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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4774045 No.4774045 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this game largely forgotten? It was innovative, cool, and loads of fun once you mastered the controls.

>> No.4774050

it wasn't really that fun to fly through a bunch of nondescript blurry tubes shooting at square, triangular and rhomboid robots
It was hyped to hell when it came out because SIX DEGREES OF FREEDOM but then people noticed it was just x-wing in a cave

>> No.4774072

I wouldn't call it forgotten, but any series isn't going to be super popular without sequels being shit out every year like with modern games.

>> No.4774076

>Why was this game largely forgotten

Are you literally retarded, or just pretending?

>> No.4774117

But it was fun. A lot of it is because the levels defy gravity and heck, the only automap you get is three dimensional and rotatable. Levels were a challenge to finish as you'd have to solve the way to the core, find the exit hatch, and then blow up the core and escape in the time limit. Not as simplistic as Doom, especially when the tougher enemies come in. And if you're playing it restricted to lives and not quicksaving, you've gotta grab back all your equipment you dropped when you died too. Have fun in boss rooms.

I played Doom after Descent, still prefer Doom, but Descent is fun for challenge alone.

>> No.4774335

I bet this game used quaternions for rotations. If they had only advertised that...

>> No.4774369
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Y'know, you can talk about it in the Doom thread, they welcome all classic FPS, including Descent

>> No.4774373

It was fun in that I enjoyed playing through the shareware version but once that was over had no interest whatsoever in getting the full version.
in fact I don't remember much of anything about it except there was one green robot with bloody claws and you spent the whole game flying through dark twisty tubes
it was like playing a colonoscopy

>> No.4774427

what's up with this new meme where you post a popular cult classic and ask why it's not popular? exactly how much do you expect ordinary people to discuss these games in everyday speech?

we have a similar thread up about duke3d, even though it's the most popular build engine game by far.