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File: 27 KB, 425x234, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4732543 No.4732543 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this game so great compared to others? Be honest and don't just repeat memes.

>> No.4732551

FF6 is okay, but DUAL ORB 2 is better and was released a few months after.

>> No.4732563

I like its darker atmosphere. How the whole world gets destroyed and then you have to pick up the pieces from there. Sort of similar to what happens in Genealogy of the Holy War.

>> No.4732569

The only good things in this game are the punchy dude's and samurai guy's mechanics. I had it built up to me way too much at a young age before I finally sat down and played it. It was built up to me to such an extreme that absolutely nothing could've lived up to my hopes. It didn't help that I was just starting to experience JRPG burnout at this time.

I'm always a bit jealous of folks that like it. I tried so hard, but couldn't.

>> No.4732610 [DELETED] 
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As a teenage girl I could easily relate to Terra's emotional hangups about love and romance. Coming to terms with the fact that I'm not like most other girls, but that's okay and it doesn't stop me from leading a fulfilling love life.

>> No.4732614

Great music, neat magic + tech world to explore, very memorable set pieces, large cast of characters many of whom were memorable, a world that feels lived-in.

>> No.4732615

Music, Ensemble cast all with their own motivations and inner demons, pacing is great, narrative structure is unique for its time (having your party split up and then choosing whose quest you want to play first etc).
Thematically it was extremely mature for 1994, dealing with psychosis, suicide, and things like that.

>> No.4732619 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking man. A gay man.

>> No.4732621 [DELETED] 

>You're a fucking man
Actually, my boyfriend is the one who does the fucking :P

>> No.4732625 [DELETED] 

Doesnt make you any less of a faggot.

>> No.4732632 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1080x810, 1523814730425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucks given: -1

>> No.4732654

Great story, great characters, great villains, almost peak SNES graphics (which I'll take any day over the "muh realism" shit of today), great turn based battles, epic soundtrack.
Only underage faggots don't like it.

>> No.4732657

Give Treasure of the Rudras a try. Also made by Square.

>> No.4732671

it's good, but not that good, especially considering DUAL ORB 2 can out a few years prior

>> No.4732682

I see you are a man of taste.

>> No.4732707 [DELETED] 

Bottoming makes it more gay.
Maybe if you gave more fucks than you took, you'd start thinking you were a man again.

Also please leave and never come back.

>> No.4732719

This post is even worse than when people post pictures taken by necrophiliacs.

>> No.4732749

>How the whole world gets destroyed

People need to stop repeating this meme

>> No.4732752

It's called the world of ruin for a reason. It's a world in ruins.

>> No.4732753

Kefka shifted some continents around (and to be clear, he had no idea how to use the statues then, he was just fucking around), and then he shot lightning and towns a couple of times.

The main bad thing that happened was that as a result of the continents shifting, a bunch of monsters came out.

Exdeath did far more world fuckery than Kefka. The main difference is that FFV's protagonists didn't sit around doing fuck-all for a year.

>> No.4732758 [DELETED] 

Im glad im not the only one that cant stand that faggot. Dual Orb memes are more acceptable than that pretend woman.

>> No.4732771
File: 22 KB, 500x375, images(24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

BNW may live up to your hopes

>More human characters and villain
You are trying to say negative things, yes?

>> No.4732775

>You are trying to say negative things, yes?

No, why would you think that?

>> No.4732783

Anons, just filter the fucking tripfags. Makes life easier.

>> No.4732796

is that the iron maiden guy

>> No.4732915

Yes it is. "Brave New World" is also the name of a Maiden album.

>> No.4732960

I didn't enjoy much the world of balance. But the world of ruin was great. So much optional and varied content. Modern open worlds could learn some tricks from this game.

>> No.4732969

I compare it to Baccano in that there's no MC because everyone is the MC and I loved every character there.
The atmosphere was great from the long march at the beginning to the fight against Kafka at the end. I mean just look at the title card you posted.
And this is also the real turning point of the franchise the Magi-Steampunk setting is radically different from the pure medieval settings of the previous games and a good transition to the science fantasy that will come about in later games.

