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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 164 KB, 840x1037, armedanddelirious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4811678 No.4811678 [Reply] [Original]

What are some obscure games that you would recommend, /vr/? And when I use the term "obscure," I don't mean games that used to be obscure but are relatively well-known nowadays (such as LSD Emulator, for example). I'm talking about games that are obscure on the level of "One small advertisement was made for this, and less than a thousand people bought it".

>> No.4811684

Preferably, outside the realm of shareware or existing before 1990.

>> No.4812764
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Eastern Mind is made by the same dude who made LSD, but it's actually a good game

There was also a game called Project Cerebus I played years and years ago, it's a weird M&M 6 clone but in a modern setting, I think it's available online somewhere. I'm also pretty sure Saint Timmy had a playthrought of it

>> No.4812798
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U.R.B.A.N. The Cyborg Project


Dark War 1 & 2

>> No.4812858
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>> No.4812863
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>> No.4812867
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>> No.4813118
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>> No.4813121
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>> No.4813161

Eastern Mind is more known than LSD, and is incredibly popular
Don't post popular games

>> No.4813165

>its an Accursed Farms thread

>> No.4813215

Oh my NIGGER, I've been looking for the name of Darkwar for ages!

>> No.4813309

Someone else played Darkwar? Fuck yes, I remember getting these in the Retro Gamer Magazine coverdiscs and playing the shit out of them. Just found them years later and installed them again.

>> No.4813317

>More known than LSD

Where, in Japan?

>> No.4813323

In Ãmerica. Look it up on youtube and you get multiple million views videos

>> No.4813391
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That thing has DSL's

>> No.4813404

theme to this thread

>> No.4813413
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When I was a kid, I came home one day from a dentist's appointment to find my brother playing this game. I didn't understand what was going on, and I don't think he really did either, but I found the idea quite cool. I had forgotten the name of it up until a few months ago. In retrospect, it looks kind of shitty and depressing, but I haven't really seen it talked about anywhere, aside from a couple of relatively small Youtube channels.

>> No.4813626
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>when having 5 CDs was a FEATURE in your videogame back in the 90's

>> No.4813890
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Yoyo puzzle park on ps1

>> No.4813930 [DELETED] 
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I bet you brainlets can't get this running.

>> No.4813946
File: 239 KB, 876x1500, kyoto-mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easily one of the most fucked up games I have ever played. Really disturbing and spooky

>> No.4814018
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>> No.4814112

FMV garbage, but cool soundtrack.

>> No.4814135
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Games made my Bloodlust Software.

>> No.4814328

>Not popular

>> No.4814332

What's fucked up about it? Looks like a encyclopedia based dealie to me

>> No.4814424

>over 1 million views

>> No.4814437

Weird, this is the first time I've seen Eastern Mind posted here (or even heard about it). LSD gets mentioned across multiple boards all the time.

>> No.4814468

>Project Cerebus
Sounds interesting, but I cant find it anywhere.

>> No.4814512
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no clue how good just remember my uncle telling us we couldn't play it. we we're like 5.

>> No.4814523

the music in this game was god tier

>> No.4814531
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I mention Horde: Northern Wind in most obscure game threads. There is some information about it on the web but it seems to be largely unknown outside of Russia, and even here I don't know anyone who's played it.

It's a Warcraft: Orcs and Humans clone but with two unique features: it's based on slavic mythology and has an open-world campaign where you can move freely between different maps.

>> No.4814535

Any of Ska Software's old games back when they were known as Totally Screwed Software.

Now Ska Software is pretty dang popular with the whole Dishwasher and Salt and Sanctuary games. But a while ago (early 2000's) they also made some badass games too. Blood Zero is a zelda-like RPG but instead of fantasy it's all crust punks blowing up zombies and cops and shit. Zombie Smashers X is like river city ransom but with 500 powerups and lots of gore. Survival Crisis Z is probably their most popular old game. It's an abysmally dark zombie apocalypse sandbox game that actually doesn't suck, is actually creepy and moody, and is actually finished with a real ending.

You can find Survival Crisis Z on the internet but Blood Zero and Zombie Smashers X have all but fallen off of the surface of the earth. I can upload my full registered copies if anyone cares.


>> No.4814564
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>> No.4814567

You must not have been around a few years back.
There was a group dedicated to tracking down everything that guy released. They had at least one anon actually in Japan helping find stuff out.

