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480893 No.480893 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better video game dad.

>> No.480917

Jessica's dad in Lunar

>> No.480924

Jeff Bogard
The hero from DQV

>> No.480920

>beginning of the game
>being a small child that's carted around by his much stronger father
>have kids of your own
>you're suddenly the strong as hell father carting around your weak kids

>> No.480930


>> No.480957

I like how the DS remake of DQV added more screentime to the guy who kills your dad.

It felt kind of anticlimactic when you suddenly kill him off in a boss fight later on that's almost at the mid-point of the game

>> No.480980

Yeah, they pretty much made Ladja the right hand man to the main villain. Great idea on their part.

>> No.481053

I wish more games encompassed a character's life like that.

>> No.481071

Harry Mason

>> No.481121

>adventure around with Dad
>he is an unstoppable badass who has hundreds of HP and kills monsters with one hit
>if you ever take any damage, Dad will heal you
>have kids of your own
>you now have hundreds of HP, kill monsters with one hit
>you will most likely heal the kids as soon as they take any damage
>the game never tells you to do this, but most people will probably do it anyway

>> No.481182

Also, everytime you adventure around with your dad you have no control over your character in the overworld. Why? It's because despite you being the player character, it's your dad that's the leader of the 'party'.

>> No.481204
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>> No.481240


Flint in Mother 3, I don't even like the series that much but dat whole first chapter...dat feel

>> No.481270

But Flint becomes so horrible after that. Abandons his household and his son to go searching up in the mountains every day.

And he's balding.

>> No.481290

But in the process, he ignores the son he has left.

>> No.481283


Well, his wife is dead and his second son quests on his own

What would you do

>> No.481304

>and his second son quests on his own

Which happens AFTER Flint abandons him.

>> No.481320
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This is mainly due Itoi's evident trauma about growing up without a dad.
See how in both M1 and 2 the father is never home, and in M3 happens the same ultimately.

And what's wrong with balding? Testosterone.

>> No.481328

>"Papas endures silently"


>> No.481471
File: 1 KB, 257x257, FFLII_DadBig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.483697

I laughed so fucking hard when dad accidentally went down a set of stairs and had to backtrack. Quintessential Dragon Quest right there.

Sadly the joke only works in the original, because of the differed size in elements, so in the remakes the stairway doesn't take up the whole damn corridor anymore.
Everything else about the remake is just fantastic, though.

>> No.483738




>> No.483789
File: 9 KB, 259x194, Mother fuckin haggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.483795
File: 136 KB, 640x480, azure-dreams-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy from Azure Dreams.

Teaches his son great life lessons like how to get the ladies and fight monsters. If he doesn't die before he gets the chance.

>> No.483798


Yeah don't even tell me about how he's not there for him.

Don't you even.

>> No.483819

I think saving his game for him and giving him money and stupid advice over the phone makes up for that.

>> No.483829
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I was going to say Galuf, but he's a grandpa.

Do those count?

>> No.483831
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>> No.483848


Well at least we see where Koh inherited his puffy lips from.

>> No.484980 [DELETED] 

Jetch and gendo ikari

>> No.484992

I'm glad I'm part of a board where people love this game.

>> No.485001

My little sister in playing it and she liked it, i'm proud as fuck.

>> No.485030

What's the worst dad ever?

>> No.485037
File: 177 KB, 747x1069, 464984984984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy beat the holy crap out of every gang member in the city with his bare fists and a lead pipe just to rescue his daughter.

>> No.485046


Are you trying to say Jecht or is this some other guy?

>> No.485069

Probably the dad's from pokemon, never ever there, and also,
why the fuck did the main character ride in the back of the fucking moving truck?

>> No.485081

in the third generation, the main charcter would literally ride in the back of a fucking u-haul before he/she got to its version of pallet town.
Was weird as fuck seeing that as a kid, I could never understand why they would do that in a game.

>> No.485204

Can't. Just can't.

Now then, though, who's the best video game mom?

>> No.485340


Miranda or Lily

>> No.485370
File: 729 KB, 750x751, CD-Denjin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, that wasn't my point anyway, the point is that there's nothing wrong with being bald. Hair is primitive, unhygienic and ultimately only serves as an aesthetic tool, a real man shouldn't need it.

I'm half-joking, people can do what they want with their hair, I myself have been shaving since years though, much more comfortable

>> No.485398

But it's true. Hair follicle damage is a side effect of testosterone spikes.

Or has this been disproved?