>> No.4733049


If you hate FFVI, it's hard to see how you love the other FFs. It's the most polished of the 2D games. As much as it annoys /vr/, a lot of kids and teenagers weren't good at video games, and had never played a game with a cinematic story before. This game was deep as shit to a socially stunted 13 year old in the 90s. Mind-blowing, even.

>> No.4733052

This post hits too close to home.

>> No.4733062

the virgin sevenleaf and the chad dual orb 2

>> No.4733083

You're not like the other girls but you still have a love life?
Dude whatever, get back to me when you're a virgin pushing 30. You're literally a normal person.

>> No.4733093


No doubt --- I'm not even criticizing anyone -- this was literally my experience.

>> No.4733098

Yeah I figured so. Short blog but hearing the soundtrack in to VI while traveling in the Regalia in XV made me a little misty eyed a few nights ago. I started playing and find myself hooked in a similar way as I was when I first played VI back in the 90s.

>> No.4733118

Basically in the middle of the exact same thing --- I'm about to pick up Strago and Relm in the World of Balance. Glad you're playing anon.

>> No.4733140

>it's hard to see how you love the other FFs
well, no other FF, 2D or 3D, turns into a character fetchquest halfway through the game, so there's that

>> No.4733148


FFIV might have, except they all kept dying.

>> No.4733169

>It's the most polished of the 2D games.
It's damn near the opposite and the only reason it isn't the least polished is because FF1 and FF2's NES releases were buggy. There's less care put into the gameplay of 6 than there is every single game before it, including 2.

>> No.4733178

It isn't "so great compared to the others". Final Fantasy 4-7 are 4 A+ games in a row. People like 6 because of the unique aesthetic, huge cast, and customization options.

I personally love it because of the World of Ruin. The emotions it evokes are so melancholy. Because even when you win, the world will never be the same.

>> No.4733197

Final Fantasy 4-5 are A+ games, 6 is a B- at best. Though 6 really deserves a C rating, and don't even get me started on the liberal wankfest that is 7.

>> No.4733208

It's a world of green landscapes and blue oceans where people's lives are largely mundane tat gets transformed into a world of rubble and poisoned oceans where people live in fear of a crazy jester with god powers. It's literally a post-apocalypse.

>> No.4733212 [DELETED] 

never seen such a desperate cry for attention on this board. screenshottted for /vr/ history

>> No.4733262

I don't hate FFVI, I love it I like the story (both worlds) and the gameplay. It's easily one of the most aesthetic SNES games, period and the music is top-notch. But despite its surface polish and many strong points, it's also got some major flaws both in terms of design, balance and programming errors.

For example, healing is scarce in the early game, forcing you to pace yourself and watch your potion inventory. Healing with mana is a special ability that only Terra and Celes have. Until Zozo, that is, at which point your mana pool grows massively and anyone can be taught to heal. For the rest of the game you'll always have a party member with spare mana to heal up after a battle. Elemental protection, which is fairly easy to obtain early in the WoR, trivializes several of the dragon encounters, which are otherwise quite fun. Ultima is absurdly powerful, even without X-Magic or an MP-reduction relic and is not hard to get. The colosseum is a great idea in theory but would be far better with a slightly less random AI.

>> No.4733284 [DELETED] 

I'd pray that Sevenleaf got AIDS, but since he is already a faggot thats kind of a given he already has it.

>> No.4733603
File: 131 KB, 1024x683, C5F47E24-6B38-4A7C-8A04-BE903EE0034E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fucking break your shit if you don’t cut this crap out.

>> No.4733628 [DELETED] 

OK can I get your discord tho

>> No.4733658

You wont do shit.

>> No.4733695

it's been a while since i last played it.

it's the same as the other snes final fantasies.

but there's something about it.

the characters are somehow more poignant.

the graphics, not so much in a technical sense, but in how mysterious these places look. the narshe caves, the phantom forest, zozo.

and these places coupled with the music, possibly the most inspired of uematsu's soundtracks.

the game hits the sweet spot. i still remember how it made me feel; few games made me feel like that.

