just took a lot of time.
>plus calling everyone who records their runs "attention whores only caring about e-penis".
Not what I did. Replays are fine, just not my thing.

>> No.4835595 [DELETED] 

>its a fucking leftist strategy of discredit
No it's a reaction of anyone with some amount of self respect when confronted with an obnoxious narcissistic cunt who is incapable of communicating with others in a respectful manner you stupid fuck. There is nothing leftist about it, infact you should test this kind of behaviour out in more conservative traditionalist countries, they tolerate a complete lack of respect and manners even less so than your "muh freedumbz" obsessed england.

>> No.4835597 [DELETED] 

>Just took a lot of time.
>can't remember the ship names


Nope it's a strategy and you're in a snowball of denial and self validating for your atrocious stalin esque behavior.

my theory is you run to mods like a dad because you dont have one of your own.

>> No.4835601 [DELETED] 

>There is nothing leftist about it, infact you should test this kind of behaviour out in more conservative traditionalist countries,
oh boy he knows nothing about politics either dumbing everything down to binary black n white. Christ i pity you, try 1ccing a book.

>> No.4835602 [DELETED] 

>It's not, stop making such a big deal out of it.
If you actually played these games, you would know how difficult this is.

>Not what I did
And again you are lying:

>I have no desire for e-penis, that's why I don't care about recording myself.
You clearly called people who record their runs attention whores here. And you have the audacity to call others shitposters? LMFAO

>> No.4835604 [DELETED] 

>no it's just to silence me u commie I'm not listening blah blah blah blah
Yes cover your ears and keep rationalizing your shit needlessly hostile behaviour, it's everyone else that's the problem as usual

>> No.4835606 [DELETED] 

Good job biting the bait AGAIN, retards. Great work.

>> No.4835610

I think it's mostly them replying to each other

>> No.4835612 [DELETED] 

Funny how its you that mentions commie? explains the collectivist emotions over everything and attack the strong thing though, no dad?

You probably think classic liberalism and far leftist are the same as both left wing? absolute moron. You are vile and a threat to the freedom of others.

>> No.4835614 [DELETED] 

>he's such a fucking liar
Who cares? Literally who fucking cares if he's lying or not? Go derail some other thread with this crap.

>> No.4835615 [DELETED] 

lmfao so even the truth is not required anymore, yeah he crys loudest quick serve his feefees!


>> No.4835616

Exactly this, even if I was lying this is retarded

>> No.4835617 [DELETED] 

>Who cares?
People who actually care about the games care.

>> No.4835618 [DELETED] 

And here you go acting dumb YET AGAIN pretending that context does not exist and you post in a vacuum, remind me again who was calling others trotskyists because they want to enforce a type of conduct which by the way isn't restricted to any one of your meme political sides?

>> No.4835619 [DELETED] 

You are retarded. Again, if you have an argument with someone about these games, and suddenly that person acts like a world record player to "prove authority", then don't be surprised that people want to see proof of this.

If you can't prove you are the shit, then stop acting liek it.

>> No.4835620 [DELETED] 

Do you just not speak English very well? Look, I don't know who either of you are, and I don't care. More importantly, I don't care if that dude is lying or not. It certainly isn't important enough to constantly derail threads over. And that's exactly what you're doing. You KNOW that's what you're doing, and you insist on doing it anyway. You're not here to talk about the thread topic, that much is clear.

No, people who actually care about the games actually fucking talk about the games. And they do it without all this superflous "you're lying post ur scoars zomg wr" crap.

>> No.4835621 [DELETED] 

hahaha of course you support it, you know the heats on and 2 of us know for a fact you're lying and can't maintain the lie any longer.

I didn't call anyone trotskyist lmao, related his methods to yours but didn't actually call you one. Like most leftists you have no self reflection, you'll never let your feefees lose thus will forever use labels like shitposting etc to detract from the fact that YOU are an enemy to freedoms. You realize its only possible for you online right? in real life you are WEAK.

>> No.4835623

Those talk about the games, you bunch of morons

>> No.4835624 [DELETED] 

>I don't care if that dude is lying or not.
You're not an authority and i DO care.

>It certainly isn't important enough to constantly derail threads over.
again you're not an authority and i say it is.

>You're not here to talk about the thread topic, that much is clear.
wrong, i correct ppl endlessly on game info yet they respond in hostility due to burnt ego. Myself and kraut simply know more than the rest combined here due to our experience.

