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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4739016 No.4739016 [Reply] [Original]

I'm saving up to get an AES, but I can't decide whether to go for the HDMI mod or the S-Video/composite mod.

Or just get a vanilla AES and buy the Retrovision adapter.

Any anons have any experience with these 3 options, pros, cons, etc.

What say you?

>> No.4739130

>What say you?
Leave the AES on the shelf to take pictures of and play on your MVS

>> No.4739131

>video mods
>not viewing as the developers intended

>> No.4739136

>buys AES
>mods it for RGB

>> No.4739161

You'll be really disappointed when you spend all that money then realise that NeoGeo has no games.

>> No.4739167

Leave your AES un-mutilated and build yourself a CMVS like a normal person.

>> No.4739768
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1511820038329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I kinda don't want to have to buy a CRT JUST for this thing either. (I don't do the scanlines meme)

Would rather just use my BenQ GAYMEN monitor that I'm about to upgrade from.

And I'm looking for the pixels/image to be as crisp as how the emulators look like in the aforementioned display.

Can't imagine the vanilla hook-ups would give me the same visual fidelity.

Or do they?

But then these options also sound reasonable. do the MVS carts allow for console-tier options? [Such as the training mode in KOF 98 and on]

I'm a spic so, think you know what games I'm getting this thiing for, lol.

>> No.4739798

>mutilating an AES
Yeah nah, just get a converter and stick with it. The Neo geo already output the best video signal you'd want from a game console.

>> No.4739838


The Neo Geo is home to some of the finest games ever made. The percentage ratio of quality titles vs the stinkers exceeds any other home console. So OP... ignore the delusional retards here and GO FOR IT. Thank me later.

>> No.4739861

>Buy a Neo-Geo AES
>I don't know if I want a CRT

What the actual fuck is wrong with you. You bought probably the single most expensive gaming system ever, and you don't want to get a cheap ass CRT because why?

>> No.4739881

Just buy a CMVS off AliExpress. It’s cheaper, has UniBIOS already on it, and actually has semi affordable games.

>> No.4739992
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1468661459805 (2017_05_14 02_02_03 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One concern is real estate for the CRT, I mean if I absolutely MUST, I'll just end up getting a Sony Triniton PVM (the little portable production monitors) and squeeze it wherever I can find space for it.

Another is that I'd rather not go through the hassle of selling my current BenQ (ebaying it, buying shipping materials, etc), particularly when it still works well enough and it would fit better with my furniture placement than a CRT would.

Finally, it's me being practicality-minded that I DON'T want to spend further on another monitor when I have a perfectly good one here.

You know it pham d(゚∀゚ )b

Yeah that sounds like the better option all in all if I'm planning on actually experiencing the games

Thanks for all the input /vr/ (ゝз・)ノ~* !

>> No.4740065

With unibios your MVS can run as an AES

>> No.4740947

>Finally, it's me being practicality-minded that I DON'T want to spend further on another monitor when I have a perfectly good one here.
Then spend on a converter instead of butchering and AES to add HDMI or other retarded stuff.

>> No.4741008

>he doesn't want to spend on a monitor
>advise him to spend even more on a converter
Or are you so retarded you were recommending one of those cheap pieces of shit with massive lag?

>> No.4741010

Learn to read before posting.
He doesn't want to spend on a monitor because muh place and he doesn't want to replace his current one, not because he lacks money.
If he lacked money he wouldn't've bought a fucking AES.

>> No.4741012

>I'm saving up to get an AES,

You will never afford the actual games.

>> No.4741525

>I'm saving up to get an AES
>If he lacked money he wouldn't've bought a fucking AES.
>Learn to read before posting
I'd call you the $6 ironic man but we both know you're underage

>> No.4741580

>Neo Geo owners, which mod do you prefer?
I prefer MAME and Kawaks.

>> No.4742916

This. If you're in a position where you have to "save up" to buy the console, you're walking into the wrong hobby. You're not going to last.

>> No.4743081
File: 161 KB, 1280x1096, 20170619_133231__88110.1503593450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used one of these flash carts before? I was looking at getting a Neo Geo and a flash cart and save a lot on games.

>> No.4744251

HDMI for sure.

>> No.4744270

i'm waiting for neosd pro, they said they will put it on their site soon

>> No.4744274

Why not use the hdretrovision cable and adapter? Seems cheaper and doesn't require modification

>> No.4744390

mmm component is sexy as fuck always

>> No.4744772
File: 139 KB, 600x800, 2959324-kof96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really only after the console and 4 important fighters from my youth. (96, 97, 99 and 2000)

Not really seeking to have even THAT fighter series "complete" since I'm already skipping 94, 95, 98, 2002 and 2003.

>> No.4744801

why not get both?

>> No.4744815

>getting a console just you can play 4 games
Yet another reason for you not to get one.