>> No.4733719

You just mad you're not chad enough for DUAL ORB 2

>> No.4733729 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 733x476, 1519748811568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad trip fags get singled out for their bullshit ego feeding.

You are a piece of shit. Thats just true and you know it deep in your heart. Fuck you.

>> No.4733732

Unlike FF7, it actually aged well

>> No.4733787
File: 44 KB, 600x250, benny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is edgar having the drill and the fight with the tunnel armor directly lifted from this scene?


>> No.4733837

FF7's timeless set pieces look a lot better than FF6's obvious tiles.

>> No.4733872 [DELETED] 

There is literally nothing wrong with being trans.

>> No.4733882


I didnt play this till about 2009. I have to say, at first it just seemed like any other RPG from that era. Then slowly I started to see how polished it was, how it had slightly different dynamics and really tried to have fun with the characters and narrative. It was really streamlined and managed to keep pushing forward and not feel grindy or slow or bogged down in story or leveling up.

>> No.4733917

Even the mods hate that fag, his posts are gone and Dual Orb 2 lives on, proof DO2 is the Chad here.

>> No.4733935

Pretty much just the story and characters. The gameplay was nothing special. Chrono Trigger and Terranigma are superior SNES JRPGs.

>> No.4733987
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, effects.jpg.57ccda7fe56933c5e92ae36e78ec17cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you clearly compared FF5 to FF6 and found serious issues with the in-lore abilities of FF6's cast members.
I would present to you that the very things you're referring to are what make the cast of characters in FF6 all the more human and therefore realistic and believable. I for one cared a great deal more about FF6's characters for their struggle and hated Kefka more because he was just a psychopathic moron who managed to wreck the world and acquire tons of power.
Also I don't agree that the worst thing about the World of Ruin is that monsters popped out, but rather the sheer volume of people who died directly from the event or afterward those monsters, or just famine and shit.

>> No.4733989

Well its no DUAL ORB 2

>> No.4734071

I would have appreciated it more if the World of Ruin shit didn't take up half the game with the dev team not knowing what to do with it other than wrapping it up. It's cool to see the time skip but it can be unnecessarily long, all the sad bullshit happening fucking killed the charm and buildup of the first half and the extra things you can do there felt like throwaway post-game content rather than anything meaningful to the course of the story, finding the rest of the cast was a pain, the combat mechanics could be conviniently thrown out of the window by learning Ultima, etc.

that said, the first half of FFVI was pretty much the high point of the series

>> No.4734076

yeah. Shit taste.

>> No.4734081

Your recollection of FF5 and FF6 is muddy and shitty. Kefka literally reshape and destroyed the world for everyone involved.

Narshe became a ghost town literally
South Figaro restored itself
Tzen was shit (moreso than before)
Albrook was shit
Kohlingen is shit
Mobliz barely exist
Nikeah is fine for the most part
Zozo was always bad
Maranda was always shit
Thamasa is unchanged.

Exdeath did absolutely less because everything was restored to normal at the end of FF5. Death was a consequence of Kefka's actions in FF6 so with him gone they had to rebuild everything. Most of the game's overworld is arid from almost total annihilation, ancient monsters flying around, bandits and thiefs everywhere, and someone with a nuke switch firing his laser if he felt incline to destroy something is a pretty shitty world to live in. The only reason Kefka didn't end it all was because he banked on the protagonist he fought against showing up just to fight him. He said so himself; otherwise, he would have gotten bored and destroyed everything.

>> No.4734089

or proves this is a dual orb safe space

>> No.4734092


The characters having personality and are likeable matters. That's why I just cannot like FF13 on up. Squeenix just can't write good characters like they used to.

Plus the game much like the others from the SNES/PS1 era have a charm and aesthetics to them in terms of their enviroment that also matters. Squeenix focusing on graphics and how much detail they can load onto the screen has made them blind to it now.