>> No.4835626 [DELETED] 

>No, people who actually care about the games actually fucking talk about the games
I actually played Strikers games. I know myself how fucking ridiculously difficult they are.
I am interested in how other people play them, because I like them.
If someone makes such a claim like this guy, then I want to see proof of this.
Especially when he makes this to look authoritarian towards me while having an argument about the games.

>> No.4835627

>a world record player to "prove authority"
Saying I could inconsistently beat these as an example of an instance where I personally enjoy hard memorization in shooters isn't WR not proving authority.
No, I can't prove it, I don't have any replays. The point is that this shouldn't matter.

>> No.4835628 [DELETED] 

this, krauts 2-all for strikers is on youtube whilst that guy makes claims then when pressed doesn't even know the basics.... that's a problem. Only those with proven ability should be able to talk from positions of knowledge.

>> No.4835629 [DELETED] 

>You're not an authority
Neither are you. You are just another anonymous nobody on 4chan. It doesn't matter that you've managed to shitpost so long that you have a "name" without actually having to tripfag for it.

>wrong, i correct ppl endlessly on game info yet they respond in hostility due to burnt ego.
Maybe that should be your clue to just not correct them. They obviously don't want to hear what you have to say, right or not.

Fuck, this is pointless. You assholes are just going to keep this going no matter who says what, or who concedes. I'll just wait until after a janny has come through. Again.

>> No.4835632 [DELETED] 

>isn't WR not proving authority
Of course you were acting like you know it better towards me. Stop lying for fucks sake.

We were having an argument about memorizers. And when I brought up Psikyo you acted liek you are an expert.
And 2ALLing them without savestates, this is pretty much fucking WR level pro play. This is a ridiculous task and very very difficult.

If you act like you are the shit towards me, and act like an expert towards me while having an argument, then stop being surprised I want to see proof of this.

But you can't prove it, because it's fucking obvious you are just a fucking shitposter crybaby who has no idea and can't do anything but calling for the mods..

>> No.4835634 [DELETED] 

>Neither are you.
Wrong, i'm the only person in the west for example that knows anything about guwange blue, my pb is 79 mill whilst next is a mere 15..... i discovered every strat and nuance that no one even knew about on my own therefore on that game i AM an authority defined by experience just like Kraut IS an authrity on striker 45 with the p-51 which BTW is the only western clear i know of with that ship.

You want authority without earning it and we are asking that before you are entitled you prove you know what you're talking about which so far you prove you dont.

>> No.4835635 [DELETED] 

>Maybe that should be your clue to just not correct them.
top kek, more attacks on freedom and more siding with emotions as currency, you're fucking oblivious to what you are.

>They obviously don't want to hear what you have to say, right or not.
and yet i still have the freedom to say it, dumb fuck stalin.

>> No.4835636

Yeah, I can't talk about the game because you don't know me and don't have any replays uploaded, therefore I must be a retarded poser. This is why people here hate you.

>> No.4835637 [DELETED] 

Yes and here you go again railing about leftists and calling me that while at the same time denying that the trotskyist comment meant anything more than just a comparison to one specific aspect of trotsky. Do you seriously have 0 self awarness you brainless mongoloid? Not that this even matters, you could call me a commie or fascist and it'd still be an empty insult devoid of meaning beyond "stop letting me act however I want" because all of this is simply edgy teen levels of rationalization

>> No.4835639 [DELETED] 

Congratulations. Why, exactly, am I supposed to care again? You're not here to discuss any of that knowledge with us, that much is clear. You're just here to make sure people know who you are, and whatever your achievements happen to be. You're here to be worshipped, and nothing more. So, again, why should I care about you or anything you've done?

>and yet i still have the freedom to say it, dumb fuck stalin.
And they have the right to tell you to fuck off. Which they've apparently been doing.

>> No.4835640

>And 2ALLing them without savestates, this is pretty much fucking WR level pro play. This is a ridiculous task and very very difficult.
I guess I'm better than I thought, then. Really, with enough time and dedication this isn't THAT much. You seem on denial or something. Just let it go, assume I'm lying and stop derailing.
However, I don't think I'm great.

>> No.4835641

>all this autism
Thank god for the shmup containment thread

>> No.4835642 [DELETED] 

It's apparently two fags from /vg/ constantly showing up to bait.

>> No.4835645 [DELETED] 

And again, you are acting authoritarian and like an expert towards me without being able to prove it.

