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File: 239 KB, 1024x500, TPA is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4758693 No.4758693 [Reply] [Original]

Since technically this is a game that emulates mostly pre-1999 pinball machines, I thought this might be relevant.

Is this the end for The Pinball Arcade?

>Williams (& Bally) licence set to expire on July 30
>The company that controls the WMS IP chose not to renew our agreement, also prohibited a sale of those tables before being removed.
>The Williams/Bally make up over half the tables available.

The only good thing out of this is anyone who buys them before the deadline gets to keep them, which is more than can be said for other games.


>> No.4758723

There's always the 7th gen pinball collection discs these guys made too. I have the Williams one for Wii. Good stuff.

>> No.4758839

Their physics model was shit, I hope they find a better company. And you have until July 30th, but I don't see the point since like I said the simulation sucks even if the emulation is good.

tl;dr just use VPX recreations.

>> No.4758851

>tfw can't tell how bad the physics are because too casual

>> No.4758893

>The jews at Farsight got outjewed

>> No.4759050

I said to myself that I'd buy season 2 when upper flipper staging is added to the PS4 version and a bug on Black Knight is fixed. I'm tempted to go against that plan and just buy it now. Not going to, though. Maybe this will incentivize them to add Spooky tables, or something. Probably not though.

>> No.4759051

Holy shit, 60 tables out of 90 gone, just like that. Can Farsight even survive after this? Was Stern Pinball Arcade them preemptively hedging their bets?

>> No.4759205

>There's always the 7th gen pinball collection discs these guys made too. I have the Williams one for Wii. Good stuff.

lmfao no they are not good stuff that's the problem, christ you low skill dumb plebs allow such shit to get away with it.

Riddance, i'd happily see that dogshit company and it's talentless team dead in the water for that abomination of poorly programmed ps2 graphics and terrible physics bilge.

that's not just being casual that's being a low i.q moron.

>Their physics model was shit, I hope they find a better company. And you have until July 30th, but I don't see the point since like I said the simulation sucks even if the emulation is good.
>tl;dr just use VPX recreations.

this and anyone serious about pinball should e playing timeshock ultra on steam instead anyway, top tier physics and real life looking renders but no the dad shit plebs wanted quantity over quality and MUH AUTHENTIC TABLEZ despite them playing nothing at all like the real ones, annoying suckers.

>> No.4759220
File: 98 KB, 550x592, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinball Arcade is fun for what it is. Get the stick out your ass. You're right about Timeshock though.

>> No.4759246

>The only good thing out of this is anyone who buys them before the deadline gets to keep them

or pirates them

>> No.4759261

Well that's just a given, really

>> No.4759406

Can you explain how the physics are bad then? I hear it, but nobody explains what that even means.

>> No.4759415

Even watching a video of a real pinball machine being played should give you some hints. Or play Timeshock Ultra.

>> No.4759430

>Pinball Arcade is fun for what it is. Get the stick out your ass.
But the problem's just that once you've played any Pinball games with superior physics modeling, Pinball Arcade just doesn't cut it anymore.

>> No.4759489

- Balls are slow and floaty af, not feeling like weighty steel balls at all
- flippers feel off and control oddly, also it seems as if the friction between their rubber coating and the balls isn't modeled properly (or at all)
- some table elements have what feel like scripted events: balls getting sucked up ramps, balls rolling down slopes from upper playfields in identical fashion regardless of the speed and angle they went to the slope, stuff like drop catches feeling like they're "pre-recorded"

Not directly physics-related, but still...
- absolutely zero fucks given about keyboard controls: no matter the length of the key press, nudges are always the same strength. Just how hard would it have been to do it properly like the original Timeshock did back in 1997 already?! Short press = light tap, press & hold = full strength nudge.
- absolute dogshit sound effects for the table mechanics: solenoids don't *thwak!* like they should, slingshots and bumpers sound like plastic toys, balls hitting table components don't sound like metal balls, etc. etc.

>> No.4759517

imo Pinball Arcade's greatest sin is the new UI they introduced a couple years ago. Absolute fucking dogshit. Yes, having to scroll up or down through the increasing number of tables was starting to get a bit unmanageable, but the new UI is just awful.