>> No.4734098

If I play the standard FFVI (i.e. FF"III") US ROM, would I be missing anything important? I've heard the translation is actually not bad

>> No.4734153

I may have to give that a look, anon. Thanks. It'll be a while, though. I ran into the same issue (to a much lesser extent) with Xenogears, and that game's more my aesthetic, so I'll probably revisit that first in a few years. Maybe when I'm 30 I'll go back to FF6...

>> No.4734158

I was planning on playing the Final Fantasy series this year, I was thinking of playing the games on my PSP at least up to the PS1 games, I, II, III and IV being the PSP re-releases, and the rest up to IX being the PS Classics.
I have read about the GBA releases having better translations but the PSP releases looks more appealing besides the PS Classic of V which seems to have issues? I guess I should play V Advance for that one.

>> No.4734164
File: 184 KB, 800x1101, ezC3HOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The music was killer. I cared for the characters as they were likable. The story had emotional weight. The design of the towns was very pleasing. The game played great. Plus i really enjoyed the melancholic undertone. Till this day FF still stands as my fav RPG. Maybe dragon quest XI will dethrone it, later this year. We shall see about that.

What i still can't get my head around is how EGM back in the day praised FF6 so hard, but they refused to give it 10 out of 10.

>> No.4734196

Why was this post deleted? It's an interesting perspective.

>> No.4734216


Some graphics are censored, and the translation is frankly shit. But there's not a single decent English translation to date, so the latter point is rather moot. If the original SNES ROM is accessible to you, then play it. You could play the PS1 version for that matter. It's nearly identical aside from added load times and partially de-censored bits.

>> No.4734218

>none of the reviewers mention the gameplay

>> No.4734224


All of those versions are garbage. Weird graphics scaling, washed out colors, worse translations than the originals, and all the extra content is shoehorned fanfiction tier bullshit. Don't waste your time when you can just play the original releases like everybody else did.

The only remakes or enhanced ports I can stand by are the ones of FF1 and 2 featured in FF Origins for PSX. The original games were extremely buggy. Although they were still very much playable, I assume you want to play through versions of these games where the mechanics work (mostly) as they were intended to.

>> No.4734236

it looked great for the time, but FF6's cutscenes actually match the game. No one would make a game today that would look like FF7, but FF6 is a style a lot of indie RPGs take from.

Also forgot to mention
Dancing Mad is better than One Winged Angel

>> No.4734359

I was considering playing it on the SNES mini. What kind of censorship? Nudity?

>> No.4734365

nvm i just googled it, looks like just some bare ass

>> No.4734404


Sepiroth looked like a straight faggot in his final form compared to Kefka as a demon angel.

>> No.4734417

Nothing. It's not great.

>> No.4734430

>Dancing Mad is better than One Winged Angel
It is, but One Winged Angel is overrated, anyway. Birth of a God is better than it, too.

>> No.4734540

The scene where they beat Celes is removed too.

>> No.4734653

All bars were renamed as "Cafe" and some graphics were redrawn to show less skin, like the Sirene summon or some naked enemy graphics like the Triad, the haunted paiting at Jidoor's house, and a few others.
The GBA version also removed Celes's torture and her chained sprite from her introductory scene.

>> No.4734667

It's one of the first FFs to really go big on presentation, characters and storytelling. It also still has one of the most memorable OSTs in the franchise. FFVI certainly has its faults and if I were to list my problems with the game it'd sound like I legitimately think it's shit, but I still think it's a pretty good game imo.

>> No.4734695

>What makes this game so great compared to others?
People tend to hold a higher opinion of it compared to other games they've played.

>> No.4734991

Define "memes." Because if "memes" is just a cynical term for popular explanations of why the game is well liked, then this is all a pointless endeavor.

>> No.4735063


Walse was erased
Istory was erased
Moogle Village was erased
Lix was Erased
The library of ancients was erased

The wind itself had stopped blowing
Shortly after, without the crystals, water would stagnate, heat would dissipate and the planet would freeze.
Of course, none of this matters because EXDEATH WAS ACTIVELY ERASING THE PLANET

Don't forget, Exdeath similarly reshaped the world by combining two worlds, which, incidentally, also opens the interdimensional rifts, releases monsters, etc.

