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File: 765 KB, 1600x1200, FO1_Vault_Dwellers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4788556 No.4788556 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat Fallout 1. Took me a couple of tries till I got into it and I got a little stuck here and there but this was a fantastic game. Great ending too.
Felt like at a certain point the game really picks up speed right up until the ending. I bet if I were to replay the game now I could finish the main quest in a few hours with full power armor and all.

What should I know before Fallout 2? Is it longer?

>> No.4788563

Its a lot longer. There's a lot more sidequests and hubs too, but I am not a fan of that. Fallout was tightly paced and you hardly did any backtracking. Fallout 2 is still great though.

>> No.4788604 [DELETED] 


fallout 2 is longer than fallout 1 and uses the same model as fallout 1 where the world is a set of isometric location on a map with wasteland that is mostly random encounters compared to modern Fallout which is mostly an open world of wasteland with a few locations

because of this fallout 2's stting is the largest in the entire main series because all of the focus is on the settlements instead of designing caves and shacks like modern Fallout so there are multiple cities in Fallout 2 as large as New Vegas

>> No.4788612

Fallout 2 has about 5 times as much content, but it takes its sweet time to start rolling. Just deal with it until you reach the Den (or better yet, the Vault City).

>> No.4788956

there's more content but most of it sucks.

the only correct choice in new reno is to wipe that scum off the face of the planet

>> No.4789240

>What should I know before Fallout 2?

It's just as good as the first one. Only with more memes and different pacing

>> No.4789326

you're welcome

>> No.4789794

Can someone help me out with an Unarmed build for FO2? I barely finished it with Energy weapons and small guns. I want to get a better early game.

>> No.4789835

>want to get a better early game
do a Navarro run. google it if you don't know how

>> No.4789928

I want a full run, top to bottom. The only problem is imo, Sierra and it's sentry robot guards.

>> No.4789930

its*. fuck me.

>> No.4790217

Find the restoration patch. Install. For first run I'd suggest not putting in the more obscure bits of it. I'd recomend at least the Kaga fix, but the core game fix is a must if you dont want to lose your car, or get into an unwinable circle of game crashes.

>> No.4790250

This is all you need to know, highlights and comparison of every Fallout game, including PS2 version.


>> No.4790251

do a build with 2 str and 9 agi and unarmed untagged, make sure your speech and karma is good, and your luck and perception is at least 6, and immediately just sprint and speech through the trial and go to san francisco to get karate man to teach you karate for unarmed skill, then raise unarmed to 110 or 125 and go talk to the old man in the first town's bar who teaches you to punch for an extra 10 or 15% regardless of your current skill.

Then get Tag! for unarmed, and better criticals.

You will spend the rest of the game with almost perfect accuracy and the ability to instantly cripple or destroy any body part you hit, which is what will happen almost every time you attack once your unarmed skill is inflated over 200. This is sufficient to instakill even those nasty sierra robots.

>> No.4790380

Somebody had enough guts to pout out NV cons.

>> No.4791364

Whatever happens, remember:
It's worth enduring the early boredom. The game doesn't start for real until you are in Den.

Don't use Restoration Project until you beat the vanilla game few times

>> No.4791376

Ignore both those idiots talking shit.
Simply read this:
It has all the crucial data, most importanthy what your stats should be at the very minimum to make Unarmed usefull. It is critical to have at least 7 AG and 5 ST. If you aren't using the special attacks from Unarmed, you are playing it wrong.
I make "tribal" playthroughs on regular basis, only having Melee and Unarmed as my combat skills, often only Unarmed and I'm doing absolutely fine. And the best part is - you can get enough Unarmed to trash most of enemies without spending a single point into it.

>> No.4791508

I did this once and it actually got too tedious to bother doing because it's fallout.

>> No.4791541


I used to make one of the mobsters shoot a hooker by mistake which cause all the hookers in the area to swarm them and punch them to death.

>> No.4791592
File: 179 KB, 640x480, fallout 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they get away with this?

>> No.4791595
File: 167 KB, 640x480, fallout 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4791598
File: 167 KB, 640x480, fallout 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4791716

Don't use the restoration project period.
See >>4790251 's post? See how he likes that build? That shit will NOT fly in F2RP because killap thinks the idea of melee being viable when lasers and rockets exist is fucking ridiculous so therefore it was "bugged" and he "fixed" it.
And he found some incomplete modules, like REALLY incomplete, ~10% done, and he thinks, "yeah, I can finish this exactly the way it was intended." And you get the fucking FEMA base (or EPA, whatever) that is so obviously just the rough draft for what became the Sierra Army Depot and it's now it's own thing but it looks and plays exactly like a much shittier version of SAD. He can't get his head around the idea that dummied content isn't "unfinished," it's cut content because it sucks. They weren't running out of time, they took two years and barely changed anything in the actual game engine. There's nothing to restore, what's in the game is in there because everything else is crap.
Quibbling here at this point, but you can also tell when he's fucked with something when the spelling and grammar suddenly dip in quality and coherence. You can even see it in his forum posts, he rushes through sentences so fast and loose he sometimes forgets entire words along the way.
Yeah, patch 1.02 doesn't address a few key bugs, but F2RP breaks just as much as it fixes.

