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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 438x370, milon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4736835 No.4736835 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that obtuse?

>> No.4736842 [DELETED] 

Play it and found out.

>> No.4736847

Play it and find out.

>> No.4736849

Depends on how knowledgeable you are when dealing with secrets in platforming games. Stuff like "shoot all the walls!" and "push a block into one of the slots near it!" should be pretty basic, and most of the items in the shop outright tell you what they do.

The problems with the game are the horrible arcing weapon and the extremely punishing level design.

>> No.4736870

Fucking brutal as a kid. I think this is one of the controller breakers

>> No.4736872

ur obtuse

>> No.4737238

Obtuse and difficult aren't the same.

>> No.4737251

Milon's Secret Castle?
More like Milon's SHITTY ASSHOLE!!.

>> No.4737507
File: 39 KB, 375x375, 1488927152939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I literally came here just to post this

>> No.4737803

There's a couple trouble spots, and one of them is really early on. Beyond that, it's mostly just punishing is a really overwhelmingly dickish way.

>> No.4737806

Baby tier compared to Legacy of the Wizard

Owning that game without a manual as a kid was an absolute nightmare

>> No.4737836

I don't think many kids were knowledgeable on platformers in the NES days.

>> No.4737848

my moms friend randomly got this for me when I was a child. I was rather excited. And basically had no fucking clue. I should go back to it now.
Seriously. What in the cryptic fuck was that? I'm having Nam like flashbacks just thinking about it.

>> No.4737858

tell me the truth /vr/, do you guys really think that when you are playing a platformer you should spend more time dealing with secrets or finding paths than the time you spend on the main game?

>> No.4737884

It's "Secret Castle". So yea

>> No.4737914

I typically like my platformers to be pretty straightforward and linear with maybe a few out of the way optional collectibles.