Everything was restored only because the FFV party (and the Warriors of Dawn) basically recreated the crystals with their power.

Don't forget, WoR takes place a year after WoB. If the FFV party had waited a year, the whole planet would have been erased. The primary difference is that the FFV party did not sit around, but immediately fought back (and also they had the power of the crystals, I'm not denying that the FFV party did have more power than the FFVI party). Some FFVI members were legitimately incapacitated (Celes, Sabin), but others straight up fucked off and didn't bother fighting back.

>> No.4735270

If there's one thing that makes FFVI great, it's Kefka. At the beginning he's laughable but grows into a monster by the end when you're tricked into thinking the emperor would be the villain.

>> No.4735317

>is just a cynical term for popular explanations of why the game is well liked,

Thanks for this, I'd been struggling to find a really succinct way to describe 4chan's nonstandard usage of the word "meme," and you've done it perfectly.

>> No.4735346

Aside from graphics and named characters, is there much difference between Final Fantasy III on DS to the NES original?
Not making a new thread for this.

>> No.4735348

Can't review what isn't there.

>> No.4735375

Wait so is it just the GBA version where they censor the Celes beating or is it also censored in the SNES version?

>> No.4735382

The story was well crafted, the characters were all given time for development, the party is customizable, it manages to have a huge cast of characters without feeling horribly packed, and eaxh character has a different gimmick for fightong, making you really choose your party instead of just going with whoever. Music and art were great too.

>> No.4735386

It was never really super graphic, so nothing needs to be censored to start with. They removed the whole concept of the beating from the gba though. She was just a prisoner.

>> No.4735390

It's a more polished and just as hard as the NES one, anyone recommending NES probably just likes sprites better.

>> No.4735682
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People don't make games that look like FF7 because it is really hard. Making games that look like FF6 isn't that hard, because FF6 doesn't have particularly good graphics for a 16bit RPG, outside of some of the boss and monster graphics, which look good because they are basically direct translations of top notch concept art.

>> No.4735707

final fantasy 6 perfected JRPG pacing. you could play the game through without grinding, still face difficult enemies, there were optional very challenging enemies, a huge open world with tons of (useful!) items to discover, hard decisions to make about whether to take espers or items, lots of characters to choose from with good personalities, lots of optional characters to search for, and a superb story that exceeded any other game before its time and most games after its time in terms of story-telling, plot, maturity, etc. it also had great graphics for the time, and pushed the snes to its limits in some areas (though not many), but really defined the JRPG aesthetic.

final fantasy 7 was basically final fantasy 6 with updated graphics and more content.

>> No.4735716

My main problem with FF6's graphics is that the tiles are very obvious to the point of being ugly. Whereas Chrono Trigger has a much more hand drawn look to it.

>> No.4735935

That's weird, cause IMO FFVI has pretty questionable pacing.

You don't get your character growth system until 1/3 through the game. You go from super-linear to completely open at the 50% mark. The first half, you are constantly thrown from using one party to another. Even the 3-way split in the first half tends to drag on.

FFVI is good in spite of all that, not because of it, in my opinion.

>> No.4735953
File: 68 KB, 320x240, texas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making games that look like FF6 isn't that hard, because FF6 doesn't have particularly good graphics for a 16bit RPG

What's "good grafix" for 16bit RPG? There's literally no game that looked better from 1994 or before that looked better on the SNES

>> No.4735973

I'm not sure why you're putting a restriction of 1994, since there are 16-bit RPGs that came out after FFVI that looked better.

>> No.4735982

How do Midgards know what Texas is?

>> No.4736235

Honestly, it's rather mediocre. There's too many characters and none of them have any real character arcs. I've seen people say that Locke, Terra and Celes are the protagonists of the game, but I'm convinced that there is no central protagonist. None of the characters have arcs, they all just seem to go from point A to B without any indication as to why is silly, too.

