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/vr/ - Retro Games

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473217 No.473217 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ like Retro hunters?

What are some good youtube channels for craig's list and goodwill finds?

>> No.473226

I really liked Retro Hunters. It is to bad Rob went crazy.

>> No.473231

Videos of sweet craigslist hauls and thrift store finds have been showing up in my recomended lists on youtube
and I literally can't watch them
because I get too jealous

>> No.473234

>It is to bad Rob went crazy


>> No.473243


I know what you mean. I couldn't get through 5 minutes of that one guy who bought like 1000 game boxes from a local video store that closed down. he has around 5 boxes for clay fighter sculptor's cut now. So lucky.

>> No.473247

He shut down the show because he said that it was "just adding to the noise" and not really doing anything for the world. So now he works in a church.

>> No.473251


So too many other people doing the same thing then huh? I guess that's understandable. When one person posts a video of buying out an entire storage locker full of games or something, that would be pretty disheartening.

>> No.473260

If that was truly his reason I might understand. The way he worded his final post though seemed to imply other wise. He kind of was a bit disrespectful to anyone that was a fan with the way he worded it.

>> No.473263

They are shitty and obnoxious

>> No.473267
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Can anyone recommend me some pickups channels? I feel like hating myself.

>> No.473273 [DELETED] 


>> No.473289

The Game Chasers

>> No.473316

The Real Game Hunter is pretty good. He is a /v/ goer but doesn't act like a huge faggot.


>> No.473321

>He is a /v/ goer but doesn't act like a huge faggot.

Those words. Can you...can you use them in a sentence like that?

>> No.473326

This kind of seems like the /vr/ equivalent of NTR.

>> No.473337


I don't know what that means.

What's that an abbreviation of?

>> No.473335
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Are you really trying to separate yourself that much from /v/?

Are you that much of a faggot?

>> No.473340


You want NTR?


>> No.473349


Again, what's NTR mean?

>> No.473393

BizNES17 is a great Youtuber. He doesn't do any LPs. He just films his yardsales/thrift store finds and gives commentary on his finds. His videos are a great watch, and he has years of them

>> No.473465

/v/ really is babies first image board. it should be exiled from all of 4chan but since it's more or less a containment board most of those fucks would end up here, shitting the place up and causing chaos in general.

>> No.473554

Their sense of humor is bland and the style of the show isn't my thing, but they do know their stuff and aren't assholes from what I can gather. Shame that they're really tied up with that Pat fuck.

>> No.473568

>what is google
>what is lurking