>> No.4814586


>> No.4814594
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>> No.4814602

I got that on some floppy compilation of games together with Fury of the Furries, some game where you navigated a couple of furballs in a puzzle maze similar to Heartlight, and I think S.C.OUT.

>> No.4814674

Holy shit that takes me back
And yes, I would very very much appreciate it if you were to upload those, especially blood zero

>> No.4814745

Not really a game but still pretty awesome. Still wish I could find the Japanese version.

>> No.4814772

>Ska Software used to be Totally Srewed
Holy shit dude what

>> No.4814837

>I can upload my full registered copies if anyone cares.
Please do

>> No.4815401

Interested too!
I hate when games disappear from the internet...

>> No.4816174

>Eastern Mind is more known than LSD
You're fucking delusional. LSD is prime let's player bait.

>> No.4816239

Deadly Rooms of Death, or DROD. The best puzzle games no one knows about due to nonexistent marketing. They even survived to steam. Start with Gunthro or King Dugan's dungeon.

>> No.4816241

why does this look like HoMM, especially the thumbnail

>> No.4816243

Literally never heard of it

>> No.4816250

I've heard of it, because the developer, Webfoot, made some of the DBZ games for the GBA.

>> No.4816262
File: 24 KB, 720x568, Adventures of Maddog Williams (1991)(Game Crafters)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr SKR]_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian

Awesome comfy DOS adventure with some action rpg elements. It become a victim of obscurity since it was originally programmed it for the Atari ST and they couldn't get any publisher interest; by the time they ported it to PC (1992), publishers felt the game was too dated. Then when they decided to self-publish through shareware, whoever they hired to take orders through a 1-800 number suddenly disappeared. I somehow got a copy of the shareware version as a kid but could never remember the long ass name until I randomly came across it again recently. It's a genuinely great little game that reminds me of that game Tom Hanks is playing at the beginning of the movie Big.

The original dev still runs a website where he hosts a preconfigured dosbox version of the game and some background biography.

>> No.4816264

DROD RPG is also great if you want a colossal resource management puzzle.

>> No.4816315

sequel neverever

>> No.4816330

holy fuck i played an outbound demo, kick ass music

>> No.4816493
File: 51 KB, 200x240, DrownedGodCoverArtWindows95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao

>> No.4818637

You alive anon?

>> No.4818898

Yep I'm alive! Sorry about that! Uploading my registered copies now.

>> No.4818924
File: 30 KB, 640x480, WjFSSWg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I made a big old Google Drive folder containing the 3 Totally Screwed games that I have.


Included with each game, as well as floating around in the folder, is the installation package for Visual Basic 6 runtime, which I had a HELL of a time trying to find on the internet stand-alone. I was sick yesterday so all I did was stay at home trying to hunt that shit down. You'll need to install that to play any of the games.

So far, Blood Zero and Survival Crisis Z are the only games to run basically flawlessly on my computer, aside from very slight cosmetic issues, like tile alignment being slightly off on shadows. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. Zombie Smashers X fucks up when drawing the sprites, but everything else seems fine, so you might have better luck with a virtual machine running Windows XP. Compatibility mode does fuck-all.

I have tried numerous hooker apps and none of them force the games into windowed with any luck. Also none of the games react very well to alt-tabbing. Just an early PC games thing to deal with! Be sure to save before you alt-tab in any of the games.

Also included, free of charge, are unlocked cheats for most of the games, as well as some of my my saved games in Blood Zero that I can't figure out how to delete.

I do remember Totally Screwed having a few more games that they made. One was a platformer where you controlled Yuki (who appears in Blood Zero as a party member), a vampire ninja who could devour civilians for health and leap 50 feet in the air and all sorts of other cool shit. I can't remember if they made any other games, but if someone wants to go on a digital quest, there's something.

Glad to see people are interested in resurrecting dead games! Warms my heart. Spread these games and upload them wherever you can, because they are simply too good to be forgotten.

>> No.4818935

Also it should be noted that if anyone wants SCZ advice that game was basically my LIFE during middle school so we might have to make a separate thread for that because it's just so, so, so good.

>> No.4818976
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The Last Eichhof is an adver-game made by a beer company in Germany in 1993. It is legitimately one of the best 2D vertical shoot 'em ups ever. It is also freeware, so you have no excuse for not playing it immediately. You'll need DOSBox, but it should run fine.