>> No.4760021
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, 20180508_113153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4760035

I can't play pinball IRL there's fucking nothing near me.

This is tragic. This is the only way I could play tables. I seriously hope the company with the rights is just planning to go to a better game rather than ducking out of videogames forever.

>> No.4760051

Zen Studios should make a bid for real table licenses in Pinball FX3

>> No.4760069

Is that a stripped Bally Special Force? I owned one a couple years back

>> No.4760559
File: 91 KB, 600x800, timeshock-whitewood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the upcoming physical table of Timeshock.

>> No.4760564
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact recreations
>best pinball simulation ever created
Why would they do that? Release a shoddy attempt at simulation and tell lies?

>> No.4760636

Never played Timeshock, but check out Bally Special Force. Design looks very similar

>> No.4761224
File: 792 KB, 500x500, CRADLE-SEPARATION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further more, cradle separations don't work in Pinball Arcade the way they do on real tables. There's probably some other advanced techniques you can't do either.

>> No.4761227

Do you live in the US or Canada? If so: https://pinballmap.com/
Maybe you've already checked that, I don't know. Pinside has an international map, but it's less complete.

>> No.4761285

I explain it all the fucking time, play a real machine and you'll notice immediately, there's NO spin in pin arc, NO speed variation and there's some kind of prescripted hoover ramp shit where a ball enters the ramp slow but reaches a point and the code pulls it up and around faster than entry, it's fucking abysmal.

>Pinball Arcade is fun for what it is.
No it fucking isn't, it's ugly, it's glitchy, it's inaccurate and it PALES in comparison to a fucking free download (VPX). Nothing to do with head up my ass because i'm not a braindead consumer that pays for a sub par product that's called being fucking stupid and i'll leave that to you.

play timeshock ultra, you can do every flipper trick you can in rl, i became a much better irl player because of it.

>> No.4761551

>play a real machine
That's actually impossible to do though, and why I even look at Pinball Arcade.

>> No.4761982

This is why digital only sucks. I wish I had these tables on disk.

>> No.4762051

I actually have the first two seasons on disc for PS4. Annoyingly the PS4 treats them as two separate games though and obviously I need the discs in to play them so I need to swap discs if I want to play a different table from the other season.

>> No.4762257

Its why piracy is actually good.

They will forever be available and preserved due to piracy.

>> No.4762268

So what's going on at Williams/Bailey's end? Are they gonna sell the license to someone else? Start making their own pinball collection? Just sit on it and not make money?

>> No.4762427

>Are they gonna sell the license to someone else? Start making their own pinball collection?

I can only assume this must be the case. It wouldn't make sense to not renew the contract if they don't have another deal lined up.

>> No.4762510
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x1536, 20180509_142613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite tables?

>> No.4762517
File: 1.15 MB, 1556x986, Action 52 Sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we are talking about the company behind this masterpiece.

>> No.4762520

Zen would honestly have to make a new game or engine. While I like that their physics are actually consistent, they are still far from accurate. At least they seem more competent than farsight, though.

>> No.4762531
File: 1.28 MB, 1536x2048, gladiators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I officially gave up on Pinball Arcade when I got good at a Gladiators pin at a local arcade then tried the TPA version to discover that the physics were so shit I couldn't do any of the basic maneuvers to progress in the table. On top of that the game's rules aren't even fully programmed in the TPA version!

>> No.4762853

I heard and read people saying Pinball Arcade got really bad the last 2 years. Never really fixing tables, slow releases, bad bugs.

>> No.4762994

This really needs a VPX version. The VP9 version is just ok.

>> No.4763547

Wow, I never knew. That's crazy.

>> No.4763978
File: 558 KB, 367x265, dongald.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pro Pinball: The Williams Collection

>> No.4763984

>I hope they find a better company
Probably not. WMS is only a name to put on slot machines nowadays.

>> No.4764386
File: 1.33 MB, 2610x1313, IMG_20180510_190324~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Dredd. Wanna own one in real life some day.

Also the Switch PBA is out tomorrow.

>36 incredible tables

Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.4766017


>> No.4766061
File: 135 KB, 640x577, 48a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH. HELL. FUCKING. YES. That would be decent.

Wouldn't hurt to have some of Bally's finest later on too.