Just fuck off. You fucking shitposter didn't 2ALl shit. You are just another creditfeeder

>> No.4835646

the shmup thread on /vg/ wasn't up to contain these assholes. If you notice, the thread was alright for a while until those guys showed up

>> No.4835650

I don't think I'm better than you, stop feeling attacked, man. Don't make such a huge deal about this.
I probably spent way too much time with the games, you probably beat them faster and more efficiently.

>> No.4835653 [DELETED] 

>stop feeling attacked, man.
He doesn't feel attacked, he feels threatened. He desperately needs to know for a fact that you're full of shit, or the one thing he has going in life that makes him unique might be in jeopardy.

>> No.4835656 [DELETED] 

>have an argument about memorizers
>hurr i have beaten all psikyos
>i am totally not acting authoritarian and like an expert to prove you wrong

And here again we have another example of ACTUAL shitposting. Yet tards like you are the first to call the mods.

>> No.4835657

It reminds me of the "you guys have never 1cc'd anything, post proof or you're lying" credit feeding shitposter.
If anything I feel bad about the guy

>> No.4835660 [DELETED] 

>It reminds me of the "you guys have never 1cc'd anything, post proof or you're lying" credit feeding shitposter.
How exactly do you know that it isn't?
>If anything I feel bad about the guy
Yep, agreed. It's just not even worth talking to these guys, no matter how good they are. Their just walking egos looking to be worshipped for being good at a video game. They could be talking to us, teaching us, or both. But they're not. They're waiting to get their asses kissed, and getting mad when it doesn't happen. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

>> No.4835662

>>hurr i have beaten all psikyos
It's time to stop lying, never claimed this.
If you think it's impossible to beat a couple of 30 minute games after months of regular practice, then whatever, man. Think whatever you like. Ignore me and talk about the games, OK?

>> No.4835663 [DELETED] 

So I am the scrub player now, because I want to see proof of someone 2ALLing every Strikers game without savestates?

You guys here are completely twisted SJWs. Nothing else. That's the problem with this thread.

>> No.4835664 [DELETED] 

Different guy, that particular poster was butthurt that people called 1ccs the correct way to play these games and used that as a cope. This guy's just confrontational.

>> No.4835672 [DELETED] 

If you think these games are so easy, then FUCKING PROOF IT!
In congrary to you, I have actually played them, and can also prove it.

Yet you fucking SJW faggot here act authoritarian towards me as if you could tell me anything about them.

>> No.4835674

>the 1cc "rule"
where did this meme come from

>> No.4835676 [DELETED] 

Ok, fine, I lied. I'm sorry. I wanted to fit in with you guys, and I took it too far. I've never actually cleared any of the Psikyo games. I apologize. Now, can we let it go and actually stay on topic without all the derails and needless hostility?

>> No.4835678 [DELETED] 

Yep this is what the thread was missing all this time, now the mods will nuke it for sure

>> No.4835683 [DELETED] 

See, I knew exactly you were lying and just wanted to act like an expert to "win" the argument.

Yet, people like me or Cee get banned here for calling people like you out on their bullshit. LMAO

>> No.4835686 [DELETED] 

Yep, you sure caught me lying. You are truly the best and I will never add up. My bad. Anyway, about those shmups?

>> No.4835689

There's no proof, no replay. There, happy?
You seem upset at the possibility of others being able to beat these without save state practice even if it took them way too much time. Think what makes you happy, just focus on the games, OK?
They are not easy at all, if they were they wouldn't have taken me months. I blind cleared the first loop of Batsugun Special Version, that's an easy game I constantly recommend to noobies.
This is a falseflag btw (thanks for trying to help tho)

>> No.4835692 [DELETED] 

>This is a falseflag btw (thanks for trying to help tho)
You should have just kept your mouth shut and let it be.

>> No.4835693 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 960x882, db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraut, years or even months ago you yourself were frustrated that others here and on /shmupg/ kept asking you for scores and clear replays even though all you were doing was making logical arguments that could be addressed on their own terms. Now you've successfully derailed not one but two threads to do largely the same thing.

>> No.4835703 [DELETED] 

>You seem upset at the possibility of others being able to beat these without save state practice
No, I am just annoyed of faggots acting like pros towards me while having an argument with them, althpugh it's fucking obvious that they are scrub players.

The fuck are you talking about? I never had a problem with posting scores.