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File: 12 KB, 236x236, 2b0be8b94b297c4f5a7beacdf0913877--tetsuya-nomura-vincent-valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4793303 No.4793303 [Reply] [Original]

*is a useless character in your path*

>> No.4793306

*gets his own spin-off before any other FF7 protag*

>> No.4793313 [DELETED] 

What more do you need, mods?

>> No.4793316 [DELETED] 

wakey wakey mods, the catalog is in need of some cleaning

>> No.4793334

t. 14 year kingdom hearts fangirl

>> No.4793353

I used Vincent in my party because he's cool. No reason not to. Besides, FF7 is a pretty damn easy game the whole way through, so if you're resorting to tier whoring, I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.4793357

His limits though made him a hinderance
Hell I used cait sith most of the game lol

>> No.4793373 [DELETED] 

This is the 6th or 7th current thread about FF7. On googling, apparently there was some recent news about a FF7 remake so /v/ is shitposting everywhere. Also four Mother series threads since some e-celeb recently talked about one of them.
/v/ is mentally unable to talk about videogames, so now they are trying to shut down videogame discussion on every other videogame related board.

>> No.4793712
File: 31 KB, 506x583, 1526302821462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlock Vincent
>Try him in my party for a bit while we climb Mt. Nibel
>Get pretty far in. Random encounter: A fucking dragon
>He's kicking our asses, but we're hanging in there
>Vincent's limit break is ready
>"Let's fucking do this"
>Vincent turns into some ugly-ass monster.
>"Beast Flare"
>Dragon heals to full due to having 100% fire absorption
>"Fucking Christ! I guess I won't be doing that again."
>Vincent doesn't change back. He's still berserk. His ATB gauge fills again..
>Dragon heals again
>"Vincent stop!"
>Dragon keeps spamming flamethrower eventually killing Barret and Cloud. Vincent somehow stays alive. But he can't using a phoenix down because of his limit break.
>Vincent keeps spamming Beast Flare until the dragon finally kills him, too
>Game over. Lost 40 minutes of game time because my last fucking save was in Nibelheim.
Fuck Vincent, holy shit!

>> No.4794046

Lol, that's what happened the first time I got Vincent too.

>> No.4794903

I looked up how to get him and didn't deem it worth my time to bother.

>> No.4794909

The one part of the game where it's cool to have Vincent in your party is the invasion of Midgar. You get some bonus dialogue when you get to Hojo.

>> No.4794919

>uses ranged weapons so he can just hang in the back row without penalty
>has a weapon with a 255/256 chance to hit, so he can hit deathblows whenever
He's not as good as Barret or Yuffie because of his limits, but if you can't stand to have a black guy or loli-ninja in your party he's a decent substitute.

>> No.4794929

Vincent is the best magic user outside of Aeris.

>> No.4795579

According to this, you are wrong.

>> No.4795664

I suppose it's Cloud, but bringing him into this discussion is pointless because Cloud is mandatory and best at everything apart from dexterity.

and Vincent is tied with the cat for magic, but has more MP

>> No.4795739

Clouds always my battle mage

>> No.4796561
File: 638 KB, 1200x396, Vincent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4796590

This is funny, but in reality the character just comes off as a classic horror movie tribute.

>> No.4796608


>> No.4797717

Indeed. I mean even his name being a clear Vincent Price homage is a dead giveaway... pun intended.

>> No.4797725


>> No.4797835

He's hot and he has cool limit breaks. When did we decided that "useful" just means having a high DPS?

>> No.4797850

That's the problem with 7. There's zero reason to use anyone other than Cloud/Yuffie/Barret until you get Cid.

>> No.4797857

When MMOs became mainstream, so basically when WoW came around.

>> No.4797859

Another victim of Vincent.
I actually fell twice to this trap. The second time happened during my first replay after years of not playing FF7. I completely forgot about that fire-absorbing monster. Transformed Vincent to Beast, do Beast Flare then I remembered how Vincent fucked my team in my first play.

>> No.4798468

>He's hot and he has cool limit breaks
doesn't matter in terms of utility

>> No.4799149

>first playthrough
>find yuffie outside fort condor after 100 random encounters
>fucking finally
>better use this save point just in case I fuck up the text options

>> No.4799165

Dude pops out of a coffin damn near Bela Lugosi-style.

>> No.4799482
File: 502 KB, 831x1154, hiccup loves astrid part 3 by secondlina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to me too on my first playthrough, Vincent's limit break can sabotage the party in that fight, and it happens in the first dungeon after acquiring Vincent which is when most players would have him in the party testing him out after the lengthy process of obtaining him (I died to Lost Number on my first attempt, and spent a good while grinding inside Shinra Manor before reattempting). In frustration I shelved Vincent and never used him in my main party again

On my second playthrough (about 12 years later) I fell into the exact same trap again, with Vincent's beserk mode healing the Dragon, and had to kill Vincent with Cloud and Yuffie just to continue the fight. This time I kept him in the main party, and don't remember having any other issues with him for the rest of the game, Cloud-Yuffie-Vincent was my final party all the way from then on

>> No.4799660


How are you 40 minutes between saves on FF7

>> No.4800204

His basic attack with the Death Penalty is the strongest attack in the game if you feed him a retarded amount of kills.

>> No.4800220

Master Tonberry approves this

>> No.4800513

Another dumb opinion from the tranny tripfag.

>> No.4801096
File: 656 KB, 2894x2171, qfQLxgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flash + added effect + Hades fucks up EVERYTHING

>> No.4801128

I'd still suck vincent's dick

>> No.4801131

I like Vincent as a character but he's a useless party member

>> No.4801135

Bullshit. read up on the overflow glitch, one-hit ko the weapons.

>> No.4802071

Barret has it too and it takes too long to be viable.

>> No.4802191

I always used some combo of Yuffie/Cid/Vincent, because I thought they were cool.

is there a ranking of the best party members, statistically speaking?