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/vr/ - Retro Games

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478292 No.478292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to a few garage sales today
>Last one is a bit out of the way but an estate sale
>Figure what the hell and go over to check it out.
>Meet with sellers, mexican mother speaks very little english, ask if they have any electronic games
>She goes in, comes back out with a box full of old NES-Wii games
>Little kid behind her is bawling his eyes out, mother turns around and starts yelling at him to go away, turns back to me trying to sell me the box for $20

Couldn't do it. /vr/. Couldn't take that poor kids childhood away. Why are some mothers just so horrible?

>> No.478327

>feel thread

>> No.478326

Because they don't understand.

To be honest, I'd buy the box, and tell the kid you'll hang onto them for him. Wait until he's old enough to move out, meet up with him, and give him his shit back.

The feels from that would be worth the $20 you lose.

>> No.478330
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>> No.478329

She sold them to someone else, bro.

>> No.478348


>> No.478350


Not OP but get fucked, douchebag.

>> No.478361

you just gave someone free 100-1000 bucks, congratulations

>> No.478370

he was crying because he was starving. that $20 would have put food in his belly you selfish bastard

>> No.478382

You should have paid her 10 times the amount if you cared so much, and then said "it's for the next time you buy games, kid".

>> No.478391


A) She really needed the money
B) That kid was a massive dick and got punished for it

Either way, you invented some pretend scenario in your mind to sympathize with that kid. You fucked yourself over for no reason.

>> No.478409

Sure is /v/ in here.

>> No.478421

Kid might've been being a cunt, like that one beyblade ebay auction. Shoulda took them OP.

>> No.478475

Shouldve bought them for five times that, then given them back to the kid when he was older.

>> No.478604

The kid might have been a spoiled brat. You not buying the box of games for $20 (which is a great deal) will prevent that kid from growing up.

>> No.478645

>Selling a shit ton of games for $20
>Probably worth at least 10 times that
>Probably originally paid 20 times for it all

Fucking mexican women are stupid sluts.

>> No.478662

You do realize she probably sold it to the next faggot to ask for it, right? Fuck the kid. If he actually gave a shit he'd have put up a fight.

>> No.478702

Does money come easy for you, OP?

>> No.478693

Because you were such a fucking hardcore hombre when you were a god damn child, yeah?

>> No.478720

Broke my sister's nose because she wanted to play fucking Barbie...yeah kind of a hardass when it comes to me games.

>> No.478732

..Why do you own barbie in the first place?

>> No.478743

You sound like one of em' sand canadians

>> No.478758

Good for you, OP.

You know that well-adjusted people generally outgrow the need to come off as edgy in early adulthood, right?

>> No.478774

What are you, the product of incest or something?

>> No.478793

OP go back and buy it, the bitch wont let him play them regardless. Do what

>> No.478794

Worse, I'm Irish

Not trying to be edgy. It's the truth. I was kind of a horrible person as a child.

>> No.478805

So am I, point being? We're not all drunk hardass orange haired leprechauns.

Quit the edginess

>> No.478813

>having compassion

just sell your collection OP. This shit is cut throat

>> No.478824

Empathy is weakness. Not even trying to be edgy, just think about it: how do YOU benefit from this? You could've sold those back for a ton of money.

>> No.478827

That'll teach her to approach the animals.

>> No.478841

Were any of the games good?

>> No.478847

>Empathy is weakness

Maybe so, but it's not like I need the money. I don't live in Hollywood because I'm poor y'know.

>> No.478858

>Maybe so, but it's not like I need the money.
Check your privilege.

>> No.478854

You live in it because its a liberal shithole set to be raped by an earthquake in the near future?

>> No.478850

>We're not all drunk hardass orange haired leprechauns.

Then you're not actually Irish. Your mother is lying to you about fucking the milk man. That guy in your house really is your father.

>> No.478849

Sad fact is that not only did that lady sell it to the next guy who came along, but chances are that buyer is some faggot reseller who is just going to turn around and sell that shit on ebay for a stupidly high mark up price.

>> No.478867

pretty much.

>> No.478898
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>I don't live in Hollywood because I'm poor y'know.
everyone here is sooooo impressed

>> No.478973


That's why you ALWAYS clear it with the owner, always leave your contact information as well. You never know who's collection you might be buying.

>> No.478989

Well great OP, you lost out on some vidya, and the mother sold them to someone else.

So I guess it's a lose-lose except for the mom.

>> No.479002

If she was willing to sell them to you, she's willing to sell them to someone else.

>> No.479006


I've seen this happen more times than I can remember. It's not just good finds either, you pass on ANYTHING even remotely decent at a yard sale and i's always gone within the hour.

It's a no win situation.

>> No.479020

Ugh, yeah, I wouldn't have been able to do it either. The purpose of toys and games is to fill in the gaps in what would otherwise be a horrible childhood devoid of fun.

In an unrelated note, I now have almost every game system and over five hundred games, not counting my Steam library and XBLA stuff.

And I am almost never happy. If I could have had this shit when I was a kid, oh lord, I wouldn't be half as bitter and burned out as I am today.