I do think it has its fair share of okay moments, the opera scene was decent. The end of the first half is actually surprisingly intense. In the end, though, you can shove all of that because everything that could be potentially good about FFVI is undermined by the fact that ATB is actually one of the worst combat systems ever. Every enjoyable moment in the game is ruined to some extent by it. The opera scene? Ruined by the fact that you're forced into unskippable battles in a combat system all about waiting. The climax of the first half? Ruined by the fact that you're forced into unskippable battles in a battle system all about waiting. You're on a time limit in both of these sections and it is actually the fucking worst thing. Random battles in the overworld are tedious, I constantly feel like my time is being wasted. I didn't bother to use Cyan for most of the game because having to wait for a second charge bar to fill when I'm already waiting for one of them is an absolute joke. Increasing the battle speed is about as helpful as a second asshole and relieves none of the tedium. Also, the fact that at least half of the game's content is actually skippable is also hilarious.

I'll take the first 3 games with their standard turn based combat over ATB any day. I still like FFV more too.

>> No.4736249

most of the characters have some degree of development or at least payoff, not having one central character isn't a flaw imo

>> No.4736257
File: 1.05 MB, 2207x1000, ffvi_mogumarogogo_bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The atmosphere is amazing, great music and art. The battles are usually quick and fun, giving you tons of options to play around with. The game is filled with secrets and it's fun to explore. The story is entertaining and the characters are all likable. I also love how there's tons of characters to choose from.

>> No.4736262

I'm actually fond of how they handled Setzer's little backstory, I thought it was neat how it was told and you had to move the characters at the same time, it felt a lot more organic than if it had been in traditional flashback like the majority of the others. I'm a little sad that I never got to see any of Shadow's backstory either outside of the one flashback you get when he becomes a permanent member. I do like the concept, however. Too bad many characters (like Shadow) kinda got the short end of the stick, the character cast is way too large.

There are actually some character arcs/backstories that never made it into the game. Sabin and Edgar for example actually have huge backstories written by Soraya Saga that never made it into the game. She later uses elements of it in Bart/Sigurd's stories in Xenogears.

>> No.4736297

Isnt there backstory on Shadow by sleeping at inns and seeing dream sequences?

>> No.4736332

Yeah. I don't know how I managed to figure everything out in this game without a guide back then. Today games handhold you through everything.

>> No.4736340

No, the Snes version has it intact. I'm not sure if the GBA version reuses Celes' chained pose to represent how dizzy she is after Setzer drops by and spins her around to make her shed her "Maria" clothes and revert to her normal game sprite.
The Snes version used that sprite on both ocassions but I'm not sure if the GBA used it as well. (At least the GBA version didn't remove that gag where Cyan and Sabin are on a bar and a tavern wench flashes her generous breasts to Cyan until he freaks out and gives her a lecture.)

>> No.4736371

It's one of my top 10 games of all time but I agree with you. I like the ATB because it forces you to react quicker in tough battles, but it's a fucking drag in random encounters where you want the xp and aren't trying to waste mp one hitting scrubs. If you have 3 magic characters in your party and cyan a bs enemy could take 20 seconds to smoke. Take 5 steps and repeat. Unfortunately the way the game is set up you face many less tough battles than not. I still love the game in spite of that, I don't mind the random encounters because I like it for the music, cinematics, storytelling, presentation and the occasional tough battle. As far as the characters go I like their stories for the most part, for such a large cast to properly flesh out each character while moving the story forward would have been difficult and time consuming(and it would end up severely convoluted). I like the game because it's set up like a movie with long commercial breaks, all I needed to know is why someone was pissed at Kefka and I was satisfied. I can completely understand why someone wouldn't like it though.

>> No.4736382

Something that looks different from your run-of-the-mill "tiles copied everywhere" JRPG.

>> No.4736406

The game gives you an item that lowers random encounters way before you complete 1/4 of it, and later it gives you another item that completely disables random encounters for as long you want.