>> No.4791760

No way this is real.

>> No.4791765

The last part is fanmade I believe. I have to play fo2 again, it's calling me for some reason.

>> No.4791773

did you killed the Overseer? Either way, FO2 really picks up if you went out of the Den or fuck with the game's systems

>> No.4792094

I can't understand you. There's literally nothing about the RP that is worse than the vanilla game.

>> No.4792097

>There's nothing to restore, what's in the game is in there because everything else is crap.
While I do agree with rest of your post, there are two things that RP "restores":
Sulik's sister and the quest involving the radscorpion limbs.
But yeah, other than that, RP is shit and the fact Unarmed was "fixed" was literally the worst thing to happen. Especially since literally everyone told that asshole it's a stupid, biased idea... and he still went through it.

>> No.4792102

Not him, but seriously? Have you been in any of the locations added? Read through the dialogue lines? Or how the fucking HtH combat is simply fucked, with all the special attacks neutered, because "muh realism" in a FUCKING FALLOUT?!

>> No.4792106

All of them, and I don't use HtH when Gauss Rifles exist. I read a lot, and the dialogue reads fine. I honestly do not understand what in the hell makes you so angry about the patch.

>> No.4792158

But... but Armor for Marcus is so cool

>> No.4792167

>I don't use HtH, so it's fine to fuck it up, because there are guns
Are you killap?
>Dialogues sound like written by a 16 year old edgy teen with spelling issues
>Locations that were cut on conceptual level are put into game as "restored"
>Locations that have been replaced with other locations have ben put into game as "restored"
>"Hey, I found this obscure bit of trivia that was actually a joke told on a gaming convention, let's add it to the game!"
>Fuck-ups dozen of vanilla quest lines due to sloppy coding
>Doesn't fix bugs that weren't fixed by 1.02
So... yeah, as already stated, the only thing that RP does right is fixing the cattle rustling quest and adding Sulik's sister. That's literally it.

>> No.4792202

Different strokes, anon. I beat every single quest I could, and I've spent a lot of time making sure I could beat every single quest I could. I don't know what broke in your game, but I apparently didn't have it. I don't know what broke in your head, either, but I apparently also do not have that.

>> No.4792206

I found the sulik quests tedious

>> No.4792216
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For now I think I'll do a vanilla run first, per your advice. Is the RP modular? Can I just use the bugfixes or whatever like this guy >>4790217 said?

Don't you need the Bloody Mess perk to do that? I didn't get the option but I don't think I would have killed him anyway.

>> No.4792221

Even the censored German version allowed to kill him with full gore.

>> No.4792351

Either a mod or photoshop + some Gothic821 Cn BT.

>> No.4792359

dont listen to all those retards
F2 is a joy just play and enjoy one of the best games ever made

>> No.4792508

If done "right", it's half-automated, as it transports you directly where she's kept, you shot some baddies, release some slaves, happy ending...
... and now you have to spend next month to just get back to Den

If RP was modular, it would be fucking perfect. It's not. All the elements aside purely cosmetical ones are obligatory. Which means for the handful of fixes you have a lot of new bugs and generally crappy experience.
If you just want bug-fixes, 1.02 with fan-made fixes and you are golden.

And not him, but to kill Overseer you need to quickly enter combat mode (use key shortcut) to get into fight before the end cutscene starts.

>> No.4792520

But... literally nobody questions itt F2 as a good game. The only argument is about if/how much RP is retarded

>> No.4792524

Just because you are playing for the 100th time using Gauss Sniper Diplomat doesn't mean people don't like to play it differently and RP actively makes that impossible, blocking builds and options that were perfectly viable in vanilla game, for no reason at all.

>> No.4792565
File: 344 KB, 700x439, 1309669670469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I read in the wiki and you need to meet certain requirements to kill him via dialogue or automatically. Apparently you can shoot him if you're fast enough after the dialogue ends but I didn't bother checking. He's kind of a cunt but he isn't really a bad guy.

Do the fan-made fixes cover any high resolution mods or something? Something like Fixt? Or do I need to run it with DGvoodo or something.

>> No.4792579

>high resolution mods or something
Dunno, I'm using 17'' LCD monitor, so no clue how is graphic display on modern ones.

And it's all about speed to enter combat, nothing else.

>> No.4792623

Yeah, you just push a after the talking head ends and he explodes.

>> No.4792924

This. One of my fav RP areas is the EPA. The Abby was neat also.

>> No.4793743

This reminds me. There is one element of RP that is really damn nice. You can seal SAD off from Wrights, so you can both enter the place and prevent the New Reno ending with Wrights gaining the firepower, thus cleaning the town instead.

>> No.4793802

>high resolution mods

The Steam versions of both games already come with the high resolution patch pre-installed. It basically gives you widescreen and you can choose your upscale/zoom level.