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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 88 KB, 639x445, 462622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4783893 No.4783893 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about this? I'm just trying it because I've heard great things about it. But I'm not crazy about the interface. I think it's very sloppy how they have a category for both "look" and "investigate". In most other games like this, they would be combined. It's annoying how you look at an item, then you have to go back and investigate it. What's the point?

>> No.4783912
File: 6 KB, 304x224, Sn-Skeletalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a little conflicted on it. I think it's definitely a little overrated, but I also love it up. I dig the investigation thing actually. Sort of a difference between a quick glance and close examination. I think the game got a little inconsistent on which one is necessary for situations. At least that's what I vaguely remember.
I predict a shitty thread. I'm sorry if you weren't looking for faux-angry baity shit in the first place, OP.

>> No.4783954

It's boring as shit

>> No.4783987
File: 94 KB, 640x360, walkthrough-lslvga-commands[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds of Leisure Suite Larry having 10 fucking mouse cursors for all kinds of actions that you need to cycle through every fucking time you need to do something. Why did nobody think of "context sensitive" back in those days. Holy shit, it's just so stupid.

>> No.4783990

The setting is pretty good, but the game isn't all that. The high point is in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is a 1-hour text dump.

>> No.4783993

The worst in Snatcher is that sometimes you have to choose "Look" instead of "Examine" twice on something...

>> No.4784205

Snatcher really isn't about actually trying to solve the puzzles or anything, you just retry every option over and over until the game gives you the progression. There are literally points where you have to hit Investigate 3 or 4 times in a row before something happens, which is like--if I already investigated it and found nothing why the fuck would I investigate it again?

Once you get past that stupid shit it's fine though. Other than the shooty parts there is basically no fucking "game" in the game so getting to push buttons a bunch to redo all the options is the closest you'll get

>> No.4784209

>retroahoy skipped over this game

he should change his name to plebahoy

>> No.4784212

The game is older than you think. PC-88 version predates Sega CD port by 6 years.

>> No.4784291

Act 3 did feel kinda tacked on for the sake of disclosure. It kinda worked, but could have been done better and killed the suspense that the first 2 acts built.

>> No.4784296

Literally who?

>> No.4784361

>Act 3 did feel kinda tacked on for the sake of disclosure.
It kinda was. Snatcher was originally supposed to be released in 2 parts, but part 2 was never made. Act 3 was tacked on after the fact in the console versions to give the game a sense of conclusion.

>> No.4785204

The same thing happened with Policenauts. They crammed all the interesting and complex plot points into the first half of the game, ran out of steam and tried to end the game as quickly as they can. Either that or they ran out of time and just had to finish the game.

>> No.4785241

I played SD Snatcher.
Thank god for the emulation speed function.
Literal bootleg of Blade Runner,story bare bones as fuck and huge waste of time.

>> No.4785307

that's every Kojima game to be honest. Every single MGS bar 3 has a rushed late-game

>> No.4785949

Yep especially MGSV holy shit was that disappointing.

>> No.4785957
File: 495 KB, 538x2413, artisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.4786179

I've been playing it on an old TV with the Justifier light gun and it's a blast. I have to agree with the complaints here about selecting the same thing over and over in order to progress. Sometimes it works, like when you knock multiple times and finally get an answer, but it's a bit counter intuitive to game design to have you investigate an item multiple times and nothing changes and then suddenly you find something.

But overall I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.4786235


>> No.4786964

Hahaha this is great. The Japanese versions of his games are still better but this is quite on point.

>> No.4787657

Apparently Kojima during the MSX-era didn't know how to design a game, so he kept bugging all of his co-workers on helping him out.

>> No.4787701
File: 11 KB, 544x480, SDENGSC2_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is pretentious bastard.

>> No.4787902

Not only that but he also lifted 90% of his shit straight from pop culture and when I said lift I mean outright steal.

>> No.4787923

To be fair, most of Konami lifted shit from pop culture back then.

>> No.4787930

Play it, you won't regret it. Make sure it's the Sega CD version and try the phone numbers you see throughout the game.