>> No.4736520
File: 13 KB, 478x413, Phantomforest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It uses tiles it has to suck
>t. unable to discern quality
Compare the FF6 battlefield backgrounds to any other SNES JRPG. Compare the sprite detail and expressive range with any other SNES JRPG. The only other games to even come close on sprite detail use up a lot more space on the screen to do it. Compare the color palette with any other SNES JRPG. FF6 might use color more effectively than any game on the entire console, not just JRPGs. Note the huge variety and creativity of spell animations.

You cannot pretend to care about aesthetics in JRPGs and not appreciate FF6 as something special.

>> No.4736526

Fuck off with your Dual Orb.
Make an own thread instead of spamming every thread with that game.

>> No.4736529

I hated turn base play. but fuck me if I didnt love the story. I was a hater and then I would watch my friend play and i got engaged. you can talk all the shit you want but back then games with a story where a dime a dozen.

>> No.4736537

Get better tastes. DUAL ORB 2 has sniper rifles and monster trucks.

>> No.4736551

fuck it fave character theme

>> No.4736626
File: 31 KB, 408x408, 1465888245876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot opinion coming through!

FF7 does everything better
As a JRPG fan, I don't even think of FF7 that highly

>> No.4736681

ATB didn't start bothering me until FF7 or so, although the cracks were starting to show in FF6 for sure. For example, the dynamic where you decide whether you want to pause ATB while an animation fires, or take advantage of the fact that ATB counters keep going but no one can take any action. It's a weird, unintuitive dynamic.

For me, the most important legacy of the ATB system for Final Fantasy was the unit-based rather than round-based turns. The real time element was fun for 1990 and still works well for FFIV, but was a short-lived gimmick. On the other hand, seeing the results of a command immediately rather than having to wait until you'd issued all commands to all units before seeing the round play out is huge. I don't mind the "issuing orders" model for legitimate strategy war games but I hate it for JRPG combat. I have trouble enjoying the NES era Final Fantasy games for this reason.

>> No.4736686

Smaller cast. Party composition is largely meaningless. Equipment system is dumbed down. Limit breaks are EZ mode as if Final Fantasy needed to be any easier. Fewer characters in a battle. Slower battles. The materia system, promising in theory and admittedly fun to play around with, tends to result in bland hybrid builds. For me it's decidedly a step down from the FF5 job system. FF6 has similar issues since everyone can learn all the magic, but at least in FF6 each character has meaningful special abilities so there's actually some consequence to party selection.

The 3D battle format had some major drawbacks. The most noticeable to me was how forgettable monsters tended to be. In all of the SNES-era FF games, each monster had a distinctive look and a name that was always present on the screen. I took it for granted at the time but looking back, it really added to the feel of random encounters. I missed that a lot in FF7.

>> No.4736693

Good atmosphere and a story that's pushed forward by an accompanying soundtrack to match it. Basically what FFVII did before FFVII.

Forever Rachel still gets me but I think that's mostly because I liked the characters a lot and seeing how Locke got fucked up kinda stung. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TzPDsBNtsw

>> No.4736732

Quiet as kept, gameplay is the very thing that gets glossed over when *anyone* talks about this game.

>> No.4736737

This. Chibi sprites are able to do all the important stuff, like emote and hit things without oversized weapons. But, FF character design started going off the rails once they switched to 3D.

I wanna say delet this, but for me at least, this was true. I played FF IV at 11, so that was like slightly more grown up fairy tales. VI was right at that perfect time to realize life can suck, despite your best efforts, but still worth the struggle.

Yeah, I liked all the unique character abilities. I hated how magicite's ubiquitous nature undermined the uniqueness of each character. Ragnarok still pisses me off to this day. I could level up all my characters, collect Rages in the Veldt, Lores from random encounters.

OR I could pass Ragnarok around and everyone spam Ultima.

>> No.4736773

>The most noticeable to me was how forgettable monsters tended to be.

FFVI monsters were generally horribly forgettable compared to VII's. I mean, who forgets the fucking hellhouse?

>> No.4736817

Yeah, I remember Hell House. I almost pointed that out as an exception to the rule. I also remember a few others like that guy who swings on the blade and Hedgehog Pie. FF7 had a few memorable ones and a lot of generic polygons that come and go.