>> No.4818979

Speaking of which, how the fuck do you even get LSD running? Is there an easy download that comes with an emulator and everything set up already?

>> No.4818982

Not that hard. Just need a PSX emulator, BIOS image, and LSD image or rom.

>> No.4819009
File: 209 KB, 794x1204, Zeddas_3_-_Labyrinthe_-_Portada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zeddas 3/Labyrinthe has been found, and apparently since quite a long time. The guy who had a copy of the game and ripped it was an asshole and never shared it publicly, only on a private torrent site and threatened to stop uploading obscure games if someone shared them, but the guy never uploaded anything more obscure in a long time so some guy shared it anyway.

>> No.4820023

Now I don't know much about this game but it looked a lot like FF8 however it was a horror game(Not parasite eve or anything square related, possibly anyways) you walked around in like hospitals and shit and it was more of an adventure type of game you could drive around and see fucked up shit when you explored these buildings.

>> No.4820039


It's gore is pretty bizarre, helps that the game is pretty weird as is.
Do you mean D? Horror adventure game that takes place in a hospital.

>> No.4820221

Thank you anon

>> No.4820229
File: 132 KB, 800x1027, 41445-armaeth-the-lost-kingdom-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite its flaws, I loved this one.

>> No.4820232

Christ, what the fuck is this game? It's so eerie.

>> No.4820243

Alternative links:





>> No.4820251

Thanks dude!

I also found the original installation executable files if anybody wants a totally clean install. It's in the google drive folder but here's some alt links as well:




>> No.4820286

It's more of a sort of non linear adventure game that uses Japanese mythology, religion, amd philosophy.

Interestingly this is known as the only game Roger Ebert, who disliked games, reviwed and enjoyed.

>> No.4820445

Holy shit this game, playing this as a kid was one fucking hellish experience. Never finished it though.

>> No.4821173

>Zeddas release
Good job you fuckwits, now literally nothing is going to be found for the next 20 years or so. Don't underestimate the power of an autistic rich kid with too much free time, he's gonna hide literally every game

Should have just uploaded it to archive.org on the down low

>> No.4821215

It's funny, Ebert was apparently obsessed with TMNT for NES for a bit.

"I got one of these sets (NES) at home, and I started playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with it. And after a while, after a week of this, I'd find that every time I had a spare moment and every time I came home, I was in front of the set playing with these mutant turtles."

Continuing, Ebert said, "It got to the point where it was making me quite unhappy, because I was so obsessed with it, and I finally unplugged the machine and said, 'That's it for Nintendo.'" Ebert added that his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game was so hypnotic and so repetitive that he didn't think it was good for his mental health. While he apparently quit Nintendo cold turkey, Ebert did review a PC game in 1994."

>> No.4821376

Thanks mate!

>> No.4821630

I always loved the intro

Just imagine this being played with real instruments, having live footage of blooming forests and fields, and then the tone suddenly drop into dark and gloomy with nightmarish apocalyptic visions like in the beginning of Terminator 2.

>> No.4821638
File: 40 KB, 400x506, normality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not super duper obscure, but it's a game I never hear anyone talk about. It's not particularly good, but it has lots of charm and heart to it. The biggest flaws of this game are the obviously rushed and unfinished sections, lots of red herring that is obviously unintentional. This game reminds me of Deus Ex in many way, except for the obvious shooting and killing which this game has none of. You walk around in strange city at night, the streets are empty, and you're clicking on things in first person perspective.
I wish there were more first person adventure games.

>> No.4823210

Please tell me more about this Project Cerebus

>> No.4823218


>> No.4823547

they were pulling sean murray before sean murray made it popular - it felt like an amazing bargain for having hundreds and thousands of floppy disks worth of data capacity for the price of just one game, even if it was read only.

>> No.4823553
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let's set up a rule - if it's available for purchase today (on Steam/GOG), then it's not obscure enough.

>Probably not super duper obscure, but it's a game I never hear anyone talk about.
because it's shit (or at least, generally accepted as such)

>> No.4823597

looks like shit

>> No.4823601

I mean, yeah it isn't labyrinthe or anything but cmon it's pretty obscure

Also most very obscure games are shit, there's a reason they weren't popular

>> No.4823703

>most very obscure games are shit
Pop ! isn't shit! Airxonix ain't shit as well, but i've literally never seen anybody mentioning any of the two

>> No.4823779
File: 16 KB, 304x166, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sword Quest RPG duology on PC is pretty damn obscure. Before we crack open the Pandora's Box that is endless DOS shareware titles and flood this thread with crappy Ultima and Sokoban clones nobody cares about, I mention these two games because they are very specifically Dragon Quest clones made for PC, which makes them very unique amongst PC titles. How often do you run into western-made JRPGs in this era?