>> No.4787935
File: 15 KB, 544x480, ZZZ-UNK-SD SNATCHER JAPANESE FOR SCC+[DISK 3]_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kojima is only credited in one place in SnatcherSD as a "planner."
Not director,writer,music or production.

>> No.4788543

"Planner" is basically a Japanese codeword for "ideas guy". The thing is that back then Konami's games were directed by their own programmers and the only time they got director billing was when multiple directors were involved.

>> No.4788591

Every piece of art has lifted ideas and style from other pieces of art. Thats culture.

if you want 100 percent unique art go watch some roastie randomly splash her period blood at a white canvas

>> No.4788615

All works are derivative

>> No.4788629

*when multiple programmers were involved.

>> No.4789948

>Kojima fan boys come up with retarded excuses to save face for their golden boy

There is a difference between taking influence from something and literally stealing something verbatim from something else.

>> No.4790005

You just had to remind me of that interior semiotics video again.

>There is a difference between taking influence from something and literally stealing something verbatim from something else.

Even if it is more or less Terminator x Blade Runner x detective fiction, it fits together really well.

>> No.4790047

>retard doesnt know what verbatim is

just leave, you're dumb as fuck

Snatcher and policenauts have small similarities and inspired by touches, they arent fucking verbtatim you hillbilly

>> No.4790190

It's not just the fact that Jonathan and Ed are basically anime versions of Riggs and Murtaugh, half of the scenes in Policenauts are basically ripped off from the Lethal Weapon movies. It's basically Lethal Weapon in Space. At least Snatcher mixed up the elements it ripped off from

>> No.4790223

Policenauts is very dangerously close to being a rip off, but the story/tone etc saves it from that indeed. When I play the game, sure, I think of those two characters from lethal weapon, but I am also in awe of "set pieces", music, feel of the game being different than I'd experienced before.

In the end, all his rip off games culminated in him creating Metal Gear Solid, which is a very unique experience besides the slight tones of escape from new york in the early portion of the game.

I really really enjoy kojima games, but I am not a fanboy.
I havent even played MGS 4, Ground zeroes, MGS 5, Zone of the enders 2

>> No.4790443

>anon knows i'm right and it hurts so he has to insult me be i used a word "incorrectly" and then proceeds to use the same word "incorrectly"

Man you fucking Kojima fanboys are sad.

>> No.4790473

You're worse than a fanboy. You're the Anti-fanboy that won't shut the fuck up about fanboys

>> No.4790493

>I havent even played Zone of the enders 2
you should really fix that, not that Kojima is really responsible for anything in ZoE

sometimes I feel like ZoE and ZoE2 might be as good as Panzer Dragoon and Zwei

>> No.4790498

I think I never played it because back when zone of the enders 1 came out I think I beat it in like (what felt like) 4 hours. is ZOE2 longer?

>> No.4790521

If you don't play it on hard mode you never have to really learn how to play it, and as a result you never feel the weight of the conflict or the challenges or the triumph of victory. A lot of the time I spent playing it was because I wanted to get perfect results on all the missions but if you only played ZoE for 4 hours you barely scratched the surface.

ZoE2 is fucking outstanding and answers every possible expectation that ZoE left you with. It should be impossible to be unsatisfied with the games after playing that.

>> No.4790530

Thanks. I have a ps2 with HDD.
I'll download both and marathon that shit soon I think.

>> No.4790839

>game is called snatcher
>you don't get any snatch
What gives?

>> No.4790903

>movie is called snatch
>actually about diamonds or some shit

>> No.4790904

I believe the name "Snatcher" in a reference of the movie called "Invasion of the body snatchers" where aliens took over bodies of people and pretend like they are real humans.
In this case those are robots in human bodies acting like they are real humans.

>> No.4790910

It's actually a reference to the monkey from dora the explorer

>> No.4790919

if you say so buddy

>> No.4790939

please don't post if you don't have anything funny to say

>> No.4790956

good game, amazing atmosphere, though Act 3 has very little gameplay

SEGA CD adds a couple gun fights but lacks one or two sidequests that the Turbo Duo version has (buying and watching a porn tape)

>> No.4790962

Yeah dora hehe

>> No.4791054

The PC Engine version probably has the best Kamen Rider reference I've seen in a game.