Also: I didn't remember the name of Hell House until you mentioned it and still don't remember the name of the blade-swinging guy. Again, a big part of my gripe is that the names are relegated to tooltips rather than on the screen from the beginning of the battle. Additionally, the shifting camera frequently takes focus away from the enemies. If I cast any variant of Bahamut during a battle I'll probably forget what I was even fighting by the end of the animation. Unless the enemy DID something particularly memorable, I probably wouldn't bother to take note of its name and even then... Half of the monsters I do manage to remember from FF7 are just established FF monsters like Ahriman, Goblin(imp), and Malboro.

>> No.4736824

Hardly. Of course the games have story and emphasize visual and musical elements so people talk about them more than other games. But gameplay is not ignored.

>> No.4736829

As if you need more than 1 or 2 characters with Ultima to trivialize the end-game.

>> No.4737510

I don't fully understand how memes apply to taste but maybe that's just a meme in and of itself.

The story is fun, the characters are great and easy to fall in love with. Excellent music, setting, and memorable antagonist.

>> No.4737528

what the glitch is up with shadow's atb, morph?

>> No.4737924

That's BNW and that's how you know if a character has Rerise on them.

>> No.4739610

>cherrypicked screenshot
Yeah, to bad for the most part FF6 is generic tiles everywhere. Are these tiles higher quality than others? Not gonna deny it. But the problem with SNES JRPGs is that most of them look the same.

>> No.4739627

I just started playing FF7 for the first time and I see what you mean. It's especially bad since you only have 3 people in a party. You can call all your attacks, have to wait for all the enemies to have their animations for their attacks, then you finally get to attack. Most of the time it's more fast paced than that but some enemies are just slow damage sinks(looking at you, hellhouse). All in all I like it, but I'm 6 hours in and feel like I've mostly only watched scripted events and back tracked. That motorcycle sequence would have been great if the hitboxes weren't so strange.

>> No.4739749

Right, and FF6 doesn't look like the rest. Higher quality tiles is just the beginning. Walking around the map is only part of the game. You can't just ignore all the battlefield backgrounds, sprites, and other clever and high-quality uses of tiles and color.

And for the record, tile-based grids convey game information a lot better than PS-style prerendered backgrounds. Players can quickly learn which tiles are walkable, which are obstacles, which are doors, and then apply that knowledge for the rest of the game. In the PS era it wasn't always clear even when it served no gameplay purpose to be obscure. Hence, the features where you could turn on the little red arrows pointing to exits/entrances.

>> No.4741161

Again, all the things you mention are nice. And it's definitely true that a game can stand above the sameness by its more creative and clever use of sprites (through animations that display emotion and others), backgrounds, and so on.

But it's hard for me to call FF6 a game with "good grafix" when it, for better or worse, looks like most JRPGs on the system. It's not even funny. There must have been a Japanese crisis of creativity because all the games look the same in almost every way I can think of.

- Overworld map, either "fixed" like Dragon Quest or in "perspective" like in Terranigma.
- Battle screen. A handful of variations here.
- Menues, usually with either a blue, black, or green background. Spreadsheet style (not in a negative sense).
- Sprites.

I would have to replay FFVI because to be honest it's been some time. But I think Chrono Trigger looked considerably better.

>> No.4741348

>cutscenes everywhere
>exploration removed in favor of prerrendered backgrounds
>looks like shit
>plots lacks of cohesion

>> No.4741392

Best FFs for me in order:

>> No.4741394

7, 8 and 9 are superiors.

>> No.4741440

>8 listed at all
>2 listed at all
>those two above 9
is this the most contrarian list ever?

>> No.4742245

Didn't include XIII, so no

>> No.4742250

I'd say it's less contrarian and more given that nobody would like XIII.

>> No.4742517

tried to play it... couldn't get past the first 2 hours... 8 on the other hand I played twice, 7 played it but only cos the story keeped me interested. ) had me kinda interested but my memory card died with all the save in it, didn't have the will to go through everything again. Final Fantasy Tactics on the other hand is one of my favourite games of all time.