They're actually not bad either, except the enemy power ramp is fucked on random encounters in the first game. You have to really work around it if you want to succeed. The second is a much better experience, and is open world too.

>> No.4823790

friendly reminder that the creator of this game killed his wife, his doggos, then himself

>> No.4823795
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Addictive game ahead of its time.
I don't see it ever posted here.

>> No.4823801
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>> No.4823940
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"The Game of Robot" is a series of puzzle/adventure/rpg hybrids from Germany that are sort of like ZZT with actual graphics.
They had a small cult following back in the day and are baffingly still commercially available on the devs website.

>> No.4824001

Some news on phil's mental health leave:

>> No.4824021

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. It's a point and click adventure game where you can't stop the sinking but there's a conspiracy on board and you might be able to prevent a few world wars.

>> No.4824241

I'd definitely play the original version

>> No.4824260

Warrior Dragon, DQ1 freeware clone: http://www.lumental.com/wdragon.html

I didn't think it was very obscure but I can only find a couple of YouTube videos with a few hundred views and some shitty background music instead of the real one.

>> No.4824584

>Armed & Delirious
I feel nauseous even thinking about that game

>> No.4824641

What's a good starter list for these obscure games? What should I check out first, and what are some experiences you can't find in any other game?

>> No.4824672

Check out Osamu Sato's game, specifically Eastern Mind and it's sequl.. Look up the intro to the game and you'll see what sets it apart from other games.

LSD is fine too I guess

>> No.4824674

Yeah, I've been playing Eastern Mind

>> No.4824707

Roly Poly's release when?

>> No.4824710

Armed and Delirious is a lovely game

>> No.4824740

If you didn't play this out of love for Hugo's House of Horrors then you haven't lived.

>> No.4825602


>> No.4826105

Hugo's house of horrors
Cosmology of Kyoto
Project Cerberus
Roly Polys

>> No.4826179

there are two dubs, usa and british, only one is available

>> No.4826331

What are you talking about It's possible to find both, I think GOG only has one though

Get the british dub though, the american dub for the main character made me want to stick needles in my ear, he's so fucking unbearably obnoxious it's ridiculous

>> No.4826376

Try Steel Saviour. It was a spanish (i think) R-Type-type SHMUP that even got f cjuple of positive reviews but ultimately i don't remember anyone talking about it.

>> No.4826380
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The murican voice actor is Corey Feldman. I heard many people prefer the american version and say it's the superior release, but I also think it was way too obnoxious. The british voice acting is great, the voice of Kent has charm and sounds like a realistic 90s slacker with just the right amount of cartoonish tone to it.
The american dub goes way too overboard with the 90s radicool attitude.

>> No.4826385

I remember that one fightan of theirs having pretty impressive blood effects and framerate for DOS game.

>> No.4826428
File: 240 KB, 1336x1080, ostfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had a weird hot seat mode where players take turns playing for a limited time. I remember the rumors that it was built in Assembler and still have CD somewhere.
Another obscure russian one: Пpoтивocтoяниe/Ostfront/Counter Action

>> No.4826457

Pop! was good and i liked it, but game being shit is quite usually the reason for it to be forgotten.
t. different anon.

>> No.4826672

We should really extend a hand to someone like Clint from LGR to get a hand in getting games like Roly Polys, I'm sure his e-celeb ""status"" and money will help us a bit

The guy does like weird edutainment shit

>> No.4826779

this looks like my type of game, thanks

>> No.4828663


>> No.4828857
File: 56 KB, 384x498, Outcast 1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outcast is one of the deepest action-adventure experiences in gaming. An absolute must play if you're into 3D adventure games.

>> No.4828864
File: 179 KB, 697x1010, 36554-crime-cities-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime Cities is basically flying a car around the city from Blade Runner, but without an official Blade Runner license.


>> No.4828942

No you won't.

>> No.4828971

OP gets all pissy about people posting Eastern Mind.... fucking starts thread with Armed & Delirious.

What a cuck.

>> No.4830118

What are you on about?