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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 939 KB, 898x505, PVMShinobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4745334 No.4745334 [Reply] [Original]

>PVM medical monitor.
>600 lines and RGB inputs.
>That classic beige aesthetic.
> It's god damn perfect.

I thought the PVM/BVM guys were probably exaggerating. They weren't. It's fucking beautiful.

>> No.4745336
File: 512 KB, 601x448, EswatSquare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4745340
File: 1.63 MB, 1181x858, Sonic2PVM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4745346

Yeah, they look p. gud

>> No.4745353

Looks good, OP.

>> No.4745367

it's not a meme. The meme is that some people think it's literally the only way to play retro games and won't settle for anything less. The image in your pics looks great, but that screen looks pretty small. Imagine doing multiplayer with 4 people crowded around that thing. I'm happy for you OP, but I'm also perfectly happy with my 28" consumer set with S-video

>> No.4745379 [DELETED] 

You damn fool shut up before more people want them and they get even more expensive.

PVMs suck. Composite was how the devs intended.

>> No.4745393

I used to think the PVM meme was exaggerated as well, until I actually played on one in person. I spent weeks tracking one down at a reasonable price and drive several hours just to pick it up. It was worth every second and every penny I spent.

I still have a big 32" consumer CRT with component and s-video inputs, because when I've got friends over to play games I don't want to have to crowd around a 14" PVM.

>> No.4745405

>Composite was how the devs intended.
This is unironically true though.
While PVMs look nice there gets to a point where you might as well just be playing on an LCD or emulated since RGB on to a 480+ line PVM ends up looking about the same with sharp/ridged pixels.

>> No.4745407

>when I've got friends over to play games I don't want to have to crowd around a 14" PVM.
People who own PVMs don't invite friends over...

>> No.4745409

You're correct. I have a pvm and bvm but nothing gets the nostalgia going like new on composite on a period correct tv. To me 16 bit and above benefit more than 8 bit or under. Watching dvds on a pvm or bvm is even better.

>> No.4745415

Oled+Framemeister masterrace reporting in. Cool tube OP.

>> No.4745423


I picked up a PVM few years back, it actually hurts my eyes how sharp the lines are on games, it's like viewing it through a window sill. DVDs and laserdiscs look awesome on it though.

>> No.4745425

Neat, but as a non-purist I'm living my childhood wish of playing my games on a giant TV by using an OSSC.

>> No.4745431

>600 lines
>uses only 240 of them
>consumer sets of the time had the same form
>not how the developers intended them to be displayed
Yeah, I’m thinkin it’s a meme.

>> No.4745445
File: 42 KB, 500x633, 1510465029203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand how TVL counts work

>> No.4745452

240 lines of course fill the screen but you’re not getting any more resolution than you would on a consumer set, assuming the connection is the same.

>> No.4745460 [DELETED] 

umm no sweetie i'm using 384 lines, power of the N64, babe

>> No.4745493

What brand is your 32" CRT? I'm looking for a good CRT with s-video while I save for a PVM.

>> No.4745495
File: 20 KB, 562x487, TVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly don't understand how TVL counts work. The measure the TV's horizontal resolution, not vertical.

>> No.4745497

It's a Panasonic flat screen CRT. It's got some weird geometry issues, but it works fine for multiplayer sessions. I don't remember the exact model off the top of my head, but I can double check for you when I get home from work.

>> No.4745514

The NEC X* models are the perfect solution to this issue since they come in 29" and 37" varieties.

>> No.4745527

Swap 224 for 256, the point still srands.

>> No.4745565

Don't you just love how the /v/ idiots just double down on their ignorance?

>> No.4745669

CRT thread exists for a reason.

>> No.4745672

And... you still don't understand how TV lines work. See >>4738496

>> No.4745678

Mitsubishi made monitors up to 42" in size. Those are simply incredible for group play. Some of my best memories of college are sitting around playing 4 player arcade games with my roommates on a 37" Megaview.

>> No.4745910

TVL is not pixels, dumbass.

>> No.4745953

Circlejerking mostly.

>> No.4746237

Any display with RGB/component looks fantastic you fucking twat. And you could have gotten one a lot easier. You don't need a stupid 4 inch ex medical display.
>600 lines
Utterly irrelevant.

>> No.4746370

Not irrelevant. It affects how the picture looks.

>> No.4746397

yeah dude this
people with PVMs just have imaginary friends online
actually, a guy on one such group said he wouldn't let his daughter play SNES on the PVM, because he didn't want her putting "hours" on it. can you be any worse?

>> No.4746442
File: 19 KB, 405x399, 1522841465158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I have friends over we just plug the shitendo into the 4k OLED tv. Friends don't exactly care about optimized visual quality.

>> No.4746487

But muh latency!

>> No.4747341

l want to see a link to that post or I don't believe it.

>> No.4747347

lol. svideo

>> No.4747348

No. Your copypasta isn't even that good and you should feel bad.

>> No.4747352

I'm not that guy, but it's not hard to believe at all considering how much some people worship those monitors, they are becoming more expensive, will never be produced again

>> No.4747357

>will never be produced again
It's just a matter of time before someone contracts a Chinese company to make a run of them. They'll be very simple CGA/television tubes that will get shipped to the US or UK, and the middle man will add their own chassis and casing and charge $500 for it.

>> No.4747363

I leave my 14m4u on pretty much all the time. It's sitting there right now with the Wii's home screen on it although it's dimmed. Turning them on and off is hard on them too

>> No.4747417

I've never even seen a megaview for sale and it's not for lack of trying. I'd be really interested to see how much of the difference is just the RGB input and how much is the pro monitors actually being better though. I saw a 35" mitsubishi consumer set with RGB in on ebay once.

>> No.4747419

and even if that happens by a literal fucking miracle they won't look like trinitrons

>> No.4747479

Megaviews don't look like PVMs. It's hard to describe the difference, but I would say they look more "neutral" and smooth. This applies to the latter XC series. The AM series looks more like an arcade monitor.

NEC XM series have this same look about them. If you have played retro games on a standard non-trinitron PC monitor from the late 90s or early 2000s that will be the closest to what they look like. But the Megaviews and XM series can display 15khz and of course they are much larger.

>> No.4747490

Won't matter because some people always want to buy something new. And it's not 100% out of the question for it to be a generic aperture grille design.

>> No.4747532

Yeah but it's "not 100% out of the question" already within a pretty big "not 100% out of the question". Don't get me wrong I'd buy five, just basically don't hold your breath.

>> No.4747541

I wouldn't mind even if it was a shadow mask CRT, good shadow mask sets with high TVL counts look super nice, very reminiscent of arcade monitors. I've got a 750 TVL Panasonic RGB monitor that has a shadow mask and it looks better than my 27" consumer Trinitron.

>> No.4747552
File: 3.83 MB, 5081x3395, DSC05233ARW2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure someone is/was selling a 3730 in Kansas or some shit.

>> No.4747553


Literally all my normie friends don't even notice a damn difference, they grew up on CRT's but few remember what they looked like other than "oh I bet they looked like shit then". If the games look like shit now on modern flat-screens they think it's because the game's graphics were shit and not because of poor upscalers.

>> No.4747557

spotted the memer

>> No.4747608

>I've got a 750 TVL Panasonic RGB monitor
What's the model #?

>> No.4747715

BT-H1390Y. It's an amazing monitor if you can find one at a good price.

>> No.4749640

I kinda know this feeling OP, I got a viewsonic graphics series vga monitor, and it looks way better for watching TV than my monitor does. I do wonder if it's partially the smaller size though.

For some reason my graphics card won't run the monitor at more than 75hz, while my old XP machine can run it at 120hz when run at 1600x1200. Very unusual.

>> No.4751190
File: 302 KB, 557x540, 1516446481183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy, but sometimes I double down on retarded shit here when I want to learn about something
people never explain shit when I just ask

>> No.4751804

>teh ironing

>> No.4751829

This anons pic makes it pretty clear I think >>4745495

TVL stands for television vertical lines. On a raster-scan display like a non-vector crt, the vertical resolution is function of its frequency and frame rate but the horizontal resolution is a physical function of how many vertical lines its screen has.

>> No.4751845

Holy shit Earnest Evans is such a good game dude.

>> No.4752005

>the post
>your head

>> No.4752027

Do you guys have a good source to buy cables for a PVM 1454QM? Preferably either one situated in europe or one that ships internationally.

>> No.4752034

Let's see your display gramps

>> No.4753035

>not using a superior XRGB-3
nice constant handshaking when your ps1 and saturn games change resolutions, fag. in the meantime, I'll be playing everything flawlessly on my 2950Q

>> No.4753038

Sure. What game?

>> No.4753049



>> No.4753051 [DELETED] 

Here's a pic I took of the PVM when I was playing Shiryou Sensen

>> No.4753054
File: 2.60 MB, 3264x2448, 1512667714076[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic I took of the PVM when I was playing Shiryou Sensen.

>> No.4753059
File: 3.32 MB, 3036x3455, IMG_20180503_221300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20L2MD Neo Geo master race reporting in

>> No.4753084

heh, you think your crt does interlacing any good? Delusional.

>> No.4753090
File: 88 KB, 694x530, Benjamin-Sisko-benjamin-sisko-13605618-694-530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice old man

>> No.4753134
File: 11 KB, 228x221, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4753270

Is XRGB-3 the agreed upon best option for those finicky PS1/Saturn titles?

>> No.4753273

OSSC or something before your scaler that puts everything to an even 480p so your scaler doesn't have to freak out when swapping 240/480. OSSC sucks with higher resolutions but at least it doesn't die from those shit ps1/saturn titles that decided to have videos or menus in 480i.

>> No.4753290

So daisy chain the OSSC into the framemeister? Any videos of this in action?

>> No.4753294

Actually it looks like 480p is shit with the XRGB mini, so i'd be a direct plug in.

If I wanted to do 1080p capture ideally i'd go for console -> OSSC